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"It's koπing time"
-Koπ man

Long Live Koπo bread!!!
Koπ Man lives : DDD
Thread Rules: Use Oekaki, Keep replays on, Be Kind

For my fellow avid archiver
a convenient link to every Koπ bread so far
here goes:

Oekaki Post (Time: 3h 9m, Replay: View)
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first post blessed post

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
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this one will never not be funny
only gripe is that frauv isnt also in the panel
could u pls add her in some form to een things out?
ave true to koπo

Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
Isn't she the poop, lol
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thats kotto look at the antennae
frauv has horns rember
do u even into koπo?

Oekaki Post (Time: 23m, Replay: View)
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if severed kott's head can fly by flapping her ears
her head is just that light
the brain is stored in the boobs

Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)
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also canonically why kotto doesnt wear bras
her intelligence is measured in breast size

Oekaki Post (Time: 14m, Replay: View)
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overwhelming violence to assert dominance is how frauv operates

Oekaki Post (Time: 16m, Replay: View)
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kottos positivity still sweeps

Oekaki Post (Time: 14m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
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the pixie animation is finally reaching its end point
i've been dragging that poor file on for almost a few months now
albeit i can already see man foundational fractures in that animation that no amount of re-touches can fix
such is life those mistakes won't happen again atleast

Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
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pixie animation is dne
only camera work left
kott doodling will become a weekends thing now
the wokplace PC is trash i've decided to use my home PC for work so it'll be stuck in the office on weekdays

Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)
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Koπo Invictus

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
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man i love pixies

Oekaki Post (Time: 18m, Replay: View)
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i stumbled upon the Nerdy Prudes must Die musical
also snuck my pc back home just to doodle tomight
good stuff

Oekaki Post (Time: 14m, Replay: View)
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frauv should have a negative canthal tilt

Oekaki Post (Time: 24m, Replay: View)
They look the same
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yeah i've been tryinf to branch out the hair style
frauv looks cute in the short hair look but then she comes off too easy going tomboyish
she's supposed to be this super proud brat but just looks derpy

Oekaki Post (Time: 17m, Replay: View)
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the issue with her is that brown people don't visibly blush so conveyng expession is a lot more dependant on how i shaper her face
aka i cant use the cutesy blushes as a crutch for expression
thinking of splitting her into two seperate women one with the OG tied back hair with the bioharard motif and the second with the cobra fins
man i love chocolate

Oekaki Post (Time: 23m, Replay: View)
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ps she has an overarching influence from ma kali the irl indian goddess
I want her to be a Voids Captain helming the ship that kott and frv are hitching a ride on
that one stray hair is actually an antenna to her sub-dermal tether to the ship's core
yeah that small innocuous detail had a purpose all along

Oekaki Post (Time: 23m, Replay: View)
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Best girl FrauVu does it again
Best part of the paper cup version is that she can be unfolded and neatly stored stacked in a normal paper cup

The paper figurine collection grows
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my old man neighbour passed away from old age
his wife woke us up cuz he wasn't reacting
poor guy was barely breathing by the time we arrived
he prolly died soon after but his daughter begged us to transported him to the hospital over the phone
i got to ride the ambulance to the hospital but twas pretty obvious he'd already departed

I can now officialy claim that i've witnessed a man's final breath

Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
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An interesting nuance to your adventures, bittersweet even. Go get em!
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such is life
he was a good man
atleast he passed in his sleep
in his own home on his own bed
he got a good death

Oekaki Post (Time: 8m, Replay: View)
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aight so lets see if i can make a nice kottman skin for minecraft right here using oekaki
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Wanted to try too

Oekaki Post (Time: 16m, Source: >>786753)
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here it is
i suck a t sprite work but i managed to make him look somewhat like me

Oekaki Post (Time: 59m, Source: >>786753)
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awww so cute aaaaaaa
i was making a self insert but this is just adorable aaaaaaa
thank you so much anon I'll cherish this skin
very nice : DDDD

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
Glad you liked it anon
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Kino kott skinz
That sucks, may he rest in heaven, you did a good thing riding to the ambulance kottman, bless your soul for that.

Hows the life hitting ya kottman
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life's been good
hope ur fairing well too lad
got a week's vacation so been pouring all my spare time into minecraft
got shafted with a aquifer seed making mining a royal pain
literally surrounded by swamp and tundra biomes with a small pstch of grasslands to inhabit
been an intense playthrough

also origami tesselations i've been dabbling in origami tesselation patterns
its simultaenously the most frustrating and relaxing activity to partake in
folding the symmetrical grids is a humbling process
had a backlog of origami pdf's i'd hoarded from /po/ and other places so been going throught that too
i have till monday to do as i please timewise so my sleep schedules been shot to shit

Oekaki Post (Time: 16m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 16m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 13m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 15m, Replay: View)
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i'd do such unspeakable things to koπo if i ever got my hands on her

Oekaki Post (Time: 13m, Replay: View)
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idk if its a cultural thing but exposed bellies are such an erogrnous zone for me
its prolly exposure to all the saree propoganda from hindi movies
but exposed backs and bellies are peak erotic with the chunri shawl that only partially covers either it adds an extra layer of eroticism

Oekaki Post (Time: 17m, Replay: View)
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not dead yet just occupied
koπ-posting will return in pictures of traditional doodle form
lugging the PC back and forth during the rainy season ain't a smart move
i will keep this thread alive : DDD

Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
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Testing out le silly doodle posting format
I'm surprisingly good with good ol clutch pencil n paper
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Yeah I think this format is the ideal for now
Analog Koπ
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Use the edit feature n play along
This was fun to make
I will do more of these
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Well you get to request a drawing from me now
Also try this silly maze
First to solve gets to suggest topic for next doodle
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>>788688 (dubs)
Muh first post in a month and a half i think?, been quite a bit of time frens!

If i got this right(prob not), then
I suggest doodling anything from turn on(1969 show)

Hope your doing fine kottman, been a while since i posted on le chan(been mainly drawing and doing free folk song gigs, haven't had timento fit 4chan shit on my schedule). Also quick question, have you've ever had imitators / copycats ? I have a couple copy cats, which i fine amusing.
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Ayyy nice to see you fred
I'll do your doodle suggestion later in the evening
Nice to know ur pursuing your musical hobby
As for imitators I have none but theres a yt channel kotte animation that does funny 3d shitpost animations
No direct relation to me but I think it's funny he's named his channel kotte
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Oops i forgot what i to post my text.

>Nice to know ur pursuing your musical hobby
Thanks, i hope to pursue it as a career, like how you did with drawing

>As for imitators I have none but theres a yt channel kotte animation that does funny 3d shitpost animations
No direct relation to me but I think it's funny he's named his channel kotte

Reminds me of how the yellow sub driver in that one beatles song is named old fred.

Enjoy a swede kott jak. Have a great one.
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Went down an interesting Rabbit hole with ur suggestion fred
Turn on was an interesting watch ya know where I can watch the rest of the episodes I chugged through ep 1 and 2
It has the same vibe as XRA but in more of a family guy cutaway gag sorta way
I drew out the few gags that I liked

Also lovely kottjak
Could u explain the context of all those jaks
It looks goofy
How about... Frauv in a french maid outfit?
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>Went down an interesting Rabbit hole with ur suggestion fred
Turn on was an interesting watch ya know where I can watch the rest of the episodes I chugged through ep 1 and 2


Ep 3
There's a third episode, and some other small bits, sadly due to it being cutting edge it was seen as too odd and contraversial to be on tv, and thus was canceled.

>It has the same vibe as XRA but in more of a family guy cutaway gag sorta way
I drew out the few gags that I liked

It's pretty much like asdf movie, if you have heard of that. My fav gags involve e eddie edwards/robert stats .

>Also lovely kottjak
Np kottman

>Could u explain the context of all those jaks
It looks goofy

Most of them are based off of online people i have interacted with

Top right: meant to be based off a irl photo of betz, a /co/ tard who is very lulzy, the caption for him is in reference to a pipe bomb threat he sent to some random guy he thought was me.

Top left/hangingjak: meant to be chewbone anon, someone who i have le epinly trolled. The caption on him is in reference to when he sperged out over some 4chan shitposts and told me to drink his semen.

Bottom right/wizard chudjak: /crab/ tourney gm, /crab/ is meant to be a oc tourney of sorts, but in reality is just the millonth discord drama clique that is easily baited.

Bottom left/nojak: meant to be le fembog priest from ever expanding bunker. Eeb is a obscure world building community that i use to shitpost/troll on.
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Here ya go lad

It was a fun bit of niche content I wouldn't have found otherwise
thanks fred
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Also here's some lewds I drew
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I've been accumulating these horny doodles for a while now
Might as well postem for archival's sake
Nice :)
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Funniest pair of horns gets a request
Also wanna do a connect the dots thing
look forward to it next
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Here's some rough sketches I forgot to post along
Was gonna remake but it came out too cute so here it is
First one to solve gets a request yada yada u get the idea : DDD
Bonus points for added detail of you're so inclined
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Forgot image whoops

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