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Let's get dirrty!
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I remember our classmate having a poster of this photoset on his locker back in 2003 :D
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Man, one of my first good fap was to this set of photos and the britney spears with the pink bike, damn
>ended up married to a music producer (son of a music producer)
music is a funny business
it's a cesspool
Jerked off to that video yesterday.
Aren't they divorced now?
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I would clean that tummyhole with my tongue before making love explosions of her stomach
These are classics. One of the hottest pregnant women ever.
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You can tell if she hadn't make it big in the music biz she would have happily pivoted to hardcore porn instead.
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Larger version. Great pic.
True. Also, back when she and Britney were first on the scene, I'd have bet good money that Britney would be the one to go the fake tits bimbo route rather than Christina.
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I don't suppose anybody has that erotic cartoon series from back then where Britney Spears get kidnapped and subject to all kinda sexual torture and we find out Christina Aguilera is the mastermind behind it all and then she goes to town on Britney?
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I remember that. Haven't seen it online in years though.
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The Dirrty video was something else.
Some of my earliest faps happened with this issue
Fun fact: It was Maxim's all time best selling issue.
It's all free on 8muse
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What's the title of it?
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Veiny boobs
sinhalasexypinthurakatha DOT blogspot DOT com SLASH 2012 SLASH 11 SLASH starfuckers.html

Is this it?
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this must've been right after she fucked Fred Durst

Thanks man.
Me on the left
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Very welcome.
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lmao that was so fucking written and drawn by a virgin
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Heh. Probably.
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For me it's thicc era Christina
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such a shame she lost the weight
Are you half-australian or something? Fucking drongo
my device does it for some reason
I jerked off to her today.
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Nope. Don't have that problem thankfully.
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She's unrecognizable in her recent pics. Hot in a MILF-y sort of way, I suppose.
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maybe to a blind retard like you
Still would.
Quick question: Which one do you think lost their virginity first?
Britney is one year younger and started Mickey Mouse Club one year earlier, so Britney, obviously, both by age and year.
You're probably right.
I love slutty X-Tina.
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britney has long been in shambles, Xtina won
and its not even close
you can always tell who grew up being a console war faggot on /v/
Where's the full set from People magazine?
"Yo mama so fat, when people post pictures of her they fall over sideways."
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I don't think I've seen this pic before.
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some of those deserve to be posted
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>its enough to make a dog wretch
pusy too Drrrty
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the alternative was worse
Christina thread - 142 posts, 8 mentions of Britney
Britney thread - 149 posts, 0 mentions of Christina
Huh. Why is that, i wonder....
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It's Christina's birthday, so I'm going to bum the thread with a few pics.
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basically spread eagle and that arch is the winner
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Those legs are unreal, where can I find this full image set?
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Madoona giving everyone some herpes.
thats cool and all but i want to see those two kidd instead
Lmao same! You just unlocked one seriously shameful memory from my youth cause I literally discovered the concept of wanking off as a direct result of this exact same photo and just sneaking off and gawking at it constantly when I was 11 and visiting my new friend's house for the first time one day.

His older sister had a giant poster of it up on the wall in her room and I remember being instantly possessed by this overwhelming energy of excitement and arousal that I didn't have a clue what to do with the second I locked eyes on Christina's full on bare bum exposed randomly...my little heart could barely handle it and I was confused af but all I knew is I needed to keep staring at that bare ass for as long as I could as many times as I could find an excuse to sneak away LMAO
ruined by that roastie
Rub my dick all over that baby bump
*kiss, wow howdid i not realise that
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The ultimate threesome.
My first nut
Is this page on this site busted for anyone else?
Anyone know of a good alternative gallery?
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Wonder if her son has seen these pics kek
If he has, I bet he's jacked off to them. just like everyone has...
OP is one of my first faps, Xtina in a thong made my 12/13 year old loins stir
That made my then 24 year old loins stir. Still does, as a matter of fact. It's no wonder that was Maxim's all time best selling issue for years.
Always reminds me of those pics where Christina was walking with her brother, but she had a very seethrough shirt on and her nipple rings were clearly visible.
You just know that her own brother shot the most loads to her.
I didn't have access to the mag as a kid so I printed the photo off the pc
The primitive ways needed to fap back then
Also this one was already posted. Is this what you were referring to? -> >>4964382
This was definitely her best look, the late 2002/early 2003 period is when I became a fan
Lol. Tell me about it. Been there and done that, my dude.

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