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Pittney Spears
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Also queen of 'Why shave? They'll just airbrush it for the edit.'
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Do you think her pits are as smelly as her feet? Are they "toxic" enough so she could clear a plane just by lifting her arms? Hnnnng
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And of course, the woman who gave us perhaps the best upskirt pic of all time. What a fucking trooper.
I'm still waiting on crazy Britney to give us crazy nudes
She's on the verge. Since the courts freed her her Instagram has basically been one big tease-pot with half the posts being removed for nipple and tit slips etc. Lot of it is up on fapello, if you're interested.
>the woman who gave us perhaps the best upskirt pic of all time
2 of them
It's easy to forget how absurdly hot she was back then
Very true. She was pure sex back then. Not so much nowadays, though. I think it's the dead eyed stare she has in her newer pics that puts me off. That being said, I'd still do her if given half the chance...
Did Dan get to do her too?
He surely took a whiff of her shoes and filled them
Probably. Who knows?
I'd jack in her crack
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>2 of them
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No one ever posts the next pic
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Ok, but what about Paris? Was she wearing panties?
Almost never.
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Gladiator 3: It's Britney, Bitch
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that pusybutthole looks so dank
Those legs....
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I know...
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Wasn't expecting/planning to have an hours-long edging/gooning session to Goddessney's stubbly, stinky pits today, but here we are...

I really desperately need to taste every inch of her unshaven for a month, unshowered for a week body.

Oh, and drink gallons of her piss.
I'm imagining her mid-summer in a Mississippi trailer, no AC, hasn't shaved or bathed in weeks, laying back and letting me sniff and lick every inch of her sexy, sweaty, stinky body.

Oh, and I'd like to drink gallons of her piss, please.
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Hnnng! You just know Britney stinks wild. Especially her soles after she wore those redneck cowgirl boots without socks for a week
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>her piss
Britney never uses a toilet, she goes behind trees and bushes like the good trailer park white trash girl she is
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You could help her wiping, since your tongue would surely feel better than a leaf picked from the plants she's just fertilized
shes clearly pretty intoxicated there
She even pissed a little on her skirt, she was drunk af. I wonder if the dark patch on the tree is actually her freshly sprayed urine
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Never before in my life have I felt the overwhelming urge to lick a tree...

If the goal was to set me off on another hours-long gooning/edging session thinking about being Goddessney's human toilet, job well done. You've succeeded.
Boots with no socks for a week, no showers, no AC, sweltering, muggy Mississippi summer.... her feet and pits and pussy and underboobs and ass all swampy and salty and sweaty just waiting to be licked clean. She barely wipes her ass, never wipes her pussy, rubbing her sticky, hairy, sloppy cunt all day and night getting herself off... FUCK.
The never wipes part is a bit extreme for me, but I'd enjoy to spray her soles with my warm lotion to give them a much needed clean-up
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>'Why shave? They'll just airbrush it for the edit.'
Brit is the queen of this. If there are better and/or more plentiful delicious photoshoot outtakes of anyone else out there, I don't know of them.
>If there are better and/or more plentiful delicious photoshoot outtakes of anyone else out there
I know this isn't a question but I'd like to ask it. Only other I'm aware of who comes close is Gaga.
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Where? I don't see Taylor anywhere...
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that's because it says "Princess of Pop" not "middling Pop/Country musician with a cult around her"
taylor's more like a duchess or something
Famously delicious sweaty pits
I like left
For me its the Milf on the right. And Britney ofc
Yeah. I like her too.
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Cute face
There's something in this early 90s makeup style that makes women look beautiful. For example Twin Peaks girls had this too, and they were perfect. Does it have a name?
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Every time one of these threads pops up, I get obsessed with her all over again.
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real fuckable footpusy
Wish we could have gotten a nude Playboy shoot of her back in the day
You better let her suck you off and clean everything after that if you don't want your dick to smell like her feet for a week
It was just understated, tasteful makeup. Used to bring out a girl's natural features rather than paint new ones on.
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I have cum more times in my life to Goddessney than to all others combined. It used to be her legs that did it (they still do), and her but now its her stomach/hips, but my current obsessions are her stubbly pits and her reportedly stink feet. Fuck. Time for another Britneycum.
I've seen (and jerked off to) a million Britney pics... but the holy grail eludes me. Have we ever gotten a shot of her amazing muscly calves from the back as she's standing on tiptoes, or wearing high heels, or anything that really makes them pop?
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Happy birthday, My eternal princess.
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>her reportedly stink feet
Imagine withdrawing to a room to make out with Britney. She's all horny and starts to undress over the bed. But her naughty, peckish smile suddenly turns into an ashamed expression when she tooks her sockless-worn boots off. As her strong foot stench fills the room her face turns red and she avoids direct eye contact with you, now very self conscious about the embarassing situation. Nontheless, her disappointment is rapidly washed away as she notices how you're whiffing the air, trying to not be noticed. Further encouraged by your still growing gargantuan boner setting up at full mast, Britney slowly caresses the tip of your cock with her warm toes, making it twitch very hard. Now, with a strand of precum linking you to her spreaded toes, she wraps her soft, meaty soles around your shaft, sliding unhindered up and down, only helped by her lubing built up sweat. The friction and the rythmic movement have now helped her stench to reach unprecedented levels, and, furiously rubbing herself in the process, she noticed you completely caught in pure bliss, breathing deeply with your eyes closed. Figuring out she was running out of time before the grand finale, she stopped the act, and, kneeling down in front of you, grabbed your almost exploding organ to start sniffing it voraciously, relishing in her own foot stink, now smeared from your balls to the tip of your cock. The mere sight of Britney having a taste of her sweat by ravenously lapping on your now foot scented shaft, made you shot a rope all across her face. Not surprised, Britney promptly adjusted her mouth to engulf the exploding hose entirely, swallowing every last drop of cum and finishing to lick all the sweat/goo mix clean
The least mentally ill footfag
Idk if I should take that as a compliment or a critique
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So cute.
What's the consensus here? Was she really pissing behind that tree?
Mmmmm. Hot mess Britney.
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she had to phone Tinkle Town
Maybe not lick it, but I'd be a liar if I said I wouldn't give it a sniffl
ai ai ai ai....

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Got any more from this set?
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>"Food is better than sex." -2024 Britney Spears
It's over
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She looks so sweet in that pic
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tummy primed for raspberries

I've probably spilled enough seed to these pics specifically to re-populate the earth
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I want to devote many an afternoon pampering and giving anilingus to that tummyhole
shoot me out of a cannon into her plump rump
I haven't beat off to Britney since the 2000s, nostalgia fap time.
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How about some 40 year old burn out Britney??

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