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Dumping stuff at random so my computer doesn't explode or melt a hole in my thighs. Fixed.
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The whole canvas -> https://files.catbox.moe/cr9qwi.png
now THAT'S what i call a headache
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Oh it's you! Hope things have been OK. Nice Sarah as well
i love the way you do anatomy, you got any tips for that?
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Sup, anon and thank you! I love Skrunkly Ghost Woman. I hope everything has been good on your end as well! It's been nice for me, just busy as hell, buttttt I'm alive :9
Thanks, bruv! Appreciate it and trying to get better at it. Funny thing, I was trying to make a n anatomy guide for another anon, but I feel like it wasn't too good of a guide. I'll upload it anyway since this is a dump. Sorry, if it's grody. I'll try to do a speedpaint and see if that can help better.
What really helped me was a blend of using my own body and mimicking/studying photos of real people. Also, make a Pinterest board. No joke, that will help you so much it's crazy. Once you feel like you have a basic understanding of how it all connects, try free-handing a pose. Drawing with people can also help bc you can see how they draw their anatomy firsthand. Hope that this is somewhat coherent. If it's not I don't mind trying to clarify :)
this is really usefully actually, thanks anon!
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Np, Anon. Happy drawing and hope you get the result you want!

Speedpaint (kinda): https://files.catbox.moe/75eubd.mp4
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Messed up with her body
God she is so chubby
Wah! She's so beautiful! Her eyes are super adorable. Thank you sm Mari c: Her body looks nice to me.
Not for long ( · ֊ )
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Tank y'a, Anon :)
Well if it isn't CG enjoyer anon!

How've you been? Good to see you back
I like how you draw Dolly, real cute, also like the whole idea of her, CG, Goon and Pod being a group of friends, somehow it works really well
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Hi hi, Anon! It's been all good c:. It's nice for you to stop by. Everything good with you?
Tq, man!
>also like the whole idea of her, CG, Goon and Pod being a group of friends, somehow it works really well
Tbh I'm surprised it works so well too. When I'm less busy I'd like to try to do more with them (´∀`)b
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Did not know Cortex was a furry. Thx Crash Bible!
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***Remember this exist***
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Flip to a Mora
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DA momento
It's been all good over here, thanks for asking! Looking forward to the rest of this thread
I was going to bring up if we can have stretchy CG why not detachable head CG but then I see this ha ha
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That's awesome to hear :)! Hopefully, it'll stay that way, man. I'm glad you're looking for to it. I don't know what's in store for it, but (hopefully) it'll be enjoyable. Feel free to dump her too. That's pretty much all this is lol.
>I was going to bring up if we can have stretchy CG why not detachable head CG but then I see this ha ha
Ha, see, you get it! With their chokers being there as well, why not do something with them?
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Now draw her scissoring Skarlet
I'm glad you like it! She's super cute, I want to draw her more...It's a little hard to tell because of the arms, but I made her body far too long in the full body drawing
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But, Anon, that will kill her sister :c
She looks so adorable (◕‿◕)! I really need to come up with a name augh! Ah, now I see. I have no idea how it happens, but you never catch it until it's too late lol.
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Cute Agate! I really appreciate it.. sadly I'm about to conk out, so here's this very messy quickie
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Thank you :)! You know she's always fun to draw. I understand, I need to be knocking out too. Night!
you think you'll do reqs at some point again when you are not busy or do you still have some deliveries to drop off?
Tbh I have no idea. My time is so tight it's insane. I still have half-finished deliveries I've been sitting on <(_ _)>. College always comes first though, so my schedule is constantly tentative lol. RKGK was always just a place to dump art and try new brushes/techniques.
got it! hopefully you'll be able to pull through and it gives people a better idea unlike last time
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Thanks, man. I need it.Don't know if you're going through school too, but either way, I wish you nothing but the best.
>it gives people a better idea unlike last time
Lmao! I was just as confused as you are, bro. I do not know where that jump in people came from. Let's hope this one is a bit more quiet.
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I hate my grammar mistakes. Jesus Christ.
he made an army of mutant animals sentient enough to serve him, and also Tawna
would be really weird if he wasn't one
That is very true. Very true indeed.
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Headphones died
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Mmm, 5-heads
>hatless CG
>those dresses
>jiggle physics
Lord have mercy
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Hatless CG is my favorite CG
could you draw cg and goon hanging out at a nudist beach?
holy shit is that bunny
Can you draw more of Geanna? I haven't seen you draw her in a while
You're good! It seems this thread is a bit more quiet compared to the last one, which is for the best. Take your time, do the best you can to balance, and keep doing well! I tossed you something on NG whenever you get the chance to see that, just something to share.
>With their chokers being there as well, why not do something with them?
May I suggest the classic "snap my choker" challenge?
Yo hello there man, it's great to see you here again.
It's been like a month since the last time we talked in Twitter, so I suppose school has been keeping you busy.
I see you've been doing tons of art and a lot of animations as well.
Take care, I wish you the best of lucks.
(*・ω・)ノ When I don't have so much on my plate I'll keep these in mind for some quick doodles. No promises though :p.
Dude, how did you even know it was her? Lol it's mostly scribbles. Might revisit it, I like the pose and idea behind it.
Love the quiet, man <3. Thank you and I'll keep trying :).
>I tossed you something on NG whenever you get the chance to see that, just something to share.
Ooh, sick! I'll check it out when I can! I do not want to say a certain day. I feel like I'll jinx it lol.
Hi hi, dude! It's nice of you to stop by (^^)/
Yeah, sorry about that. It's a mix of a lot of stuff haha! I'll be back on twt soon, just don't know when desu. I hate uploading and not being able to respond to ppl. It feels rude and like I'm ignoring them. Don't wan to give that impression.
>I see you've been doing tons of art and a lot of animations as well.
Yup! RKGK is just a place for me to mostly practice and dump. Perfect place to try working on animating again.
You take care too, Anon and stay happy and healthy c:!
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>Dude, how did you even know it was her?
she’s my waifu, I’m able to make out her design details all the time kek.
also really cute drawing :)
>she’s my waifu, I’m able to make out her design details all the time kek.
Waifu/Husbando anons are amazing •ᴗ• That is some true dedication right there. Tysm,man! Bunny is fun to draw (well ig most gfs are).
>Bunny is fun to draw (well ig most gfs are).
the prettiest girls are always the funnest
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Right you are, Anon (◕‿◕)!
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Let me figure out how I want to color this
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I'd like to trade with you anon
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I couldn't decide ◕◞ ◕
Flat Mel: https://files.catbox.moe/zrn5n0.png
Colored Line Mel: https://files.catbox.moe/85f74d.png
Hi, Anon! Sure, whatcha looking for? :)
Drop a character / OC you got
Then i'll drop mine
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Ah! On the spot! Think you could do Jazz from JSRF?
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Nothing i can't do! I'll drop mine after i finish yours
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Sick! Take your time, Anon. I always pop in and out c:
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Beck also played a lot
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Melody is so fucking cute man
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Tysm, dude! Melody is just such a precious design! You actually just reminded me I have to post her star thingy I was working on.
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Eventually, the trio will be on it. When I figure out how to position them lol.
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Trying to learn how to use the camera
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Here. Done.
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She looks amazing, Anon! Thank you so much :)! Welp, it my turn. Drop what you got please.
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Here's mine:
Sakura Tsuda: Disrespectful - loyal - arrogant

She is rude to most of her classmates. She is arrogant about herself. She also looks down on the majority with inferiority.
She is deeply attached to Nimiko Fumi and would do anything for her to ensure she remains her friend
Suffer from borderline personality disorder (BPD) which explains lot of her actions like repeated self-harm and suicidal ideation, fear of abandonment and troubled social relationships
Oh man this one's going to be lethal
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Sorry, Anon. Got busy! She's interesting and cute! I got you! The alts are mostly just shading differences :)
Study: https://files.catbox.moe/2encvh.png
Flats: https://files.catbox.moe/b8cons.png
Shadow: https://files.catbox.moe/wly0rv.png
BG: https://files.catbox.moe/uu9bi5.png
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Thanks, man! Let's hope the end result reflects the draft ;u;
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Deleting some stuff and found smth
I can't describe how accurate to the game and cool you made this piece, TYSM anon, really amazing.
What's she doing?
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Yay! I'm glad to hear I got it correct and that you like it, Anon! It's no problem and thank you again as well (ˆ◡ˆ)!
Giving him a gothover.
That's nice of her!... Wait who?
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Honestly, whoever would have been funnier. Initially, it was going to be Otis, but I went through multiple scenarios with other characters.
Eh, might as well go with the original plan and stick with Otis. Could lead to something funny.
Can you post some good refs of your OCs? I wanna draw some of them
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True, true. I think the Otis route is the most planned-out one at this point lol.
I appreciate that, Anon :)! I can (still) have to make some good ones. The only one is old as dirt and I have no idea where I stored it. I'll make some soon.
I want Naz to crush my head with her thighs
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Out of all the characters, Naz would happily do that. You might suffocate though, Anon ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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>You might suffocate though, Anon ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
sign me up
Have you still been working on that Lilac (Curse Breaker) comic? It's been a while since you mentioned anything about it and was curious if it's been canned or not.
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Here Lies Anon. They Died Doing What They Love.
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Still in progress. I love D0's characters and I like the comic (so far) so I don't plan on dropping it anytime soon. Much like >>778289 pointed out, college is my main priority, so I work on it when I have big gaps to sit down and do my bigger stuff. You can have this Lilac though.
whats WK mean
Woah, I like her.
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Wtf ; ~; my ‘m’ got eaten
It’s my shorthand for workout :9
Lilac is one (of my many) loves. She’s so cute.
I always love how you draw lilac, it’s adorable!
always worth it
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Softer: https://files.catbox.moe/x10ihk.png
Thank you, Anon ƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ
Based pics
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I see you, Anon
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SUPER old Stocking. Might redraw at some point.
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Just saw this.
You should finish this
Mandela, lol
Mandela catalog, it’s an analog horror series on yt
is that a tummy reveal + suspender pants combo i see
Lovely Stocking, I really like her character.
Maybe you could draw her cosplaying as other characters, like Skarlet or Mora lol.
Thank y'a, Anon c:
It all depends if I deleted the main file or not lol.
Same, same! Though, tbf, I love all of the characters from PSG. That could be fun. I have to play around with mixing their designs first :)
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Suspenders (and overalls) are heavily underappreciated.
you have amazing taste in anthro wifes btw (coco, rouge, lammy)
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I'm saved the wrong the type (´ε` )
Thanks, Anon! You've have great taste as well (。•̀ᴗ-) I've got tons of interest...I should make a chart so I can keep track of drawing them all more.
\( ̄▽ ̄)/
I’m gay, could you draw brief to quench my hunger please
I love lilac boob
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Hopefully, this will sate your hunger, Anon (´艸`)
Tysm, Anon. I too love when she boob.
I've been directed here as a Stocking waifufag. I really love these and have heard you've drawn a lot of PSG stuff. Would love to see more.
This one's really funny too.
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Well, welcome, and thank you so much, Anon! Trust me, you will not see a shortage of PSG (mostly Stocking) any time soon (◕‿◕).
Hell yeah. I'll be sure to stick around.
I love how you drew her lashes here and the excitement is evident throughout her entire body. Great stuff.
>Panty & Stocking
>Friday Night Funkin'
Why are these two usually fans of one another.
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TQ, Anon! I’m glad it shows! I love trying do to movement and emotions in art. It makes it more lively (to me at least). Trying to get better at it :9
>Why are these two usually fans of one another.
It’s crazy when you think about it, huh? Especially with how anti-sex/crude the FNF group can be most times (even though that is the main premise of the game). I really have no answer for the phenomenon except maybe FNF using PSG’s style as partial inspiration. Never truly thought about it ( ・᷄ㅂ・᷅ ). I’m a fan of tons of stuff lol. Just never really took the chance to draw them.
Can't say I've played the game cause I'm ass at rhythm games, but I like the style a lot. I've got a folder with a bunch of crossover art.
Well it's working! Never stop improving.
Oh my god he’s fucking adorable, thank you!
>I'm saved the wrong the type (´ε` )
oh my, this is amazing.
Great work, I love this Lilac gif
hell yeah they are
hope you finish that sketch someday
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Playing around with form
I promise I'll never stop. There is always room to improve :). Dw, man. I'm ass too, but it is so fun to play.
No problemo, Anon! Glad you like him (◕ᗜ◕)
Tysm, Anon! Just screwing around atm and it's Easter this sunday so why not lol.
>My Man
I flipped it to a Mora, but I can see how fast I can make a Cloud in overalls.
>in a bikini
>in a boat
>possibly fishing
Okay Anon you got me 'hooked' on this one ba dum tss
May I suggest CG wearing a giant Easter egg on her neck to get into spirit? Who knows what's inside (probably nothing)
Wasn't sure whether to post this here or in the fnf thread but decided on here since Dolly is there sorta..
Just noticed how badly I fucked up the hands... really should start double checking before posting
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You're very punny, Anon (◕▿◕)
> Who knows what's inside (probably nothing)
The world may never know: https://files.catbox.moe/vw3gvc.gif
OMG, Mari. This is so cute! The coloring looks amazing and so do Dolly and CG c:
>Wasn't sure whether to post this here or in the fnf thread
I understand, dude. Feel free to post here at any time! I doubt anyone would complain if you posted in the FNF thread though and if someone does, meh.
>Just noticed how badly I fucked up the hands... really should start double checking before posting
Nah, you're good lol. Hands and freaking hats can be the ENEMY. They seem so simple...
very pretty cloud
Clous is really adorable
that, indeed, is a moray
and a very cute Cloud
[spoiler]but sice you didn't draw her, I will now proceed to steal your idea of vokeo in suspenders and a small shirt and draw it myself, fufufu >:D[/spoiler]
i have once more forgotten that /i/ has no spoiler
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Thank you, Anons c:!
It's okay lol. I'll pretend it spoiled. Please feel free to and I demand to see the result (pls)!
Saw you were too busy to check newgrounds, so could I make the request here?
Hi, Anon! Yeah, sorry, it's been crazy, man (*_ _)人. This place isn't for requests desu. I mostly just draw to draw here lol. Most just toss suggestions. I'm still trying to work through the previous requests and this weekend I'm spending with family, so I'm pretty packed atm :c.
that’s completely fair, I’ll wait for the request on NG then! Hopefully your time with family is nice.
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Never any problem in asking, bruv and tq, I hope so too. I hope your Easter is awesome (or Sunday if you don't celebrate)! Get some good eats/rest •ᴗ•
Hope you have a great time with your family this weekend.
Best of wishes and happy Easter.
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Away from the lappy atm, so I hope you don’t mind the Gabby.
I hope your weekend is great as well, Anon! Enjoy yourself, relax, and have a happy Easter/weekend too :)
Thank you :)
I'll make sure to enjoy it as much as possible.
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A sketch for the Easter egg suggestion would've been enough but a whole gif?

Bless you and I hope you've had the best Easter so far

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
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Can't have anything
It was a cute and funny suggestion, Anon :)! Also, it was fun. Bless you too, man and I sincerely hope your Easter was great!
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cain is so fine, I love him
Very sad...is she a goddess of some kind? That's what I'm guessing due to the look of the other characters present in this..unfortunate she can't play with the duck or keep it as a pet
god i fucking love my aquarelle pencils (and hate pants-and-hands sometimes)
Check yer Newgrounds DMs
Mr. Mann appreciates your comment (ᴗ๑ ) However, he would like his top back.
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What a cute outfit •ᴗ•
They aren't allowed to have distractions :( Also close! She's kind of like one. She just lives in a coven and wants to learn healing/creation magik. The only things she can do so far are summon tiny animals made of fire and predict the future with 50% accuracy.
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Never used the Aquarelle brand. The colors blend so well together! Vokeo came out adorable, Anon!
>Perfect spot for small tentacles
VOKEO NO (/ω\)
They are a packaged deal
ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭ Gotcha, Anon (possibly not today though)
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>(and hate pants-and-hands sometimes)
You're preaching to the choir. The only the that helps for hands -most of the time- is the triangle trick.
pretty women
cains nice looking too
I get it now....
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1: https://files.catbox.moe/vanl2l.png

Thank you, Anon (ღ˘˘ღ). Pretty people are the best desu.
TQ, Anon! I'm glad Cain is well received lol! Deranged-looking men tend to be 50/50.
hey if they won't eat it then can i?
>She just keeps shoving her butt in our faces
I know some might find that really hot, but I find it rather funny, like poor Dolly just starving, wanting some tasty food but only having a butt on her face
Aquarells are a type of pencil, not brand. They're for watercoloring, but with pencils and a bit more precise.
You're meant to use them like watercolors(duh), AKA with brushes and water and stuff to really get them going nice and pretty, but using the pencils alone works just fine, albeit it leaves some white spots in. Mayby one day i'll get some tougher paper and try using brushes
>VOKEO NO (/ω\)
I love men of any kind, I like seeing you draw them!
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Lmao, it's all good! She's got Goon and Pod (eh) as her lifelines. She got her borgor though :9
Ahh! That's neat then! I have to look into them :). Man, even without the water the colors still blend in really well.
>Mayby one day i'll get some tougher paper and try using brushes
May I recommend mixed media paper? It can save you a lot of money in the long run and you can use anything you want with them (though I'd advise staying away from charcoals...)
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Thank you, Anon (⁀ᗢ⁀)
>I love men of any kind
I WILL keep that in mind ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
cassette goon would be such a good wife, life isn’t fair sometimes
Should probably take her to get discounted Easter candy after
Allow me to make a pause to point out how amazing it would feel to have both of these bunnies blowing you at the same time.
Also pretty nice doodle (◍•ᴗ•◍)
If I remember correctly this character is supposed to be a doll. The drawing kinda reminds me of Toy Story 1 with Buzz throwing his arm to Woody lol.
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Dw, Anon you'll find your hot, moody wife eventually.
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>Should probably take her to get discounted Easter candy after
You know she does ( ◕▿◕ )
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The overstimulation (//ω//) https://files.catbox.moe/32shda.gif (not a blowie, it kept looking crazy).
>If I remember correctly this character is supposed to be a doll.
Her human form is darn near comparable to one lol. She's a seraph, but mostly just screws around in her human disguise.
Bbgrl Sayori <3
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Time start:
holy shit shit it’s sophie, now I can properly pray for lewd jophie art from you.
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30 mins! Not too bad!
Oh, thank god it looks like Soap. I tried drawing her from memory, bro.
>now I can properly pray for lewd jophie art from you
Lol! Possibly! I think someone from /uh/ wanted that. I know for a fact someone wanted Jack and Rosemary. I'm trying to learn how to draw the cast.
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Anon, please draw me shitting bricks to safe the world

Oekaki Post (Time: 18m, Replay: View)
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I cant explain right now but-

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)
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>Lol! Possibly!
Cool to know! I’ll be looking forward to it if you do, they’re so god damn cute together
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The world is saved!

Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
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Do you like Pokémon and Pikachu? (-:
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2 hr 3 min. I know I could get faster. I'll just try smth later. Bed time!
They really are adorable (ღ˘˘ღ). The fanarts just make them even more adorable.
He was the true Brick Shitter
I love Pokémon and (fat) Pikachu
very pretty sophie!
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>(fat) Pikachu
Yes! love for the fat bastard!!! :-) :-)
Kill yourself, Gunk
Kill yourself Gunk
who are you?
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In a 'kini mood. Gonna go eat some dinner.
Thank you, Anon! Glad you like her.
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bikinis are always great :)
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(You) are correct!I
>Deef 'Kini
love that pic so much. It's so cute.
same here, dees the only gif that could pull off any outfit and still look adorable doing so
*the only gf
You ever gonna finish your unfinished animations? Like the Pico and Cg one or the Cass one?
When I first saw this I thought she was a giantess against an actual castle haha wouldn’t that be crazy
I would let giantess dee crush me
>May I recommend mixed media paper?
Hmm, I'll see if i can find some for cheap, along with mayby some colored pens
ah yes, the one of the few good things about Act 6
Seriously why did he think basiaclly doing the whole comic AGAIN in the middle of it was a good idea ever
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Hopefully, I can finish the Pico/CG one tmr (or today technically). I was trying to mess around with mixed media so it took a bit longer than I initially thought lol.
>I would let giantess dee crush me
Anon, you're thinking with the WRONG head (´・ᴗ・ ` )
No idea where you live, bruv, but if you happen to live near Hobby Lobbies they are ALWAYS having 50% sales.
>ah yes, the one of the few good things about Act 6
Dude, you're not joking. Love the characters to death/story, but jeez it was a bit overkill. Hussie and Homestuck have always been kind of like that though. He's probably the type to see it clearly in his head, but when it's actually put onto paper it's like the ramblings of a madman. I would say I could try to reread it so, maybe, I can kind of have a better grasp since I'm older, buttttt-
>but if you happen to live near Hobby Lobbies they are ALWAYS having 50% sales.
I'm sure they do, but sadly, I'm in Europe and in a small city, so i gotta make due with what i can find or can order online without being ripped off barenaked.
>I would say I could try to reread it
I think they do that in Guantanamo Bay to their prisoners.
I would recommend to give "Let's Read Homestuck" a try instead
this is my dream date right here
and that is such an adorable outfit too oh my god, it’s so pretty :3
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>so i gotta make due with what i can find or can order online without being ripped off barenaked
I hear y'a, man :(. Well, normal paper always has your back!
>I think they do that in Guantanamo Bay to their prisoners.
I would recommend to give "Let's Read Homestuck" a try instead
LMAO! I will be taking your advice (ᵔ◡ᵔ). I didn't even know that was a thing. My eyes and time shall be saved~
A date with Bunny would be fun methinks (´꒳`)
>and that is such an adorable outfit too oh my god, it’s so pretty :3
Tank q, Anon! It is in the top ten dresses desu.
both of my waifus in one pic, you’re spoiling me (´ω`*)
you’re a godsend anon
Who's between dee n mel?
so...did you do anything with that pico engineer concept? or any of those pico ideas? i havent checked in a while
can u draw brad armstrong for me anon
Good morning, hope your days going good anon! that’s all I had to say
i love you sp4g!!!!!!!!!
God you faggots are so annoying let OP post their shit without 10 million textposts this is just a repeat of last thread
Hate /funk/tards so much
I just wanted to see how they’re doing faggot, sorry for wanting to make the artist feel like an actual person.
this, it's annoying. /i/ as a board is meant for sharing and drawing art whether it's drawn in tegaki or otherwise, not wall upon wall of text. not all of the /funkg/tards are as retarded as the ones in this thread but it certainly isn't a good look
I’ve always enjoyed having small talk with artists, I like treating them like people instead of objects, and anon here is really nice to talk to. Funkg treats him much worse than anyone here ever could.
that last one is true
can i suck your gock sp4g
ikr, justice for spaghetti!!
go rope yourselves please, you’re annoying.
Leave OP alone faggots
Funkfags should hang themselves
GF twerking
What's your favorite chip?
oh shit wrong thread
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I love drawing them. Especially Melody. They are so much fun!
That's Tank Girl. Tried putting her hair down lol.
Hmm, I could try doing him as a warmup if I have the time tmr. I don't think I ever drew him so it would be a nice challenge.
Morning, Anon (^ ^)/! I need to actually go to bed lol. However, I hope your day goes great! Be safe!
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Kind of? Currently animating smth wiht him and CG. He will always be a mischievous techie on my end.
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I forgot how freaking hard she was to draw.
Haha now that is what I am talking about, new yet fun and even somewhat lore possible interpretations of these portal demons
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You're telling me all I had to do to get this stupid color method to work was to use a cream/terracotta?!
You know it, Anon! I /try/ not to stray too far from their base :9
Almost forgot one more.
You draw him like big brother if that makes sense which is cool
/try/ is not a board that exists goofy
You draw a really cute Tank Girl! She’s adorable with her hair down.
till this day i wonder if jeff even knows that the little random girl he drew for a small calendar is getting fanart here
hey... can i ask u a question pls?
no anon you are at school and you should be polite, and because you went over the line now you are not allowed to ask anything here until someone says so
shake shake
Heya sp4g, hows it goin'
I liked your Lacey and Cheese Toppin, they're very cute, that's all
I'm curious, what would Pico and the gang looked like if you drew em a lil more chibi like normal. Just curious.
danganronpa is the shit! i'd love to see a new game desu.
that miu animation you made was also really cute
This is still your best picture
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Thanks, Anon :)! I can see it.
Not if I pretend it does.
Sure, Anon. What's up?
She'll blow the shit out of your town!
Pretty good, Anon! Just busier since it's the final stretch of the semester coming up. How are you? Thank you btw c: Lacey is a cutie, so are the Toppins (reg and the girls).
I love it. I think they came out with like a "board game". I have no idea if Kodaka has any interest in making a new one since V3 was pretty much a troll lmao. Thanks, bro. I have to start uploading animations again, but meh :P
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Got to finish sketching the other two, but it really depends on who's design I want to borrow from. Have Nene for now.
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Thank you, Anon!
>till this day i wonder if jeff even knows that the little random girl he drew for a small calendar is getting fanart here
Tbh? I have no idea. I like it that way though. Jeff would probably be very confused.
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Au revoir Goon tummy
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>Sure, Anon. What's up?
...can i ask u on newgrounds?, if that doesn't bother you of course
Sure! However, if it's about requests, I can go ahead and say they still aren't open (ᵔ.ᵔ)
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ok then, just wait a moment pls
God damn.
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Blanked on what to do with the shoes.
Plain ol sneakers are great but you know whats better? High heeled sneakers
That's cool to witness an archiver. Many mortals have taken up leadership positions of unmanned systems.
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Bro. I love heels of all kinds, but that sneaker-heel era is burned into my brain, along with those "anti-gravity" heels and those freaking glasses that look like window blinds. Still love 'em though. Reminds me of G1 MH.
Lol (ᵔ◡ᵔ)! Love drawing a lot. The issue is I have no idea where to put some. RKGK is the best way.
Should've got them the Nike Jarritos drip
>goons little boob mole
Jarritos~ So good ( ̄﹃ ̄)
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Sorry, bro. I had to do it to you (。•́︿•̀。)
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O' to be a witch that can flip.
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Anddd that's the gang
Now for sleep
>not if i pretend it does
nah no need to act quirky now, your art speaks enough, as in your art is genuinely great
jeff is old but he is very cool and not new at all to the internet, i feel after the confusion he might be a bit flattered about the normal art of her(and hell maybe even the nsfw ones too)
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god cassette goon is so fine
buff scary bitch but in a good way
Need more beefy goon in my life
all big and swole and towering
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She doesn't know how much pull she has.
Missed that part
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[Reference] https://youtu.be/iW-78f51T20?si=ux41Pv0XhE8006L4&t=1153
Lmao, thank you, Anon. It makes me happy that people can enjoy it. Still want it to get better :9.
>jeff is old but he is very cool and not new at all to the internet
You know what? You're right. Honest to god, I just keep forgetting that. Especially with how he handled the whole Miku situation. The whole team/NG vets have probably seen it all.
> i feel after the confusion he might be a bit flattered about the normal art of her(and hell maybe even the nsfw ones too)
That is my only hope if he ever sees any of the TG stuff lol. No one had any ill intent. We just love her.
(You), Anon, have exquisite taste. Her, B-lady (Balalaika), Dutch superiority _(:3 」∠)_
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I really need to start checking how I'm saving these...
very nice!
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I will make her beefier and bigger and scarier with my magical fairy wand (I may regret this decision)

Oekaki Post (Time: 8m, Replay: View)
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You shouldn't live a life with regrets, Anon °˖◝(0▿0)◜˖°

Oekaki Post (Time: 23m, Replay: View)
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Thank you, Anon :)

Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)
i am going to eat all the cookies along side the tray.
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If only that were me.
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Just wanted to say hello and hope your doing alright. :-)
anons are dudes trust me
it's funny how the toddlers genuinely expected him to beat the shit out of cam and dave to kick him off the team, it's like the concept of true friends not looking deep into something as retarded as porn art and making petty drama of it is new to them
>thread is on its deathbed
One last suggestion: CG and Miku head swap
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love wins =D

Oekaki Post (Time: 13m, Replay: View)
that is one weird lookin anon, but hey he likes buff woman which i a win in my book
kill yourself
there it is
>not all of the /funkg/tards are as retarded as the ones in this thread
anon we’ve already moved on from this a long time ago.
I hope you rot away, Ryann
Oh wow! They look great! You should try drawing em more like this if you can, they look adorable.
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They are dudes, guys, friends, buddies, and pals even!
Honestly, I think you made your point with
>true friends
I don't think a lot of kids (some grown ppl too) today have true friends, sociability, or ask questions before following something so blindly. It's crazy how bad it's gotten. It's not even good-natured when they do whistleblow.
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Lol! Tis' true the thread hit the bump limit, but /i/ is a super slow board, so this will probably be here for like another week or so. It won't let me archive, so I just have to let it get bumped off.
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>TFW no amazonian buff woman to carry and hold you (_)
Love ALWAYS wins, Anon
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Thanks, Anon c:! I'll try my! The hands just default to the semi-real bodies lol.
>Saved it RIGHT
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Anon, please get some food in your stomach. Trays are not delicious nor nutritious.
no anons are not pals believe me, like i said no need for quirky crap man
and yes twitter fucking sucks a lot, it's crazy how everyone these days is scared of saying something wrong because everyone believes toddlers on twitter to know who is bad or not, it's crazy
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Lol, mb mb. I'll try to watch the quirk. It just slips out too easily. Apologies, bro.
Admittedly, never really been one for Twitter. I kind of just got on skimmed and left. It's used even less bc of all the crappy changes. It's straight ASS.
>it's crazy how everyone these days is scared of saying something wrong because everyone believes toddlers on twitter to know who is bad or not, it's crazy
Right? People give too much power to them and then it snowballs. It's either that or it's easier to go with the crowd rather than against the grind. It's mind-boggling.
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sorry for sounding harsh, but hey i am at least honest ay?
anyway what's your favorite character and what is your favorite character to draw from the funny tank monochromic site?
nia my beloved <3
i swear i've seen those two somewhre in an anime
it's not FLCL, but it had a really distinct artstyle, something by Trigger I think?
ugh, im gonna Alice!....
That's Dead Leaves.
>something by Trigger
Absolutamente Baseado. I see a plate of tacos with a cold bottle of Jarritos in your future.

Miku is taller than CG? Nice of them to get the matching hair styles too
I need Cassette Goon and Human Merell making out. They're both buff women......
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I fucking love big titty witches, my favorite kind of women.
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Happy 4/20!
Boobs are great. I love them, they are so fun (//▽//)
It's all good, man. I've dealt with too many personalities to take anything personally atp. Plus, everything sounds harsh with text lol.
>favorite character
Way too many to name! Vash is always my go-to, but Beowulf is pretty high up on my faves list as well.
>funny tank monochromic site
I LOVE Skull Kid. If I get some more time tonight or tmr, I got to doodle him.
You got any faves?
It's Dead Leaves! A really good watch :)! I was gonna link you, but it seems the YouTube link got deleted. Very easy to find for free though.
>ugh, im gonna Alice!....
All of her renditions are cute (or the only three that I know of)!
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Thank you, Anon. You better be enjoying some of that too. Mouth is watering just thinking about it ( ̄﹃ ̄).
>Miku is taller than CG?
Error on my part. CG should have been taller lol. Miku Is like 5'2, so Miku should've been slightly shorter (taller?) than her.
But, Anon... Merell's screen.
My tiny, frail, depressed love~
but do you think either of them are capable of kissing?
would like to know who out of the two suggested they swap heads in the first place
ng characters? i like the tankmen because the designs are genuinely sleek and moldable, i also like the pico trio because the concept of three mischievous bastards doing razy shit is fun, like old comics "max and his friends explore the underground caves" or "max and friends fight the cursed pirate" but in this case it's "pico and co rob the cemetery" or "pico and go kill space hitler" or something
that's why I said human merell. she has mouth and a face:)
sp4g you have a beautiful voice
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Finally, I can breathe.
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If they try hard enough, they probably could lol. I give Goon lips occasionally, but since her face is literally pitch black, I just forgo them sometimes.
It was a mutual swapping I assure you, with lots of broken English on Miku's part (◕‿◕)
The Tankmen are always a great choice, man. I really like their angular-based designs (or just Jeff's artstyle in general).
>i also like the pico trio because the concept of three mischievous bastards doing razy shit is fun
Based. Those dynamics are timeless and honestly, they're just well-made "blank slates" (foundations?). You can do so much with them!
>Max and Co. comics
I feel like I know what you are referring to, but all I can remember is some dude named Scooter and his dog or Calvin and Hobbs.
...How did I skip over human (μ_μ)? Sorry, broski, I have been having exam brain for like a month lol. Everything gets extra dyslexic.
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Lane would be a perfect racer
she'd be the best at finding
the right lane

Oekaki Post (Time: 8m, Replay: View)
oh no i chose a random name like max, i wasnt picking a specific thing but you get the idea and yeah pico trio are good blank slates even though they barely get used by fans in interpretations for two main reasons which is most of them use the fnf version rather than create a new one as supposed to and they are not popular, yeah they are known but they dont have much official content to be inspired by in contrast to say madness which has enough context for fun interpretations but not enough to remove imagination like a more fleshed out series
very beautiful Lacey!
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At least I thought it was funny, Anon
Ah, I see! It is actually very interesting you bring that up btw. I get it when you say the trio does not have much officially, but would that not be more motivation for people to come up with their story stuff for them? Why latch on to the Funkin' ones? If they don't like Fulp's designs there's always MindChamber's. All three pretty much have around the same-ish amount of personality to them. Too scared to branch out? Maybe it's just because FNF is newer, who knows?
Thank you very much, Anon :)!
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I forgot to reply ;;
>Ah, I see! It is actually very interesting you bring that up btw. I get it when you say the trio does not have much officially, but would that not be more motivation for people to come up with their story stuff for them? Why latch on to the Funkin' ones? If they don't like Fulp's designs there's always MindChamber's. All three pretty much have around the same-ish amount of personality to them. Too scared to branch out? Maybe it's just because FNF is newer, who knows?

Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
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Got excited for a sec lmao. I see some Stocking elements in them.
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It's gotta be the hair and the eyes...and possibly the bow/cat ears ɾ▿ɹ
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now we need panty with a blond FNF girl
Cute! The pink highlight looks great on her and so does the lace on her t-shirt.
Oh yeah find is the most popular thing on newgrounds tho I’d argue meatboy/Isaac and castle crashers are more popular but those are classics
You would think the limited content would encourage more fan stuff but no because I guess there is so little original stuff that people are just making things with their own characters I mean they might as well
Sorry I meant fnf not find
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Felt like animating today
I have an idea of who may fit (◕‿◕)
Tysm, Anon! Wanted to try doodling her in a different outfit.
Those games are timeless, absolutely.
>I guess there is so little original stuff that people are just making things with their own characters I mean they might as well
You're right. At that point, it is like making your own stuff lol. So, can't blame 'em.
Yeah but despite newgrounders still making new stuff it is still very rare for something to get popular on the site and even harder to hit mainstream, I mean we have spooky month and ena and fnf but shit like this are rare especially something as big as fnf at its prime
She's go so many, love to see her in new ones too.
Hope you don’t mind if I ask some questions
1. How do you go about choosing color/coloring for your drawings? They’re very pleasent looking
2. Do you plan on doing anything with downfall sky, like a rewrite of her character or something else
I understand if you don’t want to do anything with her since you have other ocs and she was handed to you by a really embarrassing anon, I was just curious since it’s been a while from the last time she was drawn
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Came kinda jank toward the end, but eh still happy
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That's true, but to be fair NG has always kind of been that way, unfortunately/fortunately. When it's only on Newgrounds, it gets popular amongst us who use the site. New things really take off when they get cross-posted on YouTube (though I'm not sure if that is much of the case anymore). There's also the whole thing of trying to appeal to a wide enough audience for something new to gain some kind of notoriety. God knows that part is hard enough already.
Whoever was on the PSG design team with Imaishi who a great eye. Everything always looked soooo good. Might draw them in swimsuits if the thread doesn't die.
Not at all, man :)! Thank you so much and hopefully this kind of helps. Not the best explainer lol.
>There's a few things you can do for colors:
- Use the char's main palette first, then, if you want them to "pop" you could toss in a complementary color as an accent. For shading, I usually don't stray to far from the main palette.
-Limit the colors used. Around like 3-5. It forces you to think about how to use them. You can use any combo you want, have fun.
-Do not use straight black. Use "near-black" colors. It allows for more depth. Straight black is just a tad hard to work with unless you want to do dramatic coloring.
If any of this is confusing, please tell me, I don't mind trying to explain it better (◕‿◕。)
> Do you plan on doing anything with downfall sky
Tbh, idk much about the Anon, but they were very kind and sweet when we talked, and I don't think they are embarrassing lol. I don't want to completely erase her original identity. I have been working with her in my free time sometimes. I think I'm just stuck on *what* exactly I want to do with her. I have a base idea for her, just fleshing it out. However, I do agree. It has been A WHILE since I properly drew anything for her.
at least newgrounds gets to develop this sort of sub culture of its own this way
Is your final semester coming to a close?
Nishigori did a lot of the design work for the girls, but I'm not sure who did costume work for the episodes Probably a joint effort. Only one I know or sure is Mariya Ise (Stocking's VA herself) helping out in Ghost:The Phantom of Daten City.

>Might draw them in swimsuits if the thread doesn't die.
Hope you can!
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That's what's so cool about it imo! You can't say that for many other sites (I guess early Tumblr, but now it's kind of gone).
For now, yes. I'm guessing it's the same for you. Good luck with your finals, get a good rest, and eat!
Oh, that's so cool! I had no idea Ise even helped.
>Oh, that's so cool! I had no idea Ise even helped.
FTFM. No idea why that keeps happening.
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It's little known, but she's credited in the ED for that episode. More well-known. but she sang Chocolat and Milky Way as well.
She sings in other anime occasionally, but Stocking is the only character she's done costume design work for. I have to imagine she's special to her in some way.

Don't mean to go on too long lel, waifufag here.
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the situations in which you draw Dolly are always funny
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She absolutely has to. Maybe she's into aesthetic and personality. Ther's a lot about Stocking to love.
>Don't mean to go on too long lel, waifufag here.
Lmao! No need to explain yourself, dude! I completely get it. We all have that one (or several).
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>Dolly, my beloved~
Tank Q, Anon :)! I like to think she is just naturally unintentionally funny.
Alright, thanks
Looking good! Especially her (their lol) eyes, I like your interpretation of Stocking's lashes. Nice lips too.
>Ther's a lot about Stocking to love.
I could go on for a while lol.
I adore your art, Sp4gh3tt1
You're quite skilled at drawing cute things
Got it, hopefully you don't have to run around too much with all your socials checking around consistently
reminds me of the old times when newcomers interested in the trio would draw them with normal eyes and nene would have red irises because of debut game, darnell would have green for no reason and pico would have grey/silver to represent his white eyes(they all have that but he is the mc so....) but it made him look blind lol
i'm curious about something, did you ever make a nude version of these?
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I forgot how genuinely adorable bunny was here
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Food time!
Thanks, man :)! I love the bottom lash style so much. Admittedly though, they look a lot better with bangs lol.
Tysm, Anon ɾ▿ɹ!
Lol, I hope so too, dude. I hope so too. Just got to learn how to balance (eventually...). Speaking of socials, I should start scheduling again.
I've seen some of those from time to time! I thought they were neat desu. The white eyes are just more iconic I suppose. The fact that it made them look blind is just so funny. There is a goldmine of jokes right there.
>darnell would have green for no reason
That is just a common thing amongst black characters. My hypothesis is that either it looked good against his purple/yellow or brown eyes on an already brown character would be a bit boring.
I got you:
I started one for this one but never finished it
This one has no nudie alt. It was just outfit planning.
Bunny is such a babe ( ◡ )
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can you draw some more of the bunny sisters sometime? i love them
Excellent work! That's a really cool top for her, I don't usually think about sleeves for swimsuits but Stocking looks great.
>better with bangs
It's true, her bangs are iconic. I love to see alt hairstyles though and this one's certainly cute.

Panty looks good too, that downright slutty swimsuit suits her lmao.
they all have white eyes and pointy ears or some of them have but for some reason even mindchamber sometimes gives Pico pointy ears and in funkin Pico bf and Darnell all have pointy ears
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> Bunny is such a babe ( ◡ )
you can say that again :)
sex with dee

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