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Probably going to be a personal "art" dump, but you may post your art if you want to
I'll post some recent doodles of mine
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stinky hat
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Gabi cosplay
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Sth more work-safe
hey shikanon didn't u get ur last thread removed because u admitted to being underage?
I thought it was a joke =/
They really did remove the thread, damn it
I'm 22
that leg gave me brain freeze for a few mins while i tried to figure out which way its facing
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I don't blame you
I'm practicing anatomy as much as I can
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That's All Folks! (For now anyway)
Is this thread just for one schizo to post shit art
I mean, the artist is perverted but some of the poses/scenes are cute, so i get a good laugh.
they have improved a lot from when they last posted months ago. i am proud of them, even if their hat is stinky
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Morning bread
I'll make sure to wash da hat, and thank you anon
I try my best, and I can't help the perversion desu, but I swear I don't behave that way irl
You're fine hah we are all twisted up in some way or another! Keep the pen to the paper!
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Oops, my bad, I didn't quite understand you there
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I don’t draw much (for obvious reasons) but after my kid ninja’d a piece of fireplace charcoal and tried to eat it, I grabbed it and a scrap piece of paper to try something out.
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Hey, that ain't too bad!
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you have a kid?
and you're drawing femboy porn on 4chins?
wtf is the world come to
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That isn't me, I have no kids
When I do have them, I'll have to stop drawing this shit haha
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Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
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Did this when i was still really new to digital art versus my usual pen and paper

I'll just throw this in here to liven the thread mate
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Looks nice anon!
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Bump, sorry I'm slow, shit's hitting the fan in real life
Translation: Voice of time (Golos vremeni)
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Happy Easter!
Bumping a gem.
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Checked and thanks for the bump anon
I haven't been feeling all that motivated to draw but I'll try next time
Anyway picrel, on the right is old art (I have to specify even though all my art looks the same), but look at the fucking scale difference...
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I can salvage the thread...
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New reference for Gabriel =)
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I'm back to my echo chamber
>You are mentally ill.
>Stop posting your shitty art on /i/
You should both fuck off.
The worst of it is you literally said you would be leaving, yet you pop up time and time again. You need to be gone Fred, you bring absolutely nothing to the table and make all us look like schizos
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Oekaki Post (Time: 22m, Replay: View)
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New Larissa reference
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Cute (albeit supposedly corporate) shirt
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Someone forgot their keys, oops
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Filled out the page... kinda
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Request fulfillment
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Do you take requests? If so than draw damaskas from the dr demento show.

Link rel video with him and weird al during the 1980s
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Is this OK? Sorry it's not that negligible

>he draw ye old fred

Unironically both of your deserve to get hanged
Shikanon is unironically on of my favorite /i/ posters. Gabi and Larissa are arousing.
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Back to echo chamber again
Aw, you flatter me anon
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heey i know you from b. You've got a funny way of measuring out your anatomy with all those lines you do. I usually try to visualise it with shapes like this being the inside of the body, and drawing stuff around those shapes. I do it more thoroughly when I actually draw something usually
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Draw fred Chad getting his dick sucked
Yea, I admit it is pretty unorthodox, it does help at least a little bit tho
Though I agree that concrete shapes are the best
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That building gives me Victorian vibes ngl
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drew gabi. sorry for giving him boobas i didn't realize he was a guy until I re-read this thread

love your artstyle o>o
Not sure why it's backwards lol
Thank you anon, (s)he looks cute! It's a common misconception but not one I blame people for
Thanks for the kinds words too! =)
Is there a video guide to becoming a hentai tier illustrator on yt? Or any channels like that.
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not to my knowledge, learn anatomy and learn how to draw something appealing.
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New 'kanon
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Will you do lewd of my OC?

You can paint her with pussy or penis. Posing like this >>738189 maybe? Just keep tennis shoes on. And only draw, if you feel like it!

I'll draw something with Gabi and Larissa in the meantime.
Sure! Maybe not right now because bed time is nigh, but I'll save the reference and draw tmr :)
Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Yay! Just take your time. I'm animating a little. It'll be done tmr. See ya!
the realization just hit me that you're drawing these traditionally on paper and presumably there exists a physical version of all this drawings out there in the world
what a timeline we live in
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Beg bros, lets post our ugly drawings here

Oekaki Post (Time: 13m)
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Good morning!
I've done the sketch and I just want to make sure you're OK with this. It'll get refined as I line, no worries
>out there in the world
Indeed, in my doodle box. And perhaps scattered about my room
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Nice! Cool if you could ad her tennis racket and balls. Otherwise just do your thing. Thank you!

I made this janky jerk off. Based on this drawing >>749354 Genders reversed tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hope you like it.
No problem, I'll see if I can incorporate it anyhow
Also your delivery reminds me of pongldr a little bit, I love how it somehow resembles my own artstyle... I like it, rule 63 aside!
I tried to emulate your style the best I could. Looked up pongldr, I do like them pastel colors and fat pixelated outlines :)
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Yeh, it's kinda like that. You did my artstyle justice tho, I'd definitely animate like this, but frame by frame animation on paper is... no, I value my time
Anyway, I think I'm finished as well. I didn't want to rush but it's just how I roll, really. I'd be more than happy to make another drawing if this was not up to your expectations, heh
Bam! I would love thousands of drawings of my girl- But You nailed it! Thank you

I'll have to take a brake. But maybe we should draw again sometime? Any do's and don't from your side? You can do whatever you like with my OC. I like it spicy
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You're welcome, she is a qt 3.14 =)
Feel free to hit me up anytime! I'm basically terminally online. As for the do's and dont's, as long as it's mostly vanilla, go wild. An exception as to what you can draw is rule 63 (it happened with those who mainly drew Gabi)
I always end up with pistachio when I go for vanilla.

How do you feel about a crossover?
My Silva making love with... Gabi? We could both do our own interpretation.
Hm, I myself like that idea, but on the other hand it constitutes NTR, something which I'm not a huge fan of. Gabi and Larissa love each other very much, and neither of them would cheat. Though I would like to see for myself what it would look like...
It's not real. It's just something Silva dreams up in her head.. We only paint her naughty thoughts.
That sounds more like it, yeah! Sorry that I'm so critical of my characters :(
Of course!

So we'll draw the sex dream? :)
Sure, I'm down! Before that though, is your girl more of a dom or a sub? But I suppose if it's a dream, it can be any of those, really =0
My boy is a bit more submissive in "real life"
She's a dom when it comes to boys ;)

I'll take a brake. It will be done in the following week. Looking forward to see what you come up with!
Ah, perfect! I will do my part of this trade as well, can't wait to see yours, but do charge your batteries ofc =)
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The brave nazi toaster
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I did a golbat with a human butt and strange little feet and toes
It made me laugh
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I like the expression, it looks like it hit the jackpot in the National Lottery
Click Heil!
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I'm back! I drew this for our little sex crossover. Nothing "too romantic" but quite explicit. Anyway, it's just a dream... Hope you like it.

I'll check in later. Have fun painting!
U good OP? Hope you didn't find my drawing too obscene :/
Nonono, not at all! I embrace the obscene!
For real though, I was really busy with an exam which I had today, so I really couldn't bring myself to draw. I have another one this Friday, but still, I'll try to draw my part of the trade as soon as I can
By the way, I love the colours and that... spill! And once again I love that you kept him close to how I draw =)
No need to rush! I'm glad you're okay, and approve off my... erotica.

Please draw at your leisure. And good luck with the exams! I'll be lurking.
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Hey, exams are done and today I got to sketching. It's very rough but here's what I had in mind
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Aaaand here is the finished product
Dewd, lewd, Thank you!

I was crossing fingers for penetration, because... naughty. But I can't
complain, it's beautiful! Perfect bewbs btw! >>749453

I started another dream picture, hope you don't mind. It's a freebie! Pay
me back, if you feel like it!
It'll be done soon... just need a little more... color :)
Here it is! Not cannon of course, just fantasy. Larissa, eating vanilla and pistachio ice cream ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Shit, anon, you really outdid yourself with this one!
I love it, I love it! Also good combination of ice cream flavours :) Pistachio is kind of underrated
Thank you again!
Thanks man! I really enjoyed drawing your characters. Hope I did them justice!

Very happy to see you take on my girl. First time posting her. Hope we will trade art again sometime in the future.
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Gabriel from Ultrakill
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Thank you for all the trades we did! Silva is one pretty gal and I hope I get to see more of her :) Oh, and feel free to drop by my thread anytime, whether this one or the one which will follow. Take care!
Woah, kickass! Praise the Sun!
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Thanks man.
Anyways idk if logos are allowed but here's a USEC logo
If it's in any way drawn, I don't see why not! Escape from Tarkov, eh? (I looked it up)
And I was gonna post pages from my drawing book but Im not home rn, so I just post stuff from my phones gallery
Oh and btw could you draw Gabriel (your OC) shooting a pistol?
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Thanks for the drawing! Cute and sensual! I've browsed the archives and saved your juiciest pieces, also how I found your "crown girl" >>749446 Do you post your art outside of /i/? I don't want to miss out on anything.

How about a rendezvous in October, for a sexy Halloween themed art trade? If that doesn't sound fun.. just say no! My feeling wont be hurt. If you are in, I'll have something to look forward to!
Sure, I'm somewhat more frequent on /b/, I just post in this thread like it's my own site heh. Btw the crown girl is called Karen, and she has an alias "meme queen" (very cheesy, I know). Oh, and a Halloween trade sounds great!
Will do, but I just woke up so give me a few more minutes :)
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Here's something to help out your skill level

Once in a life time a collaborative work that's really cool happens, this is that collaborative work !

If you are interested in getting your oc drawn, and drawing other people's oc you should join the /ic/ oc survivor tourney! Your oc will be placed on a tropical volcanoe island and will be forced to go through trials and tribulations in this survivor like tourney! You will be drawing a comic about said trials and challenges your oc goes to, plus your oc will be provided housing! Eliminations will be voted upon by contestants, or by a set of judges. Failure to post comic means automatic elimination.
Forgot link
Nice! I'll come find you when it's spook-month. Take care now!
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Rightio! You too!
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Here's an Abrams tank that I drew.
Ohhhh, that's one cool tank!
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>>751196's enemy (acquaintance)
If they are a enemy why not shoot them ?
They're a misunderstood villain, anon
Is there lore about this character?
Not as of yet, I've come up with the characters yesterday (not Gabi and Larissa ofc)
Hey how's it going with the drawing?
Oh, I haven't got to it quite yet. You know when one day you feel invigorated to draw, and then lethargic the next? That's how it be with me
Ahaha I haven't drawn anything serious and big since I was like 9
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Nevermind actually I have this, but it's like a year old
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*insert some joke about /b/ drawthread being a dramathread instead here*
Not bad, i still don't have anything new to post :(.
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All good, there are plenty of days when I don't draw either :)
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The whole picture
(OC not mine)
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Larissa cosplaying
I want to draw Gabriel (your oc) but I don't know anything about anatomy
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It's fine, my anatomy is kinda hit or miss as well
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I drew this with a mouse on MS Paint, it's an RPG OC I played for 7 years
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Bump and some art
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This is Kakino Valdéz. Say hi to Kakino.
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Oekaki Post (Time: 23m, Replay: View)
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I am reporting from picrel, I'll keep you posted if I make more doodles
Hi Kakino, nice drip!
Get it out, get it out! (Just don't kill it)
Keep it up, everyone!!!
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Max points in coloring/shading
Zero points in line art
It's actually kind of cool the weird effect it has ngl
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What are they talking about, /i/?
yeah, making cleaner lineart would've doubled the amount of time it took lol
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Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
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Heading back home now... Well kind of
Gabriel shooting a gun when?
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When I feel like it
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I'm glad this thread is still here, saw this a couple months ago and thought it'd have died
Thank you all the users on oekaki. I've been lurking here a while because I love to see what people draw, and it's made me miss it. I did it almost every day as a young teen for some time, but one day just stopped completely. I don't think I'd ever been as dedicated to anything as I was to drawing in those six months, maybe even to this day.
Today is my first day trying it again. I decided to do a copy of Sakaki, though along the way I also did an avant-garde masterpiece
>I've been lurking here a while
>almost every day as a young teen
>young teen

I meant that I had been drawing every day as a teen. I've only been lurking /i/ and /ic/ the past couple months.
Granted I was on 4chan when I was 14 like a lot of us, which is six years ago now
Wait I only draw on my phone. I'm I allowed to post here?
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Sure, post away if you'd like! :)
Nice lil batch and checked
Thank you
I am back again because I want this to not just be OP's personal gallery
Today I did another copy and also my first real subject in years. Drew it from a reference. It looks very squashed and disproportionate, maybe I should sketch in pencil first. I will definitely be diving into a book on anatomy if I can carve out the time for it
Hope everybody is having a lovely weekend
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And I forgot the picture
Here it is
Also just noticed I've got something wrong in each one. Like in my first one sakaki is saying the wrong vowel, in this its YOTSUB& instead of YOTSUBA&
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Nice picture, and yes you should sketch before you line, it gives you space to fix any irregularities before you complete the drawing. Just make sure not to press too hard with your pencil, although I'm guilty of it myself
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Bumping as well, been slacking
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The woman gets company!
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Tachibana Arisu
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girl without a name
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Get those boobs up, anon!

Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
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I do consider it below average
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Did you say boobs? (Not the same OC nor is it mine haha)
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just started drawing so it's not even below average
It's October and I'm back! U ready for our spooky, sexy, Halloween, art trade? I'm just going to have fun this month and draw what I can, of Larissa, Gabi and Silva. Hope you are good, and still up for it. I would love to see more of your drawings, especially the juicy ones...

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Hey anon! Oh yes, this month's gonna get spooky and a little sensual :)
I have this one drawing right now, but I'm definitely doing to check out some Halloween-related ideas, and I'll get back to you!
Great! I already started a piece, dropping in soon with the finished drawing. Just draw what you feel like! and take it easy
My first thing done. Hope you like it. Nude edit coming later...
Woah, that was fast! Looking forward to the nude piece as well :)
I think I'll draw something once I have my breakfast
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OK, little warm-up doodle based on >>759710
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have this duck

Naked version.
I was trying to make these drawings less pastel, but at least no tiles this time. >>751010 >>749903
Woa I love the contrast between the two drawings! Definiteiy a neat idea to get naked when the sun sets ;)
Very nice duck anon, thank you for sharing!
Thank you. Working on something nice!

Are you gonna give Silva and Larissa some love?
Of course! Though these days I haven't been particularly active when drawing is concerned, but I'll make it happen sooner rather than later. Just thought I'd let you know :)
I've also been drawing on and off, finally finished this one! It's going to get a little spicier. You can probably take it ;) Hope you will Join later, getting kinda curious.
Still, not canon of course! Just a spooky, naughty dream...
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This is indeed a spooky and naughty dream ;)
I'm falling behind but I was able to coerce myself into drawing your pretty woman! Larissa can wait a little bit though...
Nice! Booty, a little more petite. No need to force yourself. Just have fun! I'll be back with more later...
Damn time flies! Luckily the month ain't over... Back tomorrow with some white magic, Larissa!
I wasn't asking for petite! Just saying your butts are smaller than mine :) It's cool, I like all butts!

If I had to request something, I would like to see what kind of costumes you'd dress them up with. A group picture maybe. Just an Idea, no obligation!
Here we go!
Part 2 :-I
Holy shit I'm really falling behind :/
I'm drawing something right now though, just give me a moment to post it
I think I'll specifically focus on your OC for the time being
>Nice art btw and oh my, even a little bit of what's it called (vore ig??)
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I dunno if this looks more like a naked apron or some kind of bunny girl suit. I did go for the former though aha
Sweet! Who hurt her pussy tho? ( o _< )

Butt vore maybe.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Fun stuff you'd do in a magical dream. (Don't judge plz) Back with more later. Nice seeing a new pinup of yours! Thank you!
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Ah, the pussy ain't hurt. There's a common trope in hentai for women to hide their vagina with some kind of bandage, kinda cute and definitely a bit of a tease
Also, I share some more art :)
Cute art! Wish I'd remembered the size difference. That's so nice! Hm.. guess I have to check out Digital Circus now ;p

Can't believe how fast this month went by. Ending it on a sweet note... prostate-milking, sponsored by snickers. -_-
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Thank you for all the drawings you've made, and I'm really sorry that I haven't done a whole lot on my own end :(
But I'll make sure to pay you back when I can
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have another duck
bump, got a new scanner
Oh noes, poor duck :(
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That's okay, you can't force art!
Congrats on your new scanner, hope you get your mojo back, and put it to good use.

Here's a little Christmas card :)
Why does having children preclude artistic expression? Again with the child-blaming psychic stunting lmao

Dude having a son or daughter should increase or magnify your inspiration and creative expression, whether alone or with your spouse, fool.

Don't be ashamed. Own your desires and your expressions. Don't blame your child for your lame self-censorship lmao

You femboy tranny faggot mfkrs are all ABOUT censorship while simultaneously relying on expressive and speech freedoms to even communicate your interests lol

gddmn cowards, the surveillance state has really got to you in your generation
I love it lol
It's really funny for some dumb reason lol
hahahaha the juvenile animation is hilarious
Hot, super sexy
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I'm gonna certainly try, one drawing at a time
Nice Christmas card btw! Hmm, it's a tough choice to make ngl... Merry (much belated) Christmas, and a happy new year as well :)
Bumping because OP is a cool dude
Up you go
In procreate in iPad, how do I do the whole sketch thing? like doing some base and then doing the whole thing on top?
sounds like your asking about layers, Should be a button that creates a empty layer on top of your current layer. after that you set the 2nd layer to Multiply. not sure how to apply that to procreate as I work in SAI.

I recommend a video called:How Layers Work in Procreate.
Thanks a lot, hope you have a nice week
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Stuffs better now but i cant keep the legs and arms at good lenghs
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trying new style
I like it, reminds me of some design i saw on a lot of mugs in the early 2000s
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I'm back... sort of
No u
I envy this man's charisma
>I should stay away from color
Mood desu, but nice doodles regardless!
Psychedelic artstyle, nice =)
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Dina Anatolna Ipatyeva
mmmm nice
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Nice digits!
Cute, my fav 2hu
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Thanks =)
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Haven't drawn much
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Oekaki Post (Time: 33m, Replay: View)
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Very cute! Tysm <33
Me and my boyfriend. I'm the one on the couh
bump moment
Cute thread, i will try something again tomorrow.
I've lost my way
crazy you've been drawing for this long and still haven't gotten better
Now I mean this in the best way possible, but I can smell her pussy.
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You have soul and willpower tabasanon. Have you've studied loomis yet
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Reporting! Thanks for keeping the thread somewhat alive :D
I'm sorry you feel that way, satan
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cyclop gf, how about that?
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I'm all for it!
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I like this swimsuit
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Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 4m, Replay: View)
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Oh wow! Sexo
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Fren birth :D
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Black veil bride (male, ofc)
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Draw more femboy butts
You're improving! And it's so swell to see!
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An attempt was made
Thanks! :D
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can i post here?
If you get naked :)
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Of course!
Aw he's so cute in your style! Thank you so much for drawing him :D
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Minor fuck up
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Gonna do the back side shortly
Oh my.
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I tried the back side for the first time and didn't like how it came out
The second attempt is much better, I think
I'm looking for an art trade, post your OC and you can choose any of mine
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"This here spider saved me, Dina"
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