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as well as other rapper hoes
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none of them compare to Megan however
im white and my penis no longer gets erect unless im looking at hood black girls
I'm not even American but I want to visit just to get slurped up by a hood rat
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any TWICE content?
Is TWICE rap (or as I like to call it: cRAP) now?…
new twice song is a collab with megan thee stallion
>or as I like to call it: cRAP
but enough about Nicki Minaj
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does she count
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As someone that used to goon to Nicki Megan is just something else lol
None of that happened
ur right but it sounded really hot
Obvious LARP but black women do give better head than white women
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>mediocre blowjob
>guaranteed herpes
white women have herpes I agree
Her twerking videos unironically give me the ick.
>not being attracted to niggers acting like niggers makes you gay
ok nigger/jew/unironicfaggot
Fuck off the thread then, faggot
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So fucking ugly
yep there are good looking black people she's definitely not one of them.
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that's a hot woman and youll never be one
Saving this thread from archiving just to point out she’s an incredibly ugly hoe.
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ayoo lil seethy in the thread
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more TWICE photos
Damn, comparing this to this
>>4972151 really makes clear the sheer glow down she's suffered in the past couple years. From thick, deliciously ratchet ghetto rapper hoe to generic black pop girl. Such a huge shame
Love Megan. She mogs the hell out of those other hoes and especially mid skanks like Taylor Swift.
My mommy Megan is not a hoe.
I agree, there is no one like Megan in thee industry. Her face is literally perfection!!! don’t even need to goon for her body. Wasted so much nut on her and I’m never going to stop. Fuck all those other rap hoez
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Sailor Goon!!!!
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if u call this ugly ur gay lol
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losing the ghetto factor is her best feature. most black girls dont have any positive girly personality traits.
her playfulness makes her less threatening
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Nicki will always be my rapper hoe nigress kween but with her content lacking lately its great to have Megan pickup the slack
>losing the ghetto factor is her best feature. most black girls dont have any positive girly personality traits.
I couldn't disagree more. Losing the ratchet streak only makes her more of a dime-a-dozen popstar. Not to mention the weight loss sucks, her ass was twice the size it is now
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last bump
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is this ai?
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phat brown pussy lips, I want to kiss them like the French do
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anyone have cardi?
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