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Welcome to the North Park OC thread, a place to draw, create and discuss original characters for North Park, a South Park spin off. Feel free to read through the wiki for more information on the characters so far. Otherwise, draw characters and have fun!

Past and future edition

Previous thread:
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Here is a list off most of if not all the drawn characters so far. If you want a quick way to start drawing them, use a random number generator (www.calculator.net/random-number-generator.html) and have a go at drawing whatever characters you get. You can even do it multiple times if you want to draw more than one character together. Feel free to look through the Wiki or ask in the thread for more info on the characters, although not all the ones shown here have Wiki articles made yet, as it's a work in progress.

Wiki link:
I had to do It myself
Ideas I had for that episode where Danny's and Vera's Family watches YouTube videos from Northpark residents to calm down after that crazy they have to deal with.

>Leslie Minecraft let's play from Middle School and the whole thing is Danny asking for help pretending not to know how to play and ask him questions about obvious basic shit and Leslie getting annoyed with him. Danny's kids doesn't get the joke and he's trying to explain it to him but they say it isn't funny this is just the pretending to be retarded meme

> it's a amber trying to do a public service announcement with Bob Linda about safety with bears but li and Bobland keeps going at it derailing the entire video Danny wonders of Bobland is still alive and looks up the lifespan of brown bears

> Ingrid doing a video about a ghost sighting in the old chateau 1980s local television commercial but Danny debunks that but then points out that there are ghosts everywhere that fucking video she pick the one that just happened to be fake. Danny then shows them something cool by bring up the video in a video editor and play the commercial backwards and it is basically just the cursed tape from ring ending with a jumpscare his kids wondering how the fuck did he survive his childhood is that haunted place
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> it's a amber trying to do a public service announcement with Bobland about safety with bears but li and Bobland keeps going at it derailing the entire video Danny wonders of Bobland is still alive and looks up the lifespan of brown bears.

Brown bears live form 20 to 30 years Bobland is most likely dead.

> video of doctor toades home educational program in front of a live studio audience he is performing a simple science experiment that kids can do at home but the cat girls break into his and cause a scene people thought it was part of the program and liked it in a lot of kids learned stuff because they like the little cat ninjas. so he made a whole series out of it and the cat girls unknowingly participated in it they were surprised when they actually got royalty checks they didn't know why but it did help from pay for a house.

> another Ingrid video of supposed teeny Steevie sightings she found on various pictures but all of them are super blurry

> Sidney doing a conspiracy theory video and a reminder that Danny and Sidney (and his cousin) don't get along and we see a comment chain like 10 years old of Danny and Sydney calling each other schizos and it's still being updated to this day.

> they stumbled on a Vera and Devan dinosaur podcast but we don't hear Devan speak because they are commentating over it surprised that their second mom (and one of their only mom) had a podcast .

> they also find a Jonesy reacting to a Vera getting snipped by Robert compilation she's in complete catharsis about this

> final Ingrid video of her going over all supposed time traveler sightings there's honestly good evidence on this one the kids see this and keep saying that looks like insert time travelers actual name (but we don't hear it because Some Noise keep playing over them whenever they say it)
episode in the next-generation era where principal Curtis Kiddy has to hand a bill to Danny dr Cates or les by 7:00 that night or the school would have to foot the bill entirely.

>he thinks the parents clearly doesn't know this is a thing and tries to go to the house but they all left les Fishman and his kids went on a fishing trip Dr cates is usually a hard person to find and Danny, vera and the kids are going on a 2 day trip to the Grand Canyon.

> Curtis pays Robert to track Danny and his family down and hand him the bill

>while a little outside of town Danny's Car breakdown after it's hit with some alien object Danny and Vera knows what this is so they change plans they're going to go to the forest and sneak back and the house and wait it out.

> it's like the Predator but it's Magic versus alien technology I imagine it eventually ending with Danny putting a magic circle where Robert steps temporarily curing his blindness but only if he stays in the circle and he can choose to see a beautiful sunset and his wife and kids I'm assuming he has those or he could try to hand Danny the bill he chooses the beautiful sunset and his family but he calls Curtis and tells him that Danny and his family would have to cut through town just to get back to his house if he catches him he can hand him the bill

> it's Danny and his family sneaking through town while Curtis uses the entire School faculty to try catch him it's close he almost does it but it hit 7:01 right as Curtis is about to hand him the bill.

> it's a rare Danny and his family w and the Next Generation era so they actually celebrate.

>Curtis this day can't get any worse Vera tells him that they'll be sending him a bill for damage to their car since Robert was under his employment.
I imagine the bill is for Danny kids while on a field trip to a museum accidentally destroyed a bunch of stuff and the school has to pay 50% the parents has to pay 50% unless the parents aren't giving a bill by a certain time then legally the school would have to pay 100% and Curtis kind of procrastinated until the day of.
need ada sexbot
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I wonder what timeline lead to this future
I didn't expect this, I will be taking this as an early Birthday Gift.
Probably the Timeline where the Anons of this thread find the Toades' Frankenhole and decide to live in North Park.
its too early to put smut
Sexy outfits are fine whenever, don't worry
>Too early to put smut
Well why? I want my North Park dubiously-canon porn now now now noW nOW NOW NOW!!!!!!
they tend to get more replies than a regular art and we'll reach the bump limit sooner and I remember Hansel anon wanted us to a least stay on page 1 for 3 weeks
great Now I feel like a tool for telling other anons to not post while myself about to post well anyways

> the kids asking what happened to vera's old dino bro Devan

she tells them devan tried to make a move on Vera after Danny Agreed to marry her legally so she chose Danny over them Devan has a grudge against Danny and his kids because of this

Retroactively in the current era Devan has a grudge against Danny because he always takes away attention that he or she (or whatever the fuck Devan is supposed to be) was getting from vera, mineral, or the catgirls maybe him destroying the Danny doll isn't so unattentional
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What is she looking at?
Car accident involving an Ice Cream Truck and Sassafriss.
I guess you can say that crash went floating by.
W-What? What? Nigga what?--Ice Cream Float, okay.
what coincidence I just hit a tire on the highway it knocked My m
bummer off
CK showing off some of his natural charisma and Danny's reaction to it, which is how she realizes Woodpecker might have a thing for the bullayble nerd she wants to smooch.
There's a reason she put "Multiple Competition" in her cons for CK and Danny.
Jones, what's going on? Everything okay?
mr smiles can't find the rabbit
when's your birthday I'll draw something for you
26th, here's what I want, I want Danny accidentally getting his nose stuck in something, or Danny poking your favorite character's eye with his nose.
Dealer's choice, love you, Daniel.
OR whatever you had in mind
>"Ah crap not again."
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Alternative text. Leslie: OK Narwhal I’ll try not to cause too much commotion
Love it, thanks man.
But what was this woodpecker doing putting his nose in cardboard paper rolls?
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During the sophomore homecoming

he let the intrusive thoughts win while refilling paper towel machines in Château bathrooms
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LMAO, oh man you know, this is gonna be a pretty good birthday.
Thank you, Daniel.
You're welcome
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Either late preteen vera or early teenage vera
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Happy early birthday anon
Thank you, thank you! Both cakes looking delicious.
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this kills the Robin
>Leslie has Pyromania
She must hate when Fish Boy or Les put fires out with their powers
So, other than Leslie who else does CK sleep with when he hits his chad arc?
just a bunch of randos or are a few of the named characters getting thrown in
a female clone of Danny
He cloned himself to do menial tasks while he relaxed at first the Clone was obedient but it's supposed to be dismissed pretty quickly or it starts the gain its own will he kept it out to long so the Clone started to get fed up and wanted to become the actual Danny they Lon for a solution. he threw a knife on the ground between them we skipped the Clone taking Dr toads gender fluid and Vera giving her a new identity and shaking hands with original they've reached a pretty amicable agreement .
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work in progress
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She gets the clubhouse, half his allowance for a year, half the video game consoles and three favors.
she goes by Dani not to be confused with Danny
why are you pushing this so hard
I've made like three posts about it
Not fucking around I'd let FemDanny poke my bellybutton with her nose IF YOU PICK UP WHAT I'M PUTTING DOWN, BOOYAH!!!!
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because If I can't live vicariously through fictional characters as a substitute for real life, then what use is living?
I'd say some named and some randos, but ends up with Sabrina in the end.
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Dani after her first max harassment
No, he's too chad for Sabrina now.
Another option has been added.
*max and chaz harassment

in the next-generation era she never left town and is a bit resentful that she never got the adventure she wanted ( since she has all of Danny's memories, dreams, and desires prior to the split) but she opened a mildly successful occult Store with her actual knowledge of the occult
I like seeing him wearing different masks, lol
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Dani consider Leslie her closest friend and one of the few people who know that she’s a clone. most other people think she’s like a second cousin of Danny and Wendy or something
I just found the reference image for this

YES THIS IS YOUR FUCKING LIFE NOW. You don't want to know how I abuse Gretel and how I date Bundle.
No, Bundle o Joy. You're ACTUALLY mine.
dani just does this https://youtu.be/o3tv0cQ7c7s?si=eYaFb3Ww635NfNpY to max but it's just hours of blacked porn she watched specifically for this moment (and a little bit of pleasure)
Now suffers erectile dysfunction every time Max gets in the mood all he sees his black cocks.

you like how I brought that back?
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Dani now randomly lactates and wets herself whenever she sees a chicken or a rooster or whenever a rooster wakes her up. She's tried to murder every single possible rooster and the farmers started complaining.
Max learned how to sing like a rooster just to fuck with Dani.
Which one of Max's abilities allows him to do that?

you can't just asspull Max because I can asspull too and say that was a dream it didn't happen.
Fine then because supernatural mystery kid is just going into Cthulhu levels of freaky then my big great white cat turns to black whenever she deals with the supernatural and demonic shit and all things freaky and weird ... oh and she grows a big great black cock.
Rocks fall, you guys and the cat dies, no take backsies, no get out of death cards, you must suffer in Chinese Hell.
what? so Max's cat turns black when she deals with the supernatural and it grows a black dick or does dani grows one? and is that only during the supernatural encounters?
that was a life model duplicate dani fine but it was 100% confirm to be the real max and naggar man
It was actually Leslie and her brother dressed as Max & Naggerman, respectively. Max often blames others for his crimes and it works. People still mistake Leslie as just Max with emo hair.
But that was all a ruse the Rocks were styrofoam the life model decoy Dani was actually just regular dani and a life model decoy disguise that was pretending to be the real dani. All the elaborate plan to give Max a false sense of security thinking all his enemies have Parished the moment Max got home it blew up with him inside we see his soul get dragged to the pits of Hell never to come out every so often in random episodes we see Max in Hell he's dead 100% confirmed.
I'm a nice girl maxi so I'll give you a less than ideal deal to uncannon your death do you accept?
I was supposed to be Danny's only BFF.
Yeah I totally remember you... ( who the heck is this?)
It's Leo, Danny, we gotta stop the project.
yeah we sure got to do that....( Leslie who is this seriously I've never seen this person before)
I have no clue...
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she’ll sell your potions, premade spells, Actual magic books. Anything you can want except jack off crystals she hates it when people ask about them and no she won’t help you charge them.
>That kind of Crystal Charging
I still find it funny Craigslist was littered with people saying "Let's jack off together" and stuff like that but there'd be a "No gay shit." disclaimer at the bottom.
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I like all this because someone wanted to do cringe Kid X Danny without making it gay
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>"So, I have questions."
>"And I have answers, shoot."
>"Do you have all his memories?"
>"Yes I do, actually."
>"That includes..."
>"Yes, I remember the insults."
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Fun facts about Dani

> she’s in the third grade. She willingly chose to put herself in a lower grade because she doesn’t have a homework ghost to do all her schoolwork and homework for her so she has to actually learn stuff. also kind of super awkward to be in the same class as Danny.

> some of her income comes from being a “lab assistant” for dr Toades and Maria but not really she’s dr Toades catgirls protection and his only real long-term gender fluid test subject and Maria’s Jonesy protection and on site technomancer she gets $1000 form both of them which isn’t a lot, but she has free housing so all she really has to do is pay for groceries and clothes

> she’s leagues better at magic in the original due to having a lot more free time to study it She also makes her own magic items.

> after Danny left town he put in a good word about her at the Château so she got a job there till she scraped enough money together to open up the occult shop.
>Dani teaches Rayne actual real magic not that watered down crap Danny teaches her for 20 bucks a month
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She's looking at the posts lusting after that sweet pointer.
I think alty is good timeline tt since she obviously won't be the same person as regular tt since she didn't grow up in the Apocalypse.

also there is a sort of robot apocalypse in the no brainer universe
>Prodigy didn't turn into a ghost then the bad timeline
> Scientists develop robots then the bad timeline
> Soldier didn't stop the development of a superweapon made with alien genes and some robotic stuff then a bad ending

anons is North Park just anti-tech Luddites.
It's hard to say since I'm unsure if we have established an ending or even if we should have a canon ending. I think the NB universe kinda has different branching endings just like the main timeline.
I feel like they don't hate tech, but the tech there sucks, weak internet, poor satellite reception, poor phone reception, and the location of the last physical Circuit City, which hasn't gotten any shipments in the last 15 years.
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You hate technology too if you have to deal with Jonesy or Lisa every other week
I'd get pissy too if I spent an indeterminant time getting raped or saw all my family get murdered.
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Dani can’t stand this bitch
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>Sabrina bullies her in fear of her winning the CKbowl
ck learns by the pure power of deduction and this a female clone of Danny.

CK: So you're my friend but a girl does that mean you're my girlfriend?

dani: well technically but...

Sabrina POV like the Evil Dead demon runs through the school just to get the Dani
Sabrina strangling dani in front of ck

ck: shouts leave my girlfriend alone the whole school just looks over at them and complete shock that ck has a gf

Sabrina looks at CK With Tears In Her Eyes and darts into the bathroom inconsolable

dani tells the school that she is not his girlfriend he just means they're just friends and I'm a girl and you know how he is. After that she goes to check on Sabrina kind of feeling bad about her and tries to clear up this misunderstanding. somehow Sabrina takes that as Dani admitting that she (Sabrina) is better than her and she totally not into ck and would never go after him. Sabrina somehow gets an ego boost from this but still considers Dani a romantic rival and will remind her of her place if she ever tries to step out of line again this is just cement Dani hating her.
i can't beliebe ck is living in an anime harem now
he is his father's son, lol
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Yeah sure whatever you tell yourself.
How badly does she break his heart to get him to be the way he is as an adult?
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From an old meme from an old commercial
That's an old reference....
What the fuck just happened there? why is she wearing CringeKid's hat?
He asks her to a school dance after some supernatural bullshit happened that had her insanely pissed off, leslie take advantage to bed him and then ditches him before he wakes up.
this messing him up turns him into a person who has a lot of sex but can't form a concrete relationship.
Bro, too far..
Nah, I want him to suffer.
the Drama fuels me.
he took Dani to the prom but the Leslie punch incident happened so she rides with her girl to the hospital. CK was in the bathroom the whole time and Sabrina may have told him that dani left with another guy so she could sleep with him . I imagine this mess isn't cleared up until they're in their 30s and they're only left with a bittersweet what could have been.

But in order to keep the original post that started dani existence at one point before the prom they slept with each other
*Sabrina may have told him that dani left with another guy so they would break up giving her another shot at the CK Bowl.

I like this better
I like the idea of CK being a messed up rolling stone that loves all his kids
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The day after prom
Leslie: damn dude want to help me burn down Neil’s house to get your mind off it.
I feel like Dani, Ashley, and Dorthy all help her.
Sorry I'm confused a bit but help her what?
Get her to the hospital, help stop some of the bleeding.
oh yeah definitely I thought you meant burn down Neal's house and just replied to the wrong post. I guess that can explain why no one else told CK the truth.
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Since they don’t interact that much Every so often Danny forget that Dani exist and his usual policy on imposters are attack on site.
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Episode where Dorothy suffers another case of almost dying after Mr. Smiles put on a video that contained a jump scare in it. Dani keeps her soul from going too far and putting it back in her body then when Dorothy wakes up she offer to make her immortal at first she rejects Dani offer but after a dream where she witness her own funeral she decides to take her up on it. Dorthy, Leslie, Dani, and Ashley go on a quest gathering components across North park
Oohohoho grooming gingerbread little girls already now are we?
That sick depraved look suits Dani well as a groomer. She should hang out with Ester, they'd look like 2 sleep-deprived sex-having hags together.
Technical Dorothy would be grooming her since dani is a clone and hasn't been around as long as Dorothy
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I want ester to groom me into signing a blood pact with her and binding our souls together
I think Dorothy likes and appreciates dani for occasionally taking her on adventures and baking with her sometimes. dani likes Dorothy enough but I don't think their friendship is close enough were dani would tell her she's a clone but I think Dorothy suspects that something more to dani and Danny than being 2nd cousins but don't know what

at first dani (since she has all of Danny's memories thought and opinions) thought Ashley's little sister gimmick was kinda drumb but now since she's away from her actual sister she finds it quite the comfort and often invites her to tag along her safer adventures

dani doesn't try to inject herself into the third grade girls trio but if they ask her to tag along she wouldn't mind. she prefers to do her own thing mostly.
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The beginning of a beautiful customer relationship
episode where Dani needs money to buy some components to make an orb of knowledge so she takes a job to babysit Devan while the Donnelly's are out of town. Since Devan has a grudge against Danny they are going to make this incredibly difficult for her
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Crush now has a wiki page, as requested.
Helper will also go under her page for simplicity.
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There’s something about Thompson women that black cat likes

we won crush heads
did Crush's background will do more tomorrow
what is the appeal of a brown girl that will probably rip your penis off for the lols
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this looks like a painting that a vampire would keep to remember and eventually find The Reincarnation of their lost love
I imagine they get everything and Dani makes the potion but after explaining the downsides taking immortality Dorothy and the others don't really want it so she just kind of throws it in the trash and someone takes it but we don't know who
Dorothy: well I can't wait for you to sure me the immortal ropes

dani: oh I'm not immortal yeah the whole outliving everyone you know is not my style plus I do a lot of adventuring so if I get trapped somewhere no one knows where I am I just be there forever. That's why I chose a pact with a low maintenance reincarnation god when I die I just come back as someone else with my memories, skills, and ability.

Dorothy:...outlive everyone.
i can't believe melville got turned into a vampire
ula: we are not associated
>Vampville using his immortality to wait and chase Mute in each of her lifetimes, always failing and waiting for the next round in hopes things will change
This begs the question, if she doesn't get with Melville then who does she end up with?
Most popular Mute ships I recall are Mute x Hansel, Mute x Cindy and Mute x Neil.
Zach they have that same pycho aura
We need more Max x Posie art. What other girls should Max hang out with?
Fiona. Preferably also six feet under and never bothering anyone ever again
Ew I'm not touching that ghost geek, she can go hang out with Crying Myrtle in her bathroom from another franchise.
three part 2nd prom episodes in the next era. after the high school reunion committee realized that most people stayed In town they decided it wouldn't be much of a reunion and many people might not come so they marketed it as 2nd prom relive the best day of the best years of your life. all the adults are treating it as actual prom..

I can see one episode being about the ck and dani thing get ck some closure about it with a side plot of danny at first being unenthusiastic about it since he didn't go to his prom but then treating it like any teenager treats their prom. it should end with another Leslie punch trip but this time ck see dani off.

another episode where most of the Town realizes that Wendy will still be working at the cheatu during it so everyone drops off their kids their and she gets them hooked on a game her parents tricked her and her brother into playing but it was just them doing their jobs

third episode ??? we don't have that much information about a lot characters in this era so if anyone wants to add something here feel free
maybe a later episode where Vera accidentally makes a drink she calls the nostalgia bomb that sends people back in time Butterfly effect rules but you have a hangover. ck discovers it's time travel properties and tries to make thing right with Dani but he accidentally put his kids existence in jeopardy so he keeps going back and trying to fix things but also somehow make sure his bastard army still exists. I imagine by the end he tried and ready to give up ask dani for help she just reads his mind to catch up quickly and tells him the simple solution go back to his problems. go back to when you first were ordered the drink and order something else. Dani also tells him somethings just weren't meant to be and are mistakes makes us who we are.
also which one of you has a grudge against crush what she do to you to get such a scathing entry?
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Robin is having another one of his episodes since Crush didn't feel like stepping on his nutsack today
man i never realized it before but he's kinda hot
aw fuck did i ever draw charles' sister? think i only showed his mother before
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>"Don't worry Mute!"
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nope, I've been waiting for a design since forever because I wanted to draw them incesting
she wouldn't do that she just physically abuses him for being a faggot to be fair
i don't even remember much other tidbits of info about her except that she dreams of working at an arcade but north park doesn't(?) have one so she's seething about that all the time. was also allergic to grass for some reason, can't remember why i thought of something so specific
the North park arcade...is lost media?
LMAO that image
i don't know, don't remember if an arcade place was ever established while people were discussing the actual town in threads. i know some people have home and portable consoles, but i don't think there's an actual arcade-centered building
it'd be funny if we didn't have one though because sean would seethe about it too. but charles' sister is more extreme about it because she doesn't want to get another job and keeps pissing off her mom
>why do those south park faggots have an arcade and we don't? what a dogshit fucking town
I once mentioned their was neon necko an arcade/ family entertainment center and casino that's shaped like one of those Japanese lucky cat statue that around north park Funland it's own by the strodes a branch of the Thompsons that focus on tourism to the towns nearby the cheatu
oh i see, thanks for explaining dannyanon
i haven't here for much of nu-npg so i don't know much about the thompsons rabbithole because it goes too deep lol i only know basics
i just hornypost under anon sometimes at this point
random role swap au where the characters keep their personality and relationships but their social status and roles are swapped

ula now the rich but socially outcast (because she an albino) kid

Vera is the cringe kid because of her autism for dinos and ula side kick

Vanessa is whatever the heck Leslie is (autistic but alt girl?)

to e fair I've never posted thay outside of one mention and it was pretty different from how I just stated it ( though I thought about it for a while) so this is new lore.
>North Park Funland
oh, glad to see it made a full recovery
God I'm glad someone liked this tittle panel took me like 6 hours to make that was worth it
yeah lol don't worry, i just don't pay that much attention these months around here
i also don't even think we've met before but i'm dellyfag, i made delly and charles, and a ton of porn of chef sheffield at my most active point
you've been pumping out art like crazy every time i've peeked in here, good shit man
Danny/ Dani and wendy swaps with linus and Lydia but linus swaps with wendy and Danny/ dani swaps with Lydia
thanks dellyanon means a lot
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I honesty do appraise you for using this as the thread image and I had forgotten to add this but I actually had way more written down than what I can draw. also just some scraped art for my comic along with the scripts.
Image 2- Establishing Shot is of the mountains
TEXT: Colorado (present day

Image 1- This is a from a bird’s eyes perspective. There are 2 characters that can be seen. Miner Character and Danny are digging on a hole in the ashes of ruins.

Page 2

Image 2- The shot is now close up torso up of Danny is digging looking tired. He is currently holding shovel and you can see dirt and sweat on his face.

Image 3- It shows a time lapse

Image 4- Danny hits something with. With the word “BONK” he looks surprised with his iris shrunken.
DIalouge: I think I found something Miner.

Image 5 -The shot is moved where Danny is now seen on the side as Miner is seen in the background. Danny tilts his head towards Miner as Miner Hands signals a stop.
Dialogue: (miner) That is it Danny, we pretty much found it. I think we need to show you a tech

Image 6- Miner runs in the background as Danny watches

Page 3

Image 6- A Pullet moved out of the woods

mage 8- The crane is positioned next to the hole

Image- Miner Gives up a thumbs up

Image- Danny gives a thumbs up

Image- The crane wheel moves

Image- The crane hook goes down

Page 4
Image-The crane hook is there

Image- The crane hook is lifted

Image- The crane is held there

Image 7
The pulley pulled up a damaged machine that is very much rusted. The machine is covered in rope.

(Miner): Dam, I keep forgetting but do you know what
(Danny):O well, I,,, I.. I only know very little but it….


Image 8- The machine is now in a dark room but this time, it looks different. It is no longer rusted but instead
Dialogue- (Atticus) Salutations Ladies and Gentlemen

Image 8- The roll on the machine said “Thinking” while it is shaking like crazy
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Image 9- The machine is now said processing in a. Different angle.
Dialogue (Atticus) May I exhibit to the audience.

Image- closer up image of the machine rolling

Image- Sillhoute of Atticus with his top hat down

Page 6

Image 10- The same machine with Atticus fuelled covered in colour this time with his arm. With arms wide open with the year over 1869 and the machine said correct.
Dialogue- (Atticus): The Spirit Communication Engine. Revel your sights of the engines in which it will provide an answer for the questions you may have yet to ask

Image 11- everyone in the crowd start to laugh at him with Atticus in the middle onstage

Page 7

Image- everyone continues to laugh at Atticus

Image 12- A well dressed man walked onto the stage as Atticus just stood there as the crowd Giggles.

Image 13- The principal is on stage as the teacher walk off Atticus
Dialogue: (Principal): Students please respect Atticus Appleton. He had worked very hard on this project.
Page 8

Image 14- Everyone is silent as the principal start to speak but a few giggle noise can be heard
Thought bubble: (Principal): A few laughter are left but there is enough silent to speak

Dialogue: We must acknowledge that these students are working hard to create a better future for the grand tomorrow, so now that we had already cover the last person,I must announce the grand Winner

Dialogue: (Principal): OLIVER GOODFELLOW! For his study on Race Realism and how White are the most intelligent and how the negroid race are comparable to beast in many ways

Page 9

Image 15- close up shot Goodfellow celebrating

Image 16- Atticus in frustration
Dialogue: By good heavens, do any of these fool have met a negroid human being, they in way way hell are anywhere beast like

Image 17- Oliver walk up pass Atticus

Image 18- he turned his head and look at Atticus
Dialogue:( Oliver) Look at you, preaching equality among the negroes and now wanting to connect
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image 19- Atticus got a mad face

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mage 20- he took his sign and cart

Image 21- he walks out of the door

Image Door close

mage 22- IT appears to be a reflection of Supporter’s goggle as Atticus closes the door
Dialogue (supporter), N.N….N…N… neeee. Need to report back

Image- A note is written
Dialogue: He, He figured something out
I think

Page 11

Image 23- the crowd cheer as the boy got his award white supporter runs away with a bunch of notes

Image- Supporter runs away from the crowd

Image0 Show supporter trips

Image- now he said ouch
Page 12

Image 24- Atticus walks with the background of North Park in 1869

Image 25- Atticus walks home thinking to himself
Dialogue (Atticus): Good ridden, what could I possibly do anyway if nobody listens.

Image 26- Attiucus mind is filled with anything thoughts\

Image 27- Atiicus eyes craY while the background turns black.

Image 28- Atticus thoughts stop as he heard a squeak

Page 13

Image 29- Atticus’s foot is on a rat

Image 30- Atticus up his foot and looks down

Image 31 - The rats moved around in circles

Image 32- Atticus face is seen as he looks because he heard something.

Page 14

Image 33- Atticus look to the other direction and a sillhoute can be seen from behind

Image 34- Atticus turns around

Image 35- Attiicus walk towards the bush

Image 36- Amelia pushes Atticus towards the bush

Page 15

Image 37- Amelia bends town as the point of view looks up at her
Dialogue (Amelia): so what I have here, A boy who ran away with his fancy gadgets just because everyone think he is a loser
Dialogue (Atticus): if stand corrected, Am I currently being robbed at your mercy

Image 38- Amelia took Atticus’s hands and pulled him up to where he is standing
Dialogue (Amelia): If I am robbing you, I could have simply just pointed a shank right down at your silly throat. If you really do want to know, I have some reason, just reasons
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mage 39- Atticus now standing up
Dialogue: (Atticus). So what may your so called reason may be.

Image 40- Amelia face
Dialogue: (Amelia): I want to take it

Image 41- Angry Atticus face

Page 16

Image 42-
Dialogue (Amelia): why would you even want something if you are so sure it won’t work
Atticus: I never said it didn’t work)

Image 43- Show That supporter is staring

Image 44- Supporter zoom out with a. 2 be

Image 45- a rat gone to Amelia

Image 46- the rat speak to Amelia

Page 17
Image 47- she looks behind and squints

Image 48- she drops kick Supporter
Dialogue: (Amelia
Image 49-hit a wall and fell down

Image 50- He got himself back up

Image 51- Amelia stands up looking unimpressed and supporter has a frown
Dialogue (

Image 52-Supporter pull up dynamite and Amelia pulls up a knife

Page 18

Image 53- Atticus hold the machine hostage
Dialogue (Atticus): everyone stop, there no need to fight

Image 54- supporter fall to his knee begging while Amelia stand there looking surprised

Image 55- Amelia looked at Atticus
Amelia: so I was not the only one after the machine ha

Image 56- Supporter looks angry
Supporter: No I wasn’t

Image 55- Amelia bends a little leaning at Supporter
Amelia: so what behind that mask
Supporter: AAAAH, No No No, ahhhhhh

Page 19
Image 57
Dialogue (Atticus): with all due respects, I must go, Apologies
(Amelia): but we just met

Image 60- Atticus give off a salute

Image 61- Atticus walks home

Image 62- Atticus homes away with fear

Image 64- Supporter and Amelia looked at each as Atticus left the machine in panic.

>I will also be taking art request and can hopefully deliver on the weekend. just note that I will be taking the style of sketches. what a shitload of content I made for one project
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Charlotte a lonely orphan, albino girl who has a massive fortune but no one to share it with but her good friend Vera the Dino girl. I imagine people avoid her because she is albino and is eerily, proper, and has a rather large vocabulary and is very verbose so people think she’s just creepy despite her being very kind and friendly.
Hey Danny if you were ever included in a detective story then what role would you like to be and any specific do's and don'ts? I was thinking of turning your character into Will Graham, give you an edge where you're one inch away from snapping.
i only have one

Danny not a tough guy as a child so he'll need someone to fight for him if that a necessary part of your story

more lore about these versions of the characters

>ck (Vera the dino girl)

dad was a con artist who fled town and left her mom with tons of debt so she has to work many jobs to pay it off and support her many children.

she helps her bestie Charlotte scheme to make some friends

Charlotte and Danny bought her most of her dino merch

is good at making disguises and handling and managing money

>Danny and Dani the Thompsons twins

theyre edgy little trouble makers by day
goods little bellhops by night their family own the perfectly normal and not haunted chateau where they work after school.

has a gang of trouble making siblings ( sort of) known as the cat pack ( this universes version of the catgirls)
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Well /npg/, I couldn't hang out with you on my birthday because I was out having a bite to eat with my BFF, but that doesn't mean I don't like you guys either, I brought a cake, and if you'd like to have some, I insist you take some!
Sabrina was incredibly insistent on jumping out of the cake, I had to talk her into wearing the bikini top, otherwise she'd have just worn her same old clothes and for a special occasion that's just boring, isn't it?
Anyways, let's chow down on this cake!
Upside down Netherlands flag bikini
or maybe sideways France
Fuck, I meant to go for 'merica but you're right, I guess Sabrina is vaguely european now.
Massive bush.
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I hate cake desu, too much icing
ula real name is Charlotte we have a Charles and a chaz when are we getting a Charlie?
why do I always end up cooking on alternate Vera designs?

you interpretation of a dino girl Vera
my job did the same thing they put a red white and blue walk way for the fourth and it's just a long French flag
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Oh I forgot about NBN drew name is Charley
But I also forgot that Chuck is also a derivative of Charles
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Chaz is a nickname btw, his real name is also Charles
we got a bunch of same names running around
LMAO It's Always Sunny in North Park soon, then.
So Danny+Dani are prime rape material if they don't have their precious Wendy as a bodyguard?
dani (since she can't rely on Wendy) is not one to fuck with you may get one over on her at first but she will thoroughly fuck you both figuratively and literary with magic. you may think your going after a defenseless little girl so she an easy target only to end up being the defenseless little girl being prayed upon

she is so lonely and afraid of people leaving her that she a complete doormat that Vera has to protect her from people trying to take advantage of her from time to time.

she has a butler ( it this universes Bram His actual name is Bart) whom most people think they have a weird relationship since her butler is around the same age as her.

she a Discord mod she pretty chill and this is where she gets most her social interactions from most of her peer aren't aware that her Discord account is the creepy albino girl
I can see slappy and Dr toades swapping in this universe

dr toades is a children's birthday party edutainment guy while slappy is a clown scientist.
>literary with magic
What is she going to do? write sex fanfics with her fucking me? :))

By the way has South Park always been topical even in seasons 1,2,3?
yes to the 2nd question
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>By the way has South Park always been topical even in seasons 1,2,3?
yes, but they went about it differently in how they parodied those topics. It wasn't like "Oh wow, Celebrity came to south park. How will they interact with the cast" but more like "the boys get into a childish scuffle that happens to mirror what is currently happening in real life at the time"
also she uses a piece of you to make a magic book that whatever is written down in what happened to you like a voodoo doll
DannyAnon I'm going to force you use DeepL or GPT3.5 at this rate. Your brain is faster than your fingers, you're not able to type everything down.
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Thank goodness this is all a dream, right Mineral?
eh it's like Chewbacca you'll get used to me understand what I mean eventually

captcha than0
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The edgy Thompson twins
he's thinking about ck ( vera)
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Unlike Vanessa, she has better trigger discipline.
Nah the early Seasons kind of did both type of stories there was Mecha Barbra Streisand, Korn showed up for a Halloween episode, that one episode where Mr Garrison was jealous of a specific celebrity I don't remember her name.

I feel like the difference between the current seasons and early seasons is just how often they do social commentary episodes back in the early Seasons it felt like at least half of the episodes were social commentaries and the other half was Wacky Adventures but now all of them are social commentaries.
is this Leslie a victim of a body swap or is this just who she is?
*wacky adventures for the sake of a Wacky Adventures
Sorta, more like someone who keeps coming back from the dead using clones and having her soul take over the empty husks.
Or is Leslie the body swapper?
Tomorrow I'm going to try to draw try hard edgy Wendy (but she's way too nice and well meaning to be edgy) and psychic paranormal Investigator Lydia

I just wanted to redesign crackpot roll swap au Danny because he was basically exactly the same as the OG but with jacket open
running gag of Danny and Dani keep stumbling upon her clone storage room (usually Leslie fault like giving them wrong directions to the bathroom) and Leslie have to keep using Anastasia to keep having don't forget about it
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Why do tomorrow what you can do today?

Mormon psychic paranormal hunter Lydia
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Hot chocolate for a monster hunter
>to keep having don't forget about it

*to have them not remember it
Who will you be voting for?
I, as a patriotic human who is also concerned about current events, will be voting for Frogrick Amphibiman. He is a worthy human candidate for rulership and under his iron fist I believe there shall be thousand years shining prosperity. He has all your best human interests in mind, trust me as a fellow human.
I'm voting for the one true person who matters, my lord and savior Don Knotts.
The one that didn't crush a girl's arm underfoot
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she was a Russian spy attempting an assassination, he was lucky to make it out with his very valuable and important life.
I'm voting for Vera rill kinny-date
Call me a buzzkill, but part of me feels we're dwelling so much on the new characters that we've forgotten a lot of the old cast or overshadow them in favor of a trillion AUs and fleshing out characters we don't really need
Or maybe it's just me, I don't know. Stuff here feels way too different the past few threads
Yeah that's been a steady trend in general, although it's been a lot more recently because Dannyanon really likes using his characters and he contributes like 70% of the art these days so his newer characters get more overall focus.
sorry but I only draw what comes to mind and it's mostly the new characters maybe cause I'm more familiar with them
alright then, let's talk about who we want to flesh out more. I'll start.
Chelsey babysitting Rulf. How's that for a skit?
Rulf is great and should be used more. What a fun asshole of a character. Little cripple dork with a dictator complex, I love it.
I imagine it'd go down similar to Shelly babysitting Cartman, just Rulf'd be larping as if he's some military genius instead of a wicky wicky wild wild west cowboy.

but on the other hand I'm not the only artist or writer here and theres nothing stopping anyone else from doing their own thing so all that's to say dont just complain make the npg you want. draw and write about what you wanna see.
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>"Hey, can I critique your work?"
>"You may, as long as I can do the same to your s."
>"Ok, that's fair. Your scenery is beautiful, but your humans need work."
>"But I am trying to capture the perfect human form..."
>"I figured, but even for crippled people, they look off."
I feel like all my characters are as fleshed out as they need to be.
I'd like Drew and Beansy to get more development, since it seems like Asimov has kinda left them in the dust in that regard.
lol he's not beating the crippler allegations
speaking of which what would a slappy clown scientist be like? what would be his life work / obsession be?

this is totally not for an au.... it's for ummmm other stuff.
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still wants to entertain and make kids smile, but now with more morally dubious methods.
He doesn't really understand the comedy behind it, but loves the aesthetic.
people(mostly adults) laugh at him and not with him.
>Gouupa Nightmare Guy
neat, and cute
this is great anon makes a fine addition to the crack pot role swap au

also it should be vara Rial kinny-date
Drew's a very gay Barber but still denies being gay
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Try hard edgy Wendy who is far too nice and bubbly to be trying to be edgy, and autistic alt girl carman (Vanessa) the eyepatch is because she thinks it looks cool and for some reason he has a grudge against Vera.
And also more in touch with her eldritch side, I'll draw that soon.
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He’s a super strong Mormon
some swaps I thought of

cripple fucker and Brett would be a funny swap

tt and posie

Chelsey and Chaz

Elmer jancey and Myrtle
everyone is accepting of the weird turtle fucker while aggressively against cripple fucker who denies his attraction

tt is sort the class leader despite her personality while posie travels back in time not for some apocalyptic reasons but to make her perfect world

Chelsey being a smoking perverted babysitter who hit on her clients dad's and chaz..... OK I only thought of the Chelsey part

Elmer now an incompetent house husband yet no one has ever seen his wife and kids and thinks he may just be unemployed and Myrtle is a nervous wreck of a police officer fire fighters and an ambulance driver it's a wonder how she got this job and how she stayed on for so long
This Danny and dani are two sides of the same idiot

dani thinks she a lot smarter than she is and often uses big words she either doesn't understand or mispronounces entirely

Danny is so in denial about being dani lacky he thinks they're equal partners but everyone can see they're not
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he won't actually..y'know?
now I'm imagining dr toades as bill nye the science but with a gaint mascot frog head mind you he still wears the human mask underneath the frog mascot mask.

I was thinking a Barbara and Addison swap but that doesn't seem crackpot enough because it makes too much sense any better ideas.

Savannah and les seems promising maybe 90s ghost Savannah is based on the grung era. while les is just a wild ADD kid
quick someone kick his crutch

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