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Welcome to the North Park OC thread, a place to draw, create and discuss original characters for North Park, a South Park spin off. Feel free to read through the wiki for more information on the characters so far. Otherwise, draw characters and have fun!

Vampire girl edition

Previous thread:
Here is a list off most of if not all the drawn characters so far. If you want a quick way to start drawing them, use a random number generator (www.calculator.net/random-number-generator.html) and have a go at drawing whatever characters you get. You can even do it multiple times if you want to draw more than one character together. Feel free to look through the Wiki or ask in the thread for more info on the characters, although not all the ones shown here have Wiki articles made yet, as it's a work in progress.

Wiki link:
surprised to see on of mine made the thread image
so now what?
We do this all over again, art, writing, whatever, ad nauseam.
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No refunds!
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It's october, do some spooky art
Your expressions got slightly better. Still, what the hell do you keep using that there's white speckles all over the place when you draw black lines?

Ironically the best way to improve on your art is to draw other people's lineart/art styles till you unlearn your style of drawing a line and then you are able to draw not just from reference in a different style but from memory.
Drawing by the numbers ironically is the best way to learn. The further the dots away from each other the better.
Most people don't use tracing to learn and simply mindlessly copy-paste instead of learning anything when replicating other peoples' lines.
There's a lot of high-class artists that still haven't learned the basics of drawing their own damn lines and instead just like Marvel's comic book "artists" they trace a 3D model cause they don't know how to draw a pose/perspective from memory, except they can't even be bothered to draw it from reference and instead they literally trace the shading and lineart from the 3D model.

I will fuck
of them.
the white speckles is from the brush I'm using it's supposed to mimic a certain artist inking style
episode where Vera stays inside on Halloween because her beef with candycorn lady and this is the only day of the year she can get her but due to the ula, les and the rest of the vamps not believing her they accidentally give ccl a chance to fuck with her by possessing them like the deadites from evil dead. vera has to not loss her shit and survive until 12pm when ccl loses her power since Halloween is over
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Leslie, age 6, first day of Kindergarten
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Textless alt
Asimov Anon here.
Ask me lore questions
if Asimov is stuck in a room full of dick how many does he gag on?
Asimov isn't into that, because he likes girls.
that's not an amount
Zero is a number though
zero so so none of the dick made him gag he sure is a pro
He didn't suck any so he had nothing to gag on, Robin
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Asimov: I know you died a virgin, but can you please stop making it everyone else's problem?
Jonesy: oh silly Little Toaster you can ask your moms if I died in a virgin
Wouldn't be a bad idea for him to schlurp on anyone's meat? Because, y'know, the gears?
jonesy: I know but apparently He just can't help himself when he sees a cocktail he needs it in in mouth
Jonesy: mother trucking auto correct can kiss my ask and suck my dock
Can Asimov do drugs and alcohol. I got Robo Shrooms and Robo wine for him.
Also I might be the only anon thinking bout this but it would be cool to have multiverse variant of Asimov like Steampunk Asimov, cyberpunk Asimov, Alien Asimov, clockwork Asimov, flesh Asimov, etc
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>"Attention freaks, it's me."
If Asimov is overheating he acts like he's high, but if he's low on battery he acts like he's drunk.
That plus a lack of interest honestly you'd have to get past the speaker first, crip must have a dong of steel from all the times he got freaky with A2's head
>it's a jonsey has to be nice to Asimov or get dragged to hell episode
who ever put that on her is pissed because she unphased by the threat

Jonesy: why should I if the internet goes down that's where I go anyways your just speeding up the inevitable
Hey Danny I found your family:
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a simple handy bot given as a gift to the asimov twins I swear I think she hates them

I mean I just realized they should’ve been ghosts if this was a fair exchange.
what exactly does this have to do with south park anyway?
just ocs set in the same universe.
It made more sense early on but over the years its became its own thing. Maybe we should reconsider rewording the OP to reflect that.
Look, it's Kenny!
stop posting north park on /co/ or I'll find where you live and dip your balls in battery acid
Old-NP was better. I can't see myself getting interested in anything nu-NP, it's just not the same anymore. We deviated so much from our original concept that it makes me depressed
It's not us, it's an obsessed faggot trying to troll. Guy spent money on an actual ad and having that pinned on us was already embarrassing enough when it first happened. All of just stay contained here
is there another ad or something
Sorry to hear you feel that way. If you advice for what we're doing wrong, so tell.
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Careful, 6 year old Leslie had a biting problem.
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Due to time travel shenanigans, this.
don't worry it'll grow back longer and pointyeir than before that damn witch wasn't going to let them out of the curse that easy
>T.T.'s watch fucks up, sending the main trio, Danny, and herself into the past.
>Main trio and T.T. get sent to smack dab into the middle of the Siege of Leningrad, while Danny gets sent back 2 years ago.
>Plot A is the ones sent back to Leningrad trying to get back to the present, while trying to survive.
>Plot B is Danny is trying to survive a 6 year old Leslie, who's a lot more fucked up than normal.
>Episode ends with the status quo returning to normal, except for Danny, who's wondering what the fuck happened to Leslie 2 years ago that made her "normal"
>Cuts to Leslie's 7th birthday, where she runs into a table head first, causing some of her neurons to shift to a slightly normal position, making her less fucked up.
Ouch, that's gotta hurt
Danny uses that cryogenic freezer in the vamps lair that currently hold vera and tt (long story) to get back home first thing he says to Leslie is what the fuck
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Undertale has monsters in it so this is kind of Halloween related
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She's fucked up and violent, but is still 6, so she probably has a jelly bean up her nose while running around aimlessly with a knife.
No intention, no thought, no safety.

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