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Figure drawing is a fun and good way to get better at drawing humans.
Some free resources
Might as well check archives and active /ic/ threads for references.
Previous thread
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I guess I'll start
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gestures are hard 50% of the time. sometimes i feel like i nail the flow and forms and other times the drawing just ends up really stiff.
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figures are fun though
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a good day for figs
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What's with the titty obsession, Brian?
this is the only good one
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a bit from last night and today

I remember using charcoal, it's a fun medium
oo, that's cool paper, really makes those highlights pop.
nicely done
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Spent a long weekend in Vegas, tried to at least do something while out there.
based drawing instead of meeting strippers or going to the heart attack girll (dont know what else there is out there)
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been mostly doing bridgman studies but did this 20 minute figure last night. need to start working on lighting the model mostly from imagination
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inky figs
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Before I added the face it looked nicer, unfinished but in a nice way.

Anyway I'm just glad I found that I should draw on regular smooth printer paper for "grinding" figures with my fountain pen. I feel ready to work through a whole stack of paper.
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nice stuff
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Here’s yesterdays best efforts (live model).

Damn bro great personality in these.

>>7083679 I think the proportions are v strong here. I think you balanced contrast best in the top left. I should try toned paper.
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Very cute!
Drawing whenever you can is the best way to improve.
Cool dude.
Whoa mama
Very lovely.
This angle is very hard indeed. But judging but the way you drew the nose you don't really understand the structure of the face, I'd recommend studying them, Hampton and Huston helped me a lot. Also the Asaro head.
Very nice.
Very good lights and shadows.
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Forgot this one
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Hello again. Good job, frens
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She's looking hairy.

I used to think people who did elaborate ink renders were insane, like why would you go through all that trouble to make something "niche", but here I am making lots of little lines, getting addicted to putting black ink on white paper, and retrospectively kneeling to them all.
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heads n' figs

very tough angle for the head for sure. blast through that stack of paper!
I like em, a bit of style in there.
nicely done, I like top right's render styling.
nice amount. the bottom right 2nd in shading looks nice.
these all look good. great job.
I too would like to learn how to do ink renders.
Are these pencil drawings or digital drawings that you made resemble pencil
If traditional, how did you get the white highlights? I always wonder how that's possible
Wait until you
A: get better at drawing in general (you will, ink drawings breed fast improvement)
B: find out about white gel pens
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Used some refs from DeviantArt to change things up.
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based hairy woman enjoyer
nice heads like usual.
mirin' the chick with the spear.
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some from late last night and today. I just realized how long the dude's leg is on the right, whoops.

good stuff, I like the props. Jookpubstock has some really dynamic poses, always like her refs.
good set
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Very lovely faces and stylisation
A nice change of pace, very cool
The top left dude is fucking cool
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lots of doodles while looking at Toriyama's work (rip) and some fig studies.

good job keeping up with your dalies!
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A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do
Nice amount btw
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i like the linework on the chick with the staff
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drawling is fun.

these are looking pretty clean!
keep it up!
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>mirin' the chick with the spear.
Yeah I beefed her up a bit, maybe a bit too much.
I agree, her stuff is pretty good.
Those male figures look great.
Your rendering is coming along quite nicely.
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5 mins each. beg and scratchy as fuck but I haven't drawn in a month so im okay with this for now. getting back into it
gonna try to post some figs every other day to keep me drawing
Drawing figures can be pretty relaxing. Also removes the question what should I draw today, it's never a bad idea to doodle some gestures or figures.
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Arigato gozaimasu, your rendering is much more natural imo.
Take your time, it's not a race.
Great stuff!
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These are really nice, that guy is literally me.
>If traditional, how did you get the white highlights?
just use a white pencil
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I can't take good quick pictures of graphite. Also need to do the hands but i can't be assed
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And the start of another
Thanks =)

That's what peak male performance looks like
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give us this day our daily grind

nice, more fabric and props I see.
hope to see more people joining in the fun
very nice, good studies.
the leg on the first one, and the crotch of the second look a little off, but the rest are pretty solid.
my brain doesn't like spanning both pages in my sketchbook for whatever reason. These are nice.
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Went to my first life drawing class, the strangeness of a naked woman surrounded by people quickly faded when i realised how much of a nightmare it was to draw from the position i picked. I think it went well. Will definitely go back since i saw a couple cute girls there
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Some more
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About 3 months into "I'm finally going to learn to draw after giving up when I was younger."
Each of these took ~15-20 minutes though I'm trying to do them in 10.
Usually I get pretty far in probably 7 minutes and then some part just looks completely wrong to me and I end up spending another 10 minutes trying to reason my way through how that part should be drawn.
Most references are porn though I don't really want to be a porn artist. Porn is just an easy way to find a reference that motivates me.
anyone have the latest torrent to that gesture drawing app? where you can put in your own pictures
I don't have the torrent for that one, but this one is available. It's the one I use.

oh nice, didn't know about this. thanks
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round two

keep it up!
doing some quick, warm up, sketches with simple shapes might help you speed up a little (not that speed is important).Overall lookin' pretty good!
figure drawing helped me improve my posing and to work faster
i would like to ask two questions:
>what is the difference between gesture VS figure drawing
>is there a place where i can do figure drawing of specific nude body parts because the genitals i draw are ass
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Damn you pinpointed 2 of my imaginary ones.
Nice work! I'd advise you to use construction, it REALLY helps.
> "I'm finally going to learn to draw after giving up when I was younger."
Literally me haha... But hey, it's never too late.
Anatomy sure does help.
>what is the difference between gesture VS figure drawing
In my opinion a gesture is practically a very simple drawing, something that you use to capture the essence of a figure, without any details.
>is there a place where i can do figure drawing of specific nude body parts because the genitals i draw are ass
Uhhh just use photos?
>the genitals i draw are ass
draw some other genitals then, what's the problem
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Forced myself to 10 minutes today so no big redrawing of parts.
I work on the same page until it's filled usually so I just covered the previous drawings.
When timed my lines are messier even at the same amount of time spent as when I'm not timed.
Thanks. Warmups probably would help. These are simultaneously my warmup and my practice to keep the daily time commitment controlled. Some days I'm in the mood to draw and will do more but at least 3 is my daily goal.
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Trying to get back into the swing of things, also
what do you guys figure session look like? was personally thinking of trying 15 2 minutes poses, 3 10 minutes 3 20 minutes, then 3 30 minutes. trying to really grind this stuff out for my animu's. the most annoying part would prolly be setting up the poses each day
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tried to measure more on these ones.

I consider gesture a subset of figure drawing.
>specific body parts
not really, but: https://x6ud.github.io/female-anatomy-for-artist-search-helper/#/
nice foreshortening on the kicky girl.
good job sticking to your constraints.
I don't really time myself much anymore, but it is very helpful. I usually do some doodles on some scratch paper for a few minutes, then open up QuckDraw, then fill up a page or two in my sketchbook with however many figures fit.
anyone know of some good references for twink bods or softer males? i can only find beefy dudes with fat tits
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thank you

yeah, these are pencil drawings on toned paper and white charcoal for the highlights.
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wasn't really feeling the ballpoint pen today, but we got through it.

nice, you work pretty fast.
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Pilot G2 felt better. 2 pages left in this sketchbook!
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10 mins each. Should I slow down more or is is just quantity
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Drew mostly rear views today.
I still have no clue how butt cheeks sit on the torso.
Maybe I need to study them.
10 minutes is my goal for practice and what I'm doing now but I improved a lot more and found it much more enjoyable once I stopped trying to force it and just let myself do 20 mintues.
The time is really there to stop you from wasting effort trying to make it perfect when you'd really learn more just moving on to a new drawing, but if you're feeling so rushed that you're not actually thinking about your drawing I think that's much worse than going slower.
But I'm a /beg/ so take my advice with a grain of salt.
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sketchbook finished! on to the next...

some people like to do a range of times. like 10 x1min figs, 5x2min, 3x10, etc. It kind of depends on what you are trying to gain out of the study. Early on, I would say it's important to focus on one thing at a time (proportion, perspective, anatomy, etc [not that you can completely decouple these concepts while drawing figures, but you should focus on what you are trying to learn in that session, imo]), and then slowly to combine everything together as you progress.
Proko has a video on butt anatomy.
which is better, loomis, or bridgman? or neither?
Why not check them all out to see who works better for you?
Does anybody here use an ipad/procreate for figure drawing? if you do, which brush do you use? the default pencil brushes feel a bit awkward and I prefer using a regular round brush with a lowered opacity but not sure if I could have a nice finish for my drawings using it.
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Mostly busy with my different drawing but here's some figurinos
Breddy good
Nice stuff as usual.
I believe you would benefit from doing both quick and long studies.
Warm up with some quick figures and then do some longer studies.
You can also try looking at different artists to see how they approach drawing the body part you're interesting in.
figs n' a statue

good job, the back arm of bottom right is just a bit off.
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forgot pic
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Missed thursday and decided to work on portrait drawing on Friday(way worse than my figures).
I want to work on line quality and clean them up but I feel like I'm working against both my muscle memory and the slight misalignment on my drawing tablet.
Thanks I'll give it a look.
I haven't really looked for artists that draw bodies in a way I like, just faces. I should probably look for some.
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Last posted figs for a bit, going on vacation. Keep up the good figs everyone!
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Tried to use more straight lines for proportions this time
Good work as always. Enjoy your vacation
Should I learn anatomy and proportion before getting into gesture? I understand the base concept of gesture but don’t have the knowledge of the human body to simplify the forms so all I can do is shitty stick figures
Anatomy certainly helps but it is one of those things you'll be studying until your death.
I'd focus on construction and proportions.
I need to experiment with trad pencils more desu
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Finally got to draw some figures. Part imagination part references.
Doing good!
Studying other artists is like a very good way to improve. As long as you're not just copying blindly but actually thinking.
Pretty cool, especially the more finished ones!
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Challenged myself to do 10 5+ minutes long figures today. I ended up spending a whole lot more on some, but I feel like I really stretched myself by doing this instead of just waddling in my comfort zone.

We should all aim higher.
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I am exploring drawing with a mechanical pencil, I feel like it suits how I want to make marks.

Also I had the feeling after trying it for the first time and seeing the lines that there might be more mechanical pencil enthusiasts in this thread based on line quality. Am I right?
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I am still having issues with smudging. I guess I should get some kind of gloves or use the trick of putting a piece of paper as a shield against smudging.

My ring finger is the grayest.
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Spent time today working on head drawings again so I tried these two in 7 minutes.
Though I technically went over cause I erased some of the messy construction lines when reviewing them afterwards.
I really like the shading on those right two
I also struggle to not just go over time limits on some. I think it's a sign that you're enjoying yourself.
You shouldn't just blindly follow time limits. They are here so you don't spend too much time on one figure, but if you need one more minute why the fuck not?
Construction should really help
I wanna get into it, but I don't always have the determination and mental energy to do things besides "drawing compulsively" in my usual way. Guess I gotta apply myself more.

Do you have any recommended resources?

I've been watching Huston's constructive figure drawing videos at a glacial pace. I think if I kept going with them I'd definitely improve.
>I wanna get into it, but I don't always have the determination and mental energy to do things besides "drawing compulsively" in my usual way. Guess I gotta apply myself more.
Don't cement your bad habits, it's gonna take a lot of time to get rid of them later on.
Huston is definitely a great choice, pretty beginner friendly.
Hampton is a great teacher as well.
Vilppu is more advanced so I would suggest studying him after you're done with the previous teachers.
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20-ish minutes
Id stop erasing your construction lines at this point. They are useful for later review/seeing your progress later on.
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Hello /fig/ inspired by pewdiepie's video i'm doing a challenge, do figure drawing every day for 100 days to improve, basically this challenge is to study anatomy and construction to apply it to figures, but the real goal is just to draw every day, it doesn't matter if i only do 1 figure the important thing is to make an effort to try to do something decent, at the same time of the challenge I do master studies of artists that I like in traditional, I want to clarify that the first 2 days of the challenge I didn't have these things in consideration and I was simply drawing for the sake of drawing but from the 3rd day I take into account the above mentioned. I am already on day 25 of the challenge but I will post my progress little by little.
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Day 2 still without a goal in mind, the layer of day 3 got corrupted but at least i started studying structure and anatomy that day
Download Hampton's "Figure Drawing: Design and Invention" and copy everything you see there. You will be surprised how much you'll improve within 75 days.
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figures from tonight
I use a mechanical pencil, it feels good. I also have one of those drawing gloves that only cover your pinky and ring finger, would recommend
good luck, figure drawing is good for the soul
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Figures after injesting some Huston and 60 seconds gestures. They do become better when you draw more proper figures. I wonder if anon uses an example with different drawings from an artist they like to keep simplification methods fresh? I keep reverting back to old habits after awhile if not watching process videos.
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Day 4, started to study more construction and anatomy
i'm going to use his simplified shapes for sure
thank you anon, i love your work, such nice shapes and shading
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Hell yea
Nice figgies
Keep it up, bro!
>chicken girl
new fetish acquired
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Nice "ideas" ;)

This is my drawing after watching my daily dose of Huston. I am not entirely unhappy with it.
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got a little busy the last couple days but I'm back on the wagon.
I'm still liable to spend 30 minutes erasing and redrawing the shape of the head because I struggle with it so much. So I try to hard limit myself because I don't think thats productive
Good point but my line control is still turbo /beg/ so if I don't sometimes it's too messy. I tried leaving more of lines today
I really liked "the art and science of figure drawing with brent eviston". Maybe I'll go through those videos again to remember everything I forgot.
I really like this one god damn
Fixing your mistakes is one of the best ways to improve.
Also it's good if you struggle, it means you are actually getting better.
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Day 5
thank you anon
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Been a while since I've tried drawing figures, I first did the Hide video thing again to get myself warmed up and felt pretty confident, then I tried going through that steve huston NMA video and realised immediately that I was fucking something up and I don't think I can blame any sort of artist rust since I've been making sure to try and draw here and there.
Need to get my ass into gear again, heard that Steve huston's figure course was pretty good and I need to actually make progress with morpho's simple forms book.
The only good thing is that I finally finished my sketch book.
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Figures are fun
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Day 6
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Im going to my first live figure drawing class this week (im beg tier and will be using charcoal)
What can I expect?
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Thought I was gonna do a 2nd drawing session yesterday so I ended up not posting but I never did the second session. So this is 2 days of drawing.
I'm trying to do a little less gestural/just what I see lines and instead focus on constructing everything I can.
I'd be interested in any recommendations people have for figure drawing session videos where the person actually bothers to construct the figure with simple shapes.
Most I find just have some professional skipping tons of "steps" because they're experienced or it's just some tutorial that jumps around a bunch and doesn't just show someone doing it start to finish.
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Drew this at a 2.5 hr figure drawing, vine charcoal
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Very nice, I love the controlled messiness of it. The only part that bothers me a bit is that her left (held up) leg feels a bit hard to parse at a glance. I wish I had big titty mamas at figure drawing but it is what it is

I drew a ballerina and she feels like she's not a real ballerina but a blueprint of a ballerina for mass production, or the idea of a ballerina.
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is this procreate?
Procrastination in my case
not him btw
Imagine being this gay
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Day 7
nice figures they feel so threedimentional
i really like these do you have a blog?
It's Photoshop. I use Lanes brushes, but he has similar ones for Procreate too.
Make your shading lines follow the form and it won't look so messy.
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The first was wearing boots I didn't want to draw so I kinda guessed on what the bare feet looked like.
Got kinda bored with the third so I drew ps1 boobs.
Love these
Bottom right could be straight out of a manga panel
DESU your figures are kinda where I'm hoping to get mine.
You can set up a slideshow with Ifranview and save it as an .exe
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Thanks. I have to spend more time feeling the form and become one with it.
Use PosePlus.
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If you want to feel the form it's good to try and do the form lines
Like run your pen overthe surface and feel the form.
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Day 8
thank you anon, try to aim even higher with your goals and you'll progress faster
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Day 9
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Didn't have that much time but I still could do better.
Great stuff my friend.
Seems very flat bro. Construction should help.
Great shapes.
Very good!
You need to get rid of scratches, bro, they really makes your drawings look worse. Fast long lines.
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What do I have to do different to make these look nice instead of garbo?
Probably study and draw a lot from references
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They're not so bad. Don't beat yourself up, just keep looking and drawing.
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Been doing figures for a few months, but inconsistantly.

This was a bit difficult to do because my energy/mood isn't super amazing today, it's still better than how I saw a few months back but I hated doing the hands and I still dunno how to construct hips properly.
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Finally i seem somewhat get how to draw gestures from michael hampton, but it feels like i abuse the wrapping lines a bit too much. How should i improve?
>took a break from drawing, mostly due to life getting in the way as i moved country
>continued to look at art daily
>come back to it feeling improvements
breaks are a good thing
Day 10 and 11, I'm having less time to draw...
thank you anon, i think those look cool
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i'm dumb, didn't attach the pic
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Listening to Huston sensei's teachings has made drawing more fun. Feels like I'm drawing with more purpose. Let's all keep going on the path.
>I'm having less time to draw..
Happens all the time bro...
Draw the whole ellipse
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Day 12
let's keep trying to improve every day anon
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Day 13 - 14
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Finally back at it after DD2 took all my focus
Yeah my line quality needs work.
This practice is mostly for form and shape than actually looking good so I haven't really made a big focus on fixing my chicken scratch though I am getting better at starting with larger sweeping lines.
A lot of the scratchiness comes later from trying to correct my initial line placement and having a hard time finding a better spot.
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Construction really helps a lot, but you need to actively think when you draw and reflect on your mistakes. Like what did I do wrong? And don't be afraid to erase. Sometimes I redraw a figure from the scratch when I'm not satisfied with results.
Great stuff.
Consistency is the key. Motivation is fleeting.
>How should i improve?
By drawing and studying more.
Keep in mind, if like Hampton's gestures don't work with you, you can always try a different approach. For example I really like Huston's gestures.
Nice and clean lines.
Don't cement your bad habits, work on fixing them! It will be really hard to get rid of them later on.
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Day 15
thanks yours also look clean
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Something just seemed off with these today
Great job staying consistent, anons!

was too busy to draw while on vacation, but I did manage to draw a little on the plane out.
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weird, it didn't post my pic
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I started doing some fundies work today so I didn't have as much time for figures.
welcome back anon I hope your vacation was good. Impressive to draw with turbulence.
Do you take commissions?

Likewise do any of you take commissions? If so, please reach out to me at throwramann at outlook dot com. Keen to pay for a series of character sketches
>taking comms from 4ch

Sure man, what's ur contacts again?
I've never taken a commission so I don't know how to even approach them.
I’ve included my contact in my post. Genuinely interested to work with one of you on a couple of requests. Happy to figure out pricing or whatever offline
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shit i forgot to post yesterday, Day 16 - 17
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Fundies warm up really loosens up my arm.
Using drawings for reference is easier than a real person but I worry about learning weird styalized versions of body parts.
Drawing from life is harder but better I think
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it was a good trip. glad to see you're sticking with it.
use both!
looking great, impressive gains.
Are you the anon that draws the figs with all the details in pencil, if so, it looks like live drawing helps you pick and choose what to add in/leave out.
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trying out highlights on the longer one

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>Are you the anon
Probably not I don't post pencil drawings here very often, unless you're remembering something from years ago. But you're right it helps with choosing what to pay attention to because you have limited time.
what anime-style figure drawing teachers are best to learn from? right now im currently debating between Hide ch and Chommang, which would you suggest? or is there someone else you'd suggest instead?
Pretty happy with my figures today. Might try and copy some of the figures in this thread for tomorrow
Day 18
that looks really nice, with stronger values could look even better
thank you anon, i like your figures i should try to stylize more like you
i'm going to study your clothed figures later, truly inspiring
these are great, Are you using Lane's brushes?
good work anon, let's keep grinding
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I forgot to attach the image again...
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No time to draw more as usual. On the bright side, my imaginary figures look better.
Using other people's works is a great way to get better. As long as you don't forget to study and draw your own figures.
Never drew from life, great job.
Very good!
Drapery is hard.
Highlights can really make drawings stand out. Not to mention they are fun!
Pretty cool ngl.
Wrapping lines really help a lot.
Are you going to add faces at some point or nah?
please recommend whatever book/course you like for drapery
anyone know a book of great figure drawings (but not long ass rendered or overly stylized ones) to copy and study ?
Try Hapmton I guess (he also has yt btw)
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pretty happy with the first but I had such a hard time with proportions on the second.
I think the slight angle in the reference messed with my head.
the bottom right almost looks like a photo with a filter
shading on the torso looks super cool
anyone got good painting guides?
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anything I'm consistently doing wrong with my figures? feel like I've hit a plateau and need something to actively practice
Check out christophe y YT
Your figures are pretty symbolic, you need to start to apply anatomy to them
If you think you hit a plateau study. Or do some master studies. Always helps.
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today's warmup

>these are great, Are you using Lane's brushes?
thanks, yeah i'm using his brushes.
>the bottom right almost looks like a photo with a filter
not sure if that's a good thing or not
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longer one, more highlight practice. overdid the smudging i think.

>Highlights can really make drawings stand out. Not to mention they are fun!
yeah it's fun. really easy to over do it tho
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painted a previous figure, forgot to look at the ref so the texture is way off
you should study the refs directly i don't really know what i'm doing, i'm kind of just copying fold shapes and i've noticed some fold types i don't represent well.
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a few different timed gestures. I feel like I'm getting the hang of it, but looking for some feedback.
i think what would benefit u right now would be to do a lot more quick gestures like 30 sec to 1 min so you really focus on the core body shape. u should also check out vilpuu's drawing manual and apply his method of using spheres in gesture
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Day 19 - 20
>Are you going to add faces at some point or nah?
I am currently trying to stylize my figures more because I am already bored of realistic proportions so yeah I am going to add faces. i really like that figure on the right by the way
you are doing an excelent job anon
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Man these low angle butt poses are tough for me.
I had to redo the upper torso and butt like 3 times before they were kinda close.
I think I need to use clearer construction for the torso than the circles I'm using.
Second pose was easy enough though the boobs were in a corset so they look weird when I don't draw that.
It's a good thing. Means you're doing the lighting very well at least from my /beg/ perspective.
Both are good, i like chommang more because his style is closer to what i aim, hide simplifies way too much his figures because he aims to be an animator
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Managed to remember some basic anatomy

Usually for shorter figures I have trouble finishing up the construction before I get to anatomy. Is that normal? Or should I skip construction and go straight to anatomy?
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Day 21 - 22
your figures look much better this way
amazing stuff
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Wanted to paint but no paper nearby. So drew. Stress is semi-relieved.
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I only did one figure yesterday so I just included it today.
Fundies practice helping me think through perspective a bit better.
You have really nice 30 sec - 1 min gestures
Stress is my second name
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back to the hard round brush

how do you not want to kill yourself from drawing this trash ?
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Damn, the past week has been pretty rough for me.
>these low angle butt poses are tough for me
All angles you have not practiced will obviously be harder because you have little to no experience with them.
Damn cool.
HRB never fails.
I do but I keep going anyway
It is what it is.
You have to start with something.
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like a fucking fridge
Remarkable determination
what blender are you using from that lanes brush?
Gentle Soften
thank you
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looking for some feedback
that's a damn hard reference - I hate side profiles so much
Ok, look at your drawing and just shift your eyes back and forth to the reference and back to your drawing, look at how some things relate to eachother.
For example
>position of the eye to bridge of the nose
>how far the lips stick out compared to the chin
>general shape of the tip of the nose
>angle of the jaw line
>length of the jawline compared to width of the neck

Also, one thing that really brings a drawing down is adding lines where you really don't see them.
For example you gave the upper lip a really strong outline whereas in the reference there is no strong darks except in the space where the lips meet, fixing this can make the drawing a lot better.

Hope it helps a bit to find solutions to make your drawing better.
Thanks a lot, I will try to improve all of those things in the future.

yeah, this reference was especially hard, but I like the challenge. You had a really good attempt too.
The suggestions I gave were specifically for this drawing, grab an eraser and try correcting the mistakes you see yourself. It can be helpful to "see" the mistakes and then see what you can do to fix it, it'll be a valuable lesson now, not for something in the future.
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I find more errors, the more I look at it. I did my best to fix the eye, the lips, the nose and the jaw.

>there is no strong darks except in the space where the lips meet

I didn't pay any attention to a lot of thinks like that. But I think i'm at my limit for now.
But like i said i will think of all this things for future drawings also.
Alright man good job for at least tweaking it a bit, it already looks better now and it's good that you are seeing things, seeing is half the battle.

It's good to take a break, also helps to put a drawing away for a day or a week and come back, you'll see so many errors it'll drive you nuts, haha.
Keep it up man.
Overlaying helps.
Also consider studying facial features, helps A TON.
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/Beg/gar comin thru
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Consider studying facial features and thinking in 3D.
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Got back to doing figures again after not drawing for a while, there are a lot of things I need to work on (e.g. not losing the energy of the pose, nailing down proportions and overall not making them look like ass).
Need to get around to actually doing the Steve huston figure drawing course stuff and then consistently doing studies after that,
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Tried doing some more figures and, when trying to do reference drawings I keep fucking the relationship between the ribs and pelvis. Thinking about it the problem was a mix between messing up the lines used to measure the body (The head to pelvis is supposed to be 3 heads tall, but I make it 2-2 and a half for some reason), making the size of the pelvis way too small (pelvis is supposed to be 1 head tallish but I made it half a head), and lastly, while attempting to lay down the lines for both the pelvis I kept confusing myself about if the line is supposed to be where the bottom of the pelvis, the longest part of the pelvis or the top of pelvis.
will make sure to do some more figures.
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I did this some days ago. I need to work more in my drapery studies...
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Sorry for weird aspect ratio.
It takes much longer than I expected desu.
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do faces count? I haven't been doing much figure drawing lately
You're not thinking in 3D my friend.
Based Bridgman enjoyer.
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great model for this figure drawing session from NMA
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Nice consistency, bottom right is also very cool.
Great amount, also don't forget to apply studies to your own figures.
Drapery is hard.
Keep it up bro.
reference source?
originally I just grabbed it off of pinterest but I did some image searching and found the original
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1 min gesturinos
>go to any live figure drawing session
>model is literally always a flabby they/them chick
Are these the only types comfortable with nude modeling? I want someone with some actual muscle I can study at least.
thanks lad
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I keep trying to draw more with my shoulder but i’ve destroyed my hands through my life and they shake horribly.
Fucking clean anon
This is often the case, but if you get to know the group they often announce which model they booked beforehand and you can just plan to attend when it is a model you want.
In my experience the breakdown is:
>70% flabby to obese they/thems, covered in tattoos
>15% saggy older women and older men
>10% young fit women, and young fit men
>5% no model, instructor, host, or random novice fills in, clothed. These are free sessions, or you're usually refunded.
I believe you can fix that with practice. Just start your day with a warmup with some lines. My lines used to look like shit as well and I'm a driver so my arms are always stressed out.
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Oh fuck yeah I love figure drawing.
Model here, on my way to reppin’ that saggy 10%, tho my local roster is mostly women in the 20-40 age bracket, spanning the range of chubby, fit, skinnyfat, even anorexic. The one consistent male model is an older gay gentleman with a potbelly and a better degree of flexibility than most of us girls. It is surprisingly difficult to get men to undress for art.
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>don't forget to apply studies to your own figures.
For now, at least, I am trying to understand what kind of lines Bridgeman uses and why. And to learn to catch the overall shape of a figure, not to be intimidated by it.
Thank you.
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I need some tips on basic shading for figures
learn more anatomy is the short answer
Well whatever percent or category you fall in you're appreciated. Modeling is hard, thank you for doing what you do
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Some more practice
Once i get /fit/ im gonna start modeling for these groups. Ill be the change I want to see in the world
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nice gestures in these
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Really happy with how I've been progressing lately. I feel like I'm finally starting to understand gesture (at least, on the left figure)
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great studies.
what is the end goal of all these hundreds and thousands of tiny figures drawn ? are you anons doing it to improve your regular art or just coz you enjoy sketching these ...just a curious beggar here
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Digital Art is getting better...
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..about 20 mins
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I wonder how close this was to the original model

are there image sets for these models?
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I think they're AI
what the fuck
why would you study ai images?
other way around

he took some drawings from here
and used them to spit out some ai slop for some reason.
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Thanks bro. Also fantastic rendering.
This is damn cool.
I think you're on the right path broski.
Jesus Fucking Christ
I mean the proportions are close to the model's but I'm not going to give the ai credit for that when you're using img to img with my drawing. She was paler and her hair was darker, run it again and have her eyes looking down and fix the hands
I guess it was to show the mistakes in the original? Dunno how useful ai would be in that regard since it adds more of its own mistakes anyways
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I have been had!
The hands are a giveaway in all three.

The comment on "how close to the original model" makes for some interesting thinking, though.
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Did an oil painting at a figure drawing place, we had poses of 30 minutes which I thought is just enough to do a little painting practice, it was intense still.
But it was a good exercise, really forces you to get painting and make quick decisions, it was nice.

Still the painting is rather unfinished and riddled with errors but I'm happy, maybe I will do some tweaking to it when the layer is completely dry.
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Another day another page of Bridgeman that I don't understand.
Sorry, master.
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So I started copying Morpho as a way to grind skills + pick up some nomenclature and basic anatomy information and I was wondering: are there any recommended dissection video series?

I get that every anatomy book aims at boiling down that same info into an abstracted, essential form, but I wanna see the real thing. I even remember some art youtuber saying watching this kind of content helped them visualize things better, but I don't think they gave any recommendations.
How do i figure draw actually exactly.

I've tried asking google but all the advice is overtly general bullshit or just explains the idea in abstract.
What are the steps from 1 to 100 of how EXACTLY in PRACTICE are you supposed to figure draw.
Please explain it to me like i'm a literal infant.
Depends on what you want to get out of it and what kind of result you're after.

Rutracker used to have medical dissection vids.
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testing brushes
Read Vilppu and copy his process.
Or join an academy and learn the 19th century french academic approach to figure drawing.
Which is totally different from what Vilppu does.
use something other than graphite these are legit better than most of the diarhea posted ITT
this is cool howd you do that
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I wish that "drawing" people didn't make me want to kill myself. I understand that it's a very difficult subject, especially for a beginner, and yet it causes so much stress. I can't even make the lines I want. I hope with more theory and practice it will get better and not worse.
what are you talking about bro? You're doing fine
The value drawing of a man is amazing.
Where do you usually start your gesture? I find that most of the time I start with the shoulder line and then I always have a hard time connecting the body with the head, the neck gives me so much pain for some reason.
It's hard to judge yourself when you have no experience, it just feels like every new page is somehow worse than the one before.
I just hope that when I get past the "head" chapters in both the Hampton and Bridgman books and start studying some anatomy, I can make some logical lines that describe both the shape and the muscles underneath.
Thank you.
That's exactly how I feel lol

I guess that's normal
You should have your eyes set on the bigger picture. While figure drawing is an inherently valuable way to study all the fundamentals, depending on what your end goals may be, you may not even need to be so hard on yourself.

If your goal is to paint highly impressionistic watercolor scenes, then you might only need some proportional silhouettes with some deft brushwork.

If you want to draw a comic or make an animation, then you would need to get very efficient at simplifying the figure.

Just try and picture your big goal. Whenever you feel like killing yourself, remind yourself of the goal. Even when you feel like you still have to grind until you can actually do what you want to do, still take the time, and just do the actual thing, whatever it may be. It will show you the way.
Usually I start with the head. Most videos I watched started with the head and it's a good proportion you can use for the rest of the figure. Lately I've been trying to start with the rib-cage after watching this video:
Starting with the rib-cage forces you to compare it to the hips and head so you can see how the rest of the body has to stretch and twist to match the (mostly) solid forms of the 3 major masses.

The neck can be a bit tricky. Keep in mind the angle of the rib-cage compared to the head. (left pic) It's at an angle so the hole for the neck in the rib-cage is angled too. The collar bones wrap around it, so it's easy to spot.

I use the bony landmarks of the sternum and collar bones. Analyze how the sternomastoid muscle stretch depending on the angle of the head. Same for the trapezius muscles. They all move around a lot so it's not easy. Michael Hampton's anatomy videos/books were pretty good for this.
From the back view I mostly use the trapezius muscles and the gesture line and bony landmarks of spine. You usually don't need much so it's not as bad.
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I'm still not totally happy with these, but feel like I'm making a bit of progress. I've been following some of the Love Life Drawing tutorials and I think that's helped a bit.
These are my previous ones for reference.
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Been a while since I did short gestures. One minute each.

I think it's better for me to draw less but more carefully than trying to draw any missing body parts in the last 5 seconds
oh ai, you gave her hairy legs, don't you know good from bad?
>this is what OP sees
>see the world through his eyes
What can I say, I'm into wormy girls #longtorsolove. In my defense the proportions of the girl on the right weren't that far off :D
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I dis this yesterday, graphites and watercolors in photographic paper.
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45 sec gestures
Don't blame yourself, it's a hard concept to grasp. If I were you I'd move to construction for now, you can always return to gestures later.
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1 hour pencil drawing: 1/2
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1 hour pencil drawing
Obviously I have never studied construction.
Probably I'll start with loomis quite soon
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>Figure drawing is a fun and good way to get better at drawing humans

Unless you're a total beginner. Any attempts at figure drawing will cause you to resent your work and give up.
If you're a total beginner you should start with something like boxes.
I'll be grateful if someone else can make a new thread cause I'm not at home today.
k, I will
File: 2024-05-01 01.jpg (948 KB, 2040x2550)
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948 KB JPG
From today and yesterday.
looking great, man. Digging the props/costumes!
Thanks bro

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