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post that image
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Think I love her bros
She loves you too
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Talk about high definition, jesus.
You can almost smell the pixels... now imagine a close up shot of her soles with that res
Does anyone have that pic of her in knee high socks, with a blue plaid skirt and on a park bench. I always see it in low resolution but perhaps someone has it in better quality
Y'all only attracted to her because she looks underage
that's odd. /tv/ tried for a year to convince me she looks like a 40 year old grandma.
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Jenna and Snood help you live your paedophilia without risk or shame
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Ephebophia, Anon. They look like teens.

And anyway having a special term for that desire is redundant because it's the default preference for all men
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>we want the mature male audience
Short women with cute youthful faces need appreciation too, anon
Imagine if everyone were afraid of being attracted to them
roasties fucking lost it when that super attractive rich tall man started dating that cute midget girl
It's not even ephebophilia if you're still attracted by older women (20s something for example). To be considered an ephebophile you have to be fixated ONLY on post pubescent teens, that's why it's listed as a paraphilia. Being attracted to teens AND older women is completely natural and ok for everyone who's not a repressed american puritan/ woke retard. Same as being into feet isn't actually a fetish until you NEED them to reach an orgasm. Of course retards here will spam clinical words without even understanding them, just to kink shame and enforce their bigoted (woke) morals
>default preference
Of course. On the other hand, being into old grannies is actually a weird deviant kink, completely unnatural
>shitty woke show
>hot actresses
I've dropped this slop and I'm just looking at Emma and Jenna on the internet. Check mate producers
>Being attracted to teens AND older women is completely natural and ok for everyone

Yes I've always contended that this is the most natural and normal male preference and my own taste is practically traditional in being based in those two poles
>Short women with cute youthful faces need appreciation too, anon

Yeah I mean, are they not allowed to be loved too? I will volunteer.
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Ortega, Snood and Isabel Myers, Agatha threemilk, Foy, Spaeny, Ashley Jones, Lilllis, Sora Shiina... it's not their fault they look like 15 year olds. Won't SOMEBODY love them??
For millions of years, men have impregnated women as young as 12 or 13, and 2,000 years of civilization isn't going to make them repulsive to us.
And they were still impregnating women that young throughout the majority of that 2000 years of civilization (and still are in many parts of the world) so yeah, the attraction isn't going away

One of the biggest lies ever is some so-called "modernity" in which we pretend we're something different now that can socially program ourselves in ways supposedly "better" than how we were 100 or 50 or 5 years ago. There simply is What Is. The Eternal.
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This. The survival of the human race depended on it. Not fetishism or perversion.
It is our mandate to marry a cute smol zoomer and lovingly breed her.
It's a dominant cultural figure. All men are attracted to preteens. It's at this age that muzzies start hiding women. Western men are educated and know how to refrain.
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>Won't SOMEBODY love them??

*clears throat* I WILL.
Ortega usually looks between 12 - 16
Snood between 12 - 15
Izzy Myers between 11 - 14
Agatha (threemilk) between 11 - 15
Ashley Jones between 13 - 15
Kiki between 14 - 19
Foy between 12 - 17
Spaeny between 15 - 18
Lillis between 15 - 18
Sora Shiina between 12 - 18
Moner between 15 - 20
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They will
We're talking about young-looking legal women, not whatever it is presidents and CEOs are fucking
You didn't send me the memo in time.
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It's as if Jenna knows it's her role to be a plaything for older, white men
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She literally looks like a 12 year old when she's dressed up as Wednesday
she needs to do one those celebrity ASMR videos of her eating various fruits
She eats kiwis in videos
don't think so but i guess you're more knowledgeable in what 12 year olds look like
You're the one who disagrees, so I'm guessing you're the expert
>n-no u!
kek. doesn't work like that son. you brought it up.
Or appear in a video where she's smoking. That would make her look more mature.
Yeah it does actually, you have a strong opinion on her not looking 12, why's that?
>that is a strong opinion anon!!
Strong enough to get passive-aggressive that she doesn't
>heh. disagree? passive-aggressive!
roastie moment
>don't think so but i guess you're more knowledgeable in what 12 year olds look like
sounds pretty passive-aggressive to me, why is that?
>heh. i'll just keep repeating the same question over and over because i have no argument.
I do have an argument actually, its the question you keep refusing to answer
>she looks 12
>no she doesn't
>reeeeeee why won't you answer meeeeeee!!!
Still can't answer why you're so passive-aggressive? Clearly what 12 year olds look like is a topic near and dear to you, so I won't distress you further
>anon brings it up
>heh. why is this so near and dear to you?
Well its because you're so passive-aggressive about the topic and you won't say why. I can only conclude that I've made you angry, I apologize, I concede that you're the expert on 12 year olds
>heh. i won't post any further.
>posts further
can't trust a liar
I didn't say I won't post further, I said I won't distress you further, I apologize that I appear to have indeed, distressed you further
>heh. my massive ego really thinks i can distress someone over the internet.
I haven't distressed you? I'd like to believe you, although your continued passive-aggressiveness leads me to believe that your denial betrays your true emotional state
>12 or 13
More like 15-16
Don't project this hard now, Mohammed
Ok, now you have confirmed that those are just random numbers you're making up. No one of those girls look 12 retard
Keep projecting...
This, anon is trying to make us look like pedos for being naturally attracted to POST pubescent girls, by astroturfing this 12yo psyop. Lol what a pathetic retatd
>Ok, now you have confirmed that those are just random numbers you're making up. No one of those girls look 12 retard

Hm, maybe not 12 but "Hollywood 12" as in actors always look a little older than what they play. I mean that I can imagine some of those actors being cast as junior highers sometimes. But I'd say on average most look about 15
>Hollywood 12
Considering that "Hollywood 15" is Dawson's creek tier 30 somethings that doesn't mean anything, your brain was fried by jewish media. 12 is 12, barely a teen. Full stop. If you want to say that it's normal to be attracted to teens (which it is) you shouldn't use 12 as an example, because that's mohammed sicko territory
I'm not that other anon who was making the argument for that. I still would say a Hollywood depiction of 12 could look more 15. And also that transitory adolescent period really varies - some of them look very childlike and some look like developed teens already. I'm not saying it should be an acceptable age to breed (although as other Anon said it is in fact more common historically than we'd like to admit), but once someone has started to develop, parts of the male brain will still respond with feelings of attraction, so a guy shouldn't feel too hard on himself if he finds himself surprised by what looks unconsciously attractive sometimes. It's not a big deal, just don't act on it obviously, and keep it to yourself
>One notable study that aligns with your description is "Age Preferences in Mating Choices" by David M. Buss and other researchers in evolutionary psychology. These studies often explore how men and women rate attractiveness based on age, using photographs or descriptions of individuals.
A specific example is a study by Buunk, Dijkstra, Kenrick, and Warntjes (2001), which examined age preferences in mate selection. In this research, men were asked to evaluate the attractiveness of women of various ages. The findings consistently showed that men tend to find women in their late teens to early twenties most attractive, regardless of the man's own age. This preference is often explained through evolutionary psychology, linking youth with fertility and reproductive potential (Perplexity)

>Life expectancy under 30 years for millions of years
>More than half of all children die before the age of 6 (before the modern era).


Men's desire is set on teenage girls
Chiming in to say I'd fuck Jenna regardless if she looks 14 or 40.
Mestiza 40 or Castiza 40? That's a pretty big difference (the biggest possible difference)
>although as other Anon said it is in fact more common historically than we'd like to admit
12 wasn't a marriage age neither centuries ago. That's a progressive meme to make the past look like muh patriarchy boogeyman. 15, 16? More likely. The vast majority of brides was still 18+. 12 is a royal combined marriage thing, or an islamic senior wife...
>he doesn't know what life expextancy means
That's high rate child mortality, people were never old at 30 retard. Stop falling for these progressive memes, people were biologically identical compared to today. If you survived your early childhood you could live to 90 aswell
Explain that to Nigerians or Haitians, faggot.
This seems to contradict you. Teen was quite often maybe the median age but it seems to have started at 12, whether ancient or medieval times or even more recently

I'm not the other anon arguing for that, mind you, but I wouldn't simply attribute it to savage browns
So it was necessary to make lots of children, so it was necessary to start as early as possible, so the specie that fucked preteens won the evolutionary race.
>This seems to contradict you.
(forgot link):
>Black=foreignness (no inbreeding)
>Piper Perri=petite woman, preteen body and attitude

White men's dicks become hard
yes, "blackness" is simply an unfair signifier of 'otherness' and doesn't have 100% failure rate re dysfunction and violence at a community and societal scale

let's try submerging the white population in gene pools with zero track record of societal success, surely it will go well this time
This. Muslims and Negroes in Africa are winning the demographic war. We have to fight back and start knocking up preteens again.
I'm talking about masturbation and sexual fantasy. Interracial marriages in the US are almost non-existent.
>Interracial marriages in the US are almost non-existent.

Thank God. May that trend NEVER change.
>Explain that to Nigerians or Haitians, faggot.
They'd probably understand basic concepts like that one better than you desu
>this contradict you
>posts legal age
>not median age of marriage
This certainly confirms you to be a retard lacking reading comprehension. I've said that 12 was a rare occurence, often examples came from arranged royal marriages (not only they didn't fuck in the early years, they didn't even live in the same country and married by proxy). Btw if you read your wikipedia page you see Greece and Rome both putting legal age at around 18. Medieval times at 12, but it's easy to find with a simple google search that the average age of marriages was actually quite high during that period, especially where young girls worked as help in wealthy homes (not married). 12 yo age of consent doesn't actually mean that it was normal to marry a 12yo, just like in good old Sneedville (newspapers talked about that because... it was weird). You're just a low IQ weirdo trying to subvert history to cope
>necessary to make lots of children
>fucked preteens
>who can't breed by definition
Ok retard, I hope you're just baiting at this point. This or you're literally a third worlder trying to normalize your obsession over 12yo girls. In both cases kys scum

attraction to teens -- healthy
fixation over pre teens -- kys animal
Simple as>>4973773
I'm not an English speaker. Prepubescent, preteen or something else I don't know the word. I'm talking about teenage girls between 11 and 15. Not to see in porn, in fashion, in Hollywood the predominance of this physiognomy is to have shit in your eyes.
>neat 20 new posts time to fap to jenna!
nope just retards arguing
I tend to like to think Jenna is pure Spanish so it squares with my no exceptions send-them-all-back anti-brownoid policy
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One of the reasons that I use 4chan X, filtering to image-only posts is only one keypress
Merry Christmas anons!
>I'm not an English speaker
Of course Mohammed
11 is a children you pedo scum. 14 is the cutoff, 15 is fine. Kys and go marry your Aisha children wife in the islam walhalla please
>Jenna is pure Spanish
>t. race blind anon
Just retards that can’t help themselves.
Kys shlomo, Jesus is King
>I'm talking about masturbation and sexual fantasy
You're talking of zoophiles in the closet too scared to admit they like bestiality and looking at blacks instead. Cringiest fetish ever
Good thing this picture is extremely low res. Speaking of, how does one report off-topic posts on /hr/? I don’t see it listed in the dropdown for some reason.
Lol, great thread you got here
>Look at the Snood on the top floor
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Two drinks after
Three drinks after
>hits fist
The jealous snood is... le angry!
>Two drinks after
>Three drinks after
I was expecting a four/five drinks after with Jenna spraying her piss from the theatre box down onto people's head
>Jenna's piss
imagine the taste
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I'm not really into drinking it, just looking at deperate Jenna using any corner as her toilet, pissing everywhere like a careless brat. Pic very related
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>squat behind a tree pretending to tie her shoelaces
>squat in the phone booth pretending to make a call
>squat in the bus shelter
>mfw the whole photoset looks like a preview from a public piss porn compilation
Whew Jenna... HNNNNNG!
she wanted to get PublicAgent'd but didn't realize they are European.
Idk, public agent is about girls getting fucked on the street, but here Jenna picked the most cliche spots where outdoor piss voyeur videos are set in. It's a niche genre but Jenna surely loves it since she's all in into watersports (cfr her wetting and golden shower webms)
I had a nightmare that Jenna got in a relationship with a dude, thank god lesbian Jenna is canon
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Ugh, without makeup she looks like Mia Goth... where are her eyebrows ffs?
Thi is Hollywood bro...
She actually looks more like the original Wednesday like this lol
down syndrome ?
holy shit lmao

makeup really should be outlawed
She's still hot, but the lack of eyebrows make her look retarded desu
>lack of eyebrows
They're there. You can clearly see them in the sunglasses picture >>4975757. The sun just washes them out on her darker skin.
Why don't they just admit they're dating
Actually you can see them in the other pictures aswell, I wasn't saying that they're literally non existent... just that they're trimmed in a very ugly fashion, ruining her whole face
I want to cum inside her then watch as Emma licks it out of her pussy
I want to stuff her gassy beaner rectum and fill it with the thickest load, then watch as she farts everything out spraying Emma's face with stinky jizz aerosol
lolol without makeup and photoshop she's a 4.
just like the 99% of Brown women

daaamn, back to mexico telenovelas ... and dont think she will find a job even there, when did she hit the wall that hard !
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bigger nigger says bigger
She so pale
Where did you get this pic? I've never seen so many pixels
In your ass
She's 22 and she's suddenly hit the wall that hard, how is that even possible?
She just washed her face retard
There are photos of her from months ago without makeup where she still looks young retard
Post them then. I bet you're one of those retards thinking natural looking makeup is "without makeup"
They aren't high res retard
Make a collage mong
You think I'm gonna go to all that trouble for some rando retard?
I want you to post some proof when you claim something. But since you can't... confirmed bullshit
Who cares what you want? I don't know you faggot
You care since you asked >>497868... fucking schizo
>I don't know you
Thank God for that, you sound like a pain in the ass, I can't imagine someone bearing your presence irl
??? I never asked you dribbling spastic

Don't know how anyone can "bear" my presence but you want me to make a fucking collage for you
Neck yourself retard
>never asked
Idk, this looks like a question to me:
>You think I'm gonna go to all that trouble for some rando retard?
but probably you don't even know what you're posting anymore at this point, judging by your non sequiturs, don't you?
It was a rhetorical question you retard
>but probably you don't even know what you're posting anymore at this point, judging by your non sequiturs, don't you?
You just described yourself LMAO, based on that broken sentence, either ESL or I've fried your pea brain
This is the best (whitest) she's ever looked
These pics have convinced me that she's 100% Spaniard, she'll have a place in the Fourth Reich
>still not posting the pics
You can keep with your rant but your opinion goes into the trash
>inb4 such an hussle to post them
But you spent 15 minutes ranting like a loser instead lmao
>These pics have convinced me that she's 100% Spaniard
Holy retard
>she'll have a place in the Fourth Reich
But you won't, race blind nigger
They obviously aren't the pics you downy, you apparently have forgotten what your retarded point was in the first place lmao
Your point was that she was different without make up in some mysterious pics you saw some time ago. My point is show the fucking pictures to prove you're right, because you sound like a complete retard otherwise. Simple as, but too complicated for you apparently
>They obviously aren't the pics
Speaking of broken english... Goodmorning Saaar!
I'm not making a collage for you spastic
Retard doesn't understand jokes
Why haven't you done your parents a favor and necked yourself yet?
??? There's literally no broken English there you absolute retard
What was the meaning of that retard? What pics were you reffering to since you posted none? You don't even know how to phrase a concept
Hahaha very funny anon, I got it now... it was funny because it made you look completely braindead! HAHAHAHAHAHA
The pics you literally referenced here >>4978706 you retard

Braindead is you not understanding sarcasm retardo-kun
Pics that you mentioned in the first place and never posted. Wtf are you seriously brain damaged anon?
You don't even know what that means if you think that "joke" was an example of it. Great room temperature IQ humour anon, I bet you're the funniest kid in the special needs classroom
Literally the pics you are referencing in this post right now you spastic, you're so retarded that you're confused by your own posts.

"You don't even know what that means if you think that "joke" was an example of it."
You don't even understand English words but are from Britain? You must be very familiar with the special needs classroom I'm sure
Who said I'm from Britain you nigger? Btw I'm not replying anymore since you keep ranting nonsense. I bet you'll consider that some kind of victory but in reality it's just pity for a mentally disabled person and I don't eant to fill the thread with your ramblings
Spooked you have I? Good fuck off and don't come back.

The only mentally disabled person here is you, the retard who doesn't know the meaning of English words despite being from Britain
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>34 new posts
>only 4 new images
Text-only posts really need to be banned on this board
Say that to the retards who TALK about pictures instead of posting them and then start infinite arguing when you ask to post them
You must be talking about yourself because I'm the one who posted the only 4 new images, you retard
How many times you posted in this thread anon? Remember, if the answer isn't 4 (the ones with your pics) you're the most faggot retard ever appeared on this site and you should kys for complaining about a problem which is caused by (you) in the first place
If you're this faggot >>4978552, I'm doing some calculations for you:
>34 posts
>at least 17 are yours
>4 pics
>at least 13 text rants
>muh posts without pics should be banned!!!
Hahahahahahaha holy fuck I hope it's a joke
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Didn't read and didn't read, make sure to post images of Jenna when posting ITT
Hahaha btfo, keep seething faggot
Not that anon but maybe I shouldn’t have made this thread LOL it’s been a complete shitshow.
You did the needful saar, not your fault if that anon is a deranged schizo
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Why do Jenna threads always have excessive use of the word "retard"?
mm Jenna in black panties

I'm imagining her in black panties and Snood in white panties, wrestling
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Holy shit, (You) are so fucking retarded that you don't realise that you that you posted 17 times in response to me without pics
>you're the most faggot retard ever appeared on this site and you should kys for complaining about a problem which is caused by (you) in the first place
Literally you, slit your wrists you 50 IQ faggot scum
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>you posted 17 times in response to me without pics
Yeah, I'm not the subhuman posting about how that should be banned tho. Fucking bonobo stop embarassing yourself please
>no you!
your response every time, cringe master. Btw where's your pic here? This post should be banned aswell right? Lmao holy shit the second hand embarassment is becoming painful
Neither was I, that was a different anon you retard
(You) did however say this, despite not posting any pics at all, so yes, you called yourself a retard
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My tongue
Her shoulders
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>that was a different anon you retard
Ohh yes of coooourse... that's why "he" sperged out this bad >>4978943... lmao what a loser
Oh my god you are fucking retarded
Yes, this is me>>4978943
No, this is not me>>4978849
Got it yet moron? Can you just fuck off because you're seriously boring
Oh sorry, I'm supposed to know you're the one answering in place of another anon? Fuck off nigger
It's pretty wild knowing she's been up to get tonsils in Emma Myers' pussy
The person you made the post about responded to it, shocking for a retard like you I'm sure
Weird how you felt attacked when nobody mentioned you. I was talking to >>4978849 and you answered because you knew you were the retard I was talking about? Hahaha nice concession anon
I was the one you'd been crying about not posting pics even though I had, falsely accusing me of being a retard doesn't make me one, retard
Stay mad chimp
Can you just like, drop dead please? You don't contribute to the thread at all, you post nothing but retardation, fuck off and kys, this thread will be infinitely better for it
>don't contribute to the thread at all, you post nothing but retardation
Oh the irony! Keep seething nigger
Not ironic at all, you don't post any images, you only clog the thread up with your retardation, please, just go away
>he doesn't realise
Kek, you're a living joke
I've posted 6 images you retard, you've posted none, instead all you do is annoy everyone else like a fly
>Kek, you're a living joke
We all know you are
>you've posted none
Proof? You don't know shit
>We all know you are
Oh the sweet good old "no you!" again, it must be your showpiece lmao
My proof is that you are a worthless cockroach that only exists to bother others, so naturally you haven't posted any images
Except its true, you are a living joke and everyone in this thread would rather you fucked off
Do you think you'll reach bump limit with your seething nonsense?
Because we're fastly approacing it thanks to your sperg behaviour
That's literally you spamming replies you retard LMAO
>Kek, you're a living joke
???? Hahaha you don't even know what spam means OMG. If you keep hastening answers with your retarded behaviour don't call it spam
Every single post of yours is spam, you retard
>My proof is that you are a worthless cockroach that only exists to bother others, so naturally you haven't posted any images
I like how you didn't answer this, its because you know its true
>he expects an answer to generic lame as fuck insults
>if you answer it's spam tho
Anon's logic ladies and gentlemen
So you admit you haven't posted any images? Thanks for proving me right.
I posted a few images early ITT, but since you flooded it with crap I'm not contributing anymore until you leave or at least apologise for being a retard
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you two have been doing this for days. please just give eachother your discords so you can wank on cam together
You and I both know you're lying, you haven't posted shit, you're the one flooding it with crap, you haven't contributed anything because you're a worthless, retarded cockroach who exists to bother everyone else
Jenna deserves nothing but a fat, juicy, extra meaty BWCC
She likes Snood's puffy snatch instead
Look at the high res on that leg, delicious
She'll wear this on her wedding day with Snood.
Implying not both at the same time...
She definitely prefers white meat in her diet
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She has the most kissable lips I've ever seen, to think Snood's pussy is at the mercy of them, what an incredible thought
Snood's legs wrapping around Jenna's head as she gently kisses her womanhood
Teenage me would do too
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I feel like this Jenna would have bullied Snood
She definitely looked different prior to filming Wednesday, like more Latina
Jenna in denim stirs my loins
Jenna would never have bullied Snood
All this talk of Snood but no pics of them together?
Their hands are very immature looking
fuck their hands
I most certainly would
They're both small girls in general, both are barely 5'0
oily full body massage with snood and jenna. their little hands giving you a happy ending, jenna working the shaft and emma gently tickling your balls
They are in love, I can only imagine what the S2 pics will look like
Honestly their hands are so small that I think both of them could work my shaft
Is Jenna a baddie?
I bet Jenna always gives her head pats
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This was her best look ever I think
Someone post that video of her nipslip
So cute, she looks like a little enchanted forest chipmunk
Jenna probably gives very intimate and comforting aftercare for Snood after she's finished spanking her ass red and holding a Hitachi up against her clit til she's weeping

I'm voting for this one, she looks perfect in red, and those shoes are so fucking lickable
Anyone have a version without the watermark please share
Lick the shoes when she's not looking
Got anymore photos of this fit? Never seen her in this before
She's so cute, she looks very far removed from her Latinaness here though
>those shoes
imagine the smell
>immature looking
They look quite expert to me
She just ended puberty and transformed like Victoria Justice. Both looked like goblinas as kids, and now they're super hot white-ish girls
Not as smelly as Snood's that's for sure. Those things are reeking (in a good way)
>pure concentrated girlsmell

Jenna should lend Emma some of her sluttiest heels, she'd look so good in a pair of hooker platforms. I bet Jenna loves dressing up Snood in the whorish outfits she wears to hunt down bwc
>Jenna should lend Emma some of her sluttiest heels
>she does that just for having them back completely worn out by Snood's unwashed feet and consume her nose breathing in all the mixed stench
Nice foot orgy pic btw, those white socks are looking quite stinky
>Jenna lends Snood her shoes for a big night out
>Picks a closed pair, thick material to guarantee heavy sweating and contain the foot fog
>Snood dances geekily all night, blushing because she looks like pure fuckmeat
>3am Emma stumbles through the door tipsy, head spinning
>Asleep face-down on the couch, Jenna puts a blanket over her and removes her heels
>Jenna huffs them naked in the bathroom and goons herself to the point of dehydration
>all according to plan
This, but you left out a couple of important details:
>how Snood doesn't shower and how stinky her feet already were even before the night out
>Asleep face-down on the couch, Jenna puts a blanket over her and removes her heels
>Jenna whiffing Snood's soles and cleaning them with her tongue, and only after she consumed the last bit of sweat she goes to the bathroom with the heels to goon herself out of this world
Also they are holding hands through the entire night so their hands are incredibly clammy
Then Jenna licks Snoods sweaty hands clean
>their hands are incredibly clammy
I'd say Jenna's would be soaking wet when she's finished
Covered in Snoodjuice™
>she looks like a little enchanted forest chipmunk
True tho ngl
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She eats Snood out from this position I'm sure
I'd eat her out in that position desu
She loves to slurp snoodles
>book a room at the Ritz with Jenna
>hey anon let's fuck like rabid animals over every surface of this expensive place
>she takes that position, making that strained face while her pussy forcefully pushes you out to squirt all over the furniture
imagine Jenna squirting all over (You)
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Pretty in pink
granny hands
I kinda see what you mean
granny cheeks
You see that a lot post-covid with everyone washing their hands in alcohol 50 times a day.
Mouth sex

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