look at this stupid cat
Is she retard
Is she a dancing cat?
>>798116Breast implants would help even better
Is the Cat afraid of water? How does she react at the beach?
I am looking.
>>798216Tomorrow maybe.
Does The Cat ever get a case of the 'zoomies'?Perhaps a case of THE RADICAL SKATEBOARDER ZOOMIES! HELLSYEAH! *Insert awesome guitar solo here*
>>798216I'll refrain from drawing you as a giantess.
>>798237only at comically inopportune times
>>798216Oekaki Post (Time: 8m, Replay: View)
>>798216do more squats
oh no, her embarrassing rebellious phase
>>798244on second thought I'll use my 10 hours of mspaint skills
She sees Anon as a mouse and pounces!
Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
>>798381Wondeful upgrade
>>798384god I wish that were me
>>798372Don’t be mean! >:(
>>798285Not even into giant stuff but this is hot
>>798499Sleeping on the floor?Would she prefer to be snuggling up on Anon's lap receiving pats?
>>798499I'd advice sleeping on your back, highly beneficial, that and a bed.
>>798506They obviously don’t make cat beds in her size
>>798526guess I'll just have to share my own bed with her then.
>>798545you did not think this through
>>798550I'll lift her up and position her identically to how I'm sleeping, that shouldn't be a problem, right?
>>798552she's gonna need your body heat during these harsh winter nights y'know
>>798554I'd be more effective if kim were under the sheets as well.
>>798558When was the last time you saw a cat using a blanket
>>798573guess there's always a time for a first.
>>798163slimmed down to a nice Stewie Griffin
>>798254moar belly
NyAaaaOekaki Post (Time: 19m, Replay: View)
>>798620So kawaii ;o
Cowgirl outfit, yeehaw!
>>798644She didn't, underwear is clothes.
>>798689Nothing gets past this guy
>>798644I see she was trying to hide a very pokeable stomach from us
>>798736thinking about it, not just pokable from my perspective.
>>798736Squeezable, even.
>>798742What did he mean by this
>>798747Possibly even… feedable?
Where’s all the drawfags that make her look hot
>>798790she is already cute
>>798790You can't improve on perfection
>>798644Too much talking! Not even dressing and undressing!
>>798790there's nothing to add to someone like her.
>>798092How old is she?
>>79881120 in cat years
>>798811>>798304It says 26 here
>>798796Well somebody should get started on that.
I’m sick :(
>>798886Get unsick right now, Kim
>>798644Do you mind if i use her in my setting? Be warned that many things can happen to her there... but ofc it will be "only" her design there. An alter ego, we may say.
>>798896go right ahead! is there anywhere you post about it or is it a private thing?
>>798199I tried (with mouse)Oekaki Post (Time: 2h 38m)
>>798901Thanks! I'm still cooking the starter. I will point there when its done. (spoiley: she won't appear anytime soon, i guess)
>>798908Awesome, can’t wait to see more!!
>>798810A penis, probably
>>798954Ok :(
Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)
>>798472I feel my heart would melt if a big ol' cute looking girl like kim towered over me, but that's just me and my dumb fetish talking on my behalf.
>>798092draw her as a cop
What voice do you guys imagine for her? I see her as sorta dopey sounding, like when Tabitha St. Germain does Derpy. https://youtu.be/dCUT-KHWeec?feature=shared
>>799069But, how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat!!
Happy thanksgiving, here’s your food
Oekaki Post (Time: 26m, Replay: View)
>>798092I've been meaning to draw her
>>799401Can you draw her being proud of me (whether she’s naked or not is optional)
>>798908Any updates on this?
100 replies!! :Dhere's boobs
>>799685How many replies for vageene?
>>799685lavender bosom
>>799675Around mid December, maybe later. I'm still with some world building things to do.>>799676>>799685NYAAAA!
>>799724>left hand*AHEM*! Heres a "better" left arm:https://litter.catbox.moe/kldevj.jpg
>>799676*wipes away tear* th-thank you.. :’)
I can't tell if Kim has a hime-cut or not. Is she a short stack or just being drawn in a chibi style?Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 14m, Replay: View)
>>799744she has the sidelocks of a hime-cut but with her own messier style of bangs. i definitely simplified her proportions for the doodles in this thread, here's what she's usually built like (though everyone can draw her however they want obviously). these sketches are adorable btw! very lovely work from everyone :)
>>799724>>799746great to see more from this! can tell you got something interesting cooking up ;p
>>799793Kim panties!
Oekaki Post (Time: 3h 21m, Replay: View)
>>799799Need her to crush my skull with her unbelievably meaty ass
>>799797cat that stinks good
>>799816Thank you, Kim. I will cherish it, not wash. Have this one.Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
Please do not the cat
Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)
>>799746Since she’s a cat shouldn’t she have six boobs
fatter again
>>800151I'm thinking smaller personally
>>800154Like, in age or size?
>>800173size, I'm fine with older women
Oekaki Post (Time: 6h 49m, Replay: View)
>>800388The face was absolutely fucked. This version isn't much better. I don't know how to really translate Kim's funny bug eyes.
Oekaki Post (Time: 14m, Replay: View)
>>800431If it means anything I was too busy looking at her incredibly hot and perky tits to notice anything wrong with the face
can someone draw her doing the dreamworks smirk
>>800431if kim had thighs that big I'd be able to them as a pillow
original the character
>>800497Imagine: a belly you could use as a pillow
>>800629You might as well just say "fatter" now, before I finish drawing.
>>800644Fatter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>>798265Need her to berate me verbally and physically
She's merrily build a snowman.With an enormous....carrot.
I want to dress up as a mouse and roleplay as prey for nia
>>800729I've got major brain lag and I think being up so late isn't helping with the issue, I'll probably have to ask for kim to tell me what her name is since I could only remember the 2nd best name I had.
Does she like boys or girls :3
Oekaki Post (Time: 10h 28m, Replay: View)
>>800796Holy sexo
>>800796Fatter!! Finally!!!
>>800871But is even fatter an option?
>>800907no, but the other potential option instead is sleeping with kim.
>>800907You have the power to make her even fatter.
>>800910I can’t draw I can only jack off :( my only power is retweeting weight gain drives
Hi, I am the poster who drew the lewd oekaki in question >>800796 I regret my role in derailing the thread. Kim is a wholesome goofball and I love her. Please let OP return to his work in peace.>>731642 This is the fatter containment thread. I'm happy to indulge your interest there, but will likely avoid drawing any more characters created by artists on /i/, unless they themselves express that interest.
>>800913OP here, you don't have to worry about 'derailing the thread' or anything, I was well aware people were gonna come in here asking for porn of kim lol, and i'm entirely ok with it! :)i cant tell people what to talk about or how they're allowed to draw her and i have no desire to. everyone's open, and encouraged, to make their own interpretation of kim.and sorry ive been less active myself lately, combination of real life stuff and general lack of motivation, everyone's open to throw some kim requests my way to help me get back in the game lol.and great work from everyone that has drawn kim here, it's been amazing to see and i love every single piece that's been posted! cant wait to bring more kim to you all :)
Mini-Kim in a stocking hanging from the mantle piece. Eagerly awaiting Xmas morning.
>>801309classic mini-kim moment
kim and her iconic sidekick mini-kim
Having her inspecting lois einhorns bulge
>>801318mini-kim to use at your discretion
>>801318gosh I wish I could trade places with mini-kim
Mini Kim has been stolen by a mouse!Regular Kim is in hot pursuit!
>>801366she doesn't know what sound a cat makes when it's trying to kill something
>>801337Scientists have studied it and it turns out mini-kim actually has 20% more body fat in her ass compared to normal kim
>>801390The chase is on!
>>801318I think Mini Kim would be more comfortable snuggled between Kim's bewbs.Kim would have to be wearing her sexy Santa outfit, of course ; )
>>801330The hot chick from ace ventura
>>801460Aah, that wonderful mix of cute and sexy, nice!
>>801406the mogging is brutal
>>801460I think it'd be ironic that mimi kim is just regular ol' kim and whoever this kim is, well it's entirely up to interpretation as to how she appreciates the weather up there.
>>801478I think they should kiss
Kim decorates her Xmas tree.Mini-Kim is the angel on top of it.
>>801522I wonder what mini-kim got her :o
>>801571A minier-kim
What's her full legal name?
>>801535merry kimmas :3
>>801598that's a nice christmas jumper kim's wearing
Kim asleep in front of the fireplace, waiting for Santa to arrive, with Mini-Kim snuggled adorably in her arms.
and to all a good nya-ight
>>801580Kim E. Mono
Look at this stupid cat’s stupid hat
kissy kissyOekaki Post (Time: 27m, Replay: View)
>>801578I like to think Mini-Kim fell out of Kim’s hair like a flea and she scratches Minier-Kims out of her mini hair, so on and so forth
>>801835Perhaps there’s a mini-kim inside all of us
I attempted to make a chat bot of her lol. I really really like her :) https://character.ai/chat/FxfAJomcPRIt3lsPVao3jZ83P1bqmwAD4JlAQmBJmhI
Despite getting some really nice gifts on Xmas, Kim and Mini-Kim's favourite playthings are the boxes and wrapping paper those gifts came in.
>>801852I’ve had so much sex with this great work
happy mew year :3
>2025>I am forgotten
>>802616Don't worry Kim, people are still drunk from all the revelry. Did you get anything for Christmas?Can you show it?
>>803131It's pretty hard keeping you on a leash, Kim.Maybe you should really get a leash. Go pick one of your liking.Now we have to do something about all that positiveness.
>>800932What's Kim's favourite fish?
>>803145You, Freddie Mercury and KISS.No, take it off. Did you clean it beforehand?You don't want to get fleas, do you? Gowash yourse- !
>>803185Mini Kim sits on the edge of a fish tank, fishing rod in hand waiting for a bite. Kim licks her lips while staring into the tank, nice and fork in hand.
>>799753Sorry for taking so long, if you are interested:>>>/qst/6191542If you want Kim to show up quicker, try to pick options that leads to a city or a pub. Checking the wanted board will trigger her mission. And she is an important character that shows up sooner or later. Cheers!
>>803796Include Mini Kim too pls.