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File: eclipsemariel.png (146 KB, 1000x1050)
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Sharing my doodles and other stuff in this thread, requests are ok as long as it is 100% SFW but honestly I barely do them.

Friendly disclaimer that I´m not an actual artist so don´t expect any quality from me.
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262 KB PNG
Also comic version.
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79 KB
File: ashleyicecream.png (513 KB, 864x833)
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513 KB PNG
File: fairylouette.png (115 KB, 800x600)
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115 KB PNG
File: Westgirls.png (1.39 MB, 1470x873)
1.39 MB
1.39 MB PNG
Wild West Skin Pack for only $9.99+tip+taxes!
File: yayanoodles.gif (1.29 MB, 500x500)
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1.29 MB GIF
File: maydday.png (423 KB, 1000x1000)
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423 KB PNG
Mayd challenge complete!
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File: tegaki.png (15 KB, 400x400)
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Ayy, this is some good stuff, OP! Keep it up. I think you're totally an artist. You're making ART after all.

Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)
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Thank you for the encouragement.
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A smile i must protect.
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File: coolchibi.png (158 KB, 798x873)
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It hurts her... More than being stabbed with pins and needles... More than being smashed with clubs and hammers...
kino i wish i could draw like this
Heh, its the first time someone has told me that wants to draw like me, thank you.
It's summertime!
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It is for her own good.
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>i'm not an actual artist
>bro's anatomy is better than me, an actual hobbyist artist for like 10+ years
holy shit OP you would be amazing as a cartoonist or a designer for a game. I love detailing stuff in my art and going overboard, but I still have issues with hands and proportions, and making poses/bodies look correct.
these go so incredibly hard it's amazing, keep up the good work!!
Heh, thanks for liking my doodles.
Not canon, but found this silly idea funny.
File: MarineAlouetteFull.png (363 KB, 886x895)
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SPEZ MAREEN Alouette as someone requested.
saw you in roblox lmao
...Were you the guy who yelled as i was picking a game on the event lobby?
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File: crayonalouette.png (38 KB, 508x593)
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Draw lois einhorn for me marielex
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Another one.
Nice Samus!
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Maybe 4chan is having issues, but all of the older drawings keep coming up 404 File not found. A shame.
What the heck, its true!

Maybe the thread is so old the site cant deal with it but yeah sucks.
wierdly enough only seems to be affecting the black n white sketches the colored pngs are still viewable despite being poster waaaaay earlier
consider shooting a feedback post to the mods might genuinely be a bug with the site itself
I decided to check other threads with old stuff and they seem to have the same problem so i doubt its actually the sketches only.
Jesus Christ, Mariel!! What an arm!
File: bowlingbashmariel.png (815 KB, 951x856)
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She normally uses 2 handed swords, a 1 handed weapon like a mace is nothing for her.
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It is time... for another spooktober!
Starting my spooktober challenge again!

Day 1 complete!
Day 2 complete!
Day 3 complete!
Day 4 complete!
Day 5 complete!
Day 6 complete!
Day 7 complete!
Day 8 complete!
Escaping impending doom for another year.
Day 10 complete!
Day 11 complete!
Draw lois einhorn in a horror movie style Mariel
Day 13 complete!
Day 14 complete!
Cool, show us!
Day 15 complete!

Show what?
Day 16 complete!
Day 17 complete!
Day 18 complete!
Day 19 complete!
Wouldn't that technically be bride of Frankensteins monster
File: marielknight.png (72 KB, 500x530)
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Shes single so...
Day 20 complete!
Day 21 complete!
Day 22 complete!
Day 23 complete!
Day 24 complete!
Day 25 complete!
Day 26 complete!
Day 27 complete!
Day 28 complete!
Day 29 complete!
Day 30 complete!
Day 31 Complete!

Challenge completed!
Happy Halloween!
We made it
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Spooky "Skogul" from the MMO "Ragnarok Online".

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A horrifying fate.
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File: kirbys.png (77 KB, 1027x637)
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Mariel can only be knight class/job, any other is a fake Mariel.
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Drawing Mariel as the healer class always feels wrong.
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I hate her so much.
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File: Hatred.png (96 KB, 732x798)
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Play blocktales!
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Another skogul.
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File: mainpartyroblox.png (408 KB, 1615x604)
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File: cactus.png (142 KB, 864x700)
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No super cute little angel girl was hurt during the making of this doodle.
forbidden pbj ingredient
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The truth.

Do not eat the cute slime angel.
lmao i love racist mariel
File: angrymariel.png (45 KB, 349x324)
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It is not racist, it is "pattern recognition".
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gif of that drawing cuz i liked it a lot.
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File: potatogif.gif (1012 KB, 500x490)
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1012 KB GIF
Im starting to enjoy doing these.
File: tegaki.png (14 KB, 400x400)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)
File: lean.png (81 KB, 903x874)
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Heh, nice.
File: ArtSummary2024.png (3.75 MB, 2590x3631)
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3.75 MB PNG
It was a good year, hopefully i get to improve a bit more next year.
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File: DazziLightning.png (422 KB, 597x884)
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Probably last Dazzi I will draw.
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File: bindingofalouette.png (450 KB, 776x805)
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File: sweaterlike.png (496 KB, 788x741)
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Playing around with roblox avatars.
File: somethingaboutmariel.png (69 KB, 440x658)
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An old drawing i somehow recovered
File: WorriedMunch.gif (151 KB, 300x300)
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A parody of the sandwich girl gif but with a taco of course.

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