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She will forever live in the shadow of her older sister, Vera Farmiga, even though she is prettier.
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i thought Vera was her mother
>She will forever live in the shadow of her older sister
Thats what they use to say about that sister of them Olsen twins
her vibes are too "millennial" for me. really unattractive and offputting. like she's about to lecture you on fat trans people
One day I will make a Vera Farmiga thread on /hr/.
I don't get that vibe from her at all. She's innocent and pure.
>i thought Vera was her mother
21 year age gap and it shows
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Cute :)
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Another victim of Sarah Slutsky?
ayo cuz that eye be some freaky sheeeit
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What’s this from? She looks super cute in that pic.
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The Gilded Age. It's pretty standard "modern audience" insert blacks that don't belong and stick out like a sore thumb period piece show that isn't worth watching, in spite of Taissa and even Carrie Coom being in it.
"... they stole my shoes?!"
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Nice, thanks for the heads up. I actually ended up watching The Final Girls last night for Taissa. Was pretty decent.
>even though she is prettier.
if you're a blindfag maybe
i thought this was a kathleen kennedy thread at first lmao
Heavenly creatures.
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Yeah but Taissa mogs her sister into oblivion
This bloodline doesn't work without blue eyes.
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>Taissa mogs her sister into oblivion
Hahahaha nobody tell him!
Vera is way hotter, are you insane?
Thought I was going crazy! I figure it was general consensus and didn’t need to be pointed out.
This is not the fault of Taissa by any means. She's gorgeous as is, but Vera is on a hotness scale even way beyond the sum of her parts.
She was a Biden/Kamala supporter ofc she's forgettable. & she's not when that pretty anymore now that's she's older. Old liberal women Ugh. (Fuck all politics btw)
I like Taissa when she was a cute teen but she's old now
She was my first crush when I was younger, but Emma surpassed her in every way.
Taissa walled faster than a bullet train but Vera is still sexo
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Honestly Taissa has hardly aged in the last decade but Vera’s always been sexier and a better actress.
Taissa cute. Vera sex.
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This anon gets it 100%

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