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I will draw here. feel free to interact or request
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>>803264 (OP)
nice to see you again fren
>>803264 (OP)
draw them kissing
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hello anone
here is a sheet of the OCs I mainly use. I dont do lewds of Juni
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drew piper and alice kissing instead
For me it's Juni
Cute. Though Alice doesn't really seem into it.
>le virgin pose
now do a piper profile draw of her striking the chad pose
complete the meme template
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why is the chad pose so funny
understandable fren
trust me she is, she is just shy and low key
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hahahhah very nice
thanks juni bro very cool
love your draws very much

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thank you fren
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This is so good.
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>lewds juni
>gives her panties
cute, but you failed the assignment
>>803264 (OP)
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I have a twitter @junibro but I dont post there anymore. for now this is my blog
* its @junibro_
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5head cutie
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