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File: Burn in hell stay alive.png (3.7 MB, 1382x945)
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Am I allowed to make my own thread? Ok. Here goes
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I don't know why that posted with the wrong orientation but I don't like it
I want to go continue drawing in the other threads now. It's 11 so I will continue tommorow. Promise
Oils and watercolor? Very beautiful work OP.
I like your style, king.
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No oil, just acrylics
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Oekaki Post (Time: 57m, Replay: View)
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Wow! This is wonderful. I was just about to go to sleep. Thank you for drawing
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I haven't been able to draw recently due to a lot of tests, but hopefully preventing this thread from dying out will help me, even if it's a short study on the tegaki app. I hope to study human faces more as I struggle a lot with it (check replay)

Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 37m, Replay: View)
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Very nice, Anon. Very story/children book like. I'm not sure why I get that vibe. Did you draw these by watching real animals in the wild?
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Do you mean drawing them while looking at real life animals? No, they move too much. I refrence real life pictures sometimes but for the furry stuff here I don't need them anymore.

Refrenced, was originally going to be a huge drawing of a block of wood but the paint kept falling off so I redid it in a simpler way
Refrenced on a picture of a friend's cat. He didn't like it because he thought it didn't look like him.
Plein air, I did it while looking at the scene irl
Vaugely refrenced on decorations we had in our classroom
No refrence, free sketching
>> I'm not sure why I get that vibe
Simple shapes with overly detailed colours.
captcha: kn4x
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hi Im not home so I drew this on my Steam deck. stopped early cuz idfk where my cursor went. oh now its back but whatever Im cold

Oekaki Post (Time: 32m, Replay: View)
Oh, nice job.
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I keep thinking this thread will motivate me to draw non-furries (I'm too busy)
Like the painting aesthic, its very nice imo. Love the blurry painting and stuff. Not my cup of tea doe desu
Once a furfag always a furfaggg, maybe try to draw those animu half wolf half gir, and slowly draw more woman woman
Nah I could force myself to do studies of humans if I weren't trying to kms and study. I've drawn humans before I'm just nowhere as fast
Well in that case you gotta go through it anon ! I hate running, and yet i do it because it's good for my health. Think of the benfits of drawing humans when you are drawing em.
But that's just a schizo's advice.

Got any socials or stuff of that nature?
Yes, but only since like 5 months ago. I hate social media but I'm afraid of not having a passive income as well.
hilarious absurdist comic fred
do make more of these
made me giggle
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Really good sketching and rendering man
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Oekaki Post (Time: 40m, Replay: View)
Cute Bnnuys
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I'm scared of losing my progress

Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 26m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 14m, Source: >>784627)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 42m, Replay: View)
Very cute animals, OP.
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Need a breaker

Oekaki Post (Time: 52m, Source: >>788026)
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gtg 2 work @_@
Captcha: AAHA

Oekaki Post (Time: 31m, Replay: View)
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le pizzaz
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Oekaki Post (Time: 48m, Replay: View)
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nmv fuck this drawing

Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 40m, Source: >>788637)
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