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A small man encounter two large ghost ladies one grumpy, one more flirty, what will happen?

Oekaki Post (Time: 36m)
Call the ghostbusters
His phone is out of service
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>Awww, he's so cute! can we keep him?

Oekaki Post (Time: 50m, Replay: View)
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>He looks up at her and before he knows it, she grabs him and holds him within her arms and the small man pretty much accepts he is kept by her (and the other one to an extent). The other ghost doesn't seem thrilled on the surface, but will be kind of curious how things will turn out with this new friend of the two ghosts

Oekaki Post (Time: 37m)
Take him to his new home and give him a little tour
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>The two ghost ladies each grip a side to the small man and took him to their domain, it was quite large at least to him, as the furniture was rather large for the average human but probably normal for these large ghost women. The lavender one basically lead the tour showing him various paintings, the furniture rooms etc. "Now I'm sure it may be overwhelming for a human of your size, but what's ours is yours" said the lavender ghost. The green ghost huffed "Just be sure not to touch my stuff or I'll slug ya." she said. The man did have to admit it was quite the sight, and wonders what else is in store

Oekaki Post (Time: 32m)
What if he confuses their stuff?
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>She facepalms in frustration "Look, I don't leave my stuff lying all over the place and---" she sighs "Look, I know my sis was more eager with you moving in and such, and I guess if you REALLY want to, you can visit me in my room, but just don't go poking around aimlessly okay?"

Oekaki Post (Time: 11m)
The small man nods and proceeds to examine the gigantic home in awe.
Visit her... at night... while she sleeps
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>After she goes to her room, the man does explore for a bit, though as he does time did seem to fly rather quickly and it's already night, he was curious about the grumpy green ghost lady and at the very least wanted to make sure she was okay as she seemed rather steamed when she went into her room. He carefully entered and saw what looked to be a collection of music CDs, Comic books, games and heavy equipment he felt no human can carry, he saw a rather beaten up punching bag as well as a rather unsettling picture and he could see the ghost who seemed to be sleeping on a beanie bag wearing a skull shirt, as the man contemplated, "Hmph, so you decided to come on in after all huh" the ghost said, she certainly wasn't sleeping now.

Oekaki Post (Time: 28m)
“What’s got you all upset, Green mama? Also, your skull shirt is cool.”

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