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she doesn't have much of a backstory. she's the mascot of my website where i talk about arcade related shit.
She looks like she needs to be hooked to a milking machine everyday
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I need to draw her again
hell yeah

some more lewd drawings of her can be seen here >>797938 >>800162 >>797941 >>800166 >>800781
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omg i drew this girl be4
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legend. that was the coolest drawing i received during artfight.
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I remember I drew that character one time lol!
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The one time you don't draw your characters killing someone.
a classic
who's the frog
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Can you draw what she would look like if she were 91 years old?
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i gave it a shot. your drawing is great.
Thank you. She's so pretty.
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link to your website?
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from a /v/ drawpile
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You need to practice giving her more expressions.
you're right. i just think the :< face is cute. give me an expression/emotion and i'll draw it.
I thought for a while the blank face was intentional and a character trait of hers
The face is Cute.
I just said that cause it's good practice.
Maybe a "pleasure" face.
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it kind of is. i like her indifference towards being looked at. here are some old doodles where she has some different expressions. mostly >:o
will do
cute oc
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just for fun i made a second website to host all naomi drawings, including fanart. there's probably not a lot of overlap between fans of naomi and fans of my regular ass blog anyway. let me know if anything looks broken or if you have suggestions.

thanks brother
good stuff. where did her pants go

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