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File: caesardoodles1.png (2.18 MB, 1200x1600)
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just doodle some character you like atm

here's mine, it's Caesar :)
what makes you like caesar?
well, to shorten it
I really like his design, he's extremely goofy, he's hot, not gonna lie I did hate his ass at first but then he grew on me so fast, I just really like the dynamic he has and I like me a bad guy who's bad but also bad at being bad
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I'm back with another Caesar piece to add here titled

"I fucked your dad"

thank you irl friends for dealing with my obsession and giving me new ideas
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Good taste OP!
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i keep on drawing rikka while im at work so its nice to sit down at home and draw her for once
rewatch chuu2 if you havent recently. if you have rewatched it recently watch it AGAIN!!
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Bumping with -some of- my favorite idiots
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Why does he look so evil?
Because it’s Reed Richards
doctor doom fingers typed this
I've been holding off from watching it for too long, this is my sign to finally get to it
holy shit I love your style and Trigun, hell yea
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Decided to take a small break from drawing Caesar so I drew Gangster Gastino this time since he's cool too
why do YOU look so evil?
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Went through too many characters to get to this
Looking good, OP
cool thread, bump

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