We stay WynningThread for all my wyn related stuffBasically an art dump thread for my ginger OCs
I'll probably post other stuff but sticking with my brawler Wynda for now
>>774937>>774940>>774941>>774943>>774944>>774960She needs more food
>>774967how much more?
>>774982As much is needed to stop making her so bottom heavy, needs a good belly, fatty arms, and big boobs
>>774992nah bottom heavy is the way to goHer sister is slightly fatter though
Ohhh I remember you from the NSFW redraw thread. Your drawing was pretty based B)
>>774937Ohhh I remember you from the NSFW redraw thread. Your drawing was pretty based B)
>>775108Oh hey! I haven't been in those threads in a bit but I like to pop in every now and again with some stuff
You want some nsfw of this OP?
>>775209if you'd like. I usually just don't draw it myself since I suck at it
that is one unappealing design
>>775226to each their own
some sistas
This design is just ugly
>>775453Oh hey! I did like this one a lot, very cute, thanks again for drawing her!>>775226>>775467I guess I should ask what's so ugly about it
>>775569wow she looks so beautiful, thank you!
A bit outdated at this point but here's the full family
>>776090Post Wren and Winona
Nice. You should draw more Wren, but the Winona art is great
>>776187thank you and I will
>>776563they really got it from their momma
>>776563they're all the same fucking character
>>776566there’s Wren though
>>776566Give me some credit, only like half of them look exactly the same
>>776569May we see their dad?
>>776570No dad yet. Mom was only made like a month ago and even then it actually started out as a base of a completely different character. So I don't have much on the parents, sorry!
Draw wynda reaching around and grabbing lois einhorn bulge saying "you thought you could hide this from me?"
>>776872Aren't you tired of asking the same thing? Has anyone actually done it?
>>776890Not tired at all. Has someone actually drawn lois before? Yeah and I liked their artstyle. I usually will have some idea for a request pop in my head when I see someone's artstyle. I'll make a request if they do it? Awesome, if not? I'll try again next time. I don't understand why people get so bent out of shape about it like I've seen in other threads.
>>777019>I don't understand why people get so bent out of shape about it like I've seen in other threads.Nah its just that I see posts like that on a lot of threads and never gets any response. So I wanted to ask
>>777019Yeah, no harm in asking. I don't mind doing requests for people but there's a very real chance I just wont get around to doing it
>>777045That shade of blue is a really nice color on her
>>777046I always like her with some sort of blue colouration
posting some other gals cuz why notOphelia
self-conscious vampire Eula
fruit themed farmer Cherry
>>777148She's not wrong lmao
>>777165she really isn't
>>777148>>777150>>777287>>777574>>777575>>777576>>777577Okay, I gotta admit. She's my favourite
>>774937Oekaki Post (Time: 36s, Replay: View)
>>778081Glad you like!>>778122also, absolutely incredible work
>>777577What a brapqueen
>>778224Reminds me of a knock off lewded rainbow bright character
>>778243yeah, I can see it
>>778466yay! more Ophelia!
alien/robot thing
You've grown on me just because I love girls w/ massive thighs boobs and beer bellys
>>779190Yeah I think you can tell I also like those types of girls lol.Mostly bottom heavy though, I only have a few really big breasted characters.
some busts
>>779220>>779221>based taste Anything else you’re into?
>>779222A bit outdated since I made it two years ago but I did a bingo for stuff I draw. Some are just things I was doing at the time, some are actual stuff I'm intoI'm really fine with anything although I lean towards bigger preferences
>>779230With an accompanying shitty meme
>>779230>>779231I think you’re me
>>779235turns out I'm just talking to myself
>>779708femboy version since a friend always wants to see her as a dude
anyone wanna give some suggestions on what to draw? Been kinda dead recently
>>781311Ginger tribals doing some dance around a fire?
>>781311Cherry in fishnets would be nice
>>781311I would but everyone cries and janny deletes my reference
>>781323kinda shitty but wanted to get something finished. I'll likely redo this one at some point
>>782050Cherry in fishnets is, indeed, quite nice. Thanks!
fruit siblings? idk yet
Drew my fave. Cherry strucks me as a person who would want to go on a slide if she saw one >>782415holy hips mogging
draw some of them eating cookies
>>779708>>779719What if they were one?
>>782964and vice versa.
>>782935 Damn, you really leaned into her size, she looks great, thank you! I will say for context, I always imagine her short but at the same time I draw her in a way that honestly makes her look like she's at least 7 feet tall so really its either shortstack or giantess, no in-between >holy hips moggingshe really does just enter a room and crush the hopes of anyone wanting to compare.>>782964>>782965nice edits! here I also made one
>>782954I've drawn someone eating brownies beforethe cookies will have to come in due time
>>782984yeah, that didn't occured to me, lol.To be fair, she looks big in comparison to the kids. Standing next to an adult I think she'll appear much shorter
>>776570>inb4 the dad is just the same tumor-legged homunculus as the others except as a futa.
>>783466lol, really her height doesn't matter as much as other more important aspects of her.Thanks again! Gotta ask, you have a blog you want to share?
>>783466maybe don’t draw this character around little kids
>>78348765 inches?!?
>>783487Nah, just wanted to draw something for fun :)>>783505Yeah, I was about to stop
>>783539Fair enough, thanks for dropping by!
>>774937Don't you find it disgusting when you draw such abominable thighs and then call them "Thick"? You should go back to Turkey where the land of the disproportionally fat is.
>>783973>Don't you find it disgusting when you draw such abominable thighsno.
>>783973Let them live
>>784568she looks great in your style! Thank you!
>>779256Who is this qt?
>>784733I like her, she's cote. Cute and hot.
>>784735some more cottie
>>785901https://youtu.be/4lJ5FEV0a10?si=-zMMbmdyclUZTorRUnrealistic stool
>>786966She's such a qt
>>787953I love my qt vampire waifu
Robot maid I'm working on
Whats the artist's name again? I really gotta fap to some of the smut you made, anon.
>>786420Expansion mage from save the princess strikes again>>789378>tv headYes
>>789844They jump a lot and like carrots
>>790159They also don't have a gag reflex!
we still kickin'
>>791337lmfao this bitch cannot get up on her own
>>793725you offering to help her?
level 2 goblin
it's free if she likes ya
Are you on a booru or something? What do you go by?I like your stuff but Im trying to stop hoarding
>>795996>>789651Actually already said here lolWynflex on Twitter/NG/etcTwitter has most of my stuff but includes shitty fetishes. Otherwise, I had made a google drive with mostly everything on it but it was semi-private and I'd need to go through and update/clean it up
>>793722ohhh ur the one who drew that character, I drew her one time. might draw her again since she has a cute design!!! :-]
>>793722She's hot
>>796007>>796032hot cutie!
Cool art stuff!
>>796054I love her! :-D
>>796224thanks!>>796312she is one of my favs to draw :)
new haircut
Cherry hopes your spooky day was fun!
so thirsty
>>796696>>797326Hot and cute>>796695You should draw her more
>>798178yes sir!
>>798178I should ask, is there any stuff you wanna see of her? (or anyone else for that matter)
>>798347Idk, I would say her boobs
>>798360not a lot to show off
>>798410hehe nice
bump, this thread is nice
>>799304thanks, I've just been busy
>>793722Vampire booba
I'll post one tomorrow If I do one this year
Merry Christmas, y'all
da bois
>>802544I haven't really been doing much recently
>>802575sadge, me neither u.u
>>802577time to get back to work
>>802598"a" moment
facing the wrong way :(
dance like no one is watching
>>802623Noticed you posted this on NG recentlyYou should post more there. Wish I had access to the stuff you posted earlier here, but Im trying to hoard lessAnyway, awesome work as always
>>802765Sorry, I don't tend to post a bunch elsewhere. I feel as a lot of it is just too low quality. I would say 30-40% of the stuff here was never posted anywhere else.>>796006Mentioned before I made a drive. Semi-curated and missing some stuff right now but everything posted here should be on it.https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11E0T7xlggZFs9EAgI3928JpBvBqrxD4II can just slap literally everything I've done in there but it would have a bunch of weird fetishes
>>802777lucky 7s
>>802777>>802778Clash of Titties
>>802770NoiceKeep it up, man. I really like your art, it inspires me to draw
>>802785Thanks, king.I kinda just have fun with it, so interesting to hear
>>803060I made a mistake FUCK :(fixed version posted on driveOekaki Post (Time: 8m, Replay: View)
>>802983Tell her to walk it off Wyn.>>803060Super cute!
>>803062nothing a kiss on the forehead and a lollipop can't fix
slowly reaching bump limit :(
Cherry cola, now in large, medium, small, and diet
>>803429Good thing, it’s a slow board. Now hitting image limit is a huge issue.>>803646So many flavors. What is Cherry’s default height?
>>804120probably around the small option as her default. With her heels adding 4-6 inches. I never draw her consistently short though so really she can be any of those heights