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Video Course General v.27

No one made a new one in a couple weeks edition

>Matrix channel


The rutracker search plugin has some nma stuff

/ic/ official torrent

https://avxhome.in (you will find some, plus books)
Uncharted waters, lots of content

Creative Sketching with Jens Claessens
Steven Zapata's Form From Imagination
Michael Hampton's Introduction to Figure Construction
Josh Black's Anatomy Survival Guide
https://www.proko.com/course/the-anatomy-survival-guide/overview (which is apparently a compilation of most (or all?) of his Gumroad stuff: https://joshhblackart.gumroad.com/)

Steve Huston is currently doing a free, lengthy course on drawing the head on his Youtube channel:

Last thread: >>7052539
Will it Finna Get Deleted?
top kek
what happened? where were these threads before?
you tell me
i don't know. i think whoever was making the threads just stopped doing it after the last one died and everyone else was too lazy to pick it back up.
I thought it got DMCA'd or something. Someone said they couldn't find the last thread in the archive but it's there.
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When is Loomis' course coming out bros...
Anyone has torrent for the Josh Black course?
Anyone got Simzart full video process? Any video is fine, but don't direct me to the CSP youtube channel.
someday we will clone Loomis infinitely and you'll have your own
it's not on cgpeers
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Any good courses on Color theory?
So is anybody getting Colleen Barry's new video? I'd love to get it, but can't I can't afford it in this 3rd world shithole I live in.
there's only like 3 people who make the threads on the board
Hello does anyone has this course ? "Advanced Guide to Sculpting 3D Collectibles
3D Character Artist, Wandah Kurniawan"
>the sheer act of hoarding teaching materials and never using them
I'm sure the more GB of video courses, PDFs and porn references you download, the better your art skills get. it's that simple. download as much as you can and buy every construction book out there. spend anywhere from 400 - 4000USD and your art will skyrocket, relative to the money spent. even pirating will automatically improve your art, just count the GB of data.
I would've been a god-tier artist if that was the case, but alas.
I'm hoarding software related courses more than using them, I am slugging through an InDesign course right now and I hate myself for how slow I'm getting through, but I think it's necessary to learn it anyway.
Nobody posted a new thread because no one is posting anything new or worth it in them anymore. It's been like this for months now.
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i bought the josh black anatomy/gesture course but i dunno where to upload it without stan raping my butthole
here's the brush pack that comes with it as proof
pretty much everyone got into the telegram group and it's far better to share stuff there than here imho
hey guys, do you know any course on how to render like this?
what telegram group, the OCC group?
I've been going through my horde and deleting the shit I'll probably never use (so most of it). I think I'm just gonna stick to Loomis from now on.
contact Fabian Krenn (AT)
No. The telegram group has more than just art courses these days. In short, it's far superior in any way shape or form than cgpeers or OCC. Also, you'll never get in, Stanislav.
>Any good courses on Color theory?
I'm looking for "Color in Practice, Part 1: Black, White, and Complements" from James Gurney, someone has it?
I'll care to join your shitty honeypot when you actually share good courses in there
I haven't uploaded any video courses but i usually see anons uploading them to gofile or pixeldrain.
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>still waiting for Michael Hampton's Introduction to Figure Construction
What's the best course for painting/watercolors? Mostly interested in figures and animals.
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still waiting for picrel
saw the first episode on a free view on scamloso and i think it was pretty neat
you wasted 2 months of your life (and counting) waiting instead of just getting it. I think that’s the real scam here.
never happening
meds map?

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wtf happened to my account every shitty link for meds map on other sites is taking 17 hours to download.
at this point is more embarrassing to have a CGP account for 10 years and still be /beg/ than it is to hoard mats from this place
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>No one made a new one in a couple weeks edition
I guess that Vilppu anon died.
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>When is Loomis' course coming out bros...
Is there a video course of someone going thru that book? I tried to read it but my attention span been fucked over the years by social media and I'm not even a Zoomer.
>i dunno where to upload it
>gofile or pixeldrain
You could also upload to MEGA and Mediafire.
Does anyone have Vilppu's videos courses? Used to have it on a MEGA until it got deleted
what the fuck are mats and how was this relevant
this is cope
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>Does anyone have Vilppu's videos courses?
They're all on Rutracker.
>video course of someone going thru that book
Proko teaches Loomis on Youtube but I'm not sure about his video course.
>I think that’s the real scam here
nice try, jewloso shill
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Joining a russian torrent site sounds sus
No need to join it, just get the magnet link from plugins and aggregators.
I got that vivid colors course there. It's nice, someday I'll even watch it.
So you gonna post it?
Where jens course
seconding need for Jens course or underpaint academy, especially their Value course
underpaint academy website
Dang it anon its too expensive
Anyone have any experience with Visign courses? They suddenly pop up a lot on Twitter and I'm a little curious if they're actually worth anything
Aww i missed the thread
I think someone was asking for dragon ball visual history in other one about books n courses and i just bought it and was gonna see if they wanted it so i could make a doc and share it around from the pics of it
here it is. i'll probably delete the upload in a few days so get it and mirror it while you can. i hope this encourages others to buy and share courses here again instead of hoarding them in gay-ass telegram circlejerks or wherever the fuck
What's with all the shitty low res images in the gesture drawing folder of the /ic/ torrent?
thank you, anon. not familiar with josh but will definitely check this out.
>i hope this encourages others to buy and share courses here again instead of hoarding them in gay-ass telegram circlejerks or wherever the fuck
Does this actually happen? For what purpose?
When my student payments from the government come in 2 weeks I'm getting the Michael Hampton course that came out on Proko and will upload here. Feel free to do it first though so I don't have to screen record everything though :)
Proko’s site allows you to press a button to download.
yeah there's 0 drm whatsoever on proko stuff. they have direct downloads for all the videos available and it downloads very fast. just download it and put it in a rar and upload it somewhere
oh hell yeah. Well refresh the thread in 2 weeks and I'll have the upload
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Request simzart video process, please. It doesn't have to be this one, earlier ones are fine
Does anyone have the shading course of dorian iten? That retard from online courses club doesn't even have it complete
How to download this?
Any head sculpting videos/courses?

base64 decode
got it, thank you!
>instead of hoarding them in gay-ass telegram circlejerks
>Does this actually happen?
Yes which is a shame.
no it doesn't happen retard, there's like 7k members in the gram how is it gatekeeping
How do I join?
Nice try, Prokopenko.
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>free classes
>only chapter 1 is free
Stuff like that is to reduce the chance of a refund. It's to get a feel of the instructor.
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what would be good rendering/painting courses for a beg if my goal is pic rel
Thanks man!
Here it is anon
thank you anon I was doing the course downloaded from the online courses club but the quality of the videos and the missing videos were making it very difficult for me. what is the password for the file?
Sorry, I forgot to include


Also now that you mentioned, I'm unsure where I got it. Mine says it has 8 modules, is that the whole thing?
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>It's not gatekeeping I swear!
>How do I join?
>Nice try but you won't
I know you guys call others retard because of projection but the irony here is peak comedy.
Yeah it's complete, the quality is so much higher thank you again
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it's not gatekeeping, you just can't join unless we say so :)
Learn how to use the archive of fuck off.
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Anyone got the Sansoo Jeong course?
I love his painting style
it's both in occ and the files are also downloaded in a rar in the gram search for sangsoo
that wasn't me retard I barely check this place once a week
Can you download videos from Udemy? There's a class I really want but I don't want to maintain a subscription
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Is there an order in which watch Vilppu videos?
I'm going thru his animal drawing course and it's great but I feel like I'm missing out on something.
>That retard from online courses club doesn't even have it complete
I noticed this too. They rip their courses from a telegram, divide it in a million links and don't even bother checking if they're all there.
why isn't the torrent updated anymore, how do you even update torrents for that matter, can only the original guy do it ?
there's been 60,70 Coloso courses leaked in the gram, the Marc Brunet art school in the torrent is just upto term 3,4 while the piracy world outside has complete upto 9,10. there are many new Schoolism courses on Sanet which would be awesome if added if someone has rapidgator. guys the torrent is the only thing which can and will never get taken down, pls update it.
also thanks and shout out to the ppl who seed it as well.
If you have those yourself consider making a volume 2 of the torrent.
in case you guys are not in the gram yet

Thanks king
whats the downloader you guys use to download multiple links from online course club
Ho do I download files from Psdly without paying premum
My biggest problem with online courses club is the extreme compression of the files. For trad courses this is terrible, I need to see the fine lines, shading and colors with a precision that is often not present in his videos.
>b-but those with slow internet
I totally understand. In this case, the site could simply have an option to download uncompressed files.

I don't want to seem ungrateful, he does a good job delivering the courses, I admit. But it could be a little better.
bless you anon, looking forward to it
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There's a promo code "Gesture20" for 20% off hampton's course right now.

you can find working coupons through google that work all year
Recently got my hands on a couple 2021 courses from krenz, made a quick throwaway to upload it so people can get their hands on it before it expires or something.
I've only checked if the 2021 perspective course has already been uploaded and there is one on course club but it doesn't have everything like the homework and additional explanation videos.
Unfortunately that means no translations though.

Thank you anon I wish you eternal happiness.
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Thanks for the share anon! But comparing the 2023 version it looks like nothing much has changed lol
Could you tell where did you find the 2023 version?
subs+materials+additional explanation videos
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does anyone have Secrets of Shading of steven zapata
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I fucked up, dropbox desktop lied about everything being synced lol. It's currently syncing right now, might not be done until tomorrow.

To show what I mean by what's missing, pic related shows some of the handouts missing for lesson 1.
I believe some of them should be uploaded right now.
Does anyone have moderndayjames animation cources
everything should be uploaded now
>almost 100gb
oof, but thank you sincerely anyway
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bit unrelated to art but requesting theDesignerShip courses on UX and Figma. I need a job anons help
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ill blow whoever has the recordings for this class
Wow never mind anon. Thanks for the share again!
>he does a good job delivering the courses
He steals from other places and then makes it hard to download them.
anons with cgpeers, is there anything from underpaint academy on there ?
>underpaint academy
That's a negative.
Is there a way to bulk download videos or torrent courses from online courses club?
doubt it since you need to wait unless you know how to bypass that somehow
Still down for me bweeehh
You need a group of peers and an experienced instructor to complete them effectively. The value comes from the critique and ideas that you bounce around from both, not from doing it alone. An instructor can correct your mistakes at any time from you asking a personal question to him, you can't get that from a pirated course.
Is that Krenz course only useful if you're drawing digitally or is it useful for traditional work?
Can someone reupload Krenz's 2023 perspective course?
>You need a group of peers
He has /ic/
proko just surprise announced that marshall vandruff's magnum opus perspective course he's been working on for like 7 years is gonna come out later this year
Can he defeat what’s already been up on new master’s academy? Find out next time in Prokos Balls Z
if you mean olsons course then probably, olson is good information but a boring guy while marshall is enjoyable to listen to if you ever watched his old perspective videos
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nothing cant beat krenz perspective course
it's in the gram, some guy just linked it in the general chat scroll up a few messages
he straight up copy pasted krenz's patreon tutorial lmao
>krenz but not split up into disorganized poorly-subbed chinkanese livestreams
uuuuhhhhh based much?
it is pretty based hopefully someone buys and shares for us poorfags, maybe i might actually have some saved up cash and buy it myself we'll see
i might actually buy it when it comes out unless it's like 300 dollars or something
top mid is a travesty, dude can't even rotate a box properly in perspective.
It's more or less a standard approach at this point
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i'm tryna find more resources that get into the granular aspects of drawing objects in an environment, like simplifying complex forms and communicating detail quickly. basically peter han's dynamic sketching but not that because i've already got it

lot of environment design courses that i've seen are more general composition/visual hierarchy/perspective based, which is great, but if i can't even draw a fuckin tree right that's only gonna get me so far.

any recs appreciated
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Edgar Payne's book is pretty good.
and this book has some good techniques for details once you've got the simplification down
someone please upload med's map
nice, thanks. i'll check these out
alright, it's this one

Any course about how to animate 2D art in after effect?
Anyone have Huston's figure drawing course?
it's on cgp
anon :(
thats the old cgma one, not the new proko one
it's in the ic torrent how are you this retarded
nigga what
do you mean Hampton ? that hasn't been leaked although an anon has said he might leak it in a few days here
was meant for the Huston poster
are you retard?

oh yeah sorry i confused huston and hampton

both 2-syllable last names starting with H that do figures.

my bad, Huston NMA course is on CGPeers yeah

anon where is course?
did you all pay for access to CGPeers?
>Did you pay
Yes and let's just say the guy who invited me over got banned because I ratted him out for selling invites.
CGP recruits on a ton of trackers, it's not hard to get in.
Has anyone watched the OP video, is it good?
Its on a secret site i wont tell you about because you're a glowie
That's retarded because you would have gotten your own account banned too due to the rules
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Anything aimed at hentai or furry artists?
all you need is one sakimichan tutorial and you seen it all
>olson is good information but a boring guy while marshall is enjoyable to listen to if you ever watched his old perspective videos
I find this interesting, there's a few figure drawing courses that are amazing content wise but the lecturer is extremely boring, to the point I fall asleep listening to their stuff that last hours while others are fun and their stuff go straight to the point.
If you ever took a phoenix course before you know exactly what I'm talking about, he's the real deal, unlike most art teachers since he taught industry pros but my God his lectures are insufferable.
I'm new to telegram, but it seems like a major security risk if you have to use your real phone number to join.
>sakimichan tutorial
I forgot about her... thanks anon!
Are they really all the same?
what is a phoenix course?
Just get a burner phone.
You're not from one of those shitholes that doesn't let you have more than one number associated to you, right?
any updates on this big dog
Anyone have How to Draw Portraits in Charcoal by Nathan Fowkes
coloso has given up and started putting up shit with auto translate like class101 did

it's over
>endless "coupons" and "sales"
>forced drm player
>ai translations
its really shit
what does this mean for us?

No more professional translation for Korean/Japanese courses. Only AI from here on out.
AI* meaning only the piraters will be using AI and only if they aren't lazy. If not, just closed captions.
I kinda knew they would eventually do this with all the desperate moves they kept doing. Nobody has money anymore.
i wanted to buy from them but from everything ive heard and seen fuck that
their coupon and promotions are purposefully misleading with how they hide the conditions underneath the page in tiny font or instead of getting $200 off, you get 10 $20 coupons that is one use per course or theyll raise the price during the promotion period so you feel like youre saving a lot but youre really just paying the same price as if it wasnt on sale
I did buy one course from Colosso but after that I just pirate lmao
At some point Colosso's DRM player forcefully closed Discord and wouldn't let it open
Made me quit using colosso


Can anyone just post the rutracker link or magnet to Vilppu video course? Can't get that god forbidden page to work
isnt it in the ic torrent
in the ic torrent
After this year they will go subscription only and then another random school will take its place. Rinse and repeat. I think these school stuff thrived when everybody was sitting at home collecting free money.
Any video course on composition or art theory you guys recommend past obvious beginner stuff?
not exactly advanced but ahmed aldoori's paid stuff on composition is incredible
The two last classes in Michael Hampton's Analytical Figure Drawing 2 taught me the bulk of what I know about composition. Really good stuff. Another course I recommend is Schoolism's "Story-Driven Illustrations", by Djamila Knopf. It had a more practical approach and branched out more, talking about color composition and such.

There are also some courses that I did not fully study, but that I always hear great things about:

Composition for the Visual Artist with Bill Perkins, by NMA.

Will Weston has some composition courses everyone I know swears by (e.g. Drawing for Composition and Composition for Animation & Film), but from what I've seen from him, they're probably too focused on the skills needed to work on the entertainment industry, so if you wanna make your art more traditional or unique, he may not be the best option for you.

Lastly, there's a really famous course by Nathan Fowkes on Schoolism, "pictorial composition" that a lot of people recommend. I love Nathan Fowkes, his course on watercolor landscapes taught me a lot, but I watched a couple of lessons from this composition course and it wasn't for me. I thought it was really abstract (as opposed to Hampton's lessons, for example) and way too much focused on landscapes and digital art. Maybe it's what you're looking for, tho.
I don't recommend his stuf on composition. His Med's Map is good for digital painting, but his patreon stuff about composition are just speed painting with some random commentary about each piece at a time. Composition is something you learn by bulk, looking at a lot of art and analysing them by making thumbnails.
I disagree. It's definitely worth the time esp if you watch on 2x speed, Comp 1+2 and focal points can be consumed in just over an hour. Despite his name he's very articulate and knows his stuff.
nta but was this course been shared here?
Do you have a link to Michael Hampton's Analytical Drawing 2?
What happened to the IC torrent link? I can't find it anymore
what do you mean "despite his name" kek
IC torrent

Wdym? It's literally linked to the first post
I hate being blind. Sorry about it. Only asking because usually I see it over at /t/ but seems the thread has died.
Thank you for putting up with my blindness
Does anyone have the Domestika crouses by Jesper Ejsing and Even mehl Amundsen?
Does anyone have David Finch Videos?
Would anyone happen to know where I can send Chinese/Korean painting/fundamental courses to be translated? I have tons of them which are much better than those dogshit western courses (excluding steve huston and vilppu)
OCC does
hate that place
NMA stuff on composition is good but a little basic. Vilpu's short course is probably the most advanced.

Honestly composition is a lot more simple than you think I don't think there is such thing as "advanced composition" techniques.
the most advanced and thought out discourse I've found was in framed ink

This looks good, but QMENG's first class was nothing but powerpoint slides so I'm skeptical.
>Creative Sketching with Jens Claessens
>Steven Zapata's Form From Imagination
>Josh Black's Anatomy Survival Guide
does anyone have these?
josh black one is in this thread
thanks for spoonfeeding me kek
Seconding Marcos Mateu, his stuff is great. This video of his was pretty good too.
No they don't...
Im probably retarded but how does this work?
second one is on bilibili
Anons pls rec me the best courses on:
>Figure Drawing
>Gesture Drawing
>Traditional Animation
>Anime & Manga Art Style
A production assistant reached out on Twitter and they're asking about those skills in specific.
Does anyone have proko anatomy course specifically for draw muscles and abs
whats the gram called?
Marco Bucci The Color Survival Guide does any1 have this one and may be Colour and Light
Which coloso courses have ai translations? The human ones are not great to begin with
Hampton construction course anon where are you :D

both in the gram
I asked Hampton in a YT comment what's the difference between his new Proko construction course and his old CGMA analytical drawing course he said "the difference is that the old one is a illegal recording !!" kekkk
Based. I'm glad I gave him my money.
That's crazy that it still rankles him lol he probably made millions of his courses, his Art centre professorship and not to mention the tens maybe hundreds of thousands of books sold.
he seems like a genuine good guy on YouTube so it's fine
CGpeers has the first part, but don't know if the 2nd part has been uploaded.
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Anything on anime keyframes?
There's plenty of youtube videos with anime animators doing key and in-between animation.
Has no one gotten the Hampton course. I assumed people would scoop that one up, with how reputable the guy is
go through the one thats already available
or just watch his youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@stevenmichaelhampton
Does anybody got this one?
give cockroach course pls bump
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>Don Bluth animation & drawing courses.
I'm surprised it hasn't., he has a great style and the course is in english.
it's because it's 1) shit and 2) it's the same thing as his 21 draw course
I am sure it justifies the high coloso price and meets their rigorous standards.
good joke
what standards would those be?
Anyone have tb chois fundamental classes?
I've check the archives and all links I found are broken
Thank you
can anyone recommend a good anatomy course that isn't 3 hours long per video? i just don't have the time or patience for that
she is so cute :3
>a good anatomy course that isn't 3 hours long per video?
You want a "good" anatomy course that isn't through and complete? Lmao
>i just don't have the time or patience for that
On a serious note you could watch Robert Beverly Hale anatomy lectures for free, they're aimed at artists and top tier.
Each video is more or less 1 hour and 10 minutes, there's 10 videos.
does anyone have the Coloso Hidari course
Hi I'm here to share the Russian Academic Method course

You can learn it for free with the magic of piracy. This course is in English. It's well seeded. The teacher stutters, but his English is good. You'll have to get used to his stuttering.
How to download there:CTRL+F magnet
Click on that red link and open the magnet with your torrent program.
I hope your hard drive is ready for a 162.93 GB pounding and that you have ~97 hours to spend on your art & anatomy studies>
You should watch each lecture once taking notes in your book and then watch it again but draw along with the instructor.

Helpful books (just look at the images, you should be able to figure it out)

ALL OF THE ASSIGNMENTS or you won't get anywhere.
It's hard work, it's a LOT of work. But you can do it
Make a thread if you need help with the homework (it will probably summon trolls but someone who actually knows his stuff might answer too)
> russian

no thanks, ivan; nihon and korea only pls
Wow thank you I always dreamed of spending all my time copying and rendering stuff while being unable to draw anything from imagination! I'll surely study this course very carefully and when I die maybe I'll have 3 or 4 works to show for it.

Hi it's me Ivan
You're confusing the French photocopier style atelier where they take 5 months to do one photocopy with the Russian anatomists working in the construction method like Steve Huston. It doesn't take 5 months for one drawing, only a couple of hours, and you learn form so well that you can draw anything from any angle from your head.
This is how you can reach Renaissance level, ok?

You can of course ignore my advice, but that course will get you to perfect imaginative drawing. For best result, combine with Vilppu on the Rutracker. It's stickied on there.
>You can of course ignore my advice, but that course will get you to perfect imaginative drawing. For best result, combine with Vilppu on the Rutracker. It's stickied on there.
You can't say this unless you did it yourself and have something to actually show for it, something so weird about this place with people making up shit like it's a school playground

You know the routine, post your work

I am not making shit up, I am sharing an excellent resource for free. If I was trying to sell you a New Master Academy subscription, I'd understand your complaining, but this is free.

So if it's free, and you can see the teacher's artwork, why do you need my credentials and my portfolio exactly? I'm not teaching the course. I'm giving it away to you out of an honest desire that it will help and make you a more masterful and happier artist.

Anyway! All that I can tell you is you're welcome to help yourself to a wonderful anatomy and geometric form course that will teach you classical procedures for drawing. In the very beginning, you'll learn basic observation that'll help you to draw boxes that don't suck ass. Ilya will then proceed to show you the Asaro head planes and gradually take you into more complex anatomical studies. If you approach this with the right mindset, you'll be fine.

If you can't trust me on this stuff, that's fine.
people who have done Tenten's course does he use Chinese names for the bones etc and stuff ?
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>French photocopier style atelier
picrel is from Gérôme's atelier. if your leg looks like that anon, you have some weird condition.
(cont., I used to be image-banned, I just wanted to check :happy:)

but that being said just ignore the other anon. lots of niggers here are ingrate af, will spit on free stuff. they don't know how to draw, but think they know how to learn how to draw.

for those interested, there are hour-long samples on youtube for the course by the way.

Pearls before swine, dear anon
pyw, I also want to see what those 97 hours of study resulted in
>t. course hoarding hobbyist
Dont listen the crabs and the ngims as the 1% we appreciate this
i appreciate it too
97 hours is only the video run time. The real struggle will happen during the assignment homework. He is going to tell you, Draw 6 cubes from reference and 6 from imagination. You can't do it. So what to do?
Draw the cube from reference. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. You will get it eventually. That's how you can achieve imaginative drawing for yourself.
>192 gb
can you share a smaller ver for storagelets? maybe ~30 gb at most
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>I hope your hard drive is ready for a 162.93 GB pounding
1TB HDD is like $25...
>you have ~97 hours to spend on your art & anatomy studies
I'd rather watch anime and play video games for hundreds of hours so I don't.
>you can see the teacher's artwork
I don't care about their artwork, I don't trust for a moment that they're teaching how they learned.
Most art teachers don't teach the way they learned, all they want is to milk students money.
Post your work after you went thru his course.
S-so you just want to know how to draw without actually drawing?
You learn by practicing. A lot. Over and over and over again. Ask any artist how they learned, they'll tell you the same. Start now. You don't have to use that course, use anything else you want. Don't ignore working from imagination or you'll be in pain later.
And stop asking me to reveal my identity on here by showing my work because I will not. You will have to be satisfied with that.

I don't have a smaller version, but you can download the course in parts. So just do part one, delete, then do more.

Extra resources for people going through Russian Academic Method:

Gallery Uffizi sculpture set, allows you to rotate it in your browser. Draw from ref and memory.

Anatomical collection

Dutch museum. Thousands of old masters artworks, all in high resolution. You can download them.
>I'd rather watch anime and play video games for hundreds of hours so I don't.
You only say this because hundreds of hours is a lot of time. But when you look at it as a whole, you have thousands upon thousands of hours in your lifetime. You're wanting to get good at art, you're gonna be drawing for hundreds of hours anyway. So are these 97 hours worth of videos and hundreds of hours of practice really anything?
sounds great, now pyw
I'm not the guy who posted the tutorials, I'm just stating a fact. If you're learning art, you're gonna be practicing for hundreds of hours in the first place. It's not something that'll happen quickly unless you're one of those guys who got struck by lightning and was lucky enough to get some super ability from it.
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>Anything on webtoons, manhwa, aeni, manhua, donghua, manga or anime.
>stop asking me to reveal my identity on here by showing my work because I will not.
Draw a sketch now and post it here then. We can measure your skill level from it and you'll stay anonymous.
Thanks for the links by the way.
Anon you seem like a genuine nice guy (or gal) so please don't let troll anons discourage you from helping others.
Thanks for the resources and have a nice day.
You don't need to measure my skill level.

I am here because I want to share art resource stuff that I can't on reddit discord and other places that ban sharing data for copyright reasons, and where people may yell at me because classical art isn't woke enough or whatever, and it's not aligned with the most progressive type of politics.

But I want to reach out to people with this resource pile, I think it's important! We need more masterful artists in this world. Art is great!


Some more stuff I have

Art study schedule for those on a serious quest to improve beyond their current level. You can download and customize it:

For fans of retro science fiction and fantasy art that was made traditionally, check

For those of you doing classical painting, go here

Also go look here at some unfinished old Master paintings to have a little insight on how they were made. They're mixed in with modern art.
>You don't need to measure my skill level.
So you're rec a resource that you didn't go thru.
You type too much, just post the course and leave, you don't need to add commentary.
which book is that from? I downloaded Composition of outdoor painting and I cannot find that page
That's from The Eye of the Painter by Andrew Loomis.
It's in the public domain so you can read it for free on Wikipedia.
Any link where I could get this one?
>Have to do the art teacher grift
>Unironically made it
Any recs for digital painting/rendering?
I would prefer one focused on anime, but I'll watch anything decent
med's map
Med's Map (beg) and Craig Mullins course (Int) are the best imo, with Marco Bucci courses (beg to int) being a close second, but for weeb shit Marc Brunet stuff is probably better.
where to get med's map? (I promise to pay him back later)
I forgot to mention I already did Medsmap haha
I'll check the Mullins and Bucci ones
Thanks anons!
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I would like this too. Well, the missing 2nd part anyways.
Is Meds Map actually good? I watched the first few lessons he seems unpolished
its a beg trap desu stop now
it's in da gram and so is the Craig Mullins masterclass from Underpaint Academy
/3/fag here, is there anyway to get around bilibili id verification? i'd pay like $5 for an account
>I forgot to mention I already did Medsmap haha
thoughts? can you post a pic before and after ?
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that goated Lighting Mentor fella is dropping a new course day after on Proko
Sorry, Nielson is still king
What're guys thoughts on artwod
Any torrent where I can download everything from Class101, Coloso and Wingfox? I want anime and manga courses by Asians because of a job offer.
>Class101, Coloso and Wingfox
Torrent Galaxy and RuTracker have a few.
I'm not saying that's your case, but people who make that comment about "he doesn't draw from imagination" are usually illustrafaggots who draw anime, or highly stylized human forms where the anatomy can be modified without harm. Understand this: not everyone who draws wants to become a comic artist. Not everyone aspires to draw Superman in Marvel, or something like that.

Do you really think that a boy drawing a Spider-Man on a tablet is REALLY superior to a Caravaggio or Rembrandt, because the latter painted with models? Honestly, despite the good taste in colors and the clean and polished look of the work, anatomically speaking I can't be impressed with anything Rinotuna does, and many anons here love him.

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