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Did she get her tits done?
She used to be flat as a board!
Surprised oliver tree never leaked her nudes.
no, she just started eating more
She's a talented singer, but no sex appeal
The last 3 years, she's just been ripping off Bjork, though.
they look so squishy......
we need more
Don’t mind me, just also not posting an image!
iots the truth. idk how people still like her
is she even relevant now?
She rapes

I decided to look up this rape accusation, and I'm not buying it. Apparently, she had a sleepover with a female friend and at some point started pestering the friend to do sex stuff with her until the friend "gave in" and agreed. That's not rape in my book. Tell her to fuck off and then leave! No one was keeping the friend there, she wasn't at gunpoint or anything like that, she wasn't on drugs, as far as I'm aware, nobody forced her to do anything, it's not rape, she simply got annoyed and then agreed to the sex stuff. I mean, that's sexual harassment at best, which is bad enough, but it's not rape.

This is why we have relationship problems in the west these days.
maybe less quicker this time

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