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Greetings Earthlings, welcome to the /i/ OC thread! this is the place where you can yap all about your original characters! This is thread 51 and the theme is o u t of this w o r l d . . .
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glad to be back!
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somethings wrong with my oc bros...
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yaay new thread
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fresh skin
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same oc, but i was figuring out the roach wings and lower body
he gets his color back a little while after molting
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new thread? i revive from the dead
Your art style and character looks familiar
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A guy from ic said that if you head is empty an oc can help.
So from now on i draw a salaryman doing stuff. Here is me drawing the Underrail banner with 0 experience in figure drawing.
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Good evening /oc/

Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)
the way to get really good at art fast is to get obsessed with a character and draw them over and over again
whether its your own oc or just a character you really like
Does it have genitals
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new thread yaaayyy look at kiki guys
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almost thought you guys croaked

Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)
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it wouldn't be professional to comment any further, though.
Roach guy got youtooz eyes
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New to these threads, I have a pyrosona and enjoy music(link rel).

Also any drawing requests btw
warning earrape
Fuck you fred, i had headphones on and the shit fucking broke due to the amount of bass and loudness it had cunt. I hope your dad beats you
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i like to draw
can you draw that pyro getting blown up big and round like a blueberry from Willy Wonka haha that would be so epic and funny
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fuck theyre gonna sue me for that. fuck
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it's been a while
hisashiburi, oc thread-kun. hope all's well.
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This is my OC, Saemannthya. Her parents are dead... :( She likes cookies, and her ex-boyfriend cheated on her. Her favorite color is black, like her soul. Her second favorite color is red, also like her soul. Her power is that she can summon every weapon all at once, she can punch a hole through the Earth, she's a half vampire, half werewolf, half grim reaper, quarter demon. Her relationship status? Well, she's in a bit of a harem situation with Jake, Nerd Alex, Jock Alex, Artsy Alex, Arrogant Alex, John Alex, Alexa, and Alexander. She's the hottest girl in school, and she's NOT like your average girl! She likes potatoes, video games, My Chemical Romance, and she's super kawaii desu ne~!
Can’t wait for Halloween so she can get some king-sized bars.
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Teehee~so sugoi, me and my boyfriends are out on a picknic together :3 >~<!!!

I love my boyfriends, today Todd gave me a rose, I was happy.
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at this point just use those ych pose models from pinterest bro
baka baka frfr no cap

Oekaki Post (Time: 52m, Source: >>796390)
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this is peak OC design btw
noone can top it itt imo
post more of Saemannthya o wise one

Oekaki Post (Time: 19m, Replay: View)
thats the entire point dumbass
use 3d models your anatomy is so fucking bad it would unironically improve your shit
Anatomy is break 少女漫画.
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Oekaki Post (Time: 29m, Replay: View)
Not real anatomy lol that you cant ever achieved
He means that bootleg animu pose model that comes inbuilt with Csp
Save everyone the embarassment and atleast do the shoujo anatomy right foid
>Right side man.Right elbow is weird. Left hand is cheap.
You can't draw hands.
Don't think, feel.
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These are so sugoiiii~! I'm so glad my new OC is getting the love she deserves already, teehee! Here is a glorious picture of Saemannthya and Jake, Nerd Alex, Jock Alex, Arrogant Alex, John Alex, Alexa, and Alexander all thanking you for the beautiful fan art.
wise buddha once say "polishing turd browns the brush"

feel deeez nutz in yo mouth lmao
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shame shame here i fixed forya

Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Source: >>796443)
Even those in Hell don’t deserve to deal with the losers here
was just some shitty shoujo don't be too harsh on her man
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"Ohaiyo! I'm Momo Sutokkingu, a bright beautiful smart kind lovely sweet and beautiful girl! I'm ... years old today, and today's my first day at parody highschool! Like allways I'm beautiful, like allways I have men following me around, allways the center of attention....until.....her.....Grrr....today I found saemannthya fooling around with yet ANOTHER MAN! can't she see I'm right here..? Why waste your time on men when you have a perfectly good rival to fight with??? AHH SO NOT SUGOI!! I Momo Sutokkingu, will never forgive your impudence saemannthya....I will take your men and HAVE YOU WATCH ME FROM A AS I FLIRT WITH MEN AND NOT YOU- er....no! Not that- I mean!! Fight! Fight!!!! AHHHHGGHHH saemannthya's not even pretty enough for all those guys!!! >~<. I understand guys BETTer than her grr!!1!' -Momo Sutokkingu"
make them kiss
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Janny, can we get a clean up on aisle 3?
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nature charlotte
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this is my favourite bit so far
10/10 OC concept pure kino

Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)
This is so pretty
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had ideas for the full DJ Klava outfit which ive been putting off drawing in favor of playing terraria (again)
Fuck off pedo enablers
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Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 25m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 45m, Replay: View)
Is this a place to post your drawings or can I request stuff here?
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the hammer is alive
i'll draw ur request if its reasonable enuf
Well tis the season so if you are interested I would like to request you put my boy Alteo into a costume of your choosing. He is very much a bratty cat with a mischievous nature to him. But he can be good sometimes
https://files.catbox.moe/hoafa5.png https://files.catbox.moe/xz4clh.png (nude)
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"Stop looking at me like that anon, you'll make me blush!! >3<, y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-you know I'm already spoken for....the grand duke of the north Todd has already taken my hand in marriage....I'm betrothed....sigh, Mabey one day I'll be strong enough to break myself out of these chains.....Mabey....saemanthya....sigh."
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One of these days...we make the cover!
Women being catty? Who would have guessed.
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Skiped Golden!
Skiped Skiped Golden!
Skiped Golden!
Joy! Joy! Joy!
Skiped Skiped Babilon!
Hitandway Average!
Toypoo! Toypoo!
Toypoo is using Hit and way Average!
Hit and way Average!
Toypoo is using Hit and way Average!
Skiped Skiped!

Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
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He summoned Triangle.

Oekaki Post (Time: 8m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 23m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 16m, Replay: View)
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newest and oldest oc for a bsky prompt
ft. samuel san-fulig and the demon oc i made when i was 5 years old
fun to see how my tastes have changed
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At 4 years old....I picked up the sword, I dedicated my life to fighting and blood shed, I used my strengths as a half wolf half vampire half god, quarter human self too the best of my abilities. Until, I met someone who bested me, someone so strong even I fell to his prowess, Todd-san. I can't help but feel something so not sugoi vibrating through this world, almost as if the dust and stone that make us have sharpened their edges. So not sugoi.....is....is....the god wolf vampire gorlok....still trapped?Sigh.... ever since Todd has gone missing things have been so... chaotic. I hope that he returns safely. Awawaaaa I hope we'll be able to keep the god wolf vampire gorlok destroyer Krystal prison under lock....or...us and the rest of the duchies will be in trouble. Sigh.... Oh dear Todd-senpai, I will be sure to return you to safety! Even if it means.... Even if it means that I have to fight Gorlock myself! I will do whatever it takes to keep Todd safe!
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bitch boy for a character sheet
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fixed into an instant aryan classic
wonder why women and fags avoid giving their OCs facial hair

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Source: >>796755)
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because elias just chooses not to have any (he's not even aryan - if he's from any irl region he's uralic). i have other ocs with facial hair. let me make my little guys in peace
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Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 23m, Replay: View)
I’m gonna dick down that bitch until all of her holes are fill with my thick sticky cum.

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