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File: OPimage.png (263 KB, 2000x2000) Edit
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tis the season oekaki, let me draw ur requests
OC preferred
NSFW ok i guess
might be trad while im bored at work or might be digital when im tired of getting my ass kicked in video game
Request to draw my OC characters in the pose pictured above pretty please and thanks :^)
File: tegaki.png (11 KB, 400x400) Edit
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draw her getting a warm hug
be nice to her

Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
how frog have beard
Getting smacked in the butt, but since they are tucked their balls/bulge gets hit instead.

Or alternatively

They are bent over checking out a washed up giant squid on the beach
File: sketch-1734656548537.png (213 KB, 1200x1200) Edit
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Its time to draw ze frogs

Because he can
File: fan_girl.jpg (85 KB, 636x704) Edit
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>>800684 (OP)
Requesting my OC Fan Girl, a hyperactive fangirl.
File: IMG_3584.jpg (1.08 MB, 4000x3000) Edit
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1.08 MB JPG
Request drawing my villager dancing

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