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Starting a new thing. Let's see how this goes.
Now draw her giving birth [spoiler]to the fruits of her imagination on a sketchbook[/spoiler]
I hope to draw with you later!
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Reposting this full art of Midori because I like it.
i get the impression the OP is not actually a girl
What relevance could that possibly have in an art board?
Midori is way cute!!
This is fun art, reminds me of the stuff littlest mandingo used to do. I miss fun silly little aliased art.
that's actually a pretty okay clown outfit
now tell me, does Midori eat her vegetables like a good girl?
draws like a girl

uhh are we joining in or is this a just-your-party and we shouldn't intrude?
Dumb newfag
wouldn't it be dumber not to ask?
>draws like a girl
rlly brah
you can kinda tell
Thank you! Of course the green girl eats her greens.
I mainly just wanted a place to start posting comics. You can draw fanart or whatever though, I can't stop you.
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Midori Comic 2
temporarily lucky brother..
I love her jaunty lil ponytail. it has so much emotion I can imagine it wiggling in animation like a dog's tail.
i want to be her brother so bad bros
>even though you'll get raped by a 10 foot tall big smoke doppleganger

Unless you have a fetish for bbc I don't see why you should become her big bro
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Midori Comic 3
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Hello Silly, Are you still doing request? If so can draw our oc's posing like super models together? I will like to do an art trade with you :)
hang on what happened with a doppelman
oh jeez. this happened to me but instead of cute imouto it was clueless roommate. fucking bricked it in one afternoon.
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Midori Comic 4
i guess it's for the best she can't read.. but jesus, she's 7. and presumably japanese. she should know like 50 kanji by now. oh wait maybe she can't read romaji.
You really should post it on webtoon or something. You will be rich!
She was raised in America. The American education system has failed her.
I don't think they would take too kindly to the edgy jokes I can only make on 4chan unfortunately.
you have me back to where i was at 7.. first grade.. i and two others were in the advanced reading group, then roughly half the class was regular, and half was fucking illiterate.. because for some reason, fresh-off-the-boat immigrants and the severely mentally challenged were put in the same class with us. Including a kid with the most stereotypical doofus voice, who, when reading class began, said "what's read?"
yes don't listen to that guy
but do get a webcomic website (a fucking normal one without content restrictions) and- well those don't really exist anymore do they. Well, DrunkDuck exists, but you can't customize your site at all. but the default one sure does fit Midori.

anyway you won't get many hits because there flat-out aren't that many normal internet denizens anymore, but that's just how it is.
actually even the duck is like "Don't upload anything we don't like, we'll let you know if we don't"
i'm told comicfury is very uneven about their enforcement, but their forum makes it clear they are awful. and they banned me from the whole site for suggesting they were behaving like a witch hunt.
This did make guffaw
Use ComicFury. You can customize your site and they allow almost any content.
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Draw Midori petting a stray cat.
I see your reading comprehension skills are poor or you haven't caught up on the discussion
no. they really, really don't.
And they will ban you for "off-site behavior" as well.
fuuuck i should just make a neocities at this rate... is that a good idea? No moderation on my own website, right?
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Why not? Just be sure to provide timestamps for your works n' your golden.
Or don't, I'm not your dad.
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Midori Comic 5
The post you linked has nothing to do with their content policy. The only thing that they don't allow is explicit lolisho and bestiality. It's true that they'll ban you for off-site behavior, that's what happened to the author of My Magic Grandpa, but he was making some pretty sus posts beforehand and was just begging to get investigated. Stay off the forums and you'll be fine.
she's extremely silly!!! girls like that have a lot of energy.
uh huh. do those people really sound like reasonable judges of what's "explicit" ?
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Midori Comic 6
fragile little thing.. oh well, kids that age can regenerate hands, right?
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Cute asf.
This has such Dipper the Little Spoon Lass energy and I love it.
draw her climbing a mountain
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Midori Comic 7
that's mean! ... and a little too real to laugh at

but her straps are falling away so I'm just gonna pretend she's calling to say she's being malnourished.
(Now we're getting Dan Kim vibes)
I probably won't post more comics today. I'm making a neocities. Finally an excuse to use this UX design certificate lol. I'll keep you guys updated.
oh hell yeah neocities. I think they have some anachronistic restrictions for something trying to bring back geocities, but i think it's better than geocities dot ws. which... at least, doesn't do a good job enforcing its shitty rules lol. a lot of those old websites are still up thanks to them, which you could not make today.
Big bro is about to get rekt!
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Bit of a missed opp to call it "midori.neocities.org" for brevity, but self-titled works too.
I now await Hell's punishment.
what do you mean missed opportunity? you're saying that like you're aware of what she did choose as a name. or that the site is even up yet.
She did though
You're right though, the diatribes aren't in stone yet.
ah so that's what you meant by self-titled
so is that you or..
well anyway I'll just go there heh. addin to my check webcomics every day list
no wait you said 'she did' so you're not her
so how the fuck did you know
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I'll be leaving the forums for a while, if not forever. (that was fast) Idk if I'll keep updating the neocities. Sorry, personal life shit is happening.
Understandable, we'll keep up with ya site. Have a good evening.
Okay. It has been nice.
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Are we truly forsaken?
Bummer. I hope everything goes well, OP. May you live long and prosper.
ok,actually funny
op got too close to the playground again
>>792711 nuh uh >:T
I can't see any of the art on neocities and none of the buttons work. Am I missing something or am I just dumb?
sorry i havent updated it since i started it
Ey no worries.
I want to come back...
Back to what?
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You CAN come back, anon! You got this!

Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Replay: View)

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