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Y'all know the drill by now, its the OC thread! Post about your original characters and tell us about them. Could your OC win the Clover Cup? Or would they get 5th because they got blue shell'd right at the end?
Also, we are opening the server up again. Here's the invite. Come in and let's all yap about our little guys together!
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Morgan and Juliet having a little bit of a disagreement...
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made a new guy based on my favorite mushroom, the Destroying Angel
he's a strict cutthroat weirdo (of course)
his name is Mužmir Amanita.
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new thread yaayyyy ^_^
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+ in color. it's all pale white like one of those color-it-yourself action figures.
he also doesnt have any vital organs. it's mushroom all the way down
symbiosis is the only form of love it knows, which is good news if you are a pine or perhaps an oak.
not so much when you're made of meat
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+ obligatory alexeiposting

pov fake gunfighting
(except idk jack shit about airsoft and i dont care enough to learn more)
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time to hunt demons
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charlotte and VRAM
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it's high noon
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eya >:(
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they already saw it b4 but i did draw this one, i just wanna post it here
Thanks doc
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girl who makes her friend perform a miracle to play board games with her
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shroomo office attire
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quick draw
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eya >:(
very cute
thanks anon
made me smile
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piper >:(
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okay enough shitty doodles, here's an actual thing i made
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mexican stand-off
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charlie (colorized)

god damn this shit looks good!
thank you very much anon
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drew this a year ago but it's her birthday today. happy birthday eleanor
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happy birthday eleanor!
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it's february :]
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server icon
Super grim
pyw samefag
incredibly based
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im back from my trip!!! hi everypony!!!! i wanted to draw how i was feeling.
its so fucking cool its still so fucking cool
this looks like "graphic design is my passion" ass like holy fucking shit lmao
It has a certain charm I think. It's technically shitty but in a really earnest and sweet way. Stop being so hateful!
Where can I find this server?
hey anon, server is in the OP. its the last little text bit of the post.
pyw fag
did u have to make the lowest skill guy do the server icon?
kinda cruel guys cmon
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1. he volunteered 2. there are no skill requirements in oekaki and 3. why are you baiting on a tuesday night
its ok anon id be mad and bitter and jealous if i didnt have friends either
kill yourself
how bout maybe just maybe (you) don't humiliate you buddy like this
>permabeg art for a permabeg shitcord
Can't think of a better way to advertise a group of autistic /ic/ rejects than this.
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modding bideo game
we get it you’re mad you’re not in it can you stop samefagging already
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my pattern of fuckass angles for 2-person nsfw pieces remains unbroken
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Hi oc thread. I'm posting my ocs. I hope you don't mind.
yayayyy :DDD new peopleee :DDD yippee yayyy
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hi delta
they harbored a pedophile for years stay away
wait wha
ye olde archive
oh... I suddenly thought you were referring to that guy with his own thread in this board who posts borderline lolicon bait...

and I thought I couldn't dread my place in here more xd
the guy youre replying to (kott) is also a pedophile who obsessively lurks this thread hoping to ruin someone's day so be careful lul
also this guy has been irrelevant for nearly three years now its time to let it go
no one in the server/thread nowadays would defend delta, no one likes delta anymore, and he doesnt post, why do you bring him up anyway?
post a screencap or youre a stupid nigger
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Couldn't quote you on that but some of you in this thread seem to have a lot of unresolved Oekaki problems, perhaps you should go speak to an Oekaki therapist about it. Posting more OC drawings would be a good start.
he started the server with green while he was actively up to his shenanegans all with your approvals you're very desperate to sweep that under the rug
notice how every artist worth a damn on /i/ *doesn't* associate with the oc server?
it wasnt his birthday
you're both equally obsessed with him
the only person serious here is you
Still defending this faggot knowing he's a pedo?
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a gift for a friend, her slimegirl oc.
the hard edges are a nice look, neat
thanks! been experimenting with the binary brush a lot lately and found that pen pressure really makes linework look sexy
your wife is permanently begging for my cock because she takes one look at you and goes /ic/k!
fred, is that you? Please go back to basedjak.blog chud
aren't you the ftm shotacon tranny who had xer own thread for a while? you have no room no shit on lolifags when you lewd your own shota oc with the beanie hat and make blatant incest shit of him and his big brother lol
>t. person who posted about having a neo vagina on basedjak.blog

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