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Been a while
post 6 retard
Isn’t /gif/ retard ky
She's so hot to me ever since she's with Chalamet. He brought her back to the mothership..
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she's perfect keep this thread alive plz
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Whatever she did to her face in the last year or two was a great idea. She looks fucking spectacular
did she get even MoRE work done this year??
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Have they ever actually been photographed in public together? Have they ever talked about each other on the record?
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Don't die on me
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>Whatever she did to her face in the last year or two was a great idea. She looks fucking spectacular
absolutely my nigga. I think she lost a bit of weight and eased up on the heavy fillers. there is also the more minimalist looking makeup trend these days (think glossy hailey baldwin). she finally let go of the heavy foundation, contouring and matte lips look so she is for the first time ever looking very sexo : )
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this thread is making me regret deleting my kardashian/jenner folder
is that kendall?
Doesn't look anything like Kendall to me.
has-been who completely fucked up her face and body
Turn on your monitor
Looked better thick
Ugly bogged whore
The thread was dying retard
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American prostitute make me hard
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Based pajeet
Why won't this thread die?
>retard says as he bumps it
Nooo you don’t understand we need 50 snood and hentai threads ! You don’t get it
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That one deserves a bump
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love this bimbo
Post more Kylie golden globes
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been a while
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anyone have that shower pic of her and kim?
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tits looking great here from the side
they said she got new tits at the golden globes but i didn't notice anything yet
yeah they do look great, but i think she's always had fake ones no? probably just look even bigger because she's a lot skinnier now
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I will swallow load for her, she looks amazing here

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