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I decided to post some of my drawings here just for the fun of it

I only do traditional because I am too poor to have a tablet
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Majin Buu
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I cooked here
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...and I failed the coloring here
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Very proud of that one
I'm proud of it too
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Draw an Elephant Panzerjäger Tiger (P)
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Oops forgot the image
nice doodle anon
or should i say nice *dodo*le : D
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Thanks :)

But I kinda screwed up the coloring process
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Sketch from 1 year ago
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(sorry for the Bad quality)
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Sorry for being inactive
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Dragon ball Oc
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Some very old sketches
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His Smile And Optimism: Gone
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Tried painting
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Forgot pic again
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Got New sketch book
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Another OC
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Will redesign her later
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if I had a penny for every "art dump" thread that gets made by a mediocre artist...
You can always ignore the thread faggot

It's not a nodraw who's going to cry in my thread Who will define what a mediocre artist is
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Also I don't care if you think my art is mediocre I'll rather have bad art than to be a nodraw or a crab
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how long have you been drawing?
Since November 2022
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Tried to draw with only imagination
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Super cool thread!
Thank you super J's
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From an old setting I gave up on
I like the vibes of it very cool Anon
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The Goat
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These are awesome. Keep up the good work, Anon!

Oekaki Post (Time: 14m, Replay: View)
Thank you:)
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Scary and cool
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I love your style. Very nice. It fun to just look at all these.
Thank you, Anon, that means a lot to me :)
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Been working on this for a few weeks on and off.
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Good thread, my favorite on this board. Great work anon. Keep it up.
Thank you<3
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Old drawings because I don't have the time right now
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I tried to do a portrait with water color

It's meh ngl
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Early sketch
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My cousin killed himself today. I don't know how to feel or what to do...
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feel sad, take your time.
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Op here
I’m so sorry for your loss
So sick I love it very nice
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Again some old drawings
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Prehistoric dolphin
Thanks so much
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No problem
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Studies I guess
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I only do traditional because i am too poor to have a tablet
Dunno, with the sketchbook pencils,markers in the long run the price will go up.
Op here

Very cute girl
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Cool Alien Anon and the Dimorphodon is cool too.
Thanks Anon :>
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Simple Doodles
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really cool doodles! i dont wanna post mine so i wouldn't ruin your thread lols
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Prehistoric rhino again
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Someone oc on art fight
Is this the same Jimmy of Earthworm Jim?
I don't know, the oc of the person on the art fight website is literally just a worm called jimmy
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It's Gayman or IronGay?
Lmao nice one

I saw this panel of an old comic book online and I wanted to draw it
Testing coloring pencils
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Art fight again
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Finally got a new sketch book
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Art fight again
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Art fight again
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