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*mogs both her daughters*
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We need a poll, which of the three is the hottest of their family?
me being smothered under all three at the same time
No poll required - it's objectively Rainey. You can think the mum or sister are cuter, and that's fine, but the bitch face hotness is Rainey by a country mile.
Imagine the fouresomes bros
Who would you say are the top hottest celebs?
Rainey by a country mile, Margaret is more talented but less attractive, and I never found the mom hot but Rainey mogs them both
Just make a Jew General so we can clear the board of 90% of your troon posting
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Trannies really need to stick to the >>>/lgbt/ board
Mandatory pastas from previous Qualley threads incoming:
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>be autismo bf with autismo gf Margaret
>Andie is sitting on the livingroom couch with you
>"Maggie is getting ready, you just know she can take forever to dress, she'd stay naked all the time if it was her choice. What a weird girl she is... Well, we can have a chat together, dear"
>she winks and has a weird expression you can't really understand
>cringe silence fills the room as she keeps to look at you weirdly
>as you nervously avoid eye contact, she slips on the seat nearer to you
>her nyloned leg is brushing against you
>you look up and she's grinning, you start to worry and sweating nervously
>as you are trying to say something like "nice weather today isn't it?" she interrupts you by putting her index finger on your lips
>"shh shh shh words are not required for a good marriage. I'll teach you how to make your future wife happy" she says as she grabs your crotch and starts to unzip your pants
>now you're freezed in shock, and wtf is she doing with her leg now? Omg that feels good but it's so wrong and awkward
>you hear a door closing upstairs and you take advantage of Andie's distraction to slip away at lightspeed, darting to the bathroom
>omg omg omg, what the hell just happened! I was going to cuck Mags with... HER MOM??!?!?! Sick fuck! She doesn't deserve this, I really love her. Thank God I escaped from that situat...
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>as you closed the bathroom door behind your back your stream of consciousness got abruptly interrupted by what you saw
>Rainey, clad only in a skimpy towel, is standing right before you, staring into your soul and biting her finger teasingly
>hi "bro"... don't you know it's rude to spy on a girl during her private moments?
>ehhmm... well.... I... I t-thought... I've...
>mmmmm and what have you got there? Do you even know how to use it? I bet Margaret doesn't even know where to start, she's so wacky...
>dropping the towel, Rainey kneels in front of you, pinning your legs to the door
>unable to move, you shut your eyes as you feel the warmth of her silky mouth fully engulfing your cock to its base, her tongue grazing your ballsack
>oh shit oh shit oh shit. No way! Think about Maggie, think about how much you love her, how much respect she deserv... HNNNNNNNNNGGGG!
>a massive thick load escapes from your cock, completely uncontrolled
>*cough cough* *sluurrrrppp* ehm, wow! that's a record, you lasted a whopping 5 seconds. hahahaha! You're such a nerd, no doubt you're getting along with Margaret... fucking weirdos
>as you exit the bathroom Margaret is right there in the hallway, staring at you and at Rainey, who's still naked and wiping the corner of her mouth
>Hi anon! I'm ready to go to pick some flowers! I put on my tradwife dress, I know you like the meme! *awkard giggle* Oh, bye sis! See you later!
>as you go downstairs hand in hand you can't stop thinking about how really "special" she is to you
What about their foot smell review?

>#3: Rainey's gym socks
>She looks like the type who takes good care of herself, so I bet she never let her socks get too smelly before tossing them. Nontheless, she wears her gym socks several times in a row, because when she's working out she doesn't really care that much about her looks. They have a cheesy note and aren't too strong anyway
>#2: Andie's nylons
>Sticking to her 80s/90s style she keeps wearing nylons with closed heels to enhance her long milf legs. Even if she washes her feet frequently she wears the same stockings until they rip (which isn't more than a few days in any case). They ooze a mature, acrid and slightly vinegary aroma, more pungent than her daughters's
>#1: Margaret's everyday socks
>Being on the spergie side, Margaret, unlike her sis, favors comfiness over looks. That's why she bathes once a week (she doesn't get really stinky, but the BO is definitely there) and keeps wearing the same socks to do all her errands indiscriminately, from working out in sneakers to going for a walk in boots, or just screwing around at home in her warm plush slippers. Sometimes she even falls asleep wearing them. At the end of the week, when she finally showers and changes her socks, the aroma is able to fill a room in seconds if she takes her shoes off to air her feet. Nontheless the smell isn't disgusting at all: it's a warm, round, somehow bittersweet popcorn stench that makes anyone nearby start salivating
>Qualley's would be the least scented because shes already sniffed out all the aroma. Andie's would be on the savory side and Rainey's would be the most intoxicating pheromone bomb that I would tape them to my face and then strangle myself with a pair of Qualley's while cumming into Andie's.
Get your t levels checked
New law has passed, the Qualley family is no longer allowed to wear clothing as of 2025
is there anything this new administration can do?!

I was really onto something when I wrote that.
though simply possess the knowledge
We need a stable inhabited by Qualleys
Looks sorta like Megan Fox
dont project troon boy, you like this >>4989495 uncanny valley looking bitch because it makes it easier for you to trick yourself into believing you arent a freak show.

LoL so predictable
Yeah, Megan Fox is Jewish, her mother is a Cisson
Who or what is a Cisson?
>I was really onto something when I wrote that
I still think this >>4989510 is more spot on
Megan fox is an honorary Qualley
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Are you of the fruity persuasion?
Sounds awesome, but where I am I going to find 2 more Raineys?
The fact that someone thinks Rainey mogs Margaret still baffles me...
>Being on the spergie side, Margaret, unlike her sis, favors comfiness over looks. That's why she bathes once a week
I wish I could fathom the Magstench. Imagine the pheromones...
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I wish she'd rain down upon me.
>obviously summer
>Andy wearing sandals
>Rainey open heels
>Margaret boots
Mags confirmed foot stench queen of the family desu... fugg I love her, autism and all
I'd cumshark Rainey's gams until they glistened and afterwards follow them into the bathroom and make them give me a dual hairjob as mother MacDowell waits outside.
Curry stained hands typed this.
Lol, you can really sense the mini-dicked rapist Saaar behind that post
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gangs all here...
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You just know that Quenrin sniffed that carpet all day long after she left... can't blame him desu
Silver Fox
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>You must pick a wife from this family.
>Momma Andie
>their beloved cousin- Megan Fox
Cousin Megan’s thread >>4989896 →
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are they actually related?
>Aunt Liv
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if you say so
Wife? definitely Margaret
>are they actually related?
No, they aren't. And Liv is just a friend of hers
>hey anon, I noticed how you looked at Arwen when we watched Lotr together... now, would you like to invade her shire while she eats out my mount doom?
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Maggie, easily. Megan is bogged. Rainey is going to be bogged. Andie is dry.
>Andie is dry
That's why you'll secretly cum into mother in law Andie's moisturizing cream
>>4988951 (OP)
what an ugly broad
Ywnbaw, now stop looking at the mirror and self complain all day long about how ugly the "woman" you see there is. Btw I don't understand why you posted that here, we're looking at real women here and we're not interested in your 41% daily sperg
Is the "rain" yellow?
Some may refer to it as golden.
Mmmm Rainey is kinky. I bet she always wanted the top bunk bed and then willingly wet herself during the night after holding her full bladder all day long, letting all her warm stinky nectar trickle down on poor Margaret, which, the times she noticed it waking up, would sperg out in the cutest autismo way
Kys fag
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Looks so much like Megan fox
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Yeah, and she's going to go full bog-bimbo like Megan too, no doubt. Enjoy her while you can.
>full bog-bimbo
This, her gracefully aging mom wouldn't let her ruin herself. Margaret still mogs both tho
not sure if theres funny business with this pic but I can really see the Qualley influence
bring back delightfully soft and hairy Rainsford
just a hint of Nip
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>Rainey touching Mags thigh as a joke to trigger her autism during the photo
>there, there, I'll kiss it better
she looks like she had a cleft pallet
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you can really tell Margaret is trying hard to attain the image of a talented actress who's ready to go nude, etc. etc. because deep down she's insecure about her sister looking 1000x hotter than her
Nah, she's just an autismo cutie who hates clothes
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Imagine Margaret masturbating furiously while sitting on the tv, letting out spurts of squirt which would trickle down over her own face on the screen...
that'll ruin the tubes!
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That's why it's hot
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I'd stick to my autismo bunny, but Rainey is really temping ngl
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Maggie is cute. Andy is beautiful. Rainey pure, absolute sex.
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SexxVoltron minus 2
Mags is love, Rainey is sex, Andy is hag.
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>autismo gf Maggie finally invites you to sleepover
>are we really going to fuck?
>she bares her chest and invites you under the covers
>wow she looks really calm for being on the verge of having sex
>*smiles staring in your eyes for a moment* Goodnight anon! Love you!
>that said she turns her back and goes to sleep
>wtf? Is she teasing me or what?
>a huge tent is pitching anyway and you check the situation under the covers, noticing her juicy butt wrapped in shorts
>you fight the temptation to rub your boner on her asscheeks with all your willpower
>shit, I can't fap with her sleeping here, I would be a weirdo... what if she wakes up and notices? Damn, better try to sleep at this point
>you turn on the opposite side, facing the room
>later, while erotic imaginery of Margaret darts in your semi conscious mind, you fall asleep ready to have a wet dream...
>... you're at some gala and Margaret, all dressed up, is hiding under the table, playing with forks and knives like they're a construction game. Suddenly she notices you looking at her and approaches your crotch, now with a naughty smirk. As she unzips, you pull yourself together and act like nothing is happening. You can't believe what you're feeling, she's sucking like a pro. Is that really Mags??? You glance from time to time under the table and you can't believe your eyes. Maggie? My "special" gf?? Is that really her??? OMG she really knows how to work her tongue... you even hear the gawk gawk gawk but apparently nobody cares... you can't resist, you erupt copiously in her mouth as she keeps sucking and....
>OH SHIT! Damn I've cummed for real, I've probably made a mess everywh-
>as your regain clarity you realise there's some movement under there
>you take a peek and... WTF??
>Rainey is crouching next to the bed, with your dick still in her mouth, licking up all the cum she didn't already swallow
>as she finish the clean up she gives your galns a sweet kiss and tucks the cover back, sneakily leaving the room...
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*reads your smut*
Do you think she does? What her reaction would be?
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you're lookin at it
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I think Rainsford might be part Elvis
I kmow but I'm as autistic as her and can't into reading facial expression. Is that happiness???
I bet she's proud to be my Muse... without her you wouldn't have got all these masterpieces of erotica
women dont know happiness. closest they get is a impish glee.
So... did she flick her beans on my smut or not?
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>go on a snow holiday with gf Margaret and Rainey
>both are wearing tigh high boots
>Margaret is acting all goofy, reinacting John Cleese's silly walks with her long booted legs
>hahahaha look! I'm a flamingo! *doing a weird goosestep*
>that's cute sweetheart!
>cute? That's fucking cringe... Maggie stop acting like a retarded kid!
>shut up Rainey! You know what? The last one getting to the cabin is a loser! What now, uh?
>that said, Margaret darted towards the lodge, leaving you behind
>when you entered the mud room of the chalet Margaret was already gone, only her boots and coat were there
>as you sit on the bench to take your shoes off, Rainey puts her boot on the seat right between your legs
>what a shame, they're not shiny anymore... they really need a polish...
>*stares at you with a kinky face and starts rubbing the tip of her boot on your crotch like it's a shoeshine*
>ehmmm... R-Rainey?!?!
>much better! Look how glossy they are now!
>Rainey slowly bends to unzip the boot, caressing her leg in a teasing way
>R-Rainey... p-please stop...
>her now free nyloned foot starts to massage your balls, while she takes the throbbing boner in her hands
>anon, don't you dare to cum all over me ok? I know you're going to make a mess... here! we're going to use these stinky cum catchers as they deserve!
>she grabs one of Margaret's discarded boots and opens it to catch your cumshot, but a whiff of Mag's intoxicating foot stench hits both of you
>as Rainey scrunches her nose you inhale the aroma and it's too much... you explode inside the boot while she jerks you through it, draining every last drop
>eeeewww, what a dumpster! *drops her sis cum/sweat soaked boot after peeking inside it, holding her nose dramatically"
>as you finally enter the livingroom Margaret is stretched on the sofa in front of the fireplace
>so immature... now remove those stinky socks from the headrest you dirty slob! *glancing at you naughty*
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What makes you think that bruv?
think I saw their mum play a Britisher once
Glad she appreciates
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By the order of The Peckish Boners I declare "I'll have me the fat one."
Is this real?
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Fuck it better be. Rainey here is making me hard enough to cut diamonds.
Was Rainey a fatty??? That would explain why she's so jelous of her effortlessly hot yet awkwardly autistic sister and why she's so eager to fuck her bf... my lewd greentexts are consistency accurate at this point
soft body Rainey was a sexxbabomb
I want to FUCK Andie
>>4988951 (OP)
Margaret comes across like she’d be an obsessive, psycho stalker gf who wants to know where you are at all times so for that reason she’s my favorite
Mmmm never thought about some Elle/Dakota/Margaret/Rainey kink stuff... new lewd greentext incoming!
She comes across like she's a total autist and doesn't even realise her sister is fucking ger boyfriend behind her back (actually she doesn't really care in the first place... you know... autism)
even as she rears her child?
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"Anon, no ones supposed to be around for a while..."
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*sucks your cock in the back yard*

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