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I never finish any of my drawings
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My morrowind character (autistic trans man) nude
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Me and my imaginary bf
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Again unfinished
Also everything is roughly in reverse chronological order
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First version
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Wanna fix this
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I think that's it for old stuff to dump. Tell me what unfinished drawings I should go back to
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Keith Veloth
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I like this picture the most from this thread.
Mysterious and creepy.
Made me feel unease.
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It's actually my husband, here is an idol i made of him a few months ago
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garbage this is what i draw to warm up
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morrowind doodle
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Just realized I never posted this. Unfinished. I like some of the things in it but not the whole
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Lol never gonna finish this
Keep practicing!
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My husband

I might be autistic, im assuming this is intended as an insult
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On heavier paper going to paint
There is a secret to finishing your drawings:
Ok, actually 2 secrets:
1. Fuck that pencil, pencil = you can erase forever, fuck it. Marker or pen!
2. There is no point at which the piece of art is truly done, but you can draw the line (pun intended).
Okay, 3: Could it be ADHD? Ritalin helps.
>1. Fuck that pencil, pencil = you can erase forever, fuck it. Marker or pen!
i like ink but pencil is my favorite medium and it is not hard for me to decide when a pencil drawing is done, i just have a lot of sketches
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Self portait
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Psycho mantis <3

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