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File: 20240105_112508.jpg (302 KB, 1073x1228)
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I never finish any of my drawings
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My morrowind character (autistic trans man) nude
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Me and my imaginary bf
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Again unfinished
Also everything is roughly in reverse chronological order
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First version
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Wanna fix this
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I think that's it for old stuff to dump. Tell me what unfinished drawings I should go back to
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Keith Veloth
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I like this picture the most from this thread.
Mysterious and creepy.
Made me feel unease.
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It's actually my husband, here is an idol i made of him a few months ago
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garbage this is what i draw to warm up
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morrowind doodle
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Just realized I never posted this. Unfinished. I like some of the things in it but not the whole

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