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File: 81346804_p0.png (238 KB, 463x845) Edit
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Support a greater cause by drawing this character in your own style.
File: greater cause.png (20 KB, 500x500) Edit
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>>799670 (OP)
>>799670 (OP)
this artstyle is so cute
That's a very cool drawing that also aligns with "our" artistic sensibilities. Your effort is appreciated!
>>799670 (OP)
idk what's her name or where does she come from, but damn she's cute
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She’s one of my metaphysical daughters.
>>799670 (OP)
why am I having deja vu with this?
I don't know... maybe you saw her in another thread. Or maybe the weird symmetry is universal...

Anyway, I’ve got big ambitions..." I want Jap blood".
It's so sailor moon, what, I'll come back with a doodle in a while
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>>799670 (OP)
How cute! I love her expression ;)

I really appreciate all these genuine and selfless acts of kindness—I just wish I weren’t so mentally deteriorated and drained so I could 'feel' things more easily...

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