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File: dress_condom.png (779 KB, 908x1210)
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This is a thread for deliveries for the NSFW requests submitted in /a/, /co/, /v/ and any other request centered drawthreads on other boards. In light of the increased moderation on the SFW boards, the goal of this thread is to provide a safe space for artists to post NSFW material from other threads.

Previous Thread: >>706274
thank god the OP pic isn't hideous this time
Still seething 304 days later.
I don't even remember what was before the xmas one but guessing from your reaction it probably sucked too
o yea that was awful too
depends on how often you enjoyed seeing raven's detailed puckered asshole
Aww I liked that one
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415 KB PNG
I don't think dicks are supposed to be blue
Wai nevermind it's a condom fuck
It's funnier to think that the titfuck is so tight, it's cutting off circulation.
link to ,moe?
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295 KB PNG
patchouli sketch
it wouldnt be erect if there's no blood circulation dummy
I think that's Rosalina's dress.
I'd love a dressjob from Rosalina.
It's the right color for a dressjob, and the texture near the base of the cock looks more like fabric than latex. They fucked up the up though if that was their intentions a dress wouldn't expand and fill like a condom. Cum should be oozing through the material instead
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15 KB

Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
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File: towabj.png (2.42 MB, 1875x2000)
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2.42 MB PNG
really nice work
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File: 0.png (514 KB, 1046x850)
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514 KB PNG
for: >>v/639681718
File: tegaki.png (27 KB, 640x640)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 43m, Replay: View)
that artist looks strangely familiar
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243 KB JPG
Nice, where's the rest?
Nice boobies Roll.
I tried drawing saggers from my imagination
Delivery from someone
good nuff.
Could be better tho
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215 KB JPG
For the /co/ drawthread. Mods purged me, I thought it looked fine kek.
First one is for the Kobold Anon
Milktruck Witch for /co/ req
Perfect, anon. If you ever feel like drawing more of her, maybe being disciplined, I wouldn't say no...
I think you're getting your drawthreads mixed up. Those were for the /tg/ drawthread lol
File: 354880276.jpg (187 KB, 1284x1600)
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187 KB JPG
Mods nuked my posts, I have to post lewd deliveries here and cross-link threads.

Also another delivery.
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2.43 MB PNG
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561 KB PNG
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pulley system

Oekaki Post (Time: 40m, Replay: View)
Wow, really nice job! Great to see some more VV too. Do you have a place to see your work or take commissions or anything? Think you'd do some BJ pics with the other girls?
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1.09 MB PNG
You got vacation'd over this? lmao they do it for free
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393 KB PNG
File: SnakeArcher.png (79 KB, 786x660)
79 KB
More autism

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1.58 MB JPG
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52 KB
i was drawing clyde porn as joke with friends earlier, but ended up drawing this afterwards
Wow, your art is incredible, the best I've seen on a drawthread, do you have any work published anywhere? I'd love to see
File: Gardenia.png (1.35 MB, 2500x2500)
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1.35 MB PNG

Hope this posts properly.
Isn't this by fupoo?
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Fucking hot, should be Mio's turn next.
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129 KB PNG
i love lina goddamn
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518 KB PNG
File: BestSkullgirl.png (578 KB, 1139x1730)
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578 KB PNG
Best maid for /v/
woah does this artist have a handle?
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531 KB PNG
reminds me of the pink pirate
looks male
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File: Illustration.png (1.94 MB, 3000x3000)
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1.94 MB PNG
sketch from earlier today. used reference
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144 KB PNG

Oekaki Post (Time: 5h 15m, Replay: View)
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258 KB JPG
File deleted.
uoh and inb4 deleted
hes been making covers...
what was it?
two 2hus (clownpiece and tewi) fucking an anon. you can still see it in the archive.
File: Shiorissa F 4chan size.jpg (3.57 MB, 4000x3014)
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94 KB
not even that bad but where tf are their organs
built like a fucking thumbtack
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231 KB PNG
she's a cartoon so who cares
for /v/
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324 KB JPG
for /co/
Imagine how good Rosalina's dress feels on your cock.
I'd love dressjobs from Peach and Daisy too.
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>no image
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81 KB
drew long time ago but i cant remember which board i posted it to
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242 KB JPG
love the naturalistic look of her lips
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2.25 MB PNG
I recognise this art style, did you do a lot of steampunk stuff at some point?
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For /v/
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And the far superior blushing version.
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1.46 MB PNG
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649 KB JPG
For /v/
File: 2023-11-1.png (1.08 MB, 1771x2226)
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1.08 MB PNG
Wow, that's hot
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983 KB PNG
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vt edit
Why'd Gura stuff Biboo in her butt?
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101 KB JPG
Fixed ver.
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102 KB JPG
File: EIR_BOUND.jpg (1 MB, 1200x898)
1 MB
For /v/
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915 KB PNG
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1.34 MB PNG
for /v/
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541 KB JPG
For /v/
Jeez get a razor fucking bear
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455 KB JPG
For /v/
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644 KB JPG
For /v/
Some excellent food
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485 KB JPG
For /v/
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333 KB JPG
For /a/
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382 KB PNG
vt sketching
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438 KB PNG
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1.49 MB PNG
quick christmas tree
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Very nice tho not into the cage thing

Also nice
Nice Mozzu, but did you mean to post a crop?
Yeah. I wasn't sure how much I liked of the rest of the drawing at the time, so I just posted what I felt confident in.
Here's a Color sketch, I made.
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827 KB PNG
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880 KB PNG
That's quite nice...painterly.
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1.04 MB PNG
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933 KB PNG
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477 KB PNG
vt sketching
File: Ayane Matsunaga NSFW.jpg (508 KB, 873x1200)
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508 KB JPG
for /v/
File: 2024_marine2_color.png (2.18 MB, 2400x2400)
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2.18 MB PNG
in color
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1.29 MB PNG
sweaty shuba vt
is that blanche?!
Sorry dude, I didn't saw the delivery, since I've skipped the next drawthread, I'm not an active user of /v/, so I come only sometimes.

You did a master piece, I think it's one of the best pic on Ayane, I'm very glad you did justice for her.

Just a question, are you the orginal artist from my direct request? Or are you a random artist, you saw the request and were interested anyway despite the request was for another artist?

You have my sincere thanks dude.
Glad you like it mate, Im just a random artist that saw your request.
File: nah04.png (728 KB, 1300x1300)
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may I see the other 3?
Not the other poster but give me vtmb girl request and I'll do it cause vtmb is kino
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153 KB PNG
made this last night but meh still struggling with poses and proportions
I love the color on that cock
File: cynthia06.png (1.09 MB, 1300x1560)
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1.09 MB PNG
Thank you for censoring this, anon. I wouldn't wanna see any porn around here
For v
Damn, nice work
More painting
v request
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860 KB PNG
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2.1 MB JPG
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1.91 MB PNG
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535 KB PNG
goody pippa
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46 KB
struggling with hands
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2.27 MB
2.27 MB PNG
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2.25 MB PNG
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663 KB JPG
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2.53 MB JPG
File: pale extract cum.jpg (2.76 MB, 5120x6626)
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2.76 MB JPG
My end of a deal.
For /v/.
File: pale extract nocum.jpg (2.47 MB, 5120x6626)
2.47 MB
2.47 MB JPG
Alternate version.
File: noel1.jpg (2.27 MB, 2150x3035)
2.27 MB
2.27 MB JPG
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2.33 MB
2.33 MB JPG
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2.33 MB
2.33 MB JPG
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1.08 MB PNG
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3.51 MB JPG
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996 KB PNG
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1.38 MB PNG
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1.42 MB PNG
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2.02 MB PNG
>painting to lineart
that looks like an interesting process

Less of an interesting process and more of me knowing how to digitally work efficiently, plus my machine requires i not work 15+ layers at once so i regularly collapse everything into a single layer and just kinda work over it.

im more traditionally trained in oil painting, but im slowly figuring it out.
>and more of me NOT knowing how to digitally work efficiently

meant to say that
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File: goblin by desgardes.jpg (2.7 MB, 2918x3851)
2.7 MB
2.7 MB JPG

File: dq4 HEROINE dezgardez.jpg (2.12 MB, 2628x3463)
2.12 MB
2.12 MB JPG
File: mh gal sketch part 2.jpg (1.41 MB, 3024x4032)
1.41 MB
1.41 MB JPG
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Holy based
Most Organs have been removed so she can fit Mo Dick UP HER ASS

But ye. Pic was unappealing
File: delivery.png (739 KB, 801x997)
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739 KB PNG
what a poorly drawn pussy. artist clearly gave up
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530 KB JPG
third attempt at digital. this shit be (H)ARD
made for an anon on v/ a drawtread
Well now I wanna see the original pic
puffy pussy

>monster-fucker screencap
it's obviously from /v/, just use the archive
File: Iroha booba.png (875 KB, 1660x2047)
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875 KB PNG
Hey, I wont take such slander. I'm just not that good at it.
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1.61 MB PNG
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3.43 MB PNG
Spent a lot of effort on this one, Nian with arm and back tattoos
Very nice
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561 KB PNG
I actually remember watching WarioWare gameplay videos from Fupoo many years ago before he embraced his NSFW art content career.
File: Summer Strip Seidr Nude.png (1.09 MB, 1378x1378)
1.09 MB
1.09 MB PNG
For /v/.
File: seidr.png (1.99 MB, 1697x1724)
1.99 MB
1.99 MB PNG
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697 KB PNG
Sick stuff, anon
how do you even begin to start drawing NSFW? I've tried a couple times but idk it doesn't make any sense to me.
File: tegaki.png (24 KB, 400x400)
24 KB
you draw a nekkid girl

Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)
first pen is put on canvas
File: corruptedterra2.png (1.28 MB, 1544x2626)
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1.28 MB PNG
Corrupted Terra

Really wonderful
Requesting this panel from berserk with Emperor Belos as Griffith, Amity as Casca and Luz as Guts
This isnt a request thread nigger
>deliveries for the NSFW requests
>any other request centered drawthreads

Trolls on /i/ are so fucking aggro lately.
Sorry, i thought so because theres a thread in /co/ that gives this thread for NFSW art request
Here's where the art from those threads go, If it wasn't the case it would be full of requests like those threads
File: tamamo kiara.png (2.54 MB, 1821x2580)
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2.54 MB PNG
demon and demon
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523 KB JPG
Me on the right
File: blowjobie4.gif (248 KB, 560x448)
248 KB
248 KB GIF
lets see animated gifs worked here...
some quick vt sketching
Thank you anon
File: optimal panty stocking.png (2.18 MB, 2125x3010)
2.18 MB
2.18 MB PNG
/a/ stuff
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699 KB PNG
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340 KB PNG
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373 KB PNG
have to stop and admire this.
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File: slut_05.png (73 KB, 2048x3064)
73 KB
taking requests
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58 KB
Requesting Lilithmon having her breasts squeezed from behind.
File: slut_00.png (67 KB, 2048x3072)
67 KB
might do this later
Could you do Yonah from Nier Replicant? Looking at the viewer with a cute smile, and her straps on her shoulders falling on the side to expose her breasts? (I guess like this kind of situation https://files.catbox.moe/9mc902.jpg )

Do goth girl boobs
File: slut_00.png (63 KB, 2048x3072)
63 KB

anyone in specific?
>anyone in specific?
Hex manic, but as long as its a goth girl with big boobs works for me
File: Callie (Non-Named).png (44 KB, 133x246)
44 KB
Callie, perhaps?
File: Mio the thinker.jpg (1.91 MB, 1190x1684)
1.91 MB
1.91 MB JPG

May Mio be blessed
cool hair coloring
Thanks but is just cross hatching with a 2h
pencil nothing to fancy or complicated.
I get it, but it adds this "graphic" quality that makes it cooler
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890 KB PNG
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1.4 MB PNG
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485 KB JPG
These recent ones are great
draw kkhta koishi after she raped all the male exes and horrorbrews in 1 round!
That good draw pizza tower reference, so what about round 2?
File: Hounds 4.png (1.45 MB, 1190x1684)
1.45 MB
1.45 MB PNG
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742 KB
742 KB PNG
File: Hilda.jpg (1.27 MB, 864x1080)
1.27 MB
1.27 MB JPG

delivery for v
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388 KB PNG
You took a few liberties when interpreting that character
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23 KB
got this from the blueboard midna thread (sneaky drawfag)
oh wow
it really is the same dipshit shitting up literally every drawthread
exact same pattern across all of them
Did you make these?
Tamar Bunebishvili

nude rhythmic gymnast OC from the republic of Georgia (leotards are too hard to draw!)
fixed her left leg & toe shoe and ofc whats a gymnast without her adoring fans?
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Jericho from The Seven Deadly Sins lifting her bra after being stripped to her underwear by Ban
a bit gay ngl
if he were her, he'd be a woman so it'd be straight.
whose OC is this?
i think its a vtuber BooTheRat

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