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howdy fellas, come be happy in the Happy tree thread! Draw your favorite characters or even your OC's. All things HTF are welcome.
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flaky :)
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these creatures suck
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Oekaki Post (Time: 2h 4m, Replay: View)
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You mad mens actually did it
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thinking of possible smoochies
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very cute :)
also enjoyed seeing your drawing process
Lucky is a weird mouse
anyone know why my oekaki replays aren't showing? i'm using 4chanx and i'm on firefox
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weird in that he's employee of the month for a job that he doesn't even know what it is
weird in the fact that he's never genuinely smiled before despite being a happy tree friend?
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i'm sure even lucky would smile before drinking a cup of his morning coffee
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A comic where Hefty has to eat all the hotdogs
But he steams a good hand
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douchtuber rabbit
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other pic of them, big thanks to drawanon that did both a bit ago
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no probs bro
does Douchetuber have a name?
Haven't been able to figure out one.
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Maybe Tricky or Pranky?
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dumping sketches
love this little fella
Tricky sounds the better of the two honestly. I'll definitely go with that.
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the aftermath
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Naps the narcoleptic Opossum?
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>turbine x Ruth
name a better ship
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I made this OC yesterday that's basically a ripoff Flippy but with depression instead of PTSD. I don't really have a name for him
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so has constant depressive episodes or is it whenever he's reminded of anything, he just gives up?
These thumbnail parody pics are fun.
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Credits by artist who made this drawing
This was the mlp before mlp
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requesting Petunia getting raped
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I think I want him to be called Knapsack.
So I gave him pajamas to show how sleepy he is all the time and he carries a blue blanket that he calls his nap sack
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then there's Swifty the fox
he's the batman to Splendid's superman. Working only at night, this hero pledges to keep his fellow tree friends safe, even to his own detriment. He has all the tools and gadgets of a regular hero, but none of the experience of using them correctly.
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ditzy is cute
So this is what child neglect does to a man
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I clearly don't remember shit about HTF

Oekaki Post (Time: 15m, Replay: View)
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Drew a cow for you guys, please treat her well, she's yours now <3
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100000% Forgot about the line color
I'd milk her
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time for some sub-nautical nonsense
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Oekaki Post (Time: 1m, Replay: View)
hhahahahahhahaha mother of insecurity lmao i saw what you did
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Thank you.
Kys fred
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Finally some accurate representation in HTF

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Source: >>747486)
ricky rat
despite how wholesome this, fat chance of it ever being canon
I'm betting on both of them shattering bone
Why don't you have more faith in him?
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decided to revisit this fella since I just remembered he existed
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what a bundle of joy this guy is
pretty nice pic
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Nigga that's nuts!
i like it
mole looking dopey
these used to gross me out so much as a kid. Now I laugh at rekt threads. I want my innocence back
don't know how you can stomach watching actual humans being unnatrually dismembered
Luckily, HTF is about as far as I can go with gore
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very cute
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y'all really that happy?
been meaning to check this thread again, great seeing more of tricky being drawn.
what did you think of the new episode?
Pretty fun, even if it only happened as a tie-in with a game.
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looks wonderful, thanks anon
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thanks for humoring me
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Had a friend end up drawing Tricky.
I really appreciate it.
Since everyone else's characters have been fairly well received, I might actually try and make my own instead of fixating on Nutty.
Absolutely go for it, I'm sure you can make a fun one.
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This is Grouchy. He's an elderly anteater who's mostly cranky, but has a pretty big soft spot for all the younger characters.
(I'd imagine he wouldn't survive very often if he was in an actual series.)
Ooh, pretty nice.
Give him a sweater vest
my htf oc, kinda old
he's a red panda by the way, and has some sort of psychosis
cute, like the art style
thank you anon
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Perfect place to hang out.
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let's see that skellyton
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back in my day, happy tree friends used to actually be happy!!
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messed around with part of the earlier clover friends pic. will probably try to do the rest when I got the time.
neato, looking forward
reminds me of the dog girl from that one homeless comic
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i forgot about HTF for a hot while, my first ever art that i did in 5th grade was happy friends,
i love and miss this show so much...tried to draw the beloved bear from memory so i forgot what he's wearing
that was a humor?
this all was just an elaborate joke
does he kill himself when he flips out?
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>half a year later
>thread STILL up
im thankful but also kind of horrified
im just happy seeing the oc stuff
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epic self insert
"Please break my bones."
You'd have to give Flippy some serious PTSD if you want your bones broken
you should at least be Happy about it. Now that you have a Tree Friends.
Happy new year
definitely a cutie, would cuddle
then pull out their entrails right?
nah, tricky would prank them and that cause their entrails to come out
why did Mondo shaft this franchise?
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everyone stopped caring around 2012-2013 when series 4 ended and they took the website down. didn't help that still alive sucked ass.
though considering how desperately they're trying to revive htf again i think they're using it as a last resort from going bankrupt. too bad they're doing it in the worst most money grubbing way possible
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Oekaki Post (Time: 14m, Replay: View)
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missed yah guys
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both looking great!
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I'll take requests if you like
Would be fun to see some more of the bun. >>758950
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one funny bunny with a nose that's runny
definitely a cutie, made me realize an idea I need to get with him.
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ma wife
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hurr durr
all aboard
The sea trio looking great. hopefully nothing happens on their next boat trip
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tragic backstory are for chumps
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how about a glass of milk?
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dainty with her head in the clouds
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is this real life?
pretty cute emo panda
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What's cute about him? He's a damn disgrace to HTF
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slit your wrist
the future is now old man
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Oekaki Post (Time: 36m, Replay: View)
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Young people today aren't all bad.
gah, she's so edgy she's literally cutting herself both metaphorically and literally
perhaps there is hope in the future
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The unwitting instigator of his own doom, to dumb to live, too fluffy to die without extreme force.

Oekaki Post (Time: 7m, Replay: View)
what's his name
Coily, because his fluff coils up into curls.
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oh wow, I love this gargantuan moron
>His entire gimmick is that he's literally dumber than rocks, but thanks to his fluffy, curly, shock absorbent fur he usually outlives everyone else who appears with him, before still dying anyways because Happy Tree friends.
who would he appear with often?
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Lammy, of course, with Mr. Pickles trying and failing to kill him the entire episode. He'd most likely get her killed in the process
Lumpy is an obvious one as well. Lumpy is dumb enough to risk his life to keep Coily safe, not knowing his wool is already doing that job for him
Oh hell, throw in Nutty too. two chaotic dumbasses will converge and bring upon havoc.
Ruthless, upon learning he makes for a good punching bag, will drag him around dangerous areas in order to see him miraculously survive
Tricky too, but he'd follow the pair and get it all on camera
I wonder who'd kill themselves first, Coily or Silt?
>I wonder who'd kill themselves first, Coily or Silt?
Whichever is funniest
Maybe there could be a thing where Coily's soft fur gives Silt a new will to live, only for them to immediately die afterwards, with Coily wandering off.
I hate him.
someone draw him getting run over by a bus
Very shitty
I love this thread, I need to make a HTF OC some time.
Isn't there a canon sheep HTF?
I coulda swore I remember there being one...
yep , her name is lammy or something along those lines if i remember correctly
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do anyone know/remember Virginie?
No but I like her style
Looks like Honey the cat from Sonic
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this is the artist actual rendition of the character
it really does
how would she interact with Coily?
perfect thumbnail material for Tricky.
i have no idea shes not my character , but from what i've seen shes pretty nice when she wants to
>when she wants to
that makes her sound like she’s a psycho
Well you're bound to be when in this shit hole of a happy little tree town
She wants his fur because it's so soft and warm.
trying to steal it usually gets her killed
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give flippy a bigger cock , he deserves it
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I’m sad to say my grandfather passed away this year
love how we just got our own settled upon happy clover friends club or whatever
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well, i hope he was a good man, cause you should hold him in your heart alongside the good memories you had together.
Sorry for your loss, god bless.
It’s okay, I’ll definitely remember the good times we had
She reminds me of Neena the cat who has a crush on Nutty
Now making me curious which clover friend would get with which tree friend.
It's my birthday and I'd love to see more Coily art
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happy birthday from the future
oh yeah definitely
god damnit ruth
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was going to do lineart but got lazy
>Coily gets a crush on another character.
>Spends the entire episode protecting them from death with his fluff, with multiple other characters dying thanks to the protection without Coily meaning for them to die.
>Episode ends with the other character kissing someone else and walking off holding their hand, only for both of them to get hit by a truck and gorily splattered.
>Coily looks shocked for a second until a butterfly flies past him with him chasing it in glee, happily walking over the roadkill of the characters.
Good question
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She’s on Discord
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I'm flattered
Glad you are
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Russell with a popsicle idk
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Oekaki Post (Time: 16m)

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