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I would pay for that dripping water
The most talented aspect of Anne is her nudity
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She has an evil face.

Someone I know in the industry said one of his friends who was producing one of her films one time was onset and said something to her, and she was like "who the FUCK are you?" really contemptuously (he wasn't the best looking guy apparently or a known face). When she found out later who she'd insulted she was stumbling over herself trying to apologize to him
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>source: trust me bro
do they know whether or not her asshole is pink like her nipples or brown like her eyes?
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i'm more into later age mommy anne (catwoman to now), but most of her photoshoots and event outfits are lousy. it's a shame.

these are among her good looks. pic related is amazing tho, my favorite.
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her catwoman is how i got into her. one of the hottest things i'd seen, loved her costume. it's probably a big reason why i like latex/leather/pvc so much.
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>dripping water
Uhmm that's pee anon. She tried to piss into the pool but can't relax enough with other people around. When she left it, the cool breeze stimulated her full bladder and she wet herself like that. True story
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Rock Star by Martin Vitek
MTV's Total Request Live '04
This the hottest anyone's ever looked.
sexy ass toes
geeez, put enough filter on her face?
lol, I made that comment before I even saw
this monstrosity, Loooolll
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>i'm more into later age mommy anne
This. While I do fond her beautiful I wasn't really crazy about her. When she turned 40 AND aged well, I went crazy over her and wants her to be my momcest.
It was the 2013 Met Ball for me
Would deeply sniff
Guy in the middle lmao
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IMO she's the most beautiful woman to have ever lived. She's genuinely stunning.
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I disagree. That water is dripping off her hair, running down her back, converging down the crack of her ass, dribbling over her luscious asshole, then pooling in the crotch of her bikini bottom, where it then drips into my eager mouth. True fantasy!
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Celebrity Facial Abuse
She wore this to the premiere of a kids movie btw
it was a different time
I agree
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I love her big doe eyes.
I wish I could have been the one to put a baby in her as I sucked her pits
She definitely looks older lately but also hotter in a very different way.
Anne Hathaway and Emma Watson mog blue/green eyed blondes with their brown eye + brunette combo
>Anne Hathaway
hydrogen bomb
>>Emma Watson
coughing baby
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Absolutely. Brunettes with big brown eyes are so fucking beautiful.
cute af. id love to blast a fat nut over those glasses
Nah. And even if it was the case, both are mogged into oblivion by the dark hair-bright eyes goddesses
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while we're at it
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As an ESL I love Anne Hathaway. She
reminds me of this cute English teacher who never gave up on me. She used to rub my shoulders and arms to help me get through the big words.. :)
MILF mode
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"Yo, Hathaway. Man, you look just like I feel."
She's so fucking cute
she had no idea that the camera flashes would make her top see through, she claimed in a interview about it. The paparazzi kept telling her to stay for photos because no one was telling her her nipples were showing and she did.
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>she had no idea
lol bs
"it's literally nevar evar my fault"
>>she had no idea
>lol bs

Which seems more likely, she didn't realize that the flash would make her top so revealing, or she intentionally wanted to show her nips to children?
>the sight of female nipples is harmful to children.

Please just once, go outside.
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She made the same mistake a few years later, but that time she was wearing a bra.
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And again a few years after that.
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>>the sight of female nipples is harmful to children.
>Please just once, go outside.
That wasn't my question. I was asking which seems more likely, she didn't realize that the flash would make her top so revealing, or she intentionally wanted to show her nips to children?
If you don't want to answer, that's fine, but don't respond with statements that don't address my question.
Faggots like you are worse than females. Remove yourself.
>Faggots like you are worse than females. Remove yourself.
I'll take that as a 'I'm so angry that I can't answer a simple question, I'm going to throw my binkie out of the crib'
female nipples
Stop it patrick! You're scaring him!
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She was absurdly hot in Eileen
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Also in the idea of you. Glad she's doing movies where the whole concept is that she's a hot milf
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There was no nudity, but the sex scenes were great
Choose ONE in that scenario, son
Choose one what?
>no nudity
>good sex scene
pick one
She looked sexy and it was pretty sensual. I have no complaints. She's already been naked in other movies.

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