neigh irma dough heir owen thong
Ended up deleting this one.
Barbarian raccoon
also been trying dall-e 3 lately.
>>763480What a handsome lad
didn’t sleep well last night
Requisite reminder that i am not a furry.
>>766088I ended up giving up on this one.
They hated this one on /ic/.
My 5th time trying to ink this one.
15 hours
I got frustrated and gave up on this one. Just never felt satisfied with her face.
>>767436looks pretty good anon
I never opened this thread because I thought it was spam but your stuff is cool
>>768417>>768419Thanks. Yeah, I probably screwed up by giving this thread such a nonsense OP. It seemed funny to me at the time.
Weekly reminder that I am not a furry.
gonna have to tackle that background.
calling it done. I feel like i got lazy on the background.
Been drawing the raccoon girl too much lately.
>>762749What's this about Miles wearing a thong?
I don’t know it’s a like in the movie maybe
>>769949Here’s the finished version.
Latest wip.
Latest AI gen.
I need to stop getting frustrated and deleting all my work in progress.
Oekaki Post (Time: 8m, Source: >>762749)
>>773830long ass penis if he's supposed to jerking himself off here
Lol. There’s more discussion about a silly edit of the OP image than about the artist’s shitty scribbles. Somebody should mercy kill this thread.
>>774443OPs finished works arent too bad their anthropomorphic stuff just looks like wannabe dreamworks
>>774443not my cup of tea either but regardless at least the artist is creating and improving. if something needs a bunch of guys talking about it to be valuable then your mom's pussy must be gold
>>778206>>778429OP, who are your drawing inspirations? Your style seems so familiar yet foreign.
>>77843180’s/90’s Disney (especially Glen Keane and Don Bluth, but he wasn’t Disney at that point) 90’s American Comics (J. Scott Campbell and Todd McFarlane).
>>778681This is gorgeous
>>778681weird fetish shit but damn thats good shading.
>>779259Thanks. >>779266Yeah. I need to stop making the light source the monster’s mouth, though (I’ve done it in other pieces of mine). That don’t make no sense!
>>779778Quickly approaching the point where I just want to break the god damn ipad.
>>780157I just realized the way the swords are striking makes no god damn sense. But ficing it would require me to redraw WAY too much. Should I just abandon the piece?
And finished. 21 hours on this one.
>>7811532nd attempt
Just a boy and his pet raccoon.
Fucking six hours in
>>786513I ended up deleting this one. It as getting too frustrating to fix. >>786832I’m just sketching on top of sketches at this point. WTF, man?
>>787180>I’m just sketching on top of sketches at this point. WTF, manThat’s a common thing to do. What’s your usual process?
>>788431I thought you were supposed to sketch once and then ink. And that sketch was supposed to be so clean and definite it may as well be an ink job, anyway.
words can't describe how much I love the way you draw, and how much I hate the way you paint
>>788442Nah, it’s mostly whatever works for you in that moment. If you like the sketch more than the line art, you could always use the soft eraser, clean it up the sketch a bit, and color that. You can make as my roughs as you want and line that way. There’s no real way to do it desu. Just do what looks better to you.
>>788447I know this ain’t /ic/ but if you can say your problem with my painting, I’d appreciate some constructive criticism.
>>788450Yeah. I’ve been doing things differently for the past couple of months. Trying to discover a workflow which doesn’t result in my deleting all my wips.
>>788452a lot of your color choices don't cohere with each other. Your values could be more grouped to help the images read better, avoiding using straight black when painting is also a good heuristic. some of your application of highlights appear muddy and kind of random. The edges and shapes of shadows are fairly loose in a bad way, they look indecisive as opposed to being loose to retain the energy of a pose or composition. A lot of the materials are handled the same way, like metal, skin or cloth. looking into value grouping, edge control, color harmonies, and rendering materials would probably help.
10 hours
>>78874511 hours. I think it’s finished, now.
12.5 hours.
I’m really happy with the expressions and gesture here. I drew the raccoon girl a little more cartoony than usual. I don’t think I ever succeeded in making her sexy. Maybe I should shoot more for goofy/fun instead.