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For posting original art relating to anything Boardtan related, or any concept relating to them.

Here's the following Ruleset:
>If there are any Newcomers, greet them and welcome them with open arms.
>Don't impersonate others in the thread, even if they're anonymous.
>If you can't draw, that's ok. talk about your favorite Boardtans instead. (or any ocs made from 4Chan in general!
>Creating, drawing, and sharing your ideas and concepts would be fine! It helps a lot with this thread!
>Enjoy Yourselves!

Previous Thread: >>731298
Unofficial dicksword server, PLEASE keep it drama-free: gg/DH8gZMcYRR
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>Rere-post. sorry.
very nice, I like how /vr/-tan looks in this!
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keksandra genderbend eheh
your keksandras are so incredibly cute
What should his name be?
Maybe even Alkeks?
Alkeks sounds very nice
Why not just "Keksander" for short?
So it's not really oekaki or mere discussion, but what do you guys think about this parody song around /mlp/-tan?
So, think about this:
Futa board-tan cock chart.
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people should do more art of /v/ with this design desu
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/new/'s design is so kyauut.. I remember the fanarts they did of him back in 2012 (nostalgia boner)
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Truly glorious creatures perfect for the Reich!
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he looks really handsome
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Conrad tries to scare newman
Drawing for a thread, brb hopefully when I get done with classwork
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the head is huge sorry I've already fixed thid...
have any of you tried creating boardtans with AI?
Pretty sure that doesn't count as things you could post on /i/.
But maybe tell u, have you tried doing it?
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ffs furfags are now invading here too
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I blame fnf
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/v/nuuybros we just can't stop winning
is this fagspeak
if you're gonna be a furry here, draw more furry /jp/
Can someone please draw /MLP/-tan and /POL/-tan holding hands? I wish I could but I can't draw
So /v/-tan officially was Millennials (Gen Y)?
also /v/-tan has been completely changed and later A.I generated
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lole I think it didn't post:((( I wanted 2 draw a grimller this time because lots of /a/ (last drawing was ugly desu:O not using that style anymoar)
needs bulge lole
So where old design?
fuck off furfag
I drew some 4chan halloween art, some of them aren't board-tan but I still wanna share them
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arigato gozaimasu.
ahh.. forgot to change filename... (´;ω;`)
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i made /a/-tan in photoshop how do you think?
[s4s] goes as a sasquatch or Sasha Grey and /bant/ goes as an antelope
>[s4s] goes as /jp/
>/jp/ goes as /bant/
>/bant/ goes as /c/
>/c/ goes as [s4s]
>"We should've talked about this."
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Oh no! It's the average /v/poster!
>vain venture of vetoed vidya
/jp/ needs more love ;_;
Not from /v/ but from girls her age
I like your interpretation of /a/, it's cute :]
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I loved that idea too much I had to draw it.
I'll see if I can draw >>761382 before halloween starts
/bant/ and /c/ actually pull off their new looks
Now I'm kind of curious how every other rotation looks
>>761355 here :D
chigaimasu!!!! I didmt made the /a/ edit actually!!!!i only made the drawimg ^_^~~~ but thanks you!!!! Lele
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last /a/ i made. repost from the last thread .... i drew a lot of giapponese mims so I'll draw something more serious later!!!
Oh I thought you two were the same anon! Still I like your drawings bery much c:
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more halloween art
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it posted wrong... ""little bit""' suggestive..i drew a girl lal :D happy hall of weeenie ayhh
thank you very much I'm glad people(you) like my art!!!! I'll still post in here since I don't like social media 2 much (I don't use my social media since the last month lal :D) I like being anonymous!! its fun!!
It's not a drawing, but I hope this thread will like it all the same:
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/jp/-tan on beach! (Idk if I can post redraws but here it is)
she's been eating too many topkeks
Board-tan skits in RG33/SolidJJ style
Who would make them?
Who would voice them even and upload them somewhere?
Who knows?
I wrote this though https://pastebin.com/rZtrFZZa
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Suck my froggie cock you cheap /co/ whore
kill yourself milo the nigger
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This is Milo the frog
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This is Negus the frog
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So yeah suck and give my froggie cock an exquisite handjob you /co/ whore
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Slurp slurp slurp
Alright, let's move on to something else.
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Alright let's draw pictures,
Of dead /co/ children
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More like /jp/iss
pig disgusting
What does that mean?
I think it says: "ATOGAKI"
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Committing war crimes on frogmas
Ah, right! I guess my katakana reading has gotten rusty. The word itself seems to mean "afterword"?
Context is lost on me, alas.
This neo-/v/?
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Is there a difference?
There are no changes if you alter the /v/irgin
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/pol/ and /co/
The word is mean "epilogue".
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>Is there a difference?
Yes, Neo-/v/ it's like a villain clone /v/ cancer evil but it's reddit (look image)
it's a little different maybe it is modern today something worse
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Also 8chán / 8kum it is different as the same 4chan clone /v/
it's a parody policy GamerGate and another is Vivian james (original was first 4chan to a new character called Vivian james is female)
this makes no sense
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I wish for a board-tan manga
So that's what it was a reference to!
This could be a good thread to start one in, but we need a dedicated team of writefags and drawfags (in the anime style of art, most likely), and a place to archive/publish them.
We also need the motivation from anons to do this as well.

Heres a actually good discord were we have skilled people and a actaully decent community

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Is Vivian james a sister or a friend to /v/?
Just curious
Adopted daughter.
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Oekaki Post (Time: 8m, Replay: View)
>Eyes censored
seriously, i edit full color
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I will call this piece

Bant civil plap war
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Counterpost with cute art
Is there an alternative to the shimmie site yet? The original is dead and the booru project is closed.
aw why can't we have more like this?
Probably because they’re non-toxic, something that 4chan is highly adverse to.
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old etc nsfw etc not good etc
Yo Theo, heads up I haven't been back on discord for like a week or two.

I forgot exactly how long but I've been working 13 hr shifts.
here's that board-tan archive dropbox
Thank you, anon! This has been such a lovely gift to the thread.
Merry Christmas anon.
The second page is coming along fine
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Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
Doesn’t it make more sense that /jp/ gives [s4s] the bad news and she replies “Aw fug :(“
it does but as always people don't know anything about the board they're drawing
This is what having a wiki is for, like the /co/nservatory or the Board-tan pages on 1d4chan.
Unfortunately nothing of the sort sufficiently exists.
not the case, the drawing is based off a twittershit redraw challenge, this also wouldn't make sense
so it's shit eitherway kek
thats personal (:
your saying that it's either a shitty twitter meme drawing or one that captures the characters incorrectly so i just said it's shit eitherway by that logic ,where is the personal stuff in any of this?
my bad, i was reading that autistically and thought you were talking about the art style being shit. blame my bad english skills for that.
oh no the art style aint bad but i cant help but feel that i saw similar shit to it many times before
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.poka poka.not tegaki.poka poka.
haha the lineart on this is straight up crap but i just felt like posting something lol i dont even make art for this now
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Pol and baby

He has ascended to racist fatherhood.

Gotta keep the kids away from the wokes yknow
Nice dubs.
/pol/ confirmed for ideal father for this Kali Yuga zeitgeist.
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I will be drawing more of him and the kid interacting with the other board tans. Dunno if other tans should be aged up or something.

Aight, gotta get ready for work now
>Dunno if other tans should be aged up or something.
I'd like to see child tans aged up. Could add to their "lore"

I'm always under the impression that board tans are some sort of magic beings, or the backstory isn't strict with with what's canon as long as it makes sense for that board

/pol/ tan is just one of those boards that can interact with his userbase on a personal level, but he can also choose to grow old with them while remaining the same personality-wise.

He is definitely not human though. I don't think any board tans can consider themselves human, although I don't wanna spoil things
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I drew /co/
Who are his friends in the picture?
A bunch of /co/ OCs: /co/lette, Nicky Two-Vests, Nigga Three Hoods, Manny Quinn and Jetpack Viking.
All of them (except NTH) are on the /co/nservatory wiki.
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Epic anuran drive by
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Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
Now that right there is a reaction image material.
Old art
Is /pol/ calling someone else a chud?
Or is he just being called a chud by the speech bubble?
For /i/rene I've seen several versions of her. Cute anime grill and crude doodle. My headcanon is the crude doodle is her self portrait and she needs more love
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pic related because I forgot to attached like a retard
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/v/ is rage
I accept this
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Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)
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not exactly board-tan but !!!!
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i dunno who i saw draw /f/ like this the first time but i really liked the design
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this is great, i love how you drew her
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So what caused the boardtans to suddenly turn into anthro catpeople?
Because of /b/ and Caturday
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Speaking of /b/ and catboys
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Yjk someone's probably fapping to this as we speak.
[spoiler]Though I must admit, /pol/ does look cute as a catboy...[/spoiler]
Any new board-tan arts drawn lately?
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Wings on /pol/
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I think he should start talking to his son again.
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here’s some kids.

/litint/‘s daughter, Vivian, /mlpol/, and newfag
Oops, forgot to bump.

Been working on stuff
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I forget to update sometimes
A team of a new generation of tans would be so cool, like the original tans passing the torch to their successors
>A team of a new generation of tans
As fun as that would be, the nature of how boards work on 4chan wouldn't really make it very realistic.
Adventures of /jp/ and [s4s] in Gensokyo!
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Been away for a bit. Here’s a wip of a dys meme
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Nigger who made the discord /runs the thread banned me on the discord because i told my mind and made art. No wonder this thread is dead.
We're not on an autosage, are we?
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been a while since i drew this baldheaded freak and i forgot how to draw his eyebrows so if they look fucked apologies
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Keksandra with drawers
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/biz/ tan
Did you know the person who made the discord helped, rped, and supported a known 15 year old menance? I asked him about it on his discord and invited a friend to help look into hia retarded shit, and he banned us. Will post screenshots
damn thats crazy
god i hate discordfags
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I tend not to come out in these type of situation, however since i am techincally a victim in this situation i will say a bit about my exprience with daxx on discord. I did have odd sexting with daxx on dms(it was very mild) that i got pressured into, it was mostly gay stuff and frotting Another thing that happened was him pressuring me to make a comic for him, which he breathed down my neck and used his age + sexting to hold over my head. I ended up blocking him and ignored him for a long time(plus i didn't wanna be reminded of any of this), however since this info came out i decided to speak about my side. I don't have much evidence since i deleted the account i did the erp with him on, and i know that i'm not a trusted narrator since im habitual liar and cause drama for attention, but please believe me this once.

Im gonna go back on break as well, and i'm not comfy with talking about this as well.
>find out about board-tan discord
>join it
>pop in occasionally to chat
>mostly just silly shitposts
>check thread, new posts
>maybe some neat new art
>server owner is a groomer
I shouldve known no matter what discord server you’re on there’s a groomer running things
Man I just want a comfy board tan community
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Random Drawing of /v/-tan
It gets worse lmfao

Scummy behavior
The funniest/worse part is he knows what he did was wrong, but he wants to deflect and make it seem like it was a minor mistake.
>doesn't actually post proof of anything he says
Damn bro you suck at trolling did you get your diploma from mommy
He did anon it got deleted by jannies, check archive.moe
I already saw it and it proved literally nothing lol
>Underage FNF tourists
>Discord drama
Shit writes itself.
>discord server owner grooming mentally ill kid
Like poetry
Can we stop the eceleb jerking and just draw the boardtans?
Crazy how he hasn’t posted proof of the allegations he’s making
>but it was deleted
I saw the pictures and it still didn’t match anything he’s alleging. Besides, it’s the same guy who goes around looking for Discord servers on 4chan just to post random allegations. Obviously has a vendetta against Discord so let’s ignore him.
>pictures show daxx asking a 15 year old if he has means of transport
>they also show him asking if he can draw anthro
>asks him to rp in dms
Your making it seem like he is lying about every little thing, there was clearly something odd going between the two. That and it's suspicous that a 15 year old was on a discord server for a 18+ website.

Either you are being dishonest to protect a predator, or you are mentally retarded.
As for the allegations there is two sets of them, i believe in the first set since he showed evidence of what he was saying. Fred's allegations, not so much, he has a record for lying about people for personal gain.
>ahurrdurrrrr all roleplay is inherently sexual
Yeah that sounds like you've got skeletons in your closet
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What is that flag
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MT <33
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i love draw /v/-Tan Board-tan lololo
Monsterfucker flag
I miss koreanon
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Viol and his sisters
>his sisters
He has more than one?
You know, besides his twin sister?
Vanile, /jp/ and vivian james
They are all children of /v/

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