Dasha Nekrasova
>>4967095I wonder what kind of porn she was addicted to
>>4967112>tfw no cuddling and making sweet love with Dasha gf, with Tucker Carlson as background noiseDefinitive waifu, it hurts
>>4967165I remember her saying getting very into it to the point of enjoying kinky things that shouldn't naturally make sense, like a woman forefully deepthroating herself with a dildoI think I remember her talking about reading some incest fantasy book too
>>4967184She's mentioned having a "perverted anime figurine" collection too, but I don't know if that's something she gets horny to
How do Russian girls smell?
>>4967193whatever cheap perfume Eurotrash women wear
>>4967193I've heard they have smelly feet
I love her sultry expressions
>>4967201You have to get verification on this claim
>>4967217somebody HAS to steal her socks
she just has one of those faces that make me cum, tbqh
>>4967208I wish >>4967222Those socks are too clean, let's see how they look after a week on her feet
>>4967203>knee high socks and bootsHnnnng>>4967218>>4967227Is she into being gagged?Btw, hi Dasha if you're reading, I bet you're the rare type who could actually come here and lurk your own thread. That's why I love you!
>>4967184Do normies really consider deepthroating and some standard incest fantasy smut super kinky and weird? Damn
>>4967392Well, proper normal mentality pretends, at least for the sake of a reasonable social environment, that everyone doesn't secretly have incest fantasies. But at some point you learn from girlfriends that they fantasize about "dad" / "big brother" Also, women are very horny but their fantasies aren't necessarily the more visual pornographic kink that men get into. So a girl schlicking to that stuff because she's online a lot and watches anime is a little more unusual
Very ugly woman.
she's Beautiful.
>>4967601Very gay post
Adam Friedland had sex with HER???
>>4968022Idk who this jewish guy is but I wish I was him
>>4967210>tfw no preppy 1920s tennis player Dasha gfWhy even live? I'm looking forward to be murdered in the swimming pool now
>>4968022Besides the fact that she admitted to cheating on him I have a hard time believing there wasn't some kind of cuck thing going on between the two of them consensually
>>4968529that isnt dasche but WHO IS IT????
facefucking Dasha
making your sister Dasha eat the cum-covered breakfast you prepared for her
fantasy fuckslut
>>4968018her best photo, period, she'll never top this
>>4969335>that faceDoes she know? Or she's just a super spoiled ungrateful brat?
>>4969388She's making that face because like all girls, she learned at a young age what affectations drive men crazy
>>4969392So in your headcanon she's teasing her brother while he's serving her a cum filled breakfast?
>>4969396Not necessarily, but based on a lot of vibes she's given off there's sort of an incest fantasy aura to her. Maybe it's her weeb energy, which is riddled with incest ideation too
>>4969400Certain people have an 'incest' fantasy vibe: Emma Watson, Kiernan Shipka, Dasha Nekrasova. It's hard to describe why but it's something about having a particular ethnocentric look with a certain sort of traditional or domesticated femininity combined with an oddly lewd, suggestive vibe, like a certain glint in their eye
>>4969401>ethnocentric lookWtf are you blabbering about? Lmao
>>4969405She has a very particular slav look, you dumb faggotHoly shit, travel sometime
>>4969407"Ethnic" look then, you illiterate retard, not "ethnocentric". Stick to the words you can understand next time, bonobo
>>4969407And btw, there's no logical link between having an ethnic look and being into incest, stop projecting your mental illness schizo
>>4969409Hm, ok looking at the definition again I could see that. My connotation was related to her having commented on herself looking sort of "aristocratically inbred" though, like a sense of a very particular local look engineered by selective, localized breeding. So with that element of ethnic preference, not just particularity
>>4969411Uh, on a spectrum it's more incestuous looking than ethnically mixed, obviously. It is closer to "home", of homeland, of one's own, of the extended family of ethnicity and local placeBut you're a pedantic literalist with no aesthetic intuition
I wish I could have sex with her. In her vaginaIt would probably feel really good
>>4969557shut up, pajeet
I don't know why I find her so fucking attractive but I can't stop thinking about her.
>>4969413>>4969414Surprisingly calm response, I appreciate that even if I'm still not convinced by your point>>4969590>sexy af gaze>4chan style autismDo you need more reasons?
would anyone want to read the opening chapter of a CumTown/Red Scare crossover I've written which deals with a love triangle between Dasha Nekrasova, Adam Friedland, and Nick Mullen which is set in 1850s Russia? The story opens on a country estate outside Veliky Novgorod, where several young and dissolute members of the St Petersburg intelligentsia have repaired for a week's recreation, both to avoid the urban heat and the unpleasantness of an ongoing pogrom...as the different members of the cohort challenge each other to a storytelling challenge in the style of Boccaccio's Decameron, a tangled web of love, lust and intrigue begins to develop between three members of the group...
>>4969557Ultra based>>4969559Cringe
>>4969622Just post the greentext smut with Dasha and save the rest for /lit/ you faggot
>>4969643shut up, reddit spacing pajeet
>>4969706How about no
>we have Brie Larson at home
um, Dashabros?
>>4969799In a mainstream Spanish news site too
>>4969799>>4969800>15 yoShe wish
>>4969815She continued to (jokingly) call herself a teen until she turned 30. Tbh I do think her fappability taps into that fantasy, even now
>>4969861>call herself a teen until she turned 30She is a porn addict, she uses the industry terminology. In that context "teen" is any woman under 40 lol>fappabilityDasha is very fappable, I'd like to fap with her since she's a coomer
>>4969871Tbh I loosely subscribe to that terminology too, as far as male fantasy sexual archetypes. It's always a spectrum between teen/waif and mom/milf. Which is why Dasha then falls more on the former end as far as just sexual fantasizing because she hasn't quite turned into a "mom" type yetThere is the inbetween of a young modern woman / whore image too, which is neither, but I find that wholly unattractive, because that doesn't correspond to the traditional paradigm of what these porn archetypes reflect or are perversions of: the Maid/Virgin (pre-wife), and the Mother (wife). The free woman or modern woman historically would be the prostitute, and that character archetype and image loses a certain appeal imo, like the Pop Star image. A spark or grace is gone.Not that Dasha isn't (or wasn't) a slut, but her (somewhat pornographied) style and presentation is harkening more to that maid/waif image
>>4969872>which is neither,that's to say, the modern woman / whore is neither the teen or milf image (or archetypally it's not the virgin or wife/mother)
>>4969872Least mentally ill /hr/ poster
>>4969890"In an insane world, a sane man must appear insane."
>>4969872I'm the anon you were originally responding to and I say based
stupid sexy Dasha
>>4969919>>4969924I want my means of production to be seized hard by Socialist Sailormoon, if you know what I mean
>>4969949>1917 peasant outfit in socialist realism style>gopnik adidas shoesquintessentially russian
>>4969949I wouldn't mind a footjob from Dasha's smelly soles out of those reeking shoes btw
simps love skanks.
Pumpies for Dasha
>>4971109>that bobcutHnnnnnnnnnnnng!
dasha is a stupid name. slavs are retarded.
why did she do it
>>4975624Do what?
This bitch fucked Adam Friedland?Lawlz
>>4975677deeep breaths
>>4975677OMG Dasha I can smell you through the screen... I wonder how many loads she drained with this single 8sec webm
>>4975697describe the smell
>>4975699Why not describing it yourself Dasha, since you're smelling them right now? We know you're a girl-coomer posting in your own thread and fapping while replying to these posts
licking dasha's legs
>>4976435Idk what kind of weird occultist ritual is that, but if it involves Dasha's worn panties... FIDELIO!
Dasha once again appealing to my oral fetish
damn, dasha. that's insanely hot. more oral content.
sexy little slav CUMSLUT
I want to take Dasha home to my mother
>>4979639>me on the upper left
>>4979641>Vaush behind you out of frame
I want to plunge my meaty cock between her lips and cum down her throat as she looks up at me with her dewy, bedroom eyes
>>4979644He got kicked hard tho, never trust a donkey
>No one posting the actual nudesFucking useless.
I want to make Dasha a mother after marriage
>>4976435She needs to clean her room
>>4980888No she doesn't. Imagine the panties and dirty socks aroma...
>>4980904only virgins and men who were only children would think this sounds hot
>>4980912>men who were only childrenSaaar??? Wtf does that even mean saar???Btw Dasha's BO is the patrician viagra, you're probably just a faggot
>>4980944meaning you grew up without sisters
And no, stink is stink, that was my pointI don't know what clout you think you're getting by acting like a horny monkey online but I assure you that there isn't any to be had
>>4980990>he find girl stink disgusting>calls other people virginsFaggot spotted
>>4981009ok virginfeel free to call me a faggot a thousand more times if you think that's gonna make Dasha have sex with you lmao
>>4981015>if you think that's gonna make Dasha have sex with youNah, I call you a faggot just because it's the truth, faggot
>>4980614>>4980611>>4980610Thank you anon for making me burst to this far right retarded Goddess
fucking dasha
>they’re making fun of dasha again on the internet
>>4983652lefties always make up reasons they aren't attracted to someone when they don't parrot the party line. such wretched souls
>>4984198Vice Versa.
>>4980611>>4980614So brave!
>>4987247>covers boobas with footfag imageryBased Dasha
Face made for tribs.
>>4989347that's a big dog
>>4991608Yeah and the st bernard next to her is quite large too
these irony-poisoned, brain rotted, post-left NYC millenials who adopt this trad affect as some sort of hipster fashion statement are beyond insufferable. They are more than happy to let themselves be manipulated by techno-fash billionaires like Peter Thiel as long as he backs their shitty podcast
>>4989347>glass of fresh Dashapiss on the floorMmmmmm
>>4991722>implying that Dasha handling a gun doesn't turn me on even more than her peeing into cocktail glasses
why's she such an incel, brehs? ;_;
>>4992033Having sex with Dasha would feel like masturbating with my sexy doppelganger since she's literally me
is dasha a good influence?
>>4993711Not in every way, but she has made a lot of the 'cool kids' and cool girls in particular less libtarded, and that's a really good and necessary thing at this stageWhatever good people might have thought progressivism or liberalism or the DNC might have represented in the past, it's not that anymore. It was a stale, literally evil regime and it's time for a reset
>>4993721How can you look at the carnage that happened in Ukraine and Gaza, constant censorship and insufferable, suffocating smug culture imposed on everyone in the workplace and beyond as acceptable?
>>4993711Your local radio dj probably has more influence positive or negative than anyone on the net.
>>4993711Idk, she surely influences a lot out of me
>>4994220same. slav girls really do it for me
So mayyybeeyyYow're gonna be the one to Sayyve meeeeyyy
introducing DashAI
>>4995618Normally I'd complain about the ai slop but Dasha sucking her sweaty sock is too based. Finally an AI faker with a bit of creativity
>>4996319What's happening here? The Dasha I know always swallows
>>4997481I want to watch these brats suck each others' tongues and drink each others' spit
I like to warm up in this thread and then finish for someone else. Dasha is the ideal cuckquean gf.
>>4998891That's pretty hot
>>4993745Ukraine and Gaza are because of libtards...seek therapy.
>>4997481We are...the mouthbreathers
>>5000923I'd surely give them some sloppy mouth to mouth breathing desu
>>5001423>>5002260is it true she's an anal princess?
>>5002292she strikes me as orally-fixated, but maybe that's my own wishful thinking or projection
much like all of my personal favorites, I particularly like her erotic face and sexy legs
>What is going on? Who's jacking off to this? It's not me. Maybe it's you. Maybe it's your FAMILY.
>go to sit at your favorite slot machine>see this>what do?
>>5002465Imagine fucking like rabbits with Tucker in the background...>>5002486I'm not a loser with a favourite slot machine, but I'd pretend to be and ask her to sit on my lap and keep playing all day (and night), losing track of time inside the casino. I'd wait for us to hit jackpot so Dasha will start to bounch on my boner out of joy. Then go to the room the casino management will offer us after the win and spend the next days buried together there, having non stop naughty steamy sex until they throw us out since our sex smell is disturbing other clients. Yeh, I'd definitely do something like that
>>5003117>Dasha waking you up on Trump's inauguration day excited like a little girl on Christmas. Actually no, literally excited. Sexually. She gives you that stare and drains you completely with Fox news live in background, saying dirty things against the salty libtards and using the N word freely
>>5003227>Dasha videocalling her podcast collegues while you worship her feet out of frame
>>5003229she has the perfect thin, pale, doe-like body type made for white panties
>>5003300I'm using her panties as a money box for my tips in cash if that's what you mean
>>5003230>taiga cellphone coveris she a weeb
>>5003638she seems to like some anime. and possibly have a 4chan backgroundand she has said she has a "perverted anime girl figurine collection"
>>5003735I bet she's here schlicking to my hornyposting like crazy. Dasha if you hear me I love you!
/hr/ really is just a simp board at this point isn't it
>>5004733Only for Dasha. I mean, she's the only celeb girl who could actually be here lurking her own thread. She might have started it even... Dasha please, post some OC if you're OP, we're among frens
>>4991722>>4992030>>4992031>tfw no combat fatigue relief sex with psycho guerrilla Dasha gf getting incredibly horny after killing enemies
>>5004733People masturbating to someone isn't simping, retard
>>5004731I just want a smelly leopard footjob from Dasha, is that simping?
Would you?
>>5005885What? Make siamese twins with Dasha? Getting her pregnant two times with just one fuck would be a pity desu
>>5005885God damn it feels good to choke your cock and stare at Dashas legs.
I want to tell Dasha that she's the reason I'm going to kill myself and then kill myself in front of her
>>5007785weird flex, but okay
>>5003211I bet this actually is your fantasy.
bump because i love dasher
>>5009205forgot my image
>>5008578Why would I post it if not? To troll???
I'd rather have dasha smoke cigs and watch me goon then fuck most women desu
dasha gives me a BONOAR
>>5009503>most womenDoes that include billions of pajeetas? Because that's an easy choice
>>5009956I'd say it applies to almost any sample, for example I'd rather have Dasha smoke and watch me goon than fuck most VS models.
I love her
I will love when this thread archives so I finally stop seeing it on the catalog lol
I'd los myself in her angelesic assparel
>>5012391Hnng that's a good Dasha
I want to fuck this slav brat so hard
sex brat
I want to fuck them both tbqhhttps://x.com/megynkelly/status/1895651873253667056
>>5012746They kind of have this "we don't really know about world issues, we're just a couple dumb bitches" thing going on here that only makes me hornier for them>Don't ask me, I'm just a girl
>>5012752typical bitch lean.
>>5012751>me on the bottom, not so sneakily fapping to Dasha during the meeting>>5012754>would you?What? Clean her feet with my tongue after she takes her socks off? Ehmmm.... y-yes
>>5012752Thriller – en grym film
>>5012811finger tattoo dude is already doing the cleaning, i think
>>5013440Cumtown slut
>>5012751a window into the future
>>5013452I'll take her to cumtown if you get my drift
>>5013374Based finger tattoo dude, GIwtwm
>>5013478Destination: CumtownPopulation: Dasha
>>5013596>Steve Bannon and Jack Posbiec in the backgroundbased Based BASED Dasha!
>>5013596Imagine sneakily licking her armpit during the convention while everyone is focused on Bannon's nazi salute. Feeling Dasha's body twitch in pleasure, both aroused and surprised by the bold move. She would ask you to join her in the toilet after two minutes spent biting her own lips and frantically crossing her legs, desperate to breed some aryan jugend for the 4th reich
oh wow this thread made it past 300Dashabros... we won
>>5014931>Dashabros... we wonWe really did. Two more weeks now...