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2024 was the year of CHUU! Let's do a year-end review of while assembling LEGO!
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isnt this the hoodie she got bullied for before
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too small
why would they bully her for that hoodie?
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Jo Sungwon (competed on Steel Troops W) Instagram Story ft Chuu
>- Wanted to hug Chuu,,
thought this was a dude at first
>- So pretty... Human lovely
>- The moment Chuu-nim saw me she asked me why my face was so small [t/n: local compliment], seriously you're 372949x smaller I'm moving my face back for the first time,, she said my perfume smelled good so I told her what it was and the cuteness of how she saved it on her notes appã… ã… 
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King of Mask Singer Ep. 478 Preview feat. Heejin

hyeju story
all the pics are too small this time for some reason
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i haven't checked the high resolution loona general in like 8 months... any good wonnie pics i missed out on?
ttyl era suited her so well
first time she was consistently hot and not hot for microseconds and a dork the rest of the time
>first time she was consistently hot and not hot for microseconds and a dork the rest of the time
ever since one & only...
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this is in around 8 hours
she's answering rn
probably going to be slow while korea mourns
Power Blog Girl Ep. 5 Short w/ Heejin

Power Blog Girl: Heejin & Park Jaehyung - Nan Chun (Orig. Se So Neon)
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where can i see that pic in the background and the rest of the set?
it's from the "the star" magazine, scans should come out this week
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new yves merch including her lightstick
These are great. I love the shirt and scarf. Hopefully the lightstick gets here before her tour
I like her lightstick a lot
happy new year bros
happy new year hopefully its a good loona year
Happy new year dudes
Here's to a Loona OT12 stage this year
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i'm so fucking glad haseul joined artms
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i wish to see this every single night before bed
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thats the dream
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going to go have pajamaseul dreams right now actually gn birdbro
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hope it ends with a creampie gn
so I tried using yt-dlp and it told me not to double click on it but to write a command line to open it and to consult the read me to know how to
I go to the read me and they don't teach how to open the program using command lines
I had DOS classes 30 years ago and we switched to windows the very next month I don't remember command lines at all
go to the folder the exe is in and copy the folder location from the bar at the top and paste that into command prompt and put \yt-dlp at the end
if you're on windows you can use a shortcut by going to the folder the .exe is in (Downloads in my case), click the bar at the top (see https://i.imgur.com/JnQLI1u.png), type "cmd" and click enter
once you're in you can begin to use it by simply typing the name of the .exe (yt-dlp, you can also shorten it to dlp) followed by whatever command you need
>dlp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfNgyAbGZG4
and hitting enter for example will automatically download the highest available resolution for the video (2160p in this case)
you can also check all the other resolutions/formats available for every video by doing
>dlp -F [url]
thank you both
update: it didnt...
if you're on a recent windows version I recommend downloading the windows terminal its a lot nicer to use than the old command prompt.
and installing a windows package manager I like this one:
then you can use the package manager to download and install useful cli tools like yt-dlp, gallery-dl etc. the package manager automatically creates a path for the application so you can just opent he terminal whenever and type the command without worrying about where its installed
you can get webm for retards (if it's still called that) as well. i think mu has the links usually
it downloads automatically via yt-dlp and ffmpeg (i think both programs are dl automatically with it too)

you'll need ffmpeg anyway if you want both audio and video if you don't want to mux them together yourself
i know it sounds complicated, took me like a week, on and off to figure it out (i have zero background in command prompts)
it's kinda simple once you know though
*highest quality audio and video
youtube stores them separately
if all you want is to post here, you don't need sound so yt-dlp is enough
>youtube stores them separately
that I didn't know and I'm glad you told me this because I do save some videos in the best quality I can, if dalplys ever went offline and I don't have them I might actually kms
yeah, best quality with both combined is like 720p
you need to be specific
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new haseul ig pfp
hyunjin reel
artms star magazine interview
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one of a kind
I miss her so much
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these two weren't posted
I mean the tweet was posted but not the pics separatedly
too small
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lmao people were expecting something much bigger but it's just objekts
chuu tiktok

artms new year greeting
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it's not even pictures of the girls wtf
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more hyunj
I love our aeong so much
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can someone with a weverse account post these
gowon ig story
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wolly handy
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there was another post but she removed it
vivi insta story

pics of the artms digipedi tshirt
>The backs of the four T-shirts designed by d!g!ped! feature different clues related to the next album, each connects to the front designs

yeojin ig story

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