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Well it's an Olympic year, the Superb Owl is on soon. Sports are ramping up to be a busy year.

So welcome to the /i/ sports Thread. From ice fight to handegg, and even chess boxing if you like weird sports. Draw any character you like playing for or cheering for a sports team, even your OCs!

Can't wait to see what you do and I'll be posting some stuff
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No back to back unfortunately
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I also recognize this so have my opinions.

Demote or sack Discord Boogeyman, Taking Requests, SS GF and Reibear.

Add a Lil Suzie/Stick-chan, a 2hu rep, and a drawpile rep
Noted for future reference, appreciate the input
Someone suggest a country and a sport that country is good at.
Iran and wrestling.

Btw good job on the recent results. Please demote Reibear and cull boogeyman.
Like Iron Sheik or amateur wrassle?
Also input noted
I wanna see cute Korean archery grill pls
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Oekaki Post (Time: 22m, Replay: View)
football won
Very cute!
Almost done with these two.
>Iran and wrestling.
The Iron Sheik is not even Iranian.
China. Ping Pong. (is it just me or does it sound racist to say that?)
Finland and Ice Hockey
Shame you're a Knights fag though anon
Also second >>772692
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Tablet broke so can't draw but let me just say REIBEAR SO SHITTY OH SO SHITTY.

I love short shorts
Anon has been deleted just like how some players should be like You're Style or Maids as those threads haven't been here for years
No I'm liv, computer isn't, and also moved.
Also all input have been taken in and relevant changes have been made.
we playin today
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Let's go /i/

Oekaki Post (Time: 34m, Replay: View)
Appropriate it is a draw. Playing /vt/ on Sunday, so drawstreams soon I guess?
Oh this is amazing, thank you anon
Where do you stream?
A solid win, there is a game against /r9k/ on Saturday

Still getting things set up was hoping to get things done for this Cup. Will probably be Picarto or something in the end

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