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I'm autistic, with ADHD. I can't focus on trying to get better at all or even come up with anything to draw without just giving up and going back to looking at my phone and doing something else.
I've legitimately never been able to commit myself to any serious hobby and have gotten lazy over the years with my only actual one which is writing and the only reason I'm good at writing is because I wanted people to be able to understand what the fuck I was saying and I wanted to write good stories because I thought I'd never be able to make them in a visual medium, but that's it. I've never been able to commit to a serious routine, schedule, or anything. I just sit in my room online doing basically nothing.
Everything I try doing looks so daunting and impossible. I tried learning Source Filmmaker as a teen and I gave up immediately because it looked too complicated. I tried learning how to make my own games in game maker, gave up immediately and never touched it. Even something like drawing just looks so complex and impossible. This is what it's like for everything I try doing.
I think the real howie died. this is an imposter. take a photo of your old blook drawing, write today's date and my post number on it to prove you are alive.
Howie up and left, no trace in sight
he saw himself out, gone, one fateful night
/ic/ looked left and right, lo and behold!
they actually miss their /beg/let, what a plight

among us one or more imposters, yes
at least a couple if I had to guess
their effort is for naught, the hopeless lot
such narcissism truly is a mess!

o, how my Howie fairs in these hard times
pray that he not involve himself in crimes
I fear my Howie homeless, on the street
beseeching passerbys for rusty dimes
stop drawing cubes you spastic fuck, just draw something you want and like
I don't know how
Always use a reference, find a photo on the internet that is close to what you want to draw, sketch it (doesn't have to be perfect). If you can't even do that then trace over it. Then add some details so it resembles your self-insert OC.
I can't trace I don't have a printer or a lightbox.
just copy some pokemons
draw 10 minutes a day
how do I copy them?
No shit it's an imposter. Look at the filename.
There is no easy way to learn drawing. Your autism/adhd isn't an excuse to be lazy. Everyone has some form of ADHD nowadays due to the internet.

Anyway, start with anatomy.
Why are you yelling at me? All I wanted was to draw but I guess I'm just not allowed.
This is what it's like for like every single hobby I've ever tried other than looking at my computer or phone.
Of course, the phone releases dopamine much more easily. They employ neuroscience PhDs at these companies with the purpose of keeping you on their apps. Point being, nothing is ever going to be as dopaminergic as the phone. I also think you're setting yourself up to fail by trying to adhere to a structured learning scheme when you may benefit first from just building up the skill of getting stuff down on paper.

One thing you could try is to practice not having any distractions. Set aside some time where you put your phone and computer away. If you have to use online resources, don't switch tabs to anything you shouldn't. Just set a timer for, say, 10 minutes and stare at the blank page. If you managed to make some drawings, great. If not, still good because you practiced being without your phone. If you can manage it, do another round. Over time this should become easier. I still struggle with this (I should be working right now) but it's getting better. Incremental progress is key. Best of luck
That's a good point about the psychologists. Thanks for the reply, I'm going to put my phone in a draw under some books so it takes a bit more effort to return to it and I'm gonna try drawing myself in a mirror, I don't even care that it's going to look like shit I just want a visual record, and hopefully my next one will be less shit and so on. I'll look back in a year at my first ones and laugh.
Useless autistics should be automatically given the ultimate Canadian healthcare solution
Try this: https://line-of-action.com/practice-tools/
Draw the basic outlines as quickly as you can, move on to the next image, add details later.

This board is dead
Every time I try not having any internet, I just end up staring at walls and not doing anything or just laying in my bed. I try not having any stimulation from my phone and I just end up sitting around, pacing around my house and not doing anything.
I get discouraged from doing it almost immediately because I either have no ideas once I start trying to drawing or I don't know how to actually draw it.
I've literally been on medications and still can't bring myself to do it, let alone almost anything. Whenever I start drawing, I literally can't make sense of something as simple as drawing hair. I can't understand 3D perspective nor make sense of it in my brain.
The biggest problem for me is literally getting up enough energy and motivation to even do this at all. Remember how I said I couldn't even play video games? It applies doubly so for artwork and doing literally any practice of this. I want to try, but I can almost never actually make myself do any of it.
I don't know why these seem so daunting. Literal 14 year old kids become masters at these all the time, and yet I can't do it for the life of me. I've never been able to actually commit myself to doing any of this. I quit SFM because I literally couldn't understand it and didn't bother watching any tutorials.
Not even mentioning the fact that reading these books is incredibly difficult for me to begin with. I don't know if I'd want to draw something that I don't want to draw, but then I don't even know what I want to draw to begin with. Just random things that I'm hyperfixating on at the moment.
m literally too retarded for basic trig. Even took a math placement test recently and fucking couldn't remember how to figure out the perimeter of a square or find the lengths of certain sides of a shape. I want to be able to do literally anything else except sitting in my room, jerking off and going to sleep. I want to give myself a year only because I've procrastinated on making my own artwork for years and years since I was a teenager. Now I'm 24 and have made no progress.
It might sound silly, but unironically, prayer. I'm your same age, have that same bad habit of eat-browse-sleep-repeat, and it feels like I've gone nowhere compared to my peers. When it feels like I just can't muster the effort to start, when the allure of a comfortable routine seems too much to resist, when it seems like understanding why this is happening flees from me, when it seems like my own will is just too weak to do anything right at all... That's when it's time to admit that I can't rely on just myself, but I can look up to one who *can* grant me that wisdom, lend me His strength. To admit that yes, I am deeply flawed, but my wrongs can be forgiven, my slate wiped clean. If you truly want change in your life, God can give you a changed heart. All you need to do is ask for it. "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." - Matthew 7:7
I don't want to draw Pokémon. I want to draw what I want to draw.
have you been able to learn anything despite your adhd? if so, do what you did then but with drawing
Not really anything that I want to learn, no. I failed a math placement test and can't do basic trig. I don't know how to do anything that I actually want to do.
>. I want to draw what I want to draw.
No you don't, otherwise you would have drawn it. You want to want it, but you don't. When you draw what you want, your desires truly bloom, but you are not drawing, so they will wither and die.
Then am I not interested in anything at all? Because this is what it's like for everything that I've ever tried doing even for non creative hobbies or just anything in general.
I have literally tried doing several artistic hobbies and gave up each of them immediately when I was a teenager.
>Gave up on Source Filmmaker
>Gave up on GameMaker
>Gave up on FireAlpaca
>Gave up on Photoshop
>Gave up on writing
I didn't know how any of them worked or what to do. I don't even know basic trig. Even when I look art guides, I literally cannot comprehend them or figure them out. I don't want to be stuck with no creativity or being unable to express myself. This is what it's like for literally everything I try doing. I'm not able to try and keep up with any hobby. Even writing, I do it sporadically and very rarely.
>Even writing, I do it sporadically and very rarely.
Learn cursive.
I type. I don't even use hand writing, which looks like shit every time.
Download FL Studio, fren.
Sounds like me. I tried all those and unity and unreal engine, relearning interfaces and shit was a pain, every program has their own idea of what right click should be and what way is up. I keep it simple. Paper, pencil. That's it. And I draw every day without fail, even if it's for a few minutes. Habits are the most important thing, reducing the friction towards doing something. Drawing is just like brushing my teeth now, I just do it and don't have to make myself
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>All I wanted was to draw but I guess I'm just not allowed.
Pic absolutely rel.
The people in the comic don't explain how to pet the dog, they just berate him for not knowing automatically.
She tried to help him by literally handholding him, yet he does not put the minimum effort to even straighten his fingers
So then what do I do? I can't comprehend any guides or any sort of program that's moderately difficult.
Get a pencil. Literally any pencil, it doesn't matter at all. Hell, anything that can leave a mark will do.
Get some paper. Any kind of paper, printer paper, notebooks, post-it notes, old newspapers if you really don't have anything else.
Draw. Put your drawing tool to the drawing surface and draw what you want to draw. Copy references, trace them with your phone, just doodle randomly. Just. Draw.
You have to learn to draw if you want to pass math class
You've asked this for literally months, and people have told you to TRY and keep trying. You don't like this advice so you keep reposting again, and again, and again, and it's terribly tiring and people are absolutely exhausted with you.
Exhaust and keep exhausting
Have you tried holding a pencil or pen? You have to use one of your upper limbs (we call these arms) to move your hand close to the pencil. Now grasp the pencil with your hand. Any grip will do for now.

You may see that one end of the pencil is exposed, providing a material you can use to make marks on a separate surface.

Try making marks while you have the pencil grasped in your hand. This is the crux of drawing. If you got up to this point, congratulations. You are ahead of 80% of the human population.

Stay focused, however! Every artist has already completed this step and has moved onto refining how they grip the pencil and move their hand.

If you are diligent and patient enough, you should be able to draw a line - a crucial technique for any artist!
>people have told you to TRY and keep trying
>You don't like this advice
obviously since it's crappy advice that doesn't help me
Assuming you are Howie, are these cubes recent? if so, good job! If you can, try to make a habit out of little things like this, so it's now as hard to start. If using a ruler would make it easier for you, that's totally fine. I'd recommend you also try tracing some characters you like digitally, since you don't have tracing paper. It might feel like a lesser achievement, but if you're really serious about making a difference, getting over the mental block should be your first priority. Also, if could draw as well as you want, what do you imagine yourself making? can you share some art that you like?
In what world are those misaligned chicken scratchy "boxes" (if you can even call them that at this point) a good job?
Those are honest to God the best I can do right now. My shaky hands, and lack of coordination fuck me up.
Then practice more. Try. But apparently that's "crappy advice that doesn't help"
>Have cancer
>Just keep practicing being healthy
Your reasoning is that of a blond female, absolutely demential
Women draw better than you, Howie. Go back to masturbating and make more threads
>Women draw better than you,
Post examples
>Post examples
No. Stop wasting time and draw, Howie. Just fucking draw.
We can only give you the advice that worked for us and other artists, if that doesn't work for you, we can't really help you much, maybe move on and look for something else, because you want to learn drawing but, without actually drawing? That's not happening.
>"Then I don't like anything? I tried source filmmaker, ..."
That's what it looks like, yes.
Then do I not like anything at all? Because this is what it's like for every single hobby I've ever tried doing, including non creative ones. I can't ever make myself do literally anything at all. Doing something as simple as chores around the house is a pain in the ass because I can't do literally anything.
>Then do I not like anything at all?
For the 1000th time, yes. You just want to consoom easy dopamine.
Then what do I do? Offer me genuine advice on how to fix this. Because every single hobby or just doing anything at all feels impossible for me.
The problem is that I am physically incapable of bringing myself to draw anything. I open up my sketchbook, do a few circles, get bored and stop. I couldn't even complete the IC sticky. I constantly feel tired and unable to actually draw. Even when I feel my absolute best on a stimulant, I can't draw or do anything.
Even this looks too complex for me. I don't know what I'm doing.
I would upload my attempt at a circle but the website thinks everything is spam.
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My ADHD makes me draw to avoid my responsibilities. Guess I'm just built different.
Cool, now can you give advice?
Have something more important that you’re supposed to do that you can avoid by drawing
I don't draw even when I do.
damn sounds like a skill issue sucks 2 suck
Are you going to give advice?
No amount of advice will unfuck your brain or give you motivation to draw. Go for a walk in nature. Sort yourself out.
>Are you going to give advice?
My advice is to stop asking here and focus on your therapy.
I've done plenty of walks and I'm focusing on therapy. Still can't draw.
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*still wont draw
This faggot tried to be funny by referencing this exact comic. OP just give up you retard, find a hobby you are actually capable of doing.
Again, am I not interested in anything at all by this logic? Because this is what it's like for everything that I've ever tried doing even for non creative hobbies or just anything in general.
I have literally tried doing several artistic hobbies and gave up each of them immediately when I was a teenager.
>Gave up on Source Filmmaker
>Gave up on GameMaker
>Gave up on FireAlpaca
>Gave up on Photoshop
>Gave up on writing
I didn't know how any of them worked or what to do. I don't even know basic trig. Even when I look art guides, I literally cannot comprehend them or figure them out. I don't want to be stuck with no creativity or being unable to express myself. This is what it's like for literally everything I try doing. I'm not able to try and keep up with any hobby. Even writing, I do it sporadically and very rarely.
The thing is, you don't actually try. You just wish you could do these things. You look so them for a while, get overwhelmed, then say you cannot do anything and don't even try to learn.
>But I don't know where to start
You get overwhelmed looking at the advice you get and rather than trying you just wish you could do these things magically with no effort.
>But I have a disability
Yes, and no one expects you to be an amazing artist instantly. We know you'll struggle. But everyone has to try to learn. No one just wishes they can be good and have it happen.
Okay so how do I learn it?
You try and keep trying. Don't expect miracles of yourself. Just putting pencil to paper is a good way to start. But I know you've been told this a thousand times already.
How do I make myself do it? This is what it's like for every hobby I've ever done.
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>How do I make myself do it?
>You try and keep trying.
I can't try that's the problem. I can't even get started.
>I can't try that's the problem. I can't even get started.
This is a cyclical argument, and you know it. This was already addressed. I'll remind you:

>The thing is, you don't actually try. You just wish you could do these things. You look so them for a while, get overwhelmed, then say you cannot do anything and don't even try to learn.
>>But I don't know where to start
>You get overwhelmed looking at the advice you get and rather than trying you just wish you could do these things magically with no effort.
>>But I have a disability
>Yes, and no one expects you to be an amazing artist instantly. We know you'll struggle. But everyone has to try to learn. No one just wishes they can be good and have it happen.
Have you tried yet? No more bumping, no more posting, no more excuses any more until you try.
>he fall for the square meme
Even niggers aren't as lazy as you
I got diagnosed with ADHD when I was 20 and when I started adderal I went from being able to draw 10 hrs a week to 40. The key was that those 10 hrs were a struggle and I forced myself because I truly wanted to be an artist. When the meds started I was able to take that discipline and also have actual concentration.

In short, your problem isn't your autism. It isn't your ADHD. Its that you're a faggot who DOESNT DRAW!!?
so it's completely hopeless for me? why?
Let me remind you, Howie:
>Have you tried yet? No more bumping, no more posting, no more excuses any more until you try.
Because you're a pathetic loser trapped in his own head
You can either change that or give up on drawing
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Why? Cuz you're not having initiative in changing nothing about yourself or what you do, you're trapped in your howie/victim complex about your supposed diagnosis, that shit is not your life nor personality. Have some balls and do something.
Also hope anyone kick your ass because I can't since I live in another part of the world.
This is me, I struggle fuck my way through an hour or 2 session each day and have made big gains, but it's not enough, I want this as a career. I only have a part time job and no social life I should be doing way more but I just... can't. How the fuck do I get adderal? Last time I was at a psychiatrist he told me there was a global shortage and just tried to get me on ssris the fucking cunt. I guess I shouldn't have admitted I think about killing myself everyday.

I had a hypomanic episode in December and did DaB lesson one and Drawing on the right side of the brain(mostly) and have just been trying to ride out that momentum ever since, though I feel like I'm kinda losing it again. I can only work when listening to loud music and drawing my own characters, I have been avoiding exercises like the plague, though I think I'm still progressing.

I also wrote in my notebook that if I don't draw everyday this year I will kill myself. I've been trying to get myself to draw since I was a teen, I'm 23 now. Exercise, meditation, dopamine detox none of that shit worked. Make a suicide pact with yourself, yes it's that serious. This is perhaps your only chance at having a meaningful life in today's society, unless you wanna start a family which good luck with that autist LOL, lets be real.
>mildly shitpost
>receive a warning from mods
>Hue thread number 1453
>reaches bump limit
Thus shit is rigged
Personally, this is my favorite General on this board.
im thinking im starting to love these threads
>How do I get adderrall
I went in to the doc and was like "bro I think I got ADHD" so doc sent me in for some testing and said "bro, you got mad ADHD bro" and I said "yeah I thought so" and now I got the adderal script
I've had a diagnosis since I was 15, was on it briefly then but never since, I've tried two doctors neither of them would prescribe it to me. I guess I just have to keep shopping around.
how bad
Mods don't give a shit. The only thing remaining is post literal CP for laughs and they still won't move a finger.
>Verification not required.
This is a general?
>think about drawing
>head randomly starts to hurt
>suddenly get very sleepy

how do I draw when I can't keep my eyes open or focus on the screen without nodding off?
OP here. Surprised this thread is still up. I've been medicated on adderall for most of my life, and my ADHD problems are still this bad. I've never been able to focus even with adderall and I've recently had to taper off of it. It still doesn't help me do anything. I don't know what to do.
Okay, so what do I do then? You haven't told me. Saying
>Just try
Isn't going to work when I can't make myself do anything to begin with.
If you’re not great when you start then you really shouldn’t bother.
Make yourself do something very small every day, then gradually make that thing bigger and bigger
>but I can’t
You can clearly make yourself move your fingers to type this post, so you can. You just need to train yourself like an rpg
If you literally refuse put pencil to paper there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to help you.
Re-read this. It's good advice: >>7116655
Like what?
I can't focus enough to put the pencil to paper no matter the adderall dosage, no matter how much exercise I get, no matter how motivated I get, no matter how good I feel.
Draw one (1) line focus on making it straight
Then the next day, draw two (2) lines
Friendly reminder that OP is a faggot, you will be even more of one if you reply to this shit and don't report. Remember, spam threads are up because they aren't getting reported.
Been doing that for nearly an entire sketchbook and it hasn't gotten better. My handwriting has sucked for my entire life and never gotten any better since I was a kid. My body tremors fuck me up and I don't have good coordination.
>I can't focus enough to put the pencil to paper
But you can focus enough to post here for literally months about the exact same thing?
Report this one on /adv/ too >>>/adv/31027366
Yes. I have ADHD that doesn't allow me to control what I'm focused on.
Got nuked kek
That's convenient. And you won't go to therapy either. You are your own worst enemy.
I'm literally in therapy right now and it's not doing anything. I'm just talking to a fucking person for an hour and then stopping.
The therapist is not a magician. They give you tools to help yourself. You still need to put the effort in and try.
They haven't given me any tools to try yet.
And I'm sure you've been very enthusiastic in asking for them, right? I'm sure you've not just gone there because your parents told you to and hoped for the magic wand to make everything better, right?
Pretty much. There's nothing that they've given me to actually start doing anyting. I'm awkward talking to my therapist because I can't verbally describe how I'm feeling at all. The topic of my ADHD doesn't come up.
You seem to have no difficulties here complaining about your problems to all of us.
If a topic doesn't come up and you want to discuss it, you bring it up.
Now go away and try drawing.
Here's the advice I've been given and why it won't work.
>Just draw
Can't because I don't have enough motivation or energy
>Set alarms
Can't because I don't have enough motivation or energy and I won't follow through
Can't because I don't have enough motivation or energy. I can't get through reading two paragraphs, and not actually doing any of it. All of it looks incomprehensible to me and I can't figure it out.
>Lock your phone or delete certain apps.
Block YouTube?
Then I'll scroll on Twitter
Block Twitter?
Then I'll go on discord
Block discord?
Then I'll just sit and stare at a wall doing nothing.
There's nothing that will make me more motivated to actually draw and be productive.
>Do line exercises
This won't help when I have no idea what to draw.
>Grind Fundamentals
This won't help when I have no idea what to draw.
>Find a character you really like
Don't have one and haven't had a hyperfixation in years.
>Study the IC document
Incomprehensible to me and I stopped at the first drawing exercise
>Get a therapist
They're not doing anything.
>Switch meds
Switched to Vyvanse and I feel worse, now I lowered my dosage of adderall and I still can't do anything despite feeling better.
>Go somewhere else
I have nowhere to go
Every drawing exercise or guide looks flat out incomprehensible and too complicated for me to follow. I try following it, but I can never understand how to do it. I don't know how to apply it to things I want to draw and I flat out can't even complete any of the exercises.
Here is every guide I've looked at so far.
give up bro, everyone here is just as retarded as the howie
>I can’t do anything
Then do nothing.
But I want to do something.
Fuck dude. If you like staring at walls then at least look up how to meditate. Shits not far removed and it can improve you focus. I'm leaving it at that. I won't respond to "but how tho?". I will not re-enter this thread. You must admit that you actively, not passively, are refusing to do anything. Then you must actively choose do something. I am now gone from this thread forever. Bye.
Why and how is this person still roaming on this site freely this needs to stop
He doesn't have a gf and so do we
mogs me
if you have motivation and energy to make these retarded threads and reply to them then you have more than enough to start drawing
also PYW
Kill me, Pete
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Still haven't been able to draw at all.
I starting drawing loli's and now I'm motivated
*Still haven't tried
Yes that's what "haven't been able to draw" means.
Tell me what the fuck to do then. A higher dosage of adderall, anti anxiety medication. This is on top of a booster dosage I'm taking each day too. My mind and my body locks up and prevents me from actually doing anything. Usually either out of anxiety or my mind and my body simply just locking up and telling me "What the fucks the point"? And just making me look back at my phone again or just stimming and staring at a wall.

Legitimately NOTHING has worked. I felt better for a week and then nothing. This has gone back all the way since I was a teenager too. I had thyroid problems that got fixed, but this never got any better.

I don't know how to get the motivation to do anything. Even when I do happen to try my hardest in doing something, it's always half as good or even just 2% as good as anybody else doing the same thing, because me being purely retarded and unable to learn or focus. Even when I try, nothing good happens. My entire body feels sore and I rest for the whole day. I've been working out for 2 years and lost 20 pounds as well.
every day i should be thanking allah i'm just a simple run-of-the-mill permabeg and not (You)
Just a reminder, you are replying to a bait thread. OP is a faggot and doesn't wants to actually draw. Plus, some copy cats are using his posts to bait everyone here. If you don't want to be more of a faggot than OP, report and hide. Remember, threads like this are up because you are enabling it instead of reporting.
Then drawin' aint for you, bud. Nothin' wrong with that, so don't come back on to the board if you gon keep bitchin' about it. Go work out as you mentioned, and don't stop workin' out 'till you get to your goal. Good luck anon.
Again, am I not interested in anything at all by this logic? Because this is what it's like for everything that I've ever tried doing even for non creative hobbies or just anything in general.
I have literally tried doing several artistic hobbies and gave up each of them immediately when I was a teenager.
>Gave up on Source Filmmaker
>Gave up on GameMaker
>Gave up on FireAlpaca
>Gave up on Photoshop
>Gave up on writing
I didn't know how any of them worked or what to do. I don't even know basic trig. Even when I look art guides, I literally cannot comprehend them or figure them out. I don't want to be stuck with no creativity or being unable to express myself. This is what it's like for literally everything I try doing. I'm not able to try and keep up with any hobby. Even writing, I do it sporadically and very rarely. I do literally nothing all day, sitting in my room, laying in my bed, looking at my phone and going to sleep. Are you trying to tell me I'm raising the bar too high here?
yep, sounds like it. either that or you really are just baiting everyone in this board lmao

we've tried helping you out, now go figure it out on your own.
I can't draw unless I'm in peak condition.
I have to wake up energized, I need a good breakfast, and the perfect inspiration that is foolproof and guaranteed to lead to a good drawing. If some random bad luck happens like I get a sudden bill to pay or whatever, then I can't draw. If I see some bad news, I can't draw. If I don't get any likes on my last art, then its like being punched in the gut and I can't draw. I could be drawing right now but my brain derives NO dopamine from it, it would rather sit and stare at a wall and stew in misery. You have to be retarded to enjoy drawing, you need to not be able to think about your problems and not fathom the absurdity of life.
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>Infinitely mogs Howie
Womp womp
>You have to be retarded to enjoy drawing, you need to not be able to think about your problems and not fathom the absurdity of life.
Just do that while drawing
>my brain derives NO dopamine from it
Untrue. Either way, you can choose to draw regardless.
yo lads, is the sticky website legit? it's saying the website is a scam. I want to start drawing, where do I start? I heard Keys to Drawing was a good book.
So I still can't draw and can't look any guides. I get overwhelmed immediately and get depressed and give up.
Then should I not do anything?
That would include basically everything, because putting in any work for any hobby is impossible for me. Even writing.
I have no hands, no eyes, no feet, no asshole, no mouth. I yearn to drawl. How do?
no excuses
You are already not doing anything
Your only hobby is shitting up 4chan with your pretended whining.
Oh I thought you said pretend hobby.
almost always some brain worm won't give you permission to fail. find it and discuss how it got there with someone you trust.
Let him run
He’s trying to run
Can Howie ever make it?
How can we convince the mods to ban howie?
That's what you think you want and what you actually want. If you actually wanted to draw, you'd be drawing right now. But it seems what you really want is find a scapegoat for your laziness so you can say "oh THAT'S why I'm not drawing". I'm dealing with many of the same problems you have, and while yes it can be difficult to be productive, I still manage to get things done. You're not even trying. If you dont know what to draw, google statues or some shit and draw the first image you see.
Touch grass motherfucker and get lost
You stupid American Oblomov, lift your hand off your dick and start drawing, right NOW, close this thread and GO DRAW RIGHT NOW, or you will continue to whine and degrade.
You’ll never make it howie just end it.
By interrupting their gooning session, it worked for all of those Cris threads

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