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Active fakers' blogs and archives compendium;
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Traditional Celeb Fakes Thread >>4961078
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More JLaw please
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Don't waste our time or bandwidth with garbage content only you can jack off to.
jack off?
Any Saoirse Ronan ones?

Who dis ?
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these are good can't wait for went we can do full movies no issues just look 1:1 irl of celeb
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More of these
AI fakes like this are the best
pencil dick for you anon

Was hoping for more of a facial cumshot.
who is this supposed to be?
not long before the CP becomes normal. And when it runs at 30fps we'll all be sitting in our homes looking at nasty shit on our 85 inch 4k displays.
sadly there's very little Sersh, and what I have isn't high-res enough :C
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she looks more like Ms. Gustavo Fring than AOC in these photos. Female Gus do be looking tempting.
more joosten!
yeah, I can see it. I had "thin" in the prompt and kind of made her face look sunken in
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id kill for one like this but instead of Taylor it would be Kstew or Hunter Schaffer
this is really well done...
that looks scarily real, is that fully AI?
anymore good ones like this of Taylor?
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nipples and areola make me think that's AI
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Any Victoria Bernadotte?
Can ya put a needle poked through that rubber.
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nice! more?
nice! more?
nice! more?
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From https://blackdaemon.org/
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From blackdaemon.org
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Bad! Less?
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Nice. More Melissa Fumero if possible. This is the only hr one I found that's any good. So many of the others I've found are 896 x 1248 and can't be posted.
I agree, very nice. I'm posting some similar looking ones I've found and then some others.
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Not certain if this one is AI or not.
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how much of this is her and how much is a composited image?
What software or websites do you good people use?
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im using stablediffusion with flux and im getting a lot of good results
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great photos anna is so hot
do you take private requests?
yeah my DMs are open
I’m the one who made the forest anna photos, still have the prompt so I can gen more tonight
shotgun in mouth

Looks more like Marion Cotillard.

I like the tan lines but it doesn't really look like ScarJo.
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Jenna Fisher?
Anything with Daisy Ridley
I second Daisy Ridley
What do your prompts look like? I’ve tried using flux but I can never seem to get anything nearly as good.
fully nude woman squatting in a forest, beanie, ugg boots, brown hair, topless , looking at camera, UHD, high resolution, fully nude, full body, naked this is all i used to get the photos, its just about the lora
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Wow the likeness is actually really solid. How do you make these?
stablediffusion flux, took a lot of fiddling to get the likeness right
thanks for the prompt, any more ideas?
just play with the weight of the lora, thats what worked for me, once you find the right weight for the lora you can change up the rest pretty easily
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i use a weight of 1.5 usually
Can you do her as a slutty goth girl?
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I'm out of photo themes, this one with trees and sitting in forest looks so good, meanwhile other ones don't look as good, can't find such great photo environment ideas that work well with flux.
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a photograph of a nude model at a rave, she should be facing the camera front on, full body shot, there should be people dancing in the background, neon lights, neon glow, fully nude, naked, anna kendrick, she should be wet with water droplets on her body, looking at the camera and smiling, UHD, high resolution
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this is one my favourite anna kendrick series ive done
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currently trying this style
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I don't like Indoor shots, I like outdoor ones.
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outdoor shots look so much better
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you are all fucking blind
They always said that would happen
I'll post some. First few are a bit more semi realistic but still kinda art/drawing style.
Re-read the thread title retard
You're fucking retarded. These are from a series called Sands Of Damnation by Ninjart1st or Ninjartist and they've admitted directly they use AI to generate this material.
Go fuck an outlet with your tweezer sized dick you pedantic faggot.
Where is the one where shes in the things stomach?
It's clearly super imposing photos of her face over porn pictures like a traditional fake you moron. This thread is for AI images. There's already a thread for regular fakes.
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Grace Caroline Currey
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>splitting hairs over porn
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anyone else got more billie?
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Emily Rudd
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Very nice
>its the same couple of losers posting their shit all over 4chan because they are desperate for horny brown teenagers to compliment them
delete this AI slop
I'm sure your gens are much better, care to post some of your work anon?
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Based Slop Slayers
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ai waifus incoming
You are a massive faggot
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Can you do Jennifer Connelly?
she has no asshole. just one long slit that goes from mons pubis to tailbone.
that weird out of focus thing seems to happen when i have the celeb lora weight too high, try lowering the lora weight and seeing if that helps
Could you please make a few with Emilia Clarke/Daenerys? Taylor Swift? Christina Hendricks?
Brie Larson?
I was about to say, why did he censor pussy on /hr/?
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More of her?
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maybe it's the lora weight but the lora weight is high in all the other images,
or maybe the lora is clashing with the base model because it was trained on a different base model fp8 vs fp16
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Yes, always need more of Kathryn Newton.
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ai actually has some great ideas for a horror movie.
hallway built slightly askew, all the doors have two knobs and don't open...
grace looking inexplicably perfect until she opens her mouth and starts speaking hebrew backwards

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