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ITT I'll be posting my still below average(but slightly improved) artwork
Most of what I draw is this oc
last one for now
Agatge the loveliest creature....
Looks like a pokemon OC or something. S
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She technically is one but not quite
Sivu hi! This thread will be mostly Agate drawings I hope you enjoy
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She looks like she fucks hypnos
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Nice Ronnie, thank you! If there's anything you'd like doodled let me know
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Drawing I did for someone
I would actually like to see her facing away from frame, with just the back of her head visible.
can you draw them doing anything other than just standing around idly
I can try
Sure, will do that soon
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>Ronnie/Agate thread
Apologies for not posting anything for a while, I've fallen sick recently
Very cute, tysm! Is there anything you would like drawn?
Drawing I did for someone else
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Could I get an Agate in a Halloween costume please c:?
Very cute art!! Originally I went for a more traditional costume(as you can see in the corner) but I changed my mind midway
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Ah! So cute thank you :)
Yeah...you can say that again. I hope it's going great still and not too much stress.
Random character whose palette I am very indecisive on. I like dark colors
So cute! Thank you so much ^^ I adore your artwork of my daughter. It's going okay, same to you
Your characters are so cute! They are always fun to draw.
I like all of the palettes honestly. It’s a bit hard to pick one. I love the pink hair, but I’m always biased on darker skin tones with lighter hair colors.
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Very glad you think so!! It's fun to experiment with palettes, that's probably my favorite part of designing characters. I really like the blonde with dark skin but I already have a character with a similar palette..the pink is nice
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Darn, you are right. Veronica already has that covered, hmm. The pink is great! I see you’re trying to go for like an ashy pink? That be unique I haven’t seen that around much.
Ageeg (and a Grey) <3 the cutie pies. I’ll draw you something when I respond next time so I’m not just clogging your thread with text lol.
this design is cute, I'll draw porn of her
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So cute!! Your art is adorable as always, thank you! Is there anything I can draw for you?
I decided to go with the pink, I think it looks really nice :)
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I haven't been drawing much lately. I did this yesterday
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>Ronnies' sister
I really need to learn more about your characters' personalities. I think I only know Agate's.
Thank you :). I am glad you like them.
>Is there anything I can draw for you?
Hm, could I possibly get a cute chibi Mion or Agate spraying Gray down with a hose (he got sprayed by a skunk).
She is so cute. I would cry too if I were spontaneously nude.

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