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Welcome to the North Park OC thread, a place to draw, create and discuss original characters for North Park, a South Park spin off. Feel free to read through the wiki for more information on the characters so far. Otherwise, draw characters and have fun!

Naughty and nice edition

Previous thread:

Wiki link:
Vera: I'm not letting go that Melville forgot UNDERwear existed
underwear are clothes too
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Vera: I was obviously referring to my costume and their being nothing underneath which would imply that I'm not wearing underwear
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Behold, the last thread of the year...and the soon to be first thread of next year
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Repost but first costume of the Christmas larp. The first phase is the costume design of Santa and the elves vs reindeer and snowman. The second phase which started on December 20th is the hunger game event
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Here mine. The super sneaky disguised tank
Leslie chose the side, but was blanking on what role she could take, so she found The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus at the local library and chose a reindeer name from that.
Ideas for drawfag & writefag requests in 1 place:
Ok, who's the smartass with the last 2 art requests?
Hmm should Max dress as the Grinch or as a cute elf girl complete with a deep woman's voice hmm. Naughty or nice...
would combining both would work as a cute sexy elf grinch girl
The Christmas LARP is an actual zombie survival tower defense game (similar to that one on Xbox arcade) because Chaz hit Danny with a Frozen snowball which caused his Power to go Haywire bringing the dead including the decapitated head of a long forgotten God to life
This time is not a verses It’s a co-op larp even though it started as a verses they want to keep the zombie apocalypse and ruining their Christmas and or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa
*from ruining their Christmas
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The many faces of Leslie Bora Houben (left to right, top to bottom): Default, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Super, PJs, No-Brainer, Horror, Lešlie, Robot, 80's/Trapped in the VHS, Zombie, and Male.
Cute elf girl it is. With "magic snow" powers and raising an army of 300 angels.
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Forgot to color Male Leslie's buttons.
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From what I remember reindeer are speed types Santa’s are heavys snowman are builders and elf is support

The bosses are special zombies mostly they are named important characters that died like Barbara Jonesy, Amanda Fiona and Laura fairweather don’t worry they are soulless version being controlled by the decapitated god head but if you bring them someone important to them, you get a cool character interaction with them
all kids are playable they play similar to each other depending on which faction they are. each character gets initial perks that makes them a slighty unique when they start out (that's 83 plus character we can't make them all unique snowflakes)

And this is all the alt costumes they're all unlocked at the same way usually beating a certain number of waves and defeating certain bosses.
Hey max, do you need a draw anon? If so, just describe the design
dani is elf

Wendy is a Santa

Vera and ula are Santa's

Bram an elf

Joseph a Snowman

Fredrich a reindeer

and Amanda wants them to clear the zombies away from her apartment so she can get to work on time
Sammy will be a Snowman
Ok, This is for people are aren't drawings. You can still apply just by telling me on this thread. Also if your OC is also part of the larp and you want a design, just describe it for me. Every anon is invented and nobody is excluded.
This design is nice even if it's copypasted.

Design him as an outright girl, it's his alter ego after all.
Fiona is a menorah ( elf)

also tt dlc where time traveler fucked up now all the adults characters when they where kids ( for easy character templates) while the time cops, dinosaur/ cavemen and Asimov Prime death squad robots are enemy types
*adult when they were kids are playable
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My basic idea for Dr. cates/ the other scientist lab stage green is starting area. Red is first area unlocks blue is secondary area unlock and orange is third yellow is where the merchant is located does obviously more floors with the other scientistnlabs but this is what I got for now
the main enemy type is prototype cat girls
secret bosses are Neil’s dad ( only appears if Dougie or Neil is on your team) toades anti cat girl dragon, and super helper

Calamari is a stage hazard who can grab you and hold you for enemies to attack she thinks you're a zombie he's not doing this maliciously
Asimov is a snowman and Ada is going full Padoru
There's a small percent chance of dialogue triggering if Jonesy is in the way of Asimov snowballs

Jonesy: hey did you blow a gasket? we're on the same side this time you idiot.

Jonesy: hit the zombies not me

Jonesy: Friendly Fires disabled jackass

Jonesy (very angry): stop throwing fucking snow balls at me!!!
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Asimov was already sick of her before the first wave even started
>There's a achievement for KOing her with one of Asimov's snowballs during a plot battle where she's needed
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The team can also be made with Jonesy ( on her mother side they are non practicing) and Honoka (Easter egg because it sounds similar in my text to speech constantly translates Hanukkah as her name when I say Honoka and she confused why she’s there the entire time)

Fiona (reindeer)

Addison ( snowman)

squirrel boy ( elf)

Jeremy ( reindeer) dlc don’t have Christmas larp outfits since they are part of different story

Honoka (definitely a Santa that means strength)
here's the character list for the Christmas clash

Be sure to add a perk to that character perks are what make them unique starting out since all of them basically have the same move set their stats is just depending on which class they're in.

all perks can be purchased at the merchant in-between waves four random ones appear at the shop characters can hold up to three at a time they can't get rid of their initial perk(s) so the more you have starting out the less you can customize

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Sammy (Snowman)
took inspirations from Final Fantasy, White Mage
- He still can stretch, and also has good accuracy
I gave the the elasticity perk his melee attacks have longer range
is there a north park middle school or is north park elementary a k-8 school
if we want it to be even more bass ackwards k-12
K-12 is infinitely funnier
someone shits themselves in kindergarten that's going to be stuck with them till senior year
Uisas when he's spanking a highschooler with a ruler
>"I thought you'd behave better by 4th grade
imagine saying you graduated from high school at an elementary school
p Kiddy treats all the students like elementary school students
episode where Les has friends in all grades and is embarrassed by Danny, vera and Fishboy when she around her older friends

a different episode where Vera in a trench coat becomes a high school jock

lore update Jonesy tall for her age and is often mistaken for a boy in the middle school section of the school

> episode where Les has friends in all grades and is embarrassed by Danny, vera and Fishboy when she around her older friends

Les ghosts them on their weekly watch late 80s early 90s movie night to go to a high school party she was invited to so Vera, Danny, and fishboy snuck into the party Thinking they kidnapoed her because she would just do that to them. they kept accidentally fucking with Michelle the entire party.

meanwhile chaz and Curtis snuck into the party to watch high schooler do it they almost see it but they get caught and cock block some poor high school jock

>cock blocked jock got Chaz and Curtis by the scruff of their shirts they see les and ask for her help

>CBJ: you know these dorks I was about to score but they ruined it so im about to pound them till they're bluer than my balls

>les:..... no.... but you like totally shouldn't do that.

>Vera in a trench coat with a versity jacket over it and a football helmet: god ( ouch) fourthies ruin everything if there's another one we should all beat the shit out of them

>Michelle who is sick of their shit knocks them over revealing Vera Danny and fishboy

>Vera: .... well I know what I just said but are you going to listen to a couple fourthies?

cut to les bandaging all of them up while watching a movie and apologizing for thinking they were lame and ditching them

God damn this really opened up a lot of story potential
>I'm about to pound them till they're bluer than my balls

Chaz looks over to Curtis

Chaz: I really hope he means kick our ass


chazette: I hope he means what I think he means

Curtis: you mean kick our ass right

Chazette blushing:....

Curtis: right?
Amanda goes back to high school to get her diploma jj was officially canceled ( a few years into her wagie arc) and is in the same grade as the main cast it super awkward when she around Asimov drew and beansy her and Danny is chill though

then she becomes the school's teacher teacher and event organizer
>Asimov after seeing her shitty situation decides to forgive her.
*Theater teacher though I believe they are called Drama teachers

the lore is that they often tried to build more schools since the 40's but the budget is usually blown on tourist trap shit so they just added two expansions ( during the 50's) one for middle and one for high and called it a day.

The quality of education of the school is so poor that they are legally required to call it an elementary school

There's also a community college their cherished greatest and brightest student Dr Catherine Cates who graduated their "prestigious" ( they are legally not supposed to call that without the quotation marks) at the young age of 10ish is legally not allowed within or near the school.
Amanda: thanks aj- no Asimov

Jonesy: so your going to forgive me too Asimov throws a snowball at her
here's a link for team ideas in Christmas Clash

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That not a male right?
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Phantom fling duo ( Fiona definitely the dominant one in the relationship) If Danny Ester Dani Les and/or Vera or are the same team they are confused as to when did this start happening?
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>"C-can we focus on the mission rather than talk about our feelings?"
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Now draw 'her' alongside Jerry.

Somebody needs some TLC on those hands, stat. I'm a male and I care about hands more than women do.
God Guild Wars knows how to seasonal events properly.
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I know that supposed to be a fold of some sort, but it looks like she has a boner.

Ula: I can change shape so it could be one if that's what you desire.
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Sammy: Cool!
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>*rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble*
>"Should we do something about our boyfriends?"
>*slurp* "Probably should, I'm almost out of coke..."
>Putting Asimov on most teams will result in a small overall bonus
>The onlt ones that don't get this bonus are characters that are canonically not friends with Asimov, save for TT, who gets the "It's complicated" bonus
Is Asimov a support character in the video game?
Also, just wondering, how would max play out as a character in this game tower defence game we been thinking about
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He has the "4th wall" perk where every secret entrance/area is revealed on the map. Plus, with certain team formations(i.e. people he likes), he'll provide a small helpful bonus
He's playing the part of Snowman, who are the builders, so yeah support sounds about right
Lydia's initial perk is "dodgeball" (after three combos, a fourth strike is a guaranteed critical hit)
Penny's initial perk is "booger bash" (projectiles stick to enemies when hit and sustain damage for a few seconds)
Addison's initial perk is "looking good" (attacks are more flashy to look at as well a different looking UI, purely cosmetic)
Savannah's initial perk is "ADD" ( any mind control type attacks wear off quicker compared to others)
Actually we kind of change that snowmans are long range and elves build things faster kind of just made a little bit more sense
Also kind of changed a bit from Tower Defense to 2D top down cod zombies/ Zombies Ate My Neighbors Style game brainstorming is a hell of a thing
the team campaign change bonus is background kids ( enemy type) is the most frequent enemy type to appear on any map
the Asimov Prime Roaming boss appears by coming out a portal form non-existence (since this takes after the bad future was dealt with) he looks banged up and busted and only a2 is in there. the whole time he sounds desperate to get rid off you the big bad promised to bring him back into the timeline if he kills the player team and wants you landed enough hits on him another portal opens up black tendrils of non-existence poor come back in there with him screaming he wants to exist inb4 yes I'm stealing that line from Sonic X Shadow Generation it goes hard
>That 1 show with a singer far too good for the actual show.
>If the hole wasn't seen, this would be the biggest mystery to solve ever. Theories would be that anyone that got close to Mikey had their heads blown up through the sheer awesome power of his vocal cords.
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waterlogged ( Les-like ghost) Jonesy skin

um wrong thread???
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This is about as much effort as he's willing to make to dress as a snowman
Wendy pk and Curtis character dynamic in interactions are Wendy and pk bro-ing out with Curtis getting jealous he can't match their broness both Wendy and pk are oblivious to Curtis malding

Kid-dy: "you're like the best friend I wish I had!"

Wendy: "Or the sister you wish you had."

Kid-dy: "Or the daughter I could h-"

Curtis: "OKAY GUYS, I get it. Stop sucking each other off and FOCUS!"

both: *confused stares*
Kid-dy: when I grow up I want a son just like you Wendy

Curtis: muffled screams

Wendy you hear that?
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I guess ada is part of the Santa faction isn't she. Also, how much clothing does a robot need for the winters but anyways, I bet someone like Asimov is durable
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Fiona's hero larp suit the murk menorah she a play on old pulpy vigilante style Heroes like the shadow, the Phantom, and the spirt.

even though she in shadow she sheds light on evil-doers
she doesn't often gets to play with the rest of the kids on the count she dead so she played a bunch of 1 v 1 against Danny though every once and a while Danny willingly swaps spots with her so she can join the larp
I love Danny, he's like the anti Max. He's like an actual bizarro AU Max.
Momstrongs gif

episode where Danny let's Fiona have his body ( less possession more his body becomes like her old one plus she gets his nose and he becomes a ghost) for sometime so he can de-stress ( Ester swears it relaxing) and so she can be in the hero larp but no other kid wants to play the super hero game.

>so she accidentally (at first) ends up actually fight crime and crosses a 1930s-40's style gang hiding in North Park's criminal underbelly.

> the muck menorah's escapades ends up making the news she ends up going viral so some Hollywood executives are talking about making a straight to streaming show that's part of a bigger super hero cinematic universe based on her.

>so the other kids decides to ride off her coattails by claiming to help and be a vital part in her operations which gets a target painted on their backs by the gang.
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>"Ready to show these guys what for?"
>"You know it, mija!"
Wendy: hypothetically would it be a problem if I fucked our dad from the past and got pregnant

zooms out shows Wendy 9 months pregnant

Wendy: you going to be your brother uncle... but you're not really part of the family

Curtis screams

we see that this is a nightmare as he's been down and the other three are fighting off the rest of the wave of time cops

Wendy: is he going to be okay

Leslie: don't worry he'll be up by the next wave
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Jonesy and squirrel boy we're friends due to their family being close but after squirrel boy started dressing and acting like a squirrel Jonesy projected her own social insecurities onto him and kind of started distancing herself from him but she stillvcare about him she constantly protects him from the dog boys
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since squirrel boy doesn't talk we don't know what he thinks but I like to think he doesn't really notice and obliviously goes up to and clings onto her
Funnily enough in the no brainer timeline their relationship is kind of reversed Jonesy is very supportive of his phase but do the not being in the universe a lot she doesn't quite know that he's kind of sick of it after being turned into a human squirrel

he tries to avoid her but she keeps trying to hug up on her old friend
>HO HO HO Everyone. Here is the list of every town's folk that I had just kidanpped as a form of punishment. Let see how my jolly hostages feel before I start the game. I just need to work on my arena a bit I let the holiday slaughter begin. Let see what my sponsors will draw or write up
Wanna swap, one of the 2 girls with glens and Goodfellow? They aren't in Christmas clothing if you want?
You can insert Holiday Blenny in place of Goodfellow
>I hope I get to kill Chaz and teamup with Jerry for at least a few rounds, our outfits' color palette match so well.
we need Avalanches, killer snowmen, poison ginger bread men, and mutant reindeers
also autism cure pills for Leslie


> Danny last longer than one day

>Vera and Leslie show down winner doesn't matter

> Jonesy squirrel boy team up

> squirrel boy betrays Jonesy he doesn't finsh the job

> Vanessa dies in a comedic way on the first day

> chaz and Danny showdown

> Asimov Sammy showdown
the starting weapons area better be a christmas tree and all the weapons are warped gifts

It's XMAS time.
I guess I can do ula and Vera as pirates after the hunger games
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Work for Dannyanon
>Sorry everyone but Santa had an unexpected change today where things are unexpected. Im very sorry for the inconvenience but let see the new cast
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Super hero larp ( she was caught wearing it when they was playing super heroes now this is just part of the lore) / Magical girl Internet guardian, traditional clothing Jonesy. She hates wearing it but she has to do occasionally for ceremonial purposes as part of her responsibilities
Jonesy: dying immediately what else is new?!

ula got mad aura

Lydia immediately going pycho is she the heel of these Christmas games
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>"I have no idea what this is, or where it came from, but it has Chaz's name on it, he might want this back..."

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