Lillian Gish
the Original Waifu
>>4970031so cute and ethereal
>>4969936Best thread ever OP, are you the same anon from the Sissy Spacek one? Based>>4970029>>4970032Or, in other words, just a person with normal common sense. A common occurence before the 60s cultural marxist hippie brainrot shitwave desu. Just think about Mary Pickford or Ginger Rogers, other KINO waifus with very based political views
>>4970044Forgot pic
>>4970028>mfw I have to live in clown world because I'm born just 100 miserable years too late
>>4970044>Best thread ever OP, are you the same anon from the Sissy Spacek one?Indeed. I'm also a big Snood and Anya Taylor-Joy appreciator, but generally like a lot of these more classicsAgreed on those common sense views. It's simply the view of not wanting people to die over economic or bullshit geopolitical reasons. Basic moral decency. We might call it based and it may feel like there's edge to it, because the warmongers do everything they can do demonize it, but they'll be paid in full when they meet God someday
esoteric waifus represent
I wish I could find the torrents of these kinos in the hq restored version (if there's any yet). Thinking about all the juicy nitrate reels rotting away in some forgotten archive really makes me sad. To this day I've watched only Birth of a Nation (the very crisp BFI edition directly from Griffith's negatives, with the original soundtrack), Intolerance and Way down east. For later movies, Night of the hunter is also 100% kino
>>4970061Yeah, I've seen those ones too, and a few in film classes that I'm forgetting the name of Her part in Night of the Hunter pure hype when she pulls out that gun
>>4970061BASED Grandma Gish
>>4970061Annie Laurie was restored and had a blu-ray release earlier this year.
>>4970066ah good to know
(Not so) fun fact: to film the ice scene in Way Down East, Griffith used some fake wood planks for certain takes, but also a real frozen river. To make the scene more kino, Gish insisted to have her hair and hand immerged in the water. Her hand's nerves were damaged from exposure and she had numb fingers for the rest of her long life (not enough to stop her fron pullung a trigger apparently >>4970063)
>>4970069I was not aware. That is definitely a risk at those temperatures. My mom got permanent nerve damage in her hands when we were living in a very cold place for a while. The skin has been discolored ever since
>>4970066>orchestral score by Robert IsraelGood, I like his soundtracks. Music can kill or enhance a Kino like you wouldn't believe, especially since we're talking about silents. The Birth of a Nation is a perfect example: in the Kino Loerber version they put a somewhat dull soundtrack, while the original score by Breil in the BFI edition is incredible. Two completely different experiences
>>4970059this may be her cutest pic. I love all of those shots of her looking flustered with her hands in her hair
>>4970074Dear Santa,I've been a good goy this year, could you bring me an original 1:1 bronze bust of Miss Lillian Gish, please? Thank you in advance and Merry Christmas
>>4970062"The wind" and a few other are easily available, even on youtube, but the quality is so shitty it's a turn off and I never bothered, hoping for a better version in the future>mfw I'm waiting the release of a digitally restored super tech version of a 100 year old movie to see it half as good as they saw it back then using an explosive dried silver gooIronic
>>4970081>tfw /tv/ jannies are so unbaerably a pain in the ass that now your superior threads for patricians only are sharing a board with coomer bait ones
>Photograph caption dated August 12, 1927 reads "Miss Gish created a sensation in the first court fight with Duell by munching raw carrots on the witness stand, as pictured above, for a 'nerve tonic.' The court ruled the contract of controversy was 'breached by both parties.'" >Charles H. Duell, Jr. was a film producer and at one time he and Gish were romantically involved. After completing a film with him, Miss Gish was sued for breach of contract. The suit was eventually thrown out, with Gish receiving compensation for court costs.Apparently she munched the carrots while they were reading her "childish love letters" out loud in the court... cute levels over 9000. That Duell truly was a lucky ungrateful retarded bitch desu
>>4970104Of course, since the 20s were a craze obsessed decade, eating carrots in weird settings became a fad for a while after this... lol
>>4970104Cuteness was pretty big in the 20s and 30s as an affect. I'm not sure if they named the trend exactly but the particular type of cute-beauty many of the actresses had reminds me a lot of the types of cute-beautiful pixie girls that 4chan and other people raised on anime often make waifus out of.And there was just a cutie-pie sensibility in everything, like that song "Baby Face" etc. I remember working at an antique store for a little while, and they had all these old songbooks of popular hits of the time and they were all, like "My Little Buttercup" with a Lillian Gish or proto-Anya Taylor-Joy or proto-Snood looking face with a flapper haircut looking up at the moon
>>4970112Also, that carrot-munching thing Gish did makes me think of her whole cutesy almost anime-like presentation. The big ruffly doll hats and dresses etc her and her sister Dorothy wore remind me of the outfits of the characters in Touhou Project or a lot of other anime girls
Like, the Gish Sisters' style was basically pic related
>>4970112>animeI don't really like anime, but obviously the japs are fascinated with european Culture and copied a lot of stories, styles and beauty standards from when we still have them. Also, the asian woman body type is more likely to look like an acerbic girl, rather than a busty woman, therefore I think they were naturally inclined to that standard. Basically the opposite of african "culture" en vogue today, who enphasize comically huge butts and chests, paired with vulgar make up and apparel.About the 20s "teen" mania, you should consider how loved the singing style in that "boop-oop-a-doop" simpering girlish voice was. Probably modern audiences hate that and would say it's cringe or straight ugly, but I like it. During ww2 the pin-up girls switched the pendulum to the motherly curvaceous woman type and the girlish/flapper youthfulness went out of style until the late 60s 70s (but with a hippish undertone ruining it for me)
>>4970306>I don't really like anime, but obviously the japs are fascinated with european Culture and copied a lot of stories, styles and beauty standards from when we still have them.Yes, they've kind of been preservationists and appreciators of historical euro/white costumes and styles, and do interesting riffs on them. I understand not liking anime - it's pure schlock for sure, although I have a side to me that scans for greatness and interesting form / developments in the schlockscape too, and I think in addition to brief arty phase anime had in some auteur stuff in the 80s and 90s, it actually went through kind of a classical period in the 00s and early 10s with its hypermoe phase which overlapped and basically begat 4chan's classical period and sensibility (and completely informed its taste in waifus)>About the 20s "teen" mania, you should consider how loved the singing style in that "boop-oop-a-doop" simpering girlish voice was. An interesting note on this; by the time Betty Boop came along in the 30s, this was a familiar 20s style/type that even average people had become accustomed to and was gradually starting to be replaced by the Vamp. So it was actually a little bit of a parody or throwback to the previous decade. Although that cute, short-haired, Drew Barrymore-ish 20s type of girl was still quite common through the 30s too - you see them all throughout Marx Bros films (being chased around by Harpo or romanced by Zeppo or Groucho). I agree the waif or dreamy girl muse came back in the 60s - especially, yeah, with hippie girls and a lot of models and rock stars' girlfriends/wives (Jimmy Page and Mick Jagger were particularly into them), although Vamps were also still going strong in B Movies and some of the beauties like you'd see in giallo in the early 70s were sort of in-between dreamy waifs and curvaceous vamps
Was she the old bitch in The Night of the Hunter?
>>4970546No that was Robert Mitchum, she was the sweet old lady
She played a cute old lady in a Love Boat episode :)
>>4970554>>4970555>>4970558oh man she's so cute in this little outfit
>>4971148You haven't seen True Heart Susie? It's not as well known because it released a few months before Broken Blossoms, and Gish's performance in Broken Blossoms received much more attention. But True Heart Susie was excellent too.
>>4971163I haven't seen it, thank youLooks like cutekino
>>4971136>>4971143omg, it's so pretty, i love her
>>4970561what the fuck is the matter with you lol
>>4971163>720p yet blurred pixels>dull af soundtrackMany such cases. Sad!
>>4971136a cute face I wish to cum on
>>4971137why did 90% of women in hollywood back then looked better than the current ones?
>>4971545>Why did 99% of any aspect in the world looked better 100 years ago compared to today's widespread omnipresent uglinessJews, marxists, retarded boomer fifth columnists. One of the categories overlaps all the others tho>inb4 go back to /pol/watch "why beauty matters" by Roger Scruton if you don't believe me. Then read something from the Frankfurt School (((philosophers))) and enjoy the origin of degeneracy. You're welcome
>>4971863Oh, and Miss Gish would agree with me, just saying. She's the waifu /pol/ needs but doesn't deserve
>>4972412>>4972413>>4972417>>4972418How is it possible to be so stupidly cute??? I love her
>>4970066>>4971163It baffles me that they never bothered restoring all Griffith's surviving films. What the fuck is the library of Congress doing???
>>4970044>>4970051Seriously? A low res /pol/ thread with grainy pics of an ancient celeb . .. ? /hr/ is truly done.
>>4972563>grainyThat's the nitrate film granularity effect you bonobo. Now go back to the Hunter Sheaffer cesspool and 41% yourself
>>4972567Exactly, yard ape. The board is for hr photography and scans. There's an actual rule: "Do not simply post images because they have large dimensions."Your starlet of granular, low res silent films really doesn't belong here.
>>4972772good luck having any rules enforced here if you aren't protecting the advertisers
>>4972772>low resBonobo spotted. Film has an higher res than your 4k BBC porn collection. Grain is a feature of it retard. Kys
>>4972772>an actual rule: "Do not simply post images because they have large dimensions."Where? Can you show me the amendment enforcing this? I fear it's a fantasy of yours, since the board is just called high RESOLUTION. Also this thread has more hq pics than the average celeb general trash you normally see here
Why even nitpick on these irrelevant details when other threads have Indian or nigger biotrash spamming trashy AI pics?You don't have to be a soiboy pedant about this, it really doesn't matter
>>4972891Have you noticed how hard he was seething about /pol/? He's just a bunkertranny tourist, he can't stand a thread about a woman without a penis, and with right wing opinions on top of it! He must seethe and cope by keeping alive the pathetic Hunter Sheafer thread and posting faggot spam all over the board, or he risks to 41% himself for the lack of identity in his tranny life. Let's pity him and let nature take its course
>>4970063Granny Gish was cute
>>4973037Was there a Gish version who wasn't cute tho? I doubt it
mai Esoteric Reactionfu embodying Transcendent Values and Forms as Radiant and Eternal as the Sun
>>4973276Is this a summoning ritual or some /x/ tier shit anon?
>>4972922When 4chan began, there was no /pol/. Sure there was some nihilism and anarchy showing up on /b/ but the rest of it was more .. .. civilized. Even this board was better with all kinds of high resolution photography and almost no celebs. Even your saintly Gish would have approved . .. >> bunkertranny tourist . .. ?Aw, you'll be okay. And nature will take its course.
>>4973318When 4chan began you still had your dick attached to your body, society wasn't completely fallen, wokism wasn't everywhere, girls were girls and men were men, Glenn Miller was in the hit parade, horse carriages strolled on Main Street... etc etc. You're just a boomer stuck in the 2000s who can't see how it's the world outside 4chan the thing that changed
>>4973536When 4chan began, a large number of African Americans owned the hit parade. They still do, except fewer rapists. That's a good thing. Ah, yes. Back when men were, uh, more manly . .. I could still get new horse shoes on my mare just down the street. And she never got stuck in the muck . .. Back then, I had a nice ass to keep her company.Anyway, besides glowering over your oldies, checking out any new films over the holidays?
>>4973587Those were the days
>>4973260>>4973262What a beaut. Always loved the lipstick look of this era.
>>4973655The only thing I don't really like about that era's makeup are the thin artificially shaped eyebrows, but I think that's mostly a vamp/ 1930s thing. Lillian Gish doesn't have that problem anyway
Wish I could take one of these old-timey ladies and dress them up like a real modern day slut. Like one of those girls from Anal Only or Swallowed
Wish I could take one of these modern day sluts and dress them up like a real old-timey lady. Like one of those girls from Ziegfield Follies or Sennett's Bathing Beauties
>>4973721she looks soooo cute in these outfits
what are her best movies from her prime?
>>4974664Unironically Birth of a Nation, and the other ones I listed here >>4970061 were good aswell if you're into silents. I'm going to watch Annie Laurie next, but if you're less autistic than me about high res you'll find a lot more, even on youtube. Just be ready for crap quality, which imho ruins the whole experience as much as a wrong/ lame soundtrack. I know you'll think I'm a sperg about it, but these kinos aren't like the talkies, they're pure image+music. Your opinion can shift between considering them the most boring trash or the best undiluted kino depending merely on the factors I said. Looking at the Ku Klux Klan running in the town on Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries and as crisp and hd as it gets (as intended originally in 1915) is completely opposite to looking at a group of white pixels moving on the screen with generic copyrightfree ragtime, or worse, boring dull uninspired music that sounds composed by an AI. Therefore my suggestion for silents, despite which movie you'll choose, it's to find a nice version of it in the first place because I'm sure that the whole "old movies boring" opinion is coming from those shitty versions killing the actual film's soul
>>4974664An Unseen EnemyThe Musketeers of Pig AlleyThe Battle at Elderbush GulchHome, Sweet HomeThe Birth of a NationIntoleranceHearts of the WorldA Romance of Happy ValleyTrue Heart SusieBroken BlossomsThe Greatest QuestionWay Down EastOrphans of the StormThe White SisterRomolaThe Scarlet LetterHis Double LifeMiss Susie Slagle'sThe Night of the HunterFollow Me, Boys!The Whales of August
>>4975146>her prime>in whales of august she was 94yoI know that she's so perfect to be always considered in her prime, but I doubt anon was meaning that with his question. Also where's "the wind" in your list?
>>4975150Swag af, Miss Gish was bussin fr fr
>>4976333Can you identify the book?
>>4976401Looks like Fragonard.
>>4970093This dude definitely posts in /film/.
>>4976453>cuties holding a book about cuties portraitsPottery>>4976531I plead guilty
>>4976545For me, it's last row
>>4976545Weird asian waifu you have there btw, I'm not judging tho, the rest is quite based indeed
>>4976761>Weird asian waifu you have there btwOnly two are my waifus lol it’s a chart I made for /film/. Gish gets mentioned in the threads occasionally so she was added.
>>4976786I still don't know who that asian guy is and why he's supposed to share a chart with those 10/10 waifus (of which I can recognise only Harper, Kinsky and the Holy Trinity below, so if you're going to name the other three it would be appreciated, especially the first one)
>>4976854Top row: Isabelle Adjani, Lee Kang-sheng, Ophélie BauThe ginger smirking left of Harper is Isabelle Huppert.
Lillian in her New York apartment, age 80.
>>4978974She really aged gracefully. They should study her dna
I love her
Lillian is my wife
>>4978990They should’ve. She was a cute granny.
>>4981823She never married you larper. She didn't want to ruin the waifu dream for her fans so she always remained single
>>4981955She DID marry me! We are married!!
impressed by all the high quality pictures turned up in this thread. I couldn't find nearly this many
>>4984197SVFR: A Unified Framework for Generalized Video Face Restorationhow about high quality video?
>>4984245How hard is it to set this up if I’m interested in using it?
could you satisfy her?
>>4984245>Ministry of Education of ChinaThe Chinese government funded this project, what a surprise lol
>>49842635-20 minutes if you're experienced with conda. 2-4 hours if you run into some errors (even if you don't know anything about conda,etc). I'm more concerned with the output quality, there is even a huggingface demo page but it has a long queue of people trying it so it'll take 30+ hours on that huggingface page online. If the results were leaps and bounds ahead of the current technology i'd definitely test it myself in a heartbeat. Outputs seem great if not breakthrough.
>>4984273Lillian's social credit score just dropped
>>4970034I wonder if she was considered also cute at the time or ''only'' beautiful
>>4985335She IS an ethereal beauty. That's objective. I remember the description of Griffith looking at the Gish sisters for the first time when they came to the studios as a mystical happening. She wasn't a provocative sex symbol like the vamps, but a true angelical beauty. "Cute" is basically that, I suppose. At least it is for me, idk what it means for you
>>4985472Do you have any recommended reading on Gish?
>>4986540I haven't read it yet but she wrote a couple books about her career herself. Also any book on silent movies would probably quote that first encounter with Griffith since it's an important part of movie development
>>4970306speaking of japan
>>4986610thank you, will look into it
>>4986629>>4986864You just know there are pics of Lillian cosplaying as a German and an Italian aswell buried somewhere...
>>4988423DefinitelyI'm wondering where all these pics are coming from desu, I can't find many good hi-res ones
>>4989006That’s evident given all the resized pics ITT
>>4989006>I'm wondering where all these pics are coming fromGriffith's drawer
>>4989873Imagine how many rare and forgotten pics are stored around LA / old Hollywood. Man, I wonder how many pics were lost in the storage of old bungalows and mansions that just burned in the LA fires
>>4989888>Man, I wonder how many pics were lost in the storage of old bungalows and mansions that just burned in the LA firesNot as many as the reels that got roasted in the big studios nitrate film warehouses fires
>>4986629she looks so sexy and cool here. she seems like she was a really awesome person
>>4986631How old was she here?
>>4992128Before looking it up I would’ve guessed somewhere in her 40s. Turns out she was 41 at the time (1934).
>>4992139Wow, that of course means she was in her 30s during her peak career years in the 1920s. And she was so youthful too. Somehow was not aware
>>4992870It makes sense why she aged so gracefully. Gish simply had great genetics.
>>4993852yep. and here we are in 2025 talking about her. literally 100 years later, in a world completely unrecognizable from what it was then. and yet we remember her.
>>4995039Was this post supposed to be a whitepill? Because after reading:>in a world completely unrecognizable from what it was thenI want to kill my self now...
>>4995181it's a double-edged sword. yes it's a completely different world phenomenologically, and yet in tension with the flux and degradation there are still eternal things like truth and beauty, certain universal forms, patterns. and her countenance and character still resounds through time because she herself is one such example of one of these great persons or projects attuned to and reflecting these eternal forces
and there are perennial forces that want to destroy these beautiful things, and people, but people like her remind us to fight on. keep our flame burning
>>4995581>>4995584Idk anon, I just want to go back, that's all
>>4976332Reminds me of that illuminati thing in Kazakistan
>>4997009? Link?
>>4997921I messed up the Astana illuminati capital (which is full of globes aswell) with this Saudi Arabia thing. Nontheless...
>>4998037I want to go to Astana and live in a globe
why were the 20s and 30s so kino
>>5000690Orthochromatic film, unironically
>>5000690>>5000706Also, dutch angles and all those espressionist direction tricks. If you were talking about irl kino, the answer is Art Deco, aka the last art form before the abyss
>>5000706>>5000707I also like the general painterly, often mystical way to the framing and composition of the shots. Which includes those Expressionist approaches, but also a lot of Classical, Symbolist, and Romantic influences
>>5000711The fact is that silent movies, after the initial clunkiness, became very refined direction wise, because... well, being silents they HAD to focus on visuals. The talkies, with their technical issues, forced filmmakers to go back to stiff shots and the movies direction became dull in the 30s, and even worse after the panchromatic film flattened the b/w contrast we like so much. Technicolor is a hit or miss, since it could be both grand or tacky (masterpieces like Gone with the wind or the Wizard of Oz Vs all those gaudy 50s peplum colossals). I think we need to skip to the 70s with their understated bluish/yellowish films to find Kino again, slowly degrading in the 80s with the still pleasurable glossy aesthetic. The 90s started the grim aesthetic we still have today, but at least they didn't shoot the film for adhd ridden retards. To-day movies give you headache desu
>>5001160This, and there was also the residual influence of former painterly influence that hung over early film-making before it developed its own visual language. But in addition to this there was also an overall artistry/skill that was taught to any kind of skilled arts technician in any trade and it was around the 90s > 2000s that you started getting various film and design studios cutting cost and hiring people with no design or aesthetic sense (that's when you started getting the really ugly, badly-photoshoppped dvd covers everyone laughs at). This brought schlock to new, almost comical depths of tackiness
>>5002077>that's when you started getting the really ugly, badly-photoshoppped dvd covers everyone laughs atYou should start a thread with them lol
>>5000706>>5000690here's some ortho film in 2021
>>5003529>fucks up reds>immediately kinoWhy does it do it?
>>5002763Yesss, I think I may have some saved, but I know /tv/ has had a lot of threads on them in the past. I'll dig around
>>5004052Based I'm looking forward for it
>>5004153Forgot to do this, I'll look soon
>>4969936I like these threads but I wish there was a proper place to post about 20s-30s starlets in general. I’d love to talk about Louise Brooks or Fay Wray
>>5005479I'm not sure where we could have such discussion. I guess /tv/, but /tv/ completely sucks nowI wish we had an eight-chan-like alternative for more nuanced categories/boards, like rare lore and interests, highbrow stuff, net art, etc. fourtwentychan actually kind of had that with certain boards, oddly, but yeahI'd start a chan but I wouldn't keep it open desu. I prefer invite-only, harder to find communities for that kind of thing. You really have to go to obscure discords for this now
>>5005479I mean, why not a general thread about.. 20s and 30s stars? You can do it if you wamt. I'd like to talk about kinos in a somewhat slow board (not a funny fast one like /tv/ nor one too slow almost dead, just something you can check a couple times a day)
>>5006011>I mean, why not a general thread about.. 20s and 30s stars? Someone should make it after this thread hits bump limit.
>>5006011It's possible of course, the only thing is that there aren't really going to be many large, let alone hi-res pics to post, without having to upscaling a lot for the thread
>>5006472Why? Film is more hd than hd. Just take some screenshots from criterion releases and you'll be fine with plenty of content
>>5006949True, I'm only speaking to what I've been able to scrape together online, from the available digital archive we have at hand. Not whether such photographs exist somewhere offline
>>5006960Well, my point was that you can torrent some kino in hd and take screens of those, not literally going to scan nitrate films at the Congress Library kek
>>5006965True. I need access to some good film torrent networks again desu. I lost all my old accounts
Someone post screenshots from films Gish starred in that have been released in HD.