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File: lady d.jpg (71 KB, 1080x1080)
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Draw this retarded creature in your style.
who is this cute gremlin...
oh that? she is my little teeny tiny retarded creation oh and she is a doctor
She looks like a slut
File: sad lady d.jpg (86 KB, 1080x1080)
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HEY! not cool anon she is gonna cry, good job being a meanie >:(
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I didn't know what her head is supposed to be, so I interpreted it as a box.

Oekaki Post (Time: 2h 20m, Replay: View)
well you got it anon it is a box! GOOD JOB!! :>
File: im confused see.png (26 KB, 1360x524)
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Hello there, i have a question
i drew two head different but i don't know which one was two faces or normal eye?
i'm confused see
it is both. how do you think she eats anon? she switches between the two whenever she wants duh, but mostly those are eyes
>it is both
seriously both?
i'm very confused again, i thought it was a robot alien future
so was she really a robot?
she is a doctor like yeah doctors are weird asf I think we should eradicate them
I understand something strange, maybe called
robot doctor lady d, i guess
thanks reply
File: Lady D.png (29 KB, 700x700)
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What is her personality like?
nono she is a fleshy poor excuse of a biological creature that can breed, she is made of protein, lipids, DNA and shit but she is like super duper retarded and weird like all doctors, got it anon? she is just retarded
the kind of girls that eat glue and drink liver, like pretty funky and doctor-y oh and also retarded asf
Damnit Anon, why you asked earlier?
please stop roleplay posting
also and why people hated the character called she retarded?
We need to assassinate her guys
hey anon it is me op and I didn't post any of these expect the first one WHICH IS AN ANSWER TO SOMETHING I DIDN'T ASK
good point anon. good point indeed, she is a doctor i.e. too powerful to be fought normally(god, I hate doctors)
Reminds me of some Mario /v/orld sprites
panic bump
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look what you did

Oekaki Post (Time: 23m, Replay: View)
thanks for bringing
to life

i rate 101 out of 100
File: doc.png (86 KB, 643x649)
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Cool design, fun to draw
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bad quality drawing sorry
Still fapped to this.
I assume her brother (if she has any) is named Lad C.
Lad S is more suitable, I didn't draw him yet sooooo anyone wanna try?
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Lady Li

Oekaki Post (Time: 21m, Replay: View)
File: tegaki.png (251 KB, 845x814)
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lady legs

Oekaki Post (Time: 41m, Replay: View)

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