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Whats largest image you have with the maximum number of pornstars in it annon?
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>why is porn shit now?

mmhmmmm... name on far right?
>name on far right?
Looks like Riley Steele.
It is.

Back row:
>not sure
>Riley Steele

Front row:
>Jesse Jane (RIP)
>Kayden Kross
I saw her and thought Jesse Jane before seeing Jesse was already there. Riley really has the Elsa Jean look.
>Back row:
>not sure
Looks like Bibi Jones a.k.a. Britney Beth
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I recognize but can't place the bookends. Know the middle 3 are lexi belle, dani daniels, and asa akira.
Far left is Jada Stevens (I am 101% sure of this) and I think the far right is Dillion Carter.
Correct, far left is Jada Stevens

Far right is Lily Carter, total Grade A slut
Highly recommend her gangbang scene in "Performers Of The Year 2013" and her other scenes in "Lily Carter is Irresistible"
got more?
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Tough to find, they're from really old blog posts from ElegantAngel

Anything with Lily Carter is even harder to get, especially in a decent enough resolution
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From this...

To this...
What a major fall off.

Porn is so fuckin mid now.
>>why is porn shit now?
>Porn is so fuckin mid now.

Onlyfans siphoning the supply of failed models and failed actresses (aka hot chicks) while paying more for doing less, and mainstream porn got obsessed with bootyass to the point of devaluing the full package so long as she has cheeks.

Also I think the decline is mostly in the American industry, standards in Europe and Japan seem steady.
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are you sure these are not A listers? they don't have tit cows to show that they are pornstars so i'm confused.
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neither do these women have lip fillers or fake asses

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