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draw board-tans
4chan mascots are welcome, too
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>>799283 (OP)
I miss the shimmie
Here's a cattard
giving /jp/ headpats
My design of adult Keksandra
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>>799283 (OP)
I thought she was already an adult and married to a woman
She can be adult or not an adult depending on how horny the artist is
the kid version married /int/ tho
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I have no clue why twitter latched on to the clover Viol x Keksandra ship or how they managed to mischaracterize both of them so badly
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Oekaki Post (Time: 45m, Replay: View)
adult /jp/ wife
(for [s4s] only)
But she already has a wife, unless you want her to have multiple wives
I don't think she remembers /int/ is her wife. She loves /jp/ now.
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>>799283 (OP)
/v/ dude-
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Apologies if this counts as derailment but I am not sure where else I can find the original or at least more clear image of this /a/ mascot. I tried multiple reverse image searches and can't find a match. If anyone has the original image I would be thankful.
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Here you go, I found it by complete chance

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