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File: asdffdsafdsrasdfos.png (771 KB, 2029x2267)
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personal image dump
ill be sure to post many drawings
sorry for a spam thread..
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cute stuff, OP
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thanks.. would it be fine to spam upload
yeah, it’s cool to spam your art
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How do you decide on what to do for a background, OP?
what do you mean by?
sorry i cant get it..
Sorry, if I was confusing. My Korean isn’t too good.
작품의 배경을 어떻게 결정하나요? 구름 같은 것을 그리는 거죠. 정말 간단하고 놀랍습니다!
my drawings really do reek of me..
whatever feels right, i once studied about color, material and shape of clouds
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That’s a good thing though, OP. It means your style is unique!
Thank you for sharing and I look forward to more of your art.
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hi minus 8 why havent you killed yourself yet minus 8
not necessary and rude
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fucking spaghetti every single time i make
just another idiot who only tries to copy but has no talent of any kind
Cute stuff, OP
Eyo, how do you do that hard edge/soft edge on the skin? Doesn't look like lasso tool unless I'm mistaken
sharp bleed cleanup after blur on shadow layer
so is the 'parasolar7' account on X yours?
idk what to have as a name
it's a lame placeholder
File: GXGLmt4XwAAaLQ1.png (691 KB, 668x564)
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You can pick anything.
If you want to distance yourself away from -8 then i'd just pick something you like alot, like a character you really like.

If you want to be a smaller artist, it really can just be anything.

If you want to be a popular artist. Pick something you'd expect people to like to say and talk about.

Or you can just pick '+8' to be cute.
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i am not sure
im just too stupid
Lovely tan lines
Do you have an OC? Just use their name.
Anon. Do you not remember their names? They were not far of from the original.
I mean for a username, just use an OC's name for a username or a combo of them.
Then that would leave us with either +7-8 or a combination of food. Actually, thinking about it, the latter might work.
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