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New pencils, new thread
I already love the pencils, but I wanna stress test them, and myself.
I'll go until I do the whole page, so claim thy spot on the paper!
a lunar moth
Test the greens by drawing a lewd cactus girl.
Draw a fat girl
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posting one that's done so people dont think thread is a lie
here u go!
It’s gorgeous, OP. Thank you!
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no lewd!
you get succulent femme fatale with cactus arms instead
I adamantly refuse!
think of something else!
kitten wearing a rubber raincoat?
Please draw Bendy
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goober cat
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sorry my guy I dont particularly like mascot horror, and when I draw I gotta enjoy what I draw, but I tried..
he's also dissapointed in me
draw a cat
A giant squid floating in the abyss with its eyes biolumecencence visible
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