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moving to new thread #3

hope everyone is enjoying the holidays
I want to molest the Younger Girl
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Yay new thread! Hoping the Girl is enjoying her holidays too. Does she have a gift prepared for us?
Why do you keep making so many threads when the others are still up?
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I thought the first was already dead, last one was almost to the last page and someone had asked about a new thread. still learning slimes, my bad.
The Girl's adventures continue!
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why do they even make candy canes that big?...
I'll think of a oc on the spot: a hot femboy with blonde hair, dark green eyes, and they tuck their junk like lois einhorn, dress them how lever you like and have em giving a Christmas present to our favorite sisters
I wonder how the Younger's nipples look
Imagine a threesome...
It's snowing!
Time for some winter fashion featuring The Girl, Younger Sister and The Mom.
seconded, also I stg OP; I'll draw something soon, The Girl is too good to pass up!
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cooking, slimes.

these Girls chose some great outfits!
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Surprised She likes this so much.

very cute...

I wonder what her family chose to wear.
Very festive
This is why she's best girl
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i'll be spending chrismas alone.
The Younger was hoping for something more "sexy"?

but this is also very nice.

She does make a cute reindeer!

kino anon! by all means stop by here on Christmas! would love to see more from you!
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thank you anon!!!!!!!

i just happened to be trying something more explicit with the yunger as you resurrected.
The cutest thing I've seen in all my life and I like to think she's naked under the suit.
Of course you do!

Now get ready to pose with Big Sis and Mom (Mrs Claus outfit?...Sexy version, of course) for the Xmas card photo.
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its like youre reading my mind as a doodle, anon

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I finished it and went to sleep unsure if I should put it here but I looked at the prev thread and saw some very explicit stuff and now I'm gonna just bite the bullet xd
anyway, my assumption is she's inexperienced.
ho ho ho! couldnt help but draw de big sis
So, question...
Do you think the Girl and the Younger think about an incestual relationship?
no, they don't
Counterpoint: Sex
They're too pure and straight for that.
Continuing from >>800364 . Chibisuke entered The Girl's house hidden in the Christmas tree.
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There's no choices this time.
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(I'm busy)
surprisingly, The Mother was the most apprehensive.

but after a few glasses of her favorite wine she seems to be having the most fun with this.

good lord, fellas...
also kino trips anon! happy to see more from you.

happy to see more talented people stop by my thread!
Way better than the last ones though. I suppose it's because it's a shorter sequence and The Girl is in.
What did all the gals ask for OP? Surely they want something? (Other than Anon's "package?")
>even though it's ugly bastard goblin...
Exactly, also, really nice numbers
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>there is always a choice

o hay I have a fellow wine mom oc
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an anomaly has occured
crazy neck action going on there
what happened
last thread she had a detachable head. >>797241
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oh yeah

make her use it again
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she just felt like it i guess
Detaching her head, putting my hand through the neck hole and out her mouth hole, then jacking off. If I need extra lube I'll just pull my hand back in her mouth and rub her tongue a bit
Anon has cool underwear, but what happened to his face?
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pretty predictable Christmas wishes.

The Mother wants some of her favorite wine and a new bra (are they still getting bigger?)

The Younger naturally wants more romance slop manga (cute)

seems like The Girl doesn't know what She wants...
Damn, The Younger Girl is now considered loli by the mods. I can't post what I made.
Can I upload my drawings of her to my Pixiv so they don't go to waste?
damn, do they not know what petite means?
yeah of course anon. sorry to hear they couldn't stay here :(
I'd love to see your pixiv.

anonymity, of course
Thank you very much
Just search for CapitainBenis on Pixiv
I want a romantic night with The Girl

I love her thick eyebrows
We all want v_v
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I misunderstood the mission and now I'm wondering,
if she were to suck rn, would that discourage blood flow to the penis? if so, does that mean she'd literally have to blow anon?
Is it time for the ladies to pose for the Christmas card photo?
Anon would be happy to take the picture!
As long as she sucks I will feel stimulated
I should go to bed with her head like that.
Snowman building time!
The Girl is merrily adding the finishing touch, a top hat, to her traditional looking snow guy.
Younger Sister has put.her artistic skills to use and is now gazing lovingly her, very detailed, snow-replica of Anon.
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The Girl had fun making a snowman! however she didn't expect to be so outclassed by Her sister!

and for it to be so... handsome.

where's the cucumber supposed to go???

the Christmas photo is approaching! so have your camera ready, anon!

Loving all the work from you guys! glad you guys have become find of Her!
N'ice', n'ice', baby!
This is 'cool'!
Your talent is 'snow' joke!
I get a 'chill' from seeing this one!
Keep up the amazing work and stay 'frosty'!

Deciding where to put the cucumber is a real pickle!!!

Okay, I'm done now

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