You know the drill, anonI love drawing the same things and the same few characters over and over. I love drawing cute + lewd things & couple picturesPrevious threads:1 - - - - Post (Time: 53m, Replay: View)
Stardew Valley doodles I didn't post last threadThis one comes with a speedpaint, even
>>768093Little thing
>>768094Love this dude
>>768095I really love Leo he's so cute. Hair is a nightmare and a half to draw though
I also watched the Scott Pilgrim show with my sister and it unlocked a mental illness in my brain for the series like never before so you're gonna see it a lot for a bit
>>768098He has not felt the touch of a woman in over 10 years I can fix him
>>768100This blew up on Twitter and I got really scared
>>768101Buff men are so hard to draw I'm never drawing Lucas again
>>768102I'm never forgiving them for writing my queen Lynette out of the show in favor of fujo faggot shit she deserved better
>>768103Half of an art trade with my friend
>>768104Fujos overshadowing Gideon x Julie should kill themselves this is literally the best canon ship
>>768105Main OC ref. This is actually repurposed from one of the first characters I've ever made in my life when I was like 9
>>768106I don't know how to explain this image but Neil mindbroke me and he's trying to weasel his way into being my fav after my brain gave me 2 terrible dreamsAnd I'm scared that whatever he's doing is working
>>768107Also I really like the idea of him wearing the most vulgar fucking shirts and being incredibly oblivious why everyone is staring at him weird
>>768108I should do more of these
>>768109His canon yellow fever made me cave into my autism really hard. This bitch actually comes from one of the 2 dreams I had but I made her an actual character instead of just a question mark-faced femanon
>>768110Friends.. She's helping her...
Wanted an excuse to draw Locket and I don't like how this turned out but I didn't wanna trash it so I forced myself to finish it lol
I like seeing that you've clearly improved but kept your style. Good stuff Monanon.Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 2m, Replay: View)
>>768109This stuff is all MS Paint right? How did you get the natural pencil fill in- I know you can do it with a shape tool but i don't get what you're doing. Cool stuff.
>>768138Thank you Listener! You've improved a lot yourself, that's a great figure. My work's been wildly inconsistent since October because I've had to take long breaks due to uni and I've went several weeks without drawing which rusted me up a little but I'm slowly getting back into it>>768157Yeah, almost everything ITT is MS Paint so far, I use the polygon tool and trace along the outlines to fill them in, here's a picture example and this >>768093 post has a little speedpaint attached to it so you can see the process
>>768111Kim... Kimmy.....
>>768093No best girl Emily? :( Post (Time: 21m, Replay: View)
>>768190Roxie !!!!!!!..>>768197Oh thank you for suggesting, I really like her. I did draw Haley last thread so it's only fair I draw Emily too. I'll do it tomorrow >>768214Cool draw and cool song! Very chill
>>768112The weed dream mindbroke me foreverHe's such a retard I love him..
>>768333Panel 2
>>768289Another Roxie...Repost because this one has a speedpaint I forgot to include;
>>768471God Roxie is so cute!
>>768106made for rape.just a warning scetic squad is on patrol for doxxing targets and ren has nominated you as a target.
>>768106She is very cute and she shall get drawn
>>768473True.. The show really brought out the cuteness in female SPVTW designs>>768505Thank you anon I'm glad you enjoy her>>768334Watched a friend play the Scott Pilgrim game on stream and decided to make a Tae-han sprite. Style's easy and fun to mimic
>>768511Made a small comparison thing too since the difference between the show's style and the comic one is really funny to me for some reason
>>768585sex with neil
>>768593So true
>>768092>the last thread started 2 years agoWow. Did the Biene picture ever get drawn?
>>768135Femboy or flat? Cute either way.
>>768739She's flat, she was drawn a lot in the last thread and you can see more of her there
>>768719Code Vein anon with the blue hair girl? It did, I have to dig somewhere in my PC but I was thinking of drawing her again recently lol, seems like I summoned you telepathically >>768739>>768744Locket is female, yeah. I don't have any male hair demons except Fork. She's just the flattest and tallest one I have so far. Here's an old doodle I was considering redrawing because she got a bigass head here
>>768701Had a fun realization yesterday
>>768981This is truly my magnum opus
>>768104>>768982Did another trade with Mel she's so real for that. Here's my half
>>768980Yep that's me and my Biene. Right down tot he hearts and stars in her eyes.
Howdy Monaanon! I hope your doing alright pal!:-)
theodore owns puke. he fucks her all the time.
Requesting an anime style male age 30 with short brown hair, brown eyes and wearing glasses dressed up in a homemade robot costume with silver paint, silver painted hands, silver painted boots, control panel and buttons on his chest piece, and a groin piece standing in a full body draw smiling. Keep it SFW
>>770817this isn't a request thread
>>770817>giving an artist an ai prompt
>>770832>>770841It said Drawthread, I thought it was one of those.
>>770848just because it’s a drawthread doesn’t mean op does requests, they draw. requests are only done if op asks for them.
Page 9? Damn
how does this make you feel opOekaki Post (Time: 15s, Replay: View)
>>769247Shushu.. This is so cute>>770370>>773368Don't worry, I frequently leave thread dead for a bit but I've been busy with exams and a wiki so I haven't drawn that much>>770817I may give part of this a shot someday, but I can't draw full bodies so you'll probably just get a bust or half-body>>770832>>770852I don't mind requests but I'm more likely to do them if it's something I like>>773369I grew out of my stickman phase a bit but I will still admit this is attractive thank u for ur contribution
>>768096Sister got me into Gundam and I really like Kai
>>773468But I also can't get this out of my head
>>768983Finally know what to do with the first Scott Pilgrim OC I made. Didn't like her so I tossed her side but I have some ideas now
>>773471These two were so cute I feel so bad I had to break them up but it was for character development I promise
>>773472Lucas Wilson smoking cigarette with two oranges one of them moldy
>>773473I wonder when I'll stop torturing myself with MS Paint for some of theseProbably never idk
>>773474Drew this for sise's bday in late January as well since she likes the Straight Wallace stunt double
>>773475And a sprite of current Rosemary in the Scott game art style
>>768980Thing of me and emo weed man's OCs I wanted to draw for a while
>>773478Also massively obsessed with BokuRiyu again out of nowhere so prepare for me never shutting the fuck up about it for a while here's roach Saotome
>>773478Kinda throwaway OC that I probably won't use that much
>>773480Short shitpost comic of her and someone else's OC
>>773929She's far from my fav BokuRiyu girl idk why I felt like drawing her I just think she's cute
>>773480>Nobody Suspects a ThingHoly shit Octodad
>>773949No way....>>773930I love Yashiro I need to stop bullying him but it's funny
>>774425Keigo canonically being into milfs is so based I should do something with that..
>>770370Dunno if this post was you but I'm posting the Geanna draw here too just in case
>>774434The Agates for Mari too.. Love Agate
>>774435Love Greygate too...
>>774426Kine is so cute I need to draw this retard more. He really has that 'ugly-cute' charm to him in my eyes
>>774434 yes that post was by me! She looks amazinggg thank you!!!! :-D :-) :- ) :- )
>>774506Glad you liked her!! She is so fun to draw>>774518Quamby.. This is so cute thank u Mari!Is that Davy on the bottom? You draw him so adorable omg
>>774525For anon who drew my obscure beloved emo twink..
>>774525Yes! I actually forgot what he looked like so I just drew from memory
>>774567Dw it's good!! You made him so sex I wish emo boys were real....>>774541I hope the person I drew this for sees it because I am not going back in that shitpit. Elffag save me Elffag...
>>774541One more for the road since he drew me another thing. Miyao fans (all two of us) we are FEASTING..
I was saving this for X, but I'll post it here too since I've been sitting on it for a bit.
>>775111Really good, pretty nice angle. You're improving
>>775124that's not op it's the anon from the rkgk thread
>>775111is the blue lady single
>>775111I lovveeee thissss :-) :-)
Looking good!
>>775111Omg this is lovely!! I love how u draw Agate so much.. Very cool Quam too thank u for drawing herSpeaking of, did 1 out of 3 hell general requests
>>775161That is a question for Mari lol, not me lol.>>775217>>775272Danke, Anons!>>775388NO! NOT QUAM'S WASHBOARD ASS! This looks awesome. I can't wait to see the other two.Thank you, Sivu, I'm glad you like it c: They are both super cute/fun characters and I am still trying to figure out how I want to stylize them.
Drew a quick Quam>>775111Really good pic sp4g! I love the way you drew Agate here...her and Quam are a very nice duo! I'll try to draw one of your ocs sometime soon! >>775161No
>>775408OMG MY WIFE.... I miss my wife amenThank you!! I finished them but I'm doing one more because I liked another idea lolYou do great with stylising both, I really like what you do with Quam's hair and her eyes>>775450Mari quamg... She's so Animal Crossing shaped>>7753882/4
>>7755474/4This one was too good of an idea to pass up, even though I was planning on drawing these 2 only once
>>768190kimmy... my beloved...
>>775599I miss him like no one would ever believe>>775606Kimby... Kim Pinr..
>>775897And Quang..
>>775450Cute Quamu and your shading is really nice!! I'm glad you like Agate! I can never get enough of drawing her desu. I just don't want to drown you doodles lol. I would absolutely love that, but take your time. I know we're all busy. I still have to make actual refs for them.>>775546>>775547>>775599>>775611Cute CUTE! I also meant to ask, what's up with Provoker? A one-off thing? It's still fun to see Quam's personality shine through :) I still have to draw the other versions of Steph/Lia>>775897>>775898>>775900H-hotties (´艸`)
>>775901Omg Princess and Ronnie... Puts them in my mouht and eates them..... This is so cute thank u I need to draw Ronnie too love her>I also meant to ask, what's up with Provoker?I have genuinely no clue how they started getting pushed together lol I was just as confused when I saw the posts, some anon on main started it I think?? Or trash idk, I don't check main ever so I have no idea which it was. But I was requested those pics and I wanted to draw a new character so I drew them anyway and apparently accidentally fed shitposters but ah well lol. Don't really care I'm just there to doodle at this pointI kinda like the dynamic of him teasing/bullying her but I don't think Quam will ever have an 'official' ship, just stuff for fun. Even the Davy pair is for fun mostly (and because I'm insane)>I still have to draw the other versions of Steph/LiaI love my wife bros.. All 4 of her
>>775599oh hey i asked for the chair one thanks again>>775901hello Spagwould you draw Provoker x Quam or Scrapper x Lu-c someday too you drew Michiko x Scrapper and Cass x Otis before so i assume you're into crack ships
He's such a cutie omg. I need to fumo-ize him.>>775902They are so tabesty nom nom (´ρ`). Ahh, okay, now I understand the pair. It was probably main, that's where the CassxOtis started too. Honestly, all I can see is Quam alone. It is a fun looking dynamic though, I might have to draw them (I am absolutely rubbing my hands nefariously). Lmao shitposters will latch onto literally anything. You honest to god have the right idea of just drawing what you want. >Even the Davy pair is for fun mostly (and because I'm insane)Is it really insane though if it's fun? I think not (probably but who isn't a bit insane lol).>>775905( ・ω・)ノ CiaoCiao, Anon! You may get a ProvokerxQuam (no idea where I'll upload it though, prob X). Also, I've been trying to plan something for Lu-c for a bit. I'm just trying to get drawing her down, so she's just a bunch of roughs. Pale's OCs are so fun, but I can never get them quite right.
>>775950Is that the druggie girl from the Nekofreak mod?
>>775950oh awesome, glad you'll give it a goyou can post it here or use catbox, Xitter really fucks file quality and makes up weird ass formats like png_large/jpg_large also nice, excited to see some Lu-c too she's been growing on me>>775955yeah they all had names ending in -ia
don't you have a comm you should do? I swear I saw someone complain about ordering a comm more than a year ago and never getting it
>>775005Shout out to goth bitches>>775981I know what you are. Go back to your shitpit I cut contact with that person long ago and I'm planning to give them their money back because I don't want to associate with them, 5 bucks is nothing anyhow
>>775905Oh you're welcome it was fun to draw. Pose was a bit tricky>>775950>I need to fumo-ize him.Who...Also lol of course it was main. I keep hearing stuff from there and seeing characters flood over that I've never seen before. Keep hearing bad things though so I avoid peeking. You get me.. Quam is pretty much a lonewolf even if she did manage to get into a canon relationship it won't really last as she's always on the run and won't have time for her partner. But doing silly non-canon stuff is entertaining>Lmao shitposters will latch onto literally anythingREAL.. It gets so tiring so fast I just post there to make ppl mad now lolCute Mia...>>775955Yes that's Mia!>>776002Friend's OC. Don't draw furry often but this is a really cool character
>>776002sheesh, what happened ?
>>776003Clover is cuute..
>>776002Goth bitches, the superior bitch>>776003>Who...Gruntboy (I think???) I wasn't around for that era, but I have seen his design from time to time.>>776059A wild Clove!
>>776072OMG.. Omg I love him... This is the inside of my brain for real. I'm still so mad he got ran off he was the one reason I stayed there in 2022 and the only reason I'm still there is from hope he comes back one day. Gruntboy... Save me Gruntboy....Clover is so cute.. I'm surprised I hadn't drawn her before this
>>775897this character is growing on me >>776002goth may best may
>>776386Her breasts are quite decently sized(double d at most) actually >>775901Very cute!Pyook doodle
>>776461Ah Puke. Always cute.
>>774425>I need to stop bullying himI lied.. I need to bully him more actuallyBear Yashiro save me bear Yashiro... (he would tell me to kill myself>>776339>>776386Super cute Agates!!>>776461Omg.. She is eatening....
>>777078Back to my regularly scheduled BokuRiyu brainrot I finally made a sorta ref for my OCs (minus one I made yesterday) and it's rushed as fuck but I couldn't be bothered to do clean lineart or I would've shat myself and died
>>777217Doll edit
>>777218Also did some autistic chibisTomboy
>>777221Very sloppy concept art of this bitch from a few days agoI didn't like the extra circles in the sweater pattern and the beads in the hair so I didn't keep them
>>777220omg female cartman
>>777222Ok she has a dogshit scribble ref like the other 2 now thank God>>777255Wtf.... She's too nice to be Cartman...
puke you should draw more buntroon gore hes being a faggot again
>>776059Trade I had a lot of fun drawingMonke....
>>778234Another trade with different anonShout out to all yumes
>>776133Levi my beloved.. I'm sorry I made a deranged German woman molest you (I'm not actually
Excuse me anon. I'd like to trade with you
>>778290I'd love to do one, what's on your mind anon?
>>778295Shinoko Todo:17 years old - Defensive - Mature - Tough-talkingShe has an adult personality and acts rationally most of the time. However, she has a sharp tongue and likes to be defensive of herself or those closest to her.She strongly hates anyone who behaves badly or rudely, especially Nimiko and SakuraShe has a hidden hatred for Sato's position, as she should have been the corporal but did not succeed in obtaining the positionShe has a good personality with a few of her classmates due to her sharp nature, but the dearest in her heart is Ichiko, who treats her kindly and defends her most of the time.Now post yours
>>778303Not OP but I like the three language logo
hope im not misremembering, but happy birthday OP
>>778877Really? Well happy birthday from me too.
>>778877Her birthday is tomorrow, but it might be the 3rd in her timezone already
>>768092HBD, OP!
>>768092Happy birthday pukie
>>776059Pukie can you draw her again
Just wanted to say hello, hope your doing alright :-)
>>780030Kill yourself, Ryann
greetings faggot hope you are doing well :)
Buenos días GoonClown, hope you're doing medium
>>780105I dunno who that is
>>780105Suck my dick :-)
have a quick bump
bump for vomit
>>781461She’s so cute
6 me
Collect all 5
>>778303Sorry anon I've been to other boards requestfagging and focusing on some uni stuff. Had the WIP for this stuck in my gallery for agesYour OC's super cute, I've seen the other ones around too are you making a game?>Now post yoursPick any character that speaks to you from here, I'd love to see a pixel sprite of 1 of them: https://catbox. moe/c/18ek6o>>778877>>778881>>778882>>778940>>778943>>779001Very very late thank you <33>>779002One day I may
>>779977>>781461>>786423Cute draws thank u Mari and Spag <3 !!>>786843Omg you..... You....I will do it.. He shall be summoned... Do you want me to do it here or in the other place, I was so confused ab the cards because I didn't see this post until nowI need to show u my figure..
I'm goirng to post more later, haven't drawn that much these months except for MS Paint shitposts and self-indulgent garbage but I have to catch up a bitI also made a strawpage a while ago if anyone wants to send me an anonymous draw or somethig else. It's bland but maybe I'll update it one day
>>786843Omg thank u..I couldn't swap screentone ver so here it is here lol
>>787026MS Paint Pukes, variedI love drawing the same shit over and over I wanna draw the same shit over and over forever
>>787071I also did this after because that retarded cat image with the same caption is incredible literally me
>>787072I still really love doing irl photo edits/draw-ons..Did this one time I had shrimp maki rolls
Back to BokuRiyu brainrot>>777900I need this fat fuck raped by a woman STAT !!!!
>>787194Love this animals...
>>787196I really fucked up Tomoka here but ignore her this ain't about her look at the cute Miyao instead
>>787197Yeah, [2]
>>787198Bitches INSANE !!!!!!
>>787199Lol I don't think I can even post the full of this here
>>787200Yeah, [3]
>>787201Bebe Minori :)
>>787202More bebe,Minori :)
>>787204Damn I drew this little shit a lot
>>787205Big Minori time
>>787206Back to bebe....
>>787207If you don't want to watch your dumb tomboy gf eat bugs for you what's the point...
>>787208Minori/Kine is technically the canon ship but before she got with Kine she used to want Yashiro's fat ass so bad (naturally, he told her to kill herself and dieI still really like the one-sided dynamic though
>>787209I also realized that out of all my OCs Minori is literally the only one that can logically make the stupid fucking retarded face I keep drawing all the time on all my OCs because she has that bigass upper lip
>>787212Real and canon..
>>787215This one's really self-indulgent and embarrassing but I'm planning to go deeper.. I've done such terrible things to Yashiro on I have to draw some of them
>>787217The [thinly-veiled self-insert]
>>787218Yagi my beloved I,love Yagi :)
>>787219My friend Genta's OC as a BokuRiyu dollThink this might be the last post of my spam for now
>>787220Actually I lied lol, drew my friend Mel as a doll too
>>773468>>773469based taste, Kai is cool
>>778248Draw for an anon>>787597SO TRUE he's my favorite from the OG Gundam he's awful and he fucking sucks (affectionate
Oekaki Post (Time: 13m, Replay: View)
>>787618Omg Kazumi.. He's so cute thank you anon, he's very difficult to get art of due to how unconventional compared to some of the other characters he is lolAnything you'd like back?
Check gallery
>>787621Sir Mobbington Kageyama...>>787614Trade with anon>>787854Omg.. If this was about gacha Puke she's gorgeous... I'm planning to get her printed and framed (if it was about something else I'm retarded sorry
>>788032Another, can't post fullI hadn't heard of NUcarnival before this, but this char was fun to draw
>>788034Drew >>787578's OC as well
>>788034>can't post fullwhy? you can just catbox
Pervert bump
holy shit what happened to the images? almost every other thread here had its images poofed, this one barely has anything left
Mean and green!
>>794910im assuming it's due to the accidental board wipes we had recently
Cool art style!
I’m drawing a fattie. Please do not die.
>>799614fat fuck monday let's go
>>799843>>799668fat fuck wednesday it is
>>799849WE BALL
>>802340>i have no mouthAnd I must blow
Does this turn you on babyOekaki Post (Time: 7s, Replay: View)
>>803432Omg Quamu <3